/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.sdklib.internal.repository.sources; import com.android.sdklib.SdkManager; import com.android.sdklib.internal.repository.ITaskMonitor; import com.android.sdklib.internal.repository.MockEmptySdkManager; import com.android.sdklib.internal.repository.MockMonitor; import com.android.sdklib.internal.repository.packages.AddonPackage; import com.android.sdklib.internal.repository.packages.ExtraPackage; import com.android.sdklib.internal.repository.packages.IMinToolsDependency; import com.android.sdklib.internal.repository.packages.Package; import com.android.sdklib.internal.repository.sources.SdkAddonSource; import com.android.sdklib.repository.SdkAddonConstants; import com.android.utils.Pair; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Tests for {@link SdkAddonSource}. */ public class SdkAddonSourceTest extends TestCase { /** * An internal helper class to give us visibility to the protected members we want * to test. */ private static class MockSdkAddonSource extends SdkAddonSource { public MockSdkAddonSource() { super("fake-url", null /*uiName*/); } public Document _findAlternateToolsXml(InputStream xml) { return super.findAlternateToolsXml(xml); } public boolean _parsePackages(Document doc, String nsUri, ITaskMonitor monitor) { return super.parsePackages(doc, nsUri, monitor); } public int _getXmlSchemaVersion(InputStream xml) { return super.getXmlSchemaVersion(xml); } public String _validateXml(InputStream xml, String url, int version, String[] outError, Boolean[] validatorFound) { return super.validateXml(xml, url, version, outError, validatorFound); } public Document _getDocument(InputStream xml, ITaskMonitor monitor) { return super.getDocument(xml, monitor); } } private MockSdkAddonSource mSource; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mSource = new MockSdkAddonSource(); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); mSource = null; } public void testFindAlternateToolsXml_Errors() throws Exception { // Support null as input Document result = mSource._findAlternateToolsXml(null); assertNull(result); // Support an empty input String str = ""; ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes()); result = mSource._findAlternateToolsXml(input); assertNull(result); // Support a random string as input str = "Some random string, not even HTML nor XML"; input = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes()); result = mSource._findAlternateToolsXml(input); assertNull(result); // Support an HTML input, e.g. a typical 404 document as returned by DL str = "<html><head> " + "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\"> " + "<title>404 Not Found</title> " + "<style><!--" + "body {font-family: arial,sans-serif}" + "div.nav { ... blah blah more css here ... color: green}" + "//--></style> " + "<script><!--" + "var rc=404;" + "//-->" + "</script> " + "</head> " + "<body text=#000000 bgcolor=#ffffff> " + "<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr><td rowspan=3 width=1% nowrap> " + "<b><font face=times color=#0039b6 size=10>G</font><font face=times color=#c41200 size=10>o</font><font face=times color=#f3c518 size=10>o</font><font face=times color=#0039b6 size=10>g</font><font face=times color=#30a72f size=10>l</font><font face=times color=#c41200 size=10>e</font>  </b> " + "<td> </td></tr> " + "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#3366cc\"><font face=arial,sans-serif color=\"#ffffff\"><b>Error</b></td></tr> " + "<tr><td> </td></tr></table> " + "<blockquote> " + "<H1>Not Found</H1> " + "The requested URL <code>/404</code> was not found on this server." + " " + "<p> " + "</blockquote> " + "<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td bgcolor=\"#3366cc\"><img alt=\"\" width=1 height=4></td></tr></table> " + "</body></html> "; input = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes()); result = mSource._findAlternateToolsXml(input); assertNull(result); // Support some random XML document, totally unrelated to our sdk-repository schema str = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" + "<manifest xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"" + " package=\"some.cool.app\" android:versionName=\"1.6.04\" android:versionCode=\"1604\">" + " <application android:label=\"@string/app_name\" android:icon=\"@drawable/icon\"/>" + "</manifest>"; input = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes()); result = mSource._findAlternateToolsXml(input); assertNull(result); } /** * Validate that findAlternateToolsXml doesn't work for addon even * when trying to load a valid addon xml. */ public void testFindAlternateToolsXml_1() throws Exception { InputStream xmlStream = getTestResource("/com/android/sdklib/testdata/addon_sample_1.xml"); Document result = mSource._findAlternateToolsXml(xmlStream); assertNull(result); } /** * Validate we can load a valid add-on schema version 1 */ public void testLoadAddonXml_1() throws Exception { InputStream xmlStream = getTestResource("/com/android/sdklib/testdata/addon_sample_1.xml"); // guess the version from the XML document int version = mSource._getXmlSchemaVersion(xmlStream); assertEquals(1, version); Boolean[] validatorFound = new Boolean[] { Boolean.FALSE }; String[] validationError = new String[] { null }; String url = "not-a-valid-url://" + SdkAddonConstants.URL_DEFAULT_FILENAME; String uri = mSource._validateXml(xmlStream, url, version, validationError, validatorFound); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, validatorFound[0]); assertEquals(null, validationError[0]); assertEquals(SdkAddonConstants.getSchemaUri(1), uri); // Validation was successful, load the document MockMonitor monitor = new MockMonitor(); Document doc = mSource._getDocument(xmlStream, monitor); assertNotNull(doc); // Get the packages assertTrue(mSource._parsePackages(doc, uri, monitor)); assertEquals("Found My First add-on, Android API 1, revision 1\n" + "Found My Second add-on, Android API 2, revision 42\n" + "Found This add-on has no libraries, Android API 4, revision 3\n" + "Found G USB Driver, revision 43 (Obsolete)\n" + "Found Android Vendor Extra API Dep, revision 2 (Obsolete)\n" + "Found Unknown Extra, revision 2 (Obsolete)\n", monitor.getCapturedVerboseLog()); assertEquals("", monitor.getCapturedLog()); assertEquals("", monitor.getCapturedErrorLog()); // check the packages we found... we expected to find 11 packages with each at least // one archive. Package[] pkgs = mSource.getPackages(); assertEquals(6, pkgs.length); for (Package p : pkgs) { assertTrue(p.getArchives().length >= 1); } // Check the extra packages path, vendor, install folder final String osSdkPath = "SDK"; final SdkManager sdkManager = new MockEmptySdkManager(osSdkPath); ArrayList<String> extraPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> extraVendors = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<File> extraInstall = new ArrayList<File>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof ExtraPackage) { ExtraPackage ep = (ExtraPackage) p; extraPaths.add(ep.getPath()); extraVendors.add(ep.getVendorId() + "/" + ep.getVendorDisplay()); extraInstall.add(ep.getInstallFolder(osSdkPath, sdkManager)); } } assertEquals( "[extra_api_dep, usb_driver, extra0000005f]", Arrays.toString(extraPaths.toArray())); assertEquals( "[android_vendor/android_vendor, " + "g/g, " + "vendor0000005f/____]", Arrays.toString(extraVendors.toArray())); assertEquals( ("[SDK/extras/android_vendor/extra_api_dep, " + "SDK/extras/g/usb_driver, " + "SDK/extras/vendor0000005f/extra0000005f]").replace('/', File.separatorChar), Arrays.toString(extraInstall.toArray())); } /** * Validate we can still load a valid add-on schema version 2 */ public void testLoadAddonXml_2() throws Exception { InputStream xmlStream = getTestResource("/com/android/sdklib/testdata/addon_sample_2.xml"); // guess the version from the XML document int version = mSource._getXmlSchemaVersion(xmlStream); assertEquals(2, version); Boolean[] validatorFound = new Boolean[] { Boolean.FALSE }; String[] validationError = new String[] { null }; String url = "not-a-valid-url://" + SdkAddonConstants.URL_DEFAULT_FILENAME; String uri = mSource._validateXml(xmlStream, url, version, validationError, validatorFound); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, validatorFound[0]); assertEquals(null, validationError[0]); assertEquals(SdkAddonConstants.getSchemaUri(2), uri); // Validation was successful, load the document MockMonitor monitor = new MockMonitor(); Document doc = mSource._getDocument(xmlStream, monitor); assertNotNull(doc); // Get the packages assertTrue(mSource._parsePackages(doc, uri, monitor)); assertEquals("Found My First add-on, Android API 1, revision 1\n" + "Found My Second add-on, Android API 2, revision 42\n" + "Found This add-on has no libraries, Android API 4, revision 3\n" + "Found G USB Driver, revision 43 (Obsolete)\n" + "Found Android Vendor Extra API Dep, revision 2 (Obsolete)\n" + "Found Unknown Extra, revision 2 (Obsolete)\n", monitor.getCapturedVerboseLog()); assertEquals("", monitor.getCapturedLog()); assertEquals("", monitor.getCapturedErrorLog()); // check the packages we found... we expected to find 11 packages with each at least // one archive. // Note the order doesn't necessary match the one from the // assertEquald(getCapturedVerboseLog) because packages are sorted using the // Packages' sorting order, e.g. all platforms are sorted by descending API level, etc. Package[] pkgs = mSource.getPackages(); assertEquals(6, pkgs.length); for (Package p : pkgs) { assertTrue(p.getArchives().length >= 1); } // Check the layoutlib of the platform packages. ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> layoutlibVers = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer,Integer>>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof AddonPackage) { layoutlibVers.add(((AddonPackage) p).getLayoutlibVersion()); } } assertEquals( "[Pair [first=3, second=42], " + // for #3 "This add-on has no libraries" "Pair [first=0, second=0], " + // for #2 "My Second add-on" "Pair [first=5, second=0]]", // for #1 "My First add-on" Arrays.toString(layoutlibVers.toArray())); // Check the extra packages path, vendor, install folder final String osSdkPath = "SDK"; final SdkManager sdkManager = new MockEmptySdkManager(osSdkPath); ArrayList<String> extraPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> extraVendors = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<File> extraInstall = new ArrayList<File>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof ExtraPackage) { ExtraPackage ep = (ExtraPackage) p; extraPaths.add(ep.getPath()); extraVendors.add(ep.getVendorId() + "/" + ep.getVendorDisplay()); extraInstall.add(ep.getInstallFolder(osSdkPath, sdkManager)); } } assertEquals( "[extra_api_dep, usb_driver, extra0000005f]", Arrays.toString(extraPaths.toArray())); assertEquals( "[android_vendor/android_vendor, " + "g/g, " + "vendor0000005f/____]", Arrays.toString(extraVendors.toArray())); assertEquals( ("[SDK/extras/android_vendor/extra_api_dep, " + "SDK/extras/g/usb_driver, " + "SDK/extras/vendor0000005f/extra0000005f]").replace('/', File.separatorChar), Arrays.toString(extraInstall.toArray())); } /** * Validate we can load a valid add-on schema version 3 */ public void testLoadAddonXml_3() throws Exception { InputStream xmlStream = getTestResource("/com/android/sdklib/testdata/addon_sample_3.xml"); // guess the version from the XML document int version = mSource._getXmlSchemaVersion(xmlStream); assertEquals(3, version); Boolean[] validatorFound = new Boolean[] { Boolean.FALSE }; String[] validationError = new String[] { null }; String url = "not-a-valid-url://" + SdkAddonConstants.URL_DEFAULT_FILENAME; String uri = mSource._validateXml(xmlStream, url, version, validationError, validatorFound); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, validatorFound[0]); assertEquals(null, validationError[0]); assertEquals(SdkAddonConstants.getSchemaUri(3), uri); // Validation was successful, load the document MockMonitor monitor = new MockMonitor(); Document doc = mSource._getDocument(xmlStream, monitor); assertNotNull(doc); // Get the packages assertTrue(mSource._parsePackages(doc, uri, monitor)); assertEquals("Found My First add-on, Android API 1, revision 1\n" + "Found My Second add-on, Android API 2, revision 42\n" + "Found This add-on has no libraries, Android API 4, revision 3\n" + "Found G USB Driver, revision 43 (Obsolete)\n" + "Found Android Vendor Extra API Dep, revision 2 (Obsolete)\n" + "Found Unknown Extra, revision 2 (Obsolete)\n", monitor.getCapturedVerboseLog()); assertEquals("", monitor.getCapturedLog()); assertEquals("", monitor.getCapturedErrorLog()); // check the packages we found... we expected to find 6 packages with each at least // one archive. // Note the order doesn't necessary match the one from the // assertEquald(getCapturedVerboseLog) because packages are sorted using the // Packages' sorting order, e.g. all platforms are sorted by descending API level, etc. Package[] pkgs = mSource.getPackages(); assertEquals(6, pkgs.length); for (Package p : pkgs) { assertTrue(p.getArchives().length >= 1); } // Check the layoutlib of the platform packages. ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> layoutlibVers = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer,Integer>>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof AddonPackage) { layoutlibVers.add(((AddonPackage) p).getLayoutlibVersion()); } } assertEquals( "[Pair [first=3, second=42], " + // for #3 "This add-on has no libraries" "Pair [first=0, second=0], " + // for #2 "My Second add-on" "Pair [first=5, second=0]]", // for #1 "My First add-on" Arrays.toString(layoutlibVers.toArray())); // Check the extra packages: path, vendor, install folder, old-paths final String osSdkPath = "SDK"; final SdkManager sdkManager = new MockEmptySdkManager(osSdkPath); ArrayList<String> extraPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> extraVendors = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<File> extraInstall = new ArrayList<File>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> extraFilePaths = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof ExtraPackage) { ExtraPackage ep = (ExtraPackage) p; // combine path and old-paths in the form "path [old_path1, old_path2]" extraPaths.add(ep.getPath() + " " + Arrays.toString(ep.getOldPaths())); extraVendors.add(ep.getVendorId() + "/" + ep.getVendorDisplay()); extraInstall.add(ep.getInstallFolder(osSdkPath, sdkManager)); ArrayList<String> filePaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String filePath : ep.getProjectFiles()) { filePaths.add(filePath); } extraFilePaths.add(filePaths); } } assertEquals( "[extra_api_dep [path1, old_path2, oldPath3], " + "usb_driver [], " + "extra0000005f []]", Arrays.toString(extraPaths.toArray())); assertEquals( "[android_vendor/android_vendor, " + "g/g, " + "vendor0000005f/____]", Arrays.toString(extraVendors.toArray())); assertEquals( ("[SDK/extras/android_vendor/extra_api_dep, " + "SDK/extras/g/usb_driver, " + "SDK/extras/vendor0000005f/extra0000005f]").replace('/', File.separatorChar), Arrays.toString(extraInstall.toArray())); assertEquals( "[[v8/veggies_8.jar, root.jar, dir1/dir 2 with space/mylib.jar], " + "[], " + "[]]", Arrays.toString(extraFilePaths.toArray())); } /** * Validate we can load a valid add-on schema version 4 */ public void testLoadAddonXml_4() throws Exception { InputStream xmlStream = getTestResource("/com/android/sdklib/testdata/addon_sample_4.xml"); // guess the version from the XML document int version = mSource._getXmlSchemaVersion(xmlStream); assertEquals(4, version); Boolean[] validatorFound = new Boolean[] { Boolean.FALSE }; String[] validationError = new String[] { null }; String url = "not-a-valid-url://" + SdkAddonConstants.URL_DEFAULT_FILENAME; String uri = mSource._validateXml(xmlStream, url, version, validationError, validatorFound); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, validatorFound[0]); assertEquals(null, validationError[0]); assertEquals(SdkAddonConstants.getSchemaUri(4), uri); // Validation was successful, load the document MockMonitor monitor = new MockMonitor(); Document doc = mSource._getDocument(xmlStream, monitor); assertNotNull(doc); // Get the packages assertTrue(mSource._parsePackages(doc, uri, monitor)); assertEquals("Found My First add-on, Android API 1, revision 1\n" + "Found My Second add-on, Android API 2, revision 42\n" + "Found This add-on has no libraries, Android API 4, revision 3\n" + "Found Random name, not an id!, revision 43 (Obsolete)\n" + "Found Yet another extra, by Android, revision 2\n" + "Found . -..- - .-. .-, revision 2 (Obsolete)\n", monitor.getCapturedVerboseLog()); assertEquals("", monitor.getCapturedLog()); assertEquals("", monitor.getCapturedErrorLog()); // check the packages we found... we expected to find 6 packages with each at least // one archive. // Note the order doesn't necessary match the one from the // assertEquald(getCapturedVerboseLog) because packages are sorted using the // Packages' sorting order, e.g. all platforms are sorted by descending API level, etc. Package[] pkgs = mSource.getPackages(); assertEquals(6, pkgs.length); for (Package p : pkgs) { assertTrue(p.getArchives().length >= 1); } // Check the addon packages: vendor/name id vs display ArrayList<String> addonNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> addonVendors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof AddonPackage) { AddonPackage ap = (AddonPackage) p; addonNames.add(ap.getNameId() + "/" + ap.getDisplayName()); addonVendors.add(ap.getVendorId() + "/" + ap.getDisplayVendor()); } } // Addons are sorted by addon/vendor id and thus their order differs from the // XML or the parsed package list. assertEquals( "[no_libs/This add-on has no libraries, " + "My_Second_add-on/My Second add-on, " + "My_First_add-on/My First add-on]", Arrays.toString(addonNames.toArray())); assertEquals( "[Joe_Bar/Joe Bar, " + "John_Deer/John Deer, " + "John_Doe/John Doe]", Arrays.toString(addonVendors.toArray())); // Check the layoutlib of the platform packages. ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> layoutlibVers = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer,Integer>>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof AddonPackage) { layoutlibVers.add(((AddonPackage) p).getLayoutlibVersion()); } } assertEquals( "[Pair [first=3, second=42], " + // for #3 "This add-on has no libraries" "Pair [first=0, second=0], " + // for #2 "My Second add-on" "Pair [first=5, second=0]]", // for #1 "My First add-on" Arrays.toString(layoutlibVers.toArray())); // Check the extra packages: path, vendor, install folder, old-paths final String osSdkPath = "SDK"; final SdkManager sdkManager = new MockEmptySdkManager(osSdkPath); ArrayList<String> extraPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> extraVendors = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<File> extraInstall = new ArrayList<File>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> extraFilePaths = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof ExtraPackage) { ExtraPackage ep = (ExtraPackage) p; // combine path and old-paths in the form "path [old_path1, old_path2]" extraPaths.add(ep.getPath() + " " + Arrays.toString(ep.getOldPaths())); extraVendors.add(ep.getVendorId() + "/" + ep.getVendorDisplay()); extraInstall.add(ep.getInstallFolder(osSdkPath, sdkManager)); ArrayList<String> filePaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String filePath : ep.getProjectFiles()) { filePaths.add(filePath); } extraFilePaths.add(filePaths); } } // Extras are sorted by vendor-id/path and thus their order differs from the // XML or the parsed package list. assertEquals( "[extra0000005f [], " + // for extra #3 "extra_api_dep [path1, old_path2, oldPath3], " + // for extra #2 "usb_driver []]", // for extra #1 Arrays.toString(extraPaths.toArray())); assertEquals( "[____/____, " + "android_vendor/Android Vendor, " + "cyclop/The big bus]", Arrays.toString(extraVendors.toArray())); assertEquals( ("[SDK/extras/____/extra0000005f, " + "SDK/extras/android_vendor/extra_api_dep, " + "SDK/extras/cyclop/usb_driver]").replace('/', File.separatorChar), Arrays.toString(extraInstall.toArray())); assertEquals( "[[], " + "[v8/veggies_8.jar, root.jar, dir1/dir 2 with space/mylib.jar], " + "[]]", Arrays.toString(extraFilePaths.toArray())); } /** * Validate we can load a valid add-on schema version 5 */ public void testLoadAddonXml_5() throws Exception { InputStream xmlStream = getTestResource("/com/android/sdklib/testdata/addon_sample_5.xml"); // guess the version from the XML document int version = mSource._getXmlSchemaVersion(xmlStream); assertEquals(5, version); Boolean[] validatorFound = new Boolean[] { Boolean.FALSE }; String[] validationError = new String[] { null }; String url = "not-a-valid-url://" + SdkAddonConstants.URL_DEFAULT_FILENAME; String uri = mSource._validateXml(xmlStream, url, version, validationError, validatorFound); assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, validatorFound[0]); assertEquals(null, validationError[0]); assertEquals(SdkAddonConstants.getSchemaUri(5), uri); // Validation was successful, load the document MockMonitor monitor = new MockMonitor(); Document doc = mSource._getDocument(xmlStream, monitor); assertNotNull(doc); // Get the packages assertTrue(mSource._parsePackages(doc, uri, monitor)); assertEquals("Found My First add-on, Android API 1, revision 1\n" + "Found My Second add-on, Android API 2, revision 42\n" + "Found This add-on has no libraries, Android API 4, revision 3\n" + "Found Random name, not an id!, revision 43 (Obsolete)\n" + "Found Yet another extra, by Android, revision 2\n" + "Found . -..- - .-. .-, revision 2 (Obsolete)\n", monitor.getCapturedVerboseLog()); assertEquals("", monitor.getCapturedLog()); assertEquals("", monitor.getCapturedErrorLog()); // check the packages we found... we expected to find 6 packages with each at least // one archive. // Note the order doesn't necessary match the one from the // assertEquald(getCapturedVerboseLog) because packages are sorted using the // Packages' sorting order, e.g. all platforms are sorted by descending API level, etc. Package[] pkgs = mSource.getPackages(); assertEquals(6, pkgs.length); for (Package p : pkgs) { assertTrue(p.getArchives().length >= 1); } // Check the addon packages: vendor/name id vs display ArrayList<String> addonNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> addonVendors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof AddonPackage) { AddonPackage ap = (AddonPackage) p; addonNames.add(ap.getNameId() + "/" + ap.getDisplayName()); addonVendors.add(ap.getVendorId() + "/" + ap.getDisplayVendor()); } } // Addons are sorted by addon/vendor id and thus their order differs from the // XML or the parsed package list. assertEquals( "[no_libs/This add-on has no libraries, " + "My_Second_add-on/My Second add-on, " + "My_First_add-on/My First add-on]", Arrays.toString(addonNames.toArray())); assertEquals( "[Joe_Bar/Joe Bar, " + "John_Deer/John Deer, " + "John_Doe/John Doe]", Arrays.toString(addonVendors.toArray())); // Check the layoutlib of the platform packages. ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> layoutlibVers = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer,Integer>>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof AddonPackage) { layoutlibVers.add(((AddonPackage) p).getLayoutlibVersion()); } } assertEquals( "[Pair [first=3, second=42], " + // for #3 "This add-on has no libraries" "Pair [first=0, second=0], " + // for #2 "My Second add-on" "Pair [first=5, second=0]]", // for #1 "My First add-on" Arrays.toString(layoutlibVers.toArray())); // Check the extra packages: path, vendor, install folder, old-paths final String osSdkPath = "SDK"; final SdkManager sdkManager = new MockEmptySdkManager(osSdkPath); ArrayList<String> extraPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> extraVendors = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<File> extraInstall = new ArrayList<File>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> extraFilePaths = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof ExtraPackage) { ExtraPackage ep = (ExtraPackage) p; // combine path and old-paths in the form "path [old_path1, old_path2]" extraPaths.add(ep.getPath() + " " + Arrays.toString(ep.getOldPaths())); extraVendors.add(ep.getVendorId() + "/" + ep.getVendorDisplay()); extraInstall.add(ep.getInstallFolder(osSdkPath, sdkManager)); ArrayList<String> filePaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String filePath : ep.getProjectFiles()) { filePaths.add(filePath); } extraFilePaths.add(filePaths); } } // Extras are sorted by vendor-id/path and thus their order differs from the // XML or the parsed package list. assertEquals( "[extra0000005f [], " + // for extra #3 "extra_api_dep [path1, old_path2, oldPath3], " + // for extra #2 "usb_driver []]", // for extra #1 Arrays.toString(extraPaths.toArray())); assertEquals( "[____/____, " + "android_vendor/Android Vendor, " + "cyclop/The big bus]", Arrays.toString(extraVendors.toArray())); assertEquals( ("[SDK/extras/____/extra0000005f, " + "SDK/extras/android_vendor/extra_api_dep, " + "SDK/extras/cyclop/usb_driver]").replace('/', File.separatorChar), Arrays.toString(extraInstall.toArray())); assertEquals( "[[], " + "[v8/veggies_8.jar, root.jar, dir1/dir 2 with space/mylib.jar], " + "[]]", Arrays.toString(extraFilePaths.toArray())); // Check the min-tools-rev ArrayList<String> minToolsRevs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Package p : pkgs) { if (p instanceof IMinToolsDependency) { minToolsRevs.add(p.getListDescription() + ": " + ((IMinToolsDependency) p).getMinToolsRevision().toShortString()); } } assertEquals( "[. -..- - .-. .- (Obsolete): 3.0.1, " + "Yet another extra, by Android: 3, " + "Random name, not an id! (Obsolete): 3.2.1 rc42]", Arrays.toString(minToolsRevs.toArray())); } /** * Returns an SdkLib file resource as a {@link ByteArrayInputStream}, * which has the advantage that we can use {@link InputStream#reset()} on it * at any time to read it multiple times. * <p/> * The default for getResourceAsStream() is to return a {@link FileInputStream} that * does not support reset(), yet we need it in the tested code. * * @throws IOException if some I/O read fails */ private ByteArrayInputStream getTestResource(String filename) throws IOException { InputStream xmlStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename); try { byte[] data = new byte[8192]; int offset = 0; int n; while ((n = xmlStream.read(data, offset, data.length - offset)) != -1) { offset += n; if (offset == data.length) { byte[] newData = new byte[offset + 8192]; System.arraycopy(data, 0, newData, 0, offset); data = newData; } } return new ByteArrayInputStream(data, 0, offset); } finally { if (xmlStream != null) { xmlStream.close(); } } } }