/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.manifmerger; import static com.android.manifmerger.ManifestModel.NodeTypes.USES_PERMISSION; import static com.android.manifmerger.ManifestModel.NodeTypes.USES_SDK; import static com.android.manifmerger.PlaceholderHandler.KeyBasedValueResolver; import com.android.common.SdkConstants; import com.android.annotations.NonNull; import com.android.annotations.Nullable; import com.android.common.ide.common.blame.SourceFile; import com.android.common.ide.common.blame.SourceFilePosition; import com.android.common.ide.common.blame.SourcePosition; import com.android.common.ide.common.xml.XmlFormatPreferences; import com.android.common.ide.common.xml.XmlFormatStyle; import com.android.common.ide.common.xml.XmlPrettyPrinter; import com.android.common.sdklib.SdkVersionInfo; import com.android.common.utils.Pair; import com.android.common.utils.PositionXmlParser; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Strings; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * Represents a loaded xml document. * * Has pointers to the root {@link XmlElement} element and provides services to persist the document * to an external format. Also provides abilities to be merged with other * {@link com.android.manifmerger.XmlDocument} as well as access to the line numbers for all * document's xml elements and attributes. * */ public class XmlDocument { private static final String DEFAULT_SDK_VERSION = "1"; /** * The document type. */ enum Type { /** * A manifest overlay as found in the build types and variants. */ OVERLAY, /** * The main android manifest file. */ MAIN, /** * A library manifest that is imported in the application. */ LIBRARY } private final Element mRootElement; // this is initialized lazily to avoid un-necessary early parsing. @NonNull private final AtomicReference<XmlElement> mRootNode = new AtomicReference<XmlElement>(null); @NonNull private final SourceFile mSourceFile; @NonNull private final KeyResolver<String> mSelectors; @NonNull private final KeyBasedValueResolver<ManifestSystemProperty> mSystemPropertyResolver; @NonNull private final Type mType; @NonNull private final Optional<String> mMainManifestPackageName; public XmlDocument( @NonNull SourceFile sourceLocation, @NonNull KeyResolver<String> selectors, @NonNull KeyBasedValueResolver<ManifestSystemProperty> systemPropertyResolver, @NonNull Element element, @NonNull Type type, @NonNull Optional<String> mainManifestPackageName) { this.mSourceFile = Preconditions.checkNotNull(sourceLocation); this.mRootElement = Preconditions.checkNotNull(element); this.mSelectors = Preconditions.checkNotNull(selectors); this.mSystemPropertyResolver = Preconditions.checkNotNull(systemPropertyResolver); this.mType = type; this.mMainManifestPackageName = mainManifestPackageName; } @NonNull public Type getFileType() { return mType; } /** * Returns a pretty string representation of this document. */ @NonNull public String prettyPrint() { return XmlPrettyPrinter.prettyPrint( getXml(), XmlFormatPreferences.defaults(), XmlFormatStyle.get(getRootNode().getXml()), null, /* endOfLineSeparator */ false /* endWithNewLine */); } /** * merge this higher priority document with a higher priority document. * @param lowerPriorityDocument the lower priority document to merge in. * @param mergingReportBuilder the merging report to record errors and actions. * @return a new merged {@link com.android.manifmerger.XmlDocument} or * {@link Optional#absent()} if there were errors during the merging activities. */ @NonNull public Optional<XmlDocument> merge( @NonNull XmlDocument lowerPriorityDocument, @NonNull MergingReport.Builder mergingReportBuilder) { if (getFileType() == Type.MAIN) { mergingReportBuilder.getActionRecorder().recordDefaultNodeAction(getRootNode()); } getRootNode().mergeWithLowerPriorityNode( lowerPriorityDocument.getRootNode(), mergingReportBuilder); addImplicitElements(lowerPriorityDocument, mergingReportBuilder); // force re-parsing as new nodes may have appeared. return mergingReportBuilder.hasErrors() ? Optional.<XmlDocument>absent() : Optional.of(reparse()); } /** * Forces a re-parsing of the document * @return a new {@link com.android.manifmerger.XmlDocument} with up to date information. */ @NonNull public XmlDocument reparse() { return new XmlDocument( mSourceFile, mSelectors, mSystemPropertyResolver, mRootElement, mType, mMainManifestPackageName); } /** * Returns a {@link com.android.manifmerger.KeyResolver} capable of resolving all selectors * types */ @NonNull public KeyResolver<String> getSelectors() { return mSelectors; } /** * Returns the {@link com.android.manifmerger.PlaceholderHandler.KeyBasedValueResolver} capable * of resolving all injected {@link ManifestSystemProperty} */ @NonNull public KeyBasedValueResolver<ManifestSystemProperty> getSystemPropertyResolver() { return mSystemPropertyResolver; } /** * Compares this document to another {@link com.android.manifmerger.XmlDocument} ignoring all * attributes belonging to the {@link SdkConstants#TOOLS_URI} namespace. * * @param other the other document to compare against. * @return a {@link String} describing the differences between the two XML elements or * {@link Optional#absent()} if they are equals. */ @SuppressWarnings("CovariantCompareTo") public Optional<String> compareTo(@NonNull XmlDocument other) { return getRootNode().compareTo(other.getRootNode()); } /** * Returns the position of the specified {@link XmlNode}. */ @NonNull static SourcePosition getNodePosition(@NonNull XmlNode node) { return getNodePosition(node.getXml()); } /** * Returns the position of the specified {@link Node}. */ @NonNull static SourcePosition getNodePosition(@NonNull Node xml) { return PositionXmlParser.getPosition(xml); } /** * Returns the {@link SourceFile} associated with this XML document. * <p> * NOTE: You should <b>not</b> read the contents of the file directly; if you need to * access the content, use {@link ManifestMerger2#getFileStreamProvider()} instead. * * @return the source file */ @NonNull public SourceFile getSourceFile() { return mSourceFile; } public synchronized XmlElement getRootNode() { if (mRootNode.get() == null) { this.mRootNode.set(new XmlElement(mRootElement, this)); } return mRootNode.get(); } public Optional<XmlElement> getByTypeAndKey( ManifestModel.NodeTypes type, @Nullable String keyValue) { return getRootNode().getNodeByTypeAndKey(type, keyValue); } /** * Package name for this android manifest which will be used to resolve * partial path. In the case of Overlays, this is absent and the main * manifest packageName must be used. * @return the package name to do partial class names resolution. */ public String getPackageName() { return mMainManifestPackageName.or(mRootElement.getAttribute("package")); } /** * Returns the package name to use to expand the attributes values with the * document's package name * @return the package name to use for attribute expansion. */ public String getPackageNameForAttributeExpansion() { String aPackage = mRootElement.getAttribute("package"); if (aPackage != null) { return aPackage; } if (mMainManifestPackageName.isPresent()) { return mMainManifestPackageName.get(); } throw new RuntimeException("No package present in overlay or main manifest file"); } public Optional<XmlAttribute> getPackage() { Optional<XmlAttribute> packageAttribute = getRootNode().getAttribute(XmlNode.fromXmlName("package")); return packageAttribute.isPresent() ? packageAttribute : getRootNode().getAttribute(XmlNode.fromNSName( SdkConstants.ANDROID_URI, "android", "package")); } public Document getXml() { return mRootElement.getOwnerDocument(); } /** * Returns the minSdk version specified in the uses_sdk element if present or the * default value. * @param defaultMinSdkVersion */ @NonNull private String getRawMinSdkVersion(String defaultMinSdkVersion) { Optional<XmlElement> usesSdk = getByTypeAndKey( ManifestModel.NodeTypes.USES_SDK, null); if (usesSdk.isPresent()) { Optional<XmlAttribute> minSdkVersion = usesSdk.get() .getAttribute(XmlNode.fromXmlName("android:minSdkVersion")); if (minSdkVersion.isPresent()) { return minSdkVersion.get().getValue(); } } return defaultMinSdkVersion; } /** * Returns the minSdk version for this manifest file. It can be injected from the outer * build.gradle or can be expressed in the uses_sdk element. */ @NonNull private String getMinSdkVersion(String defaultMinSdkVersion) { // check for system properties. String injectedMinSdk = mSystemPropertyResolver.getValue(ManifestSystemProperty.MIN_SDK_VERSION); if (injectedMinSdk != null) { return injectedMinSdk; } return getRawMinSdkVersion(defaultMinSdkVersion); } /** * Returns the targetSdk version specified in the uses_sdk element if present or the * default value. */ @NonNull private String getRawTargetSdkVersion(String defaultSdkVersion) { Optional<XmlElement> usesSdk = getByTypeAndKey( ManifestModel.NodeTypes.USES_SDK, null); if (usesSdk.isPresent()) { Optional<XmlAttribute> targetSdkVersion = usesSdk.get() .getAttribute(XmlNode.fromXmlName("android:targetSdkVersion")); if (targetSdkVersion.isPresent()) { return targetSdkVersion.get().getValue(); } } return getRawMinSdkVersion(defaultSdkVersion); } /** * Returns the targetSdk version for this manifest file. It can be injected from the outer * build.gradle or can be expressed in the uses_sdk element. */ @NonNull private String getTargetSdkVersion(String defaultSdkVersion) { // check for system properties. String injectedTargetVersion = mSystemPropertyResolver .getValue(ManifestSystemProperty.TARGET_SDK_VERSION); if (injectedTargetVersion != null) { return injectedTargetVersion; } return getRawTargetSdkVersion(defaultSdkVersion); } /** * Decodes a sdk version from either its decimal representation or from a platform code name. * @param attributeVersion the sdk version attribute as specified by users. * @return the integer representation of the platform level. */ private static int getApiLevelFromAttribute(@NonNull String attributeVersion) { Preconditions.checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(attributeVersion)); if (Character.isDigit(attributeVersion.charAt(0))) { return Integer.parseInt(attributeVersion); } return SdkVersionInfo.getApiByPreviewName(attributeVersion, true); } /** * Add all implicit elements from the passed lower priority document that are * required in the target SDK. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // compiler confused about varargs and generics. private void addImplicitElements(@NonNull XmlDocument lowerPriorityDocument, @NonNull MergingReport.Builder mergingReport) { // if this document is an overlay, tolerate the absence of uses-sdk and do not // assume implicit minimum versions. Optional<XmlElement> usesSdk = getByTypeAndKey( ManifestModel.NodeTypes.USES_SDK, null); if (mType == Type.OVERLAY && !usesSdk.isPresent()) { return; } // check that the uses-sdk element does not have any tools:node instruction. if (usesSdk.isPresent()) { XmlElement usesSdkElement = usesSdk.get(); if (usesSdkElement.getOperationType() != NodeOperationType.MERGE) { mergingReport .addMessage( new SourceFilePosition( getSourceFile(), usesSdkElement.getPosition()), MergingReport.Record.Severity.ERROR, "uses-sdk element cannot have a \"tools:node\" attribute"); return; } } int thisTargetSdk = getApiLevelFromAttribute(getTargetSdkVersion(DEFAULT_SDK_VERSION)); // when we are importing a library, we should never use the build.gradle injected // values (only valid for overlay, main manifest) so use the raw versions coming from // the AndroidManifest.xml int libraryTargetSdk = getApiLevelFromAttribute( lowerPriorityDocument.getFileType() == Type.LIBRARY ? lowerPriorityDocument.getRawTargetSdkVersion(String.valueOf(thisTargetSdk)) : lowerPriorityDocument.getTargetSdkVersion(String.valueOf(thisTargetSdk))); // if library is using a code name rather than an API level, make sure this document target // sdk version is using the same code name. String libraryTargetSdkVersion = lowerPriorityDocument.getTargetSdkVersion(String.valueOf(thisTargetSdk)); if (!Character.isDigit(libraryTargetSdkVersion.charAt(0))) { // this is a code name, ensure this document uses the same code name. if (!libraryTargetSdkVersion.equals(getTargetSdkVersion(DEFAULT_SDK_VERSION))) { mergingReport.addMessage(getSourceFile(), MergingReport.Record.Severity.ERROR, String.format( "uses-sdk:targetSdkVersion %1$s cannot be different than version " + "%2$s declared in library %3$s", getTargetSdkVersion(DEFAULT_SDK_VERSION), libraryTargetSdkVersion, lowerPriorityDocument.getSourceFile().print(false) ) ); return; } } // same for minSdkVersion, if the library is using a code name, the application must // also be using the same code name. String libraryMinSdkVersion = lowerPriorityDocument.getRawMinSdkVersion(String.valueOf(thisTargetSdk)); if (!Character.isDigit(libraryMinSdkVersion.charAt(0))) { // this is a code name, ensure this document uses the same code name. if (!libraryMinSdkVersion.equals(getMinSdkVersion(DEFAULT_SDK_VERSION))) { mergingReport.addMessage(getSourceFile(), MergingReport.Record.Severity.ERROR, String.format( "uses-sdk:minSdkVersion %1$s cannot be different than version " + "%2$s declared in library %3$s", getMinSdkVersion(DEFAULT_SDK_VERSION), libraryMinSdkVersion, lowerPriorityDocument.getSourceFile().print(false) ) ); return; } } if (!checkUsesSdkMinVersion(lowerPriorityDocument, mergingReport)) { String error = String.format( "uses-sdk:minSdkVersion %1$s cannot be smaller than version " + "%2$s declared in library %3$s\n" + "\tSuggestion: use tools:overrideLibrary=\"%4$s\" to force usage", getMinSdkVersion(DEFAULT_SDK_VERSION), libraryMinSdkVersion, lowerPriorityDocument.getSourceFile().print(false), lowerPriorityDocument.getPackageName()); if (usesSdk.isPresent()) { mergingReport.addMessage( new SourceFilePosition(getSourceFile(), usesSdk.get().getPosition()), MergingReport.Record.Severity.ERROR, error); } else { mergingReport.addMessage( getSourceFile(), MergingReport.Record.Severity.ERROR, error); } return; } // if the merged document target SDK is equal or smaller than the library's, nothing to do. if (thisTargetSdk <= libraryTargetSdk) { return; } // There is no need to add any implied permissions when targeting an old runtime. if (thisTargetSdk < 4) { return; } boolean hasWriteToExternalStoragePermission = lowerPriorityDocument.getByTypeAndKey( USES_PERMISSION, permission("WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE")).isPresent(); if (libraryTargetSdk < 4) { addIfAbsent(mergingReport.getActionRecorder(), USES_PERMISSION, permission("WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"), lowerPriorityDocument.getPackageName() + " has a targetSdkVersion < 4"); hasWriteToExternalStoragePermission = true; addIfAbsent(mergingReport.getActionRecorder(), USES_PERMISSION, permission("READ_PHONE_STATE"), lowerPriorityDocument.getPackageName() + " has a targetSdkVersion < 4"); } // If the application has requested WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, we will // force them to always take READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE as well. We always // do this (regardless of target API version) because we can't have // an app with write permission but not read permission. if (hasWriteToExternalStoragePermission) { addIfAbsent(mergingReport.getActionRecorder(), USES_PERMISSION, permission("READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"), lowerPriorityDocument.getPackageName() + " requested WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"); } // Pre-JellyBean call log permission compatibility. if (thisTargetSdk >= 16 && libraryTargetSdk < 16) { if (lowerPriorityDocument.getByTypeAndKey( USES_PERMISSION, permission("READ_CONTACTS")).isPresent()) { addIfAbsent(mergingReport.getActionRecorder(), USES_PERMISSION, permission("READ_CALL_LOG"), lowerPriorityDocument.getPackageName() + " has targetSdkVersion < 16 and requested READ_CONTACTS"); } if (lowerPriorityDocument.getByTypeAndKey( USES_PERMISSION, permission("WRITE_CONTACTS")).isPresent()) { addIfAbsent(mergingReport.getActionRecorder(), USES_PERMISSION, permission("WRITE_CALL_LOG"), lowerPriorityDocument.getPackageName() + " has targetSdkVersion < 16 and requested WRITE_CONTACTS"); } } } /** * Returns true if the minSdkVersion of the application and the library are compatible, false * otherwise. */ private boolean checkUsesSdkMinVersion(@NonNull XmlDocument lowerPriorityDocument, MergingReport.Builder mergingReport) { int thisMinSdk = getApiLevelFromAttribute(getMinSdkVersion(DEFAULT_SDK_VERSION)); int libraryMinSdk = getApiLevelFromAttribute( lowerPriorityDocument.getRawMinSdkVersion(String.valueOf(thisMinSdk))); // the merged document minSdk cannot be lower than a library if (thisMinSdk < libraryMinSdk) { // check if this higher priority document has any tools instructions for the node Optional<XmlElement> xmlElementOptional = getByTypeAndKey(USES_SDK, null); if (!xmlElementOptional.isPresent()) { return false; } XmlElement xmlElement = xmlElementOptional.get(); // if we find a selector that applies to this library. the users wants to explicitly // allow this higher version library to be allowed. for (Selector selector : xmlElement.getOverrideUsesSdkLibrarySelectors()) { if (selector.appliesTo(lowerPriorityDocument.getRootNode())) { return true; } } return false; } return true; } /** * Adds a new element of type nodeType with a specific keyValue if the element is absent in this * document. Will also add attributes expressed through key value pairs. * * @param actionRecorder to records creation actions. * @param nodeType the node type to crete * @param keyValue the optional key for the element. * @param attributes the optional array of key value pairs for extra element attribute. * @return the Xml element whether it was created or existed or {@link Optional#absent()} if * it does not exist in this document. */ private Optional<Element> addIfAbsent( @NonNull ActionRecorder actionRecorder, @NonNull ManifestModel.NodeTypes nodeType, @Nullable String keyValue, @Nullable String reason, @Nullable Pair<String, String>... attributes) { Optional<XmlElement> xmlElementOptional = getByTypeAndKey(nodeType, keyValue); if (xmlElementOptional.isPresent()) { return Optional.absent(); } Element elementNS = getXml() .createElementNS(SdkConstants.ANDROID_URI, "android:" + nodeType.toXmlName()); ImmutableList<String> keyAttributesNames = nodeType.getNodeKeyResolver() .getKeyAttributesNames(); if (keyAttributesNames.size() == 1) { elementNS.setAttributeNS( SdkConstants.ANDROID_URI, "android:" + keyAttributesNames.get(0), keyValue); } if (attributes != null) { for (Pair<String, String> attribute : attributes) { elementNS.setAttributeNS( SdkConstants.ANDROID_URI, "android:" + attribute.getFirst(), attribute.getSecond()); } } // record creation. XmlElement xmlElement = new XmlElement(elementNS, this); actionRecorder.recordImpliedNodeAction(xmlElement, reason); getRootNode().getXml().appendChild(elementNS); return Optional.of(elementNS); } @NonNull private static String permission(String permissionName) { return "android.permission." + permissionName; } }