/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.manifmerger; import static com.android.manifmerger.PlaceholderHandler.APPLICATION_ID; import static com.android.manifmerger.PlaceholderHandler.KeyBasedValueResolver; import static com.android.manifmerger.PlaceholderHandler.PACKAGE_NAME; import com.android.common.SdkConstants; import com.android.annotations.NonNull; import com.android.annotations.Nullable; import com.android.annotations.concurrency.Immutable; import com.android.common.utils.ILogger; import com.android.common.utils.Pair; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Strings; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * merges android manifest files, idempotent. */ @Immutable public class ManifestMerger2 { static final String BOOTSTRAP_APPLICATION = "com.android.tools.fd.runtime.BootstrapApplication"; @NonNull private final File mManifestFile; @NonNull private final Map<String, Object> mPlaceHolderValues; @NonNull private final KeyBasedValueResolver<ManifestSystemProperty> mSystemPropertyResolver; @NonNull private final ILogger mLogger; @NonNull private final ImmutableList<Pair<String, File>> mLibraryFiles; @NonNull private final ImmutableList<File> mFlavorsAndBuildTypeFiles; @NonNull private final ImmutableList<Invoker.Feature> mOptionalFeatures; @NonNull private final MergeType mMergeType; @NonNull private final Optional<File> mReportFile; @NonNull private final FileStreamProvider mFileStreamProvider; private ManifestMerger2( @NonNull ILogger logger, @NonNull File mainManifestFile, @NonNull ImmutableList<Pair<String, File>> libraryFiles, @NonNull ImmutableList<File> flavorsAndBuildTypeFiles, @NonNull ImmutableList<Invoker.Feature> optionalFeatures, @NonNull Map<String, Object> placeHolderValues, @NonNull KeyBasedValueResolver<ManifestSystemProperty> systemPropertiesResolver, @NonNull MergeType mergeType, @NonNull Optional<File> reportFile, @NonNull FileStreamProvider fileStreamProvider) { this.mSystemPropertyResolver = systemPropertiesResolver; this.mPlaceHolderValues = placeHolderValues; this.mManifestFile = mainManifestFile; this.mLogger = logger; this.mLibraryFiles = libraryFiles; this.mFlavorsAndBuildTypeFiles = flavorsAndBuildTypeFiles; this.mOptionalFeatures = optionalFeatures; this.mMergeType = mergeType; this.mReportFile = reportFile; this.mFileStreamProvider = fileStreamProvider; } /** * Perform high level ordering of files merging and delegates actual merging to * {@link XmlDocument#merge(XmlDocument, com.android.manifmerger.MergingReport.Builder)} * * @return the merging activity report. * @throws MergeFailureException if the merging cannot be completed (for instance, if xml * files cannot be loaded). */ @NonNull private MergingReport merge() throws MergeFailureException { // initiate a new merging report MergingReport.Builder mergingReportBuilder = new MergingReport.Builder(mLogger); SelectorResolver selectors = new SelectorResolver(); // load all the libraries xml files up front to have a list of all possible node:selector // values. List<LoadedManifestInfo> loadedLibraryDocuments = loadLibraries(selectors, mergingReportBuilder); // load the main manifest file to do some checking along the way. LoadedManifestInfo loadedMainManifestInfo = load( new ManifestInfo( mManifestFile.getName(), mManifestFile, XmlDocument.Type.MAIN, Optional.<String>absent() /* mainManifestPackageName */), selectors, mergingReportBuilder); // first do we have a package declaration in the main manifest ? Optional<XmlAttribute> mainPackageAttribute = loadedMainManifestInfo.getXmlDocument().getPackage(); if (!mainPackageAttribute.isPresent()) { mergingReportBuilder.addMessage( loadedMainManifestInfo.getXmlDocument().getSourceFile(), MergingReport.Record.Severity.ERROR, String.format( "Main AndroidManifest.xml at %1$s manifest:package attribute " + "is not declared", loadedMainManifestInfo.getXmlDocument().getSourceFile() .print(true))); return mergingReportBuilder.build(); } // perform system property injection performSystemPropertiesInjection(mergingReportBuilder, loadedMainManifestInfo.getXmlDocument()); // force the re-parsing of the xml as elements may have been added through system // property injection. loadedMainManifestInfo = new LoadedManifestInfo(loadedMainManifestInfo, loadedMainManifestInfo.getOriginalPackageName(), loadedMainManifestInfo.getXmlDocument().reparse()); // invariant : xmlDocumentOptional holds the higher priority document and we try to // merge in lower priority documents. Optional<XmlDocument> xmlDocumentOptional = Optional.absent(); for (File inputFile : mFlavorsAndBuildTypeFiles) { mLogger.info("Merging flavors and build manifest %s \n", inputFile.getPath()); LoadedManifestInfo overlayDocument = load( new ManifestInfo(null, inputFile, XmlDocument.Type.OVERLAY, Optional.of(mainPackageAttribute.get().getValue())), selectors, mergingReportBuilder); // check package declaration. Optional<XmlAttribute> packageAttribute = overlayDocument.getXmlDocument().getPackage(); // if both files declare a package name, it should be the same. if (loadedMainManifestInfo.getOriginalPackageName().isPresent() && packageAttribute.isPresent() && !loadedMainManifestInfo.getOriginalPackageName().get().equals( packageAttribute.get().getValue())) { // no suggestion for library since this is actually forbidden to change the // the package name per flavor. String message = mMergeType == MergeType.APPLICATION ? String.format( "Overlay manifest:package attribute declared at %1$s value=(%2$s)\n" + "\thas a different value=(%3$s) " + "declared in main manifest at %4$s\n" + "\tSuggestion: remove the overlay declaration at %5$s " + "\tand place it in the build.gradle:\n" + "\t\tflavorName {\n" + "\t\t\tapplicationId = \"%2$s\"\n" + "\t\t}", packageAttribute.get().printPosition(), packageAttribute.get().getValue(), mainPackageAttribute.get().getValue(), mainPackageAttribute.get().printPosition(), packageAttribute.get().getSourceFile().print(true)) : String.format( "Overlay manifest:package attribute declared at %1$s value=(%2$s)\n" + "\thas a different value=(%3$s) " + "declared in main manifest at %4$s", packageAttribute.get().printPosition(), packageAttribute.get().getValue(), mainPackageAttribute.get().getValue(), mainPackageAttribute.get().printPosition()); mergingReportBuilder.addMessage( overlayDocument.getXmlDocument().getSourceFile(), MergingReport.Record.Severity.ERROR, message); return mergingReportBuilder.build(); } overlayDocument.getXmlDocument().getRootNode().getXml().setAttribute("package", mainPackageAttribute.get().getValue()); xmlDocumentOptional = merge(xmlDocumentOptional, overlayDocument, mergingReportBuilder); if (!xmlDocumentOptional.isPresent()) { return mergingReportBuilder.build(); } } mLogger.info("Merging main manifest %s\n", mManifestFile.getPath()); xmlDocumentOptional = merge(xmlDocumentOptional, loadedMainManifestInfo, mergingReportBuilder); if (!xmlDocumentOptional.isPresent()) { return mergingReportBuilder.build(); } // force main manifest package into resulting merged file when creating a library manifest. if (mMergeType == MergeType.LIBRARY) { // extract the package name... String mainManifestPackageName = loadedMainManifestInfo.getXmlDocument().getRootNode() .getXml().getAttribute("package"); // save it in the selector instance. if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(mainManifestPackageName)) { xmlDocumentOptional.get().getRootNode().getXml() .setAttribute("package", mainManifestPackageName); } } for (LoadedManifestInfo libraryDocument : loadedLibraryDocuments) { mLogger.info("Merging library manifest " + libraryDocument.getLocation()); xmlDocumentOptional = merge( xmlDocumentOptional, libraryDocument, mergingReportBuilder); if (!xmlDocumentOptional.isPresent()) { return mergingReportBuilder.build(); } } // done with proper merging phase, now we need to trim unwanted elements, placeholder // substitution and system properties injection. ElementsTrimmer.trim(xmlDocumentOptional.get(), mergingReportBuilder); if (mergingReportBuilder.hasErrors()) { return mergingReportBuilder.build(); } if (!mOptionalFeatures.contains(Invoker.Feature.NO_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACEMENT)) { // do one last placeholder substitution, this is useful as we don't stop the build // when a library failed a placeholder substitution, but the element might have // been overridden so the problem was transient. However, with the final document // ready, all placeholders values must have been provided. performPlaceHolderSubstitution(loadedMainManifestInfo, xmlDocumentOptional.get(), mergingReportBuilder); if (mergingReportBuilder.hasErrors()) { return mergingReportBuilder.build(); } } // perform system property injection. performSystemPropertiesInjection(mergingReportBuilder, xmlDocumentOptional.get()); XmlDocument finalMergedDocument = xmlDocumentOptional.get(); PostValidator.validate(finalMergedDocument, mergingReportBuilder); if (mergingReportBuilder.hasErrors()) { finalMergedDocument.getRootNode().addMessage(mergingReportBuilder, MergingReport.Record.Severity.WARNING, "Post merge validation failed"); } // finally optional features handling. processOptionalFeatures(finalMergedDocument, mergingReportBuilder); MergingReport mergingReport = mergingReportBuilder.build(); if (mReportFile.isPresent()) { writeReport(mergingReport); } return mergingReport; } private void processOptionalFeatures( @Nullable XmlDocument document, @NonNull MergingReport.Builder mergingReport) { if (document == null) { return; } // perform tools: annotations removal if requested. if (mOptionalFeatures.contains(Invoker.Feature.REMOVE_TOOLS_DECLARATIONS)) { document = ToolsInstructionsCleaner.cleanToolsReferences(mMergeType, document, mLogger); } if (document != null) { if (mOptionalFeatures.contains(Invoker.Feature.EXTRACT_FQCNS)) { extractFcqns(document); } mergingReport.setMergedXmlDocument( MergingReport.MergedManifestKind.MERGED, document); if (!mOptionalFeatures.contains(Invoker.Feature.SKIP_XML_STRING)) { mergingReport.setMergedDocument( MergingReport.MergedManifestKind.MERGED, document.prettyPrint()); } if (!mOptionalFeatures.contains(Invoker.Feature.SKIP_BLAME)) { try { mergingReport.setMergedDocument(MergingReport.MergedManifestKind.BLAME, mergingReport.blame(document)); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error(e, "Error while saving blame file, build will continue"); } } if (mOptionalFeatures.contains(Invoker.Feature.MAKE_AAPT_SAFE)) { PlaceholderEncoder.visit(document); mergingReport.setMergedDocument( MergingReport.MergedManifestKind.AAPT_SAFE, document.prettyPrint()); } // Always save the pre InstantRun state in case some APT plugins require it. if (mOptionalFeatures.contains(Invoker.Feature.INSTANT_RUN_REPLACEMENT)) { mergingReport.setMergedDocument( MergingReport.MergedManifestKind.INSTANT_RUN, instantRunReplacement(document).prettyPrint()); } } } @NonNull private static XmlDocument instantRunReplacement(XmlDocument document) { Optional<XmlElement> applicationOptional = document .getByTypeAndKey(ManifestModel.NodeTypes.APPLICATION, null /* keyValue */); if (applicationOptional.isPresent()) { XmlElement application = applicationOptional.get(); Attr nameAttribute = application.getXml().getAttributeNodeNS( SdkConstants.ANDROID_URI, "name"); if (nameAttribute != null) { String originalAppName = nameAttribute.getValue(); if (BOOTSTRAP_APPLICATION.equals(originalAppName)) { return document; } application.getXml().setAttribute(SdkConstants.ATTR_NAME, originalAppName); application.getXml().setAttributeNS( SdkConstants.ANDROID_URI, nameAttribute.getName(), BOOTSTRAP_APPLICATION); } else { application.getXml().setAttributeNS( SdkConstants.ANDROID_URI, SdkConstants.ANDROID_NS_NAME_PREFIX + SdkConstants.ATTR_NAME, BOOTSTRAP_APPLICATION); } } return document.reparse(); } /** * Returns the {@link FileStreamProvider} used by this manifest merger. Use this * to read files if you need to access the content of a {@link XmlDocument}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Allow future library usage, if necessary @NonNull public FileStreamProvider getFileStreamProvider() { return mFileStreamProvider; } /** * Creates the merging report file. * @param mergingReport the merging activities report to serialize. */ private void writeReport(@NonNull MergingReport mergingReport) { FileWriter fileWriter = null; try { if (!mReportFile.get().getParentFile().exists() && !mReportFile.get().getParentFile().mkdirs()) { mLogger.warning(String.format( "Cannot create %1$s manifest merger report file," + "build will continue but merging activities " + "will not be documented", mReportFile.get().getAbsolutePath())); } else { fileWriter = new FileWriter(mReportFile.get()); mergingReport.getActions().log(fileWriter); } } catch (IOException e) { mLogger.warning(String.format( "Error '%1$s' while writing the merger report file, " + "build can continue but merging activities " + "will not be documented ", e.getMessage())); } finally { if (fileWriter != null) { try { fileWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { mLogger.warning(String.format( "Error '%1$s' while closing the merger report file, " + "build can continue but merging activities " + "will not be documented ", e.getMessage())); } } } } /** * shorten all fully qualified class name that belong to the same package as the manifest's * package attribute value. * @param finalMergedDocument the AndroidManifest.xml document. */ private static void extractFcqns(@NonNull XmlDocument finalMergedDocument) { extractFcqns(finalMergedDocument.getPackageName(), finalMergedDocument.getRootNode()); } /** * shorten recursively all attributes that are package dependent of the passed nodes and all * its child nodes. * @param packageName the manifest package name. * @param xmlElement the xml element to process recursively. */ private static void extractFcqns(@NonNull String packageName, @NonNull XmlElement xmlElement) { for (XmlAttribute xmlAttribute : xmlElement.getAttributes()) { if (xmlAttribute.getModel() !=null && xmlAttribute.getModel().isPackageDependent()) { String value = xmlAttribute.getValue(); if (value.startsWith(packageName) && value.charAt(packageName.length()) == '.') { xmlAttribute.getXml().setValue(value.substring(packageName.length())); } } } for (XmlElement child : xmlElement.getMergeableElements()) { extractFcqns(packageName, child); } } /** * Load an xml file and perform placeholder substitution * @param manifestInfo the android manifest information like if it is a library, an * overlay or a main manifest file. * @param selectors all the libraries selectors * @param mergingReportBuilder the merging report to store events and errors. * @return a loaded manifest info. * @throws MergeFailureException */ @NonNull private LoadedManifestInfo load( @NonNull ManifestInfo manifestInfo, @NonNull KeyResolver<String> selectors, @NonNull MergingReport.Builder mergingReportBuilder) throws MergeFailureException { File xmlFile = manifestInfo.mLocation; XmlDocument xmlDocument; try { InputStream inputStream = mFileStreamProvider.getInputStream(xmlFile); xmlDocument = XmlLoader.load(selectors, mSystemPropertyResolver, manifestInfo.mName, xmlFile, inputStream, manifestInfo.getType(), manifestInfo.getMainManifestPackageName()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MergeFailureException(e); } String originalPackageName = xmlDocument.getPackageName(); MergingReport.Builder builder = manifestInfo.getType() == XmlDocument.Type.MAIN ? mergingReportBuilder : new MergingReport.Builder(mergingReportBuilder.getLogger()); builder.getActionRecorder().recordDefaultNodeAction( xmlDocument.getRootNode()); // perform place holder substitution, this is necessary to do so early in case placeholders // are used in key attributes. performPlaceHolderSubstitution(manifestInfo, xmlDocument, builder); return new LoadedManifestInfo(manifestInfo, Optional.fromNullable(originalPackageName), xmlDocument); } private void performPlaceHolderSubstitution(@NonNull ManifestInfo manifestInfo, @NonNull XmlDocument xmlDocument, @NonNull MergingReport.Builder mergingReportBuilder) { if (mOptionalFeatures.contains(Invoker.Feature.NO_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACEMENT)) { return; } // check for placeholders presence, switch first the packageName and application id if // it is not explicitly set, unless dealing with a library. In case of library, the // implicit ${applicationId} (when not provided though the build.gradle) cannot be // set during the initial library manifest file parsing but during the final // placeholder substitution once the application's applicationId is known. Map<String, Object> finalPlaceHolderValues = mPlaceHolderValues; if ((!mPlaceHolderValues.containsKey(PlaceholderHandler.APPLICATION_ID)) && manifestInfo.getType() != XmlDocument.Type.LIBRARY) { String packageName = manifestInfo.getMainManifestPackageName().isPresent() ? manifestInfo.getMainManifestPackageName().get() : xmlDocument.getPackageName(); // add all existing placeholders except package name that will be swapped. ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : mPlaceHolderValues.entrySet()) { if (!entry.getKey().equals(PlaceholderHandler.PACKAGE_NAME)) { builder.put(entry); } } builder.put(PlaceholderHandler.PACKAGE_NAME, packageName); if (mMergeType != MergeType.LIBRARY) { builder.put(PlaceholderHandler.APPLICATION_ID, packageName); } finalPlaceHolderValues = builder.build(); } KeyBasedValueResolver<String> placeHolderValueResolver = new MapBasedKeyBasedValueResolver<String>(finalPlaceHolderValues); PlaceholderHandler.visit( mMergeType, xmlDocument, placeHolderValueResolver, mergingReportBuilder); } // merge the optionally existing xmlDocument with a lower priority xml file. private Optional<XmlDocument> merge( @NonNull Optional<XmlDocument> xmlDocument, @NonNull LoadedManifestInfo lowerPriorityDocument, @NonNull MergingReport.Builder mergingReportBuilder) throws MergeFailureException { MergingReport.Result validationResult = PreValidator .validate(mergingReportBuilder, lowerPriorityDocument.getXmlDocument()); if (validationResult == MergingReport.Result.ERROR) { mergingReportBuilder.addMessage( lowerPriorityDocument.getXmlDocument().getSourceFile(), MergingReport.Record.Severity.ERROR, "Validation failed, exiting"); return Optional.absent(); } Optional<XmlDocument> result; if (xmlDocument.isPresent()) { result = xmlDocument.get().merge( lowerPriorityDocument.getXmlDocument(), mergingReportBuilder); } else { mergingReportBuilder.getActionRecorder().recordDefaultNodeAction( lowerPriorityDocument.getXmlDocument().getRootNode()); result = Optional.of(lowerPriorityDocument.getXmlDocument()); } // if requested, dump each intermediary merging stage into the report. if (mOptionalFeatures.contains(Invoker.Feature.KEEP_INTERMEDIARY_STAGES) && result.isPresent()) { mergingReportBuilder.addMergingStage(result.get().prettyPrint()); } return result; } private List<LoadedManifestInfo> loadLibraries(@NonNull SelectorResolver selectors, @NonNull MergingReport.Builder mergingReportBuilder) throws MergeFailureException { ImmutableList.Builder<LoadedManifestInfo> loadedLibraryDocuments = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Pair<String, File> libraryFile : Sets.newLinkedHashSet(mLibraryFiles)) { mLogger.info("Loading library manifest " + libraryFile.getSecond().getPath()); ManifestInfo manifestInfo = new ManifestInfo(libraryFile.getFirst(), libraryFile.getSecond(), XmlDocument.Type.LIBRARY, Optional.<String>absent()); File xmlFile = manifestInfo.mLocation; XmlDocument libraryDocument; try { InputStream inputStream = mFileStreamProvider.getInputStream(xmlFile); libraryDocument = XmlLoader.load(selectors, mSystemPropertyResolver, manifestInfo.mName, xmlFile, inputStream, XmlDocument.Type.LIBRARY, Optional.<String>absent() /* mainManifestPackageName */); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MergeFailureException(e); } // extract the package name... String libraryPackage = libraryDocument.getRootNode().getXml().getAttribute("package"); // save it in the selector instance. if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(libraryPackage)) { selectors.addSelector(libraryPackage, libraryFile.getFirst()); } // perform placeholder substitution, this is useful when the library is using // a placeholder in a key element, we however do not need to record these // substitutions so feed it with a fake merging report. MergingReport.Builder builder = new MergingReport.Builder(mergingReportBuilder.getLogger()); builder.getActionRecorder().recordDefaultNodeAction(libraryDocument.getRootNode()); performPlaceHolderSubstitution(manifestInfo, libraryDocument, builder); if (builder.hasErrors()) { // we log the errors but continue, in case the error is of no consequence // to the application consuming the library. builder.build().log(mLogger); } loadedLibraryDocuments.add(new LoadedManifestInfo(manifestInfo, Optional.fromNullable(libraryDocument.getPackageName()), libraryDocument)); } return loadedLibraryDocuments.build(); } /** * Creates a new {@link com.android.manifmerger.ManifestMerger2.Invoker} instance to invoke * the merging tool to merge manifest files for an application. * * @param mainManifestFile application main manifest file. * @param logger the logger interface to use. * @return an {@link com.android.manifmerger.ManifestMerger2.Invoker} instance that will allow * further customization and trigger the merging tool. */ @NonNull public static Invoker newMerger(@NonNull File mainManifestFile, @NonNull ILogger logger, @NonNull MergeType mergeType) { return new Invoker(mainManifestFile, logger, mergeType); } /** * Defines the merging type expected from the tool. */ public enum MergeType { /** * Application merging type is used when packaging an application with a set of imported * libraries. The resulting merged android manifest is final and is not expected to be * imported in another application. */ APPLICATION, /** * Library merging typee is used when packaging a library. The resulting android manifest * file will not merge in all the imported libraries this library depends on. Also the tools * annotations will not be removed as they can be useful when later importing the resulting * merged android manifest into an application. */ LIBRARY } /** * Defines a property that can add or override itself into an XML document. */ public interface AutoAddingProperty { /** * Add itself (possibly just override the current value) with the passed value * @param actionRecorder to record actions. * @param document the xml document to add itself to. * @param value the value to set of this property. */ void addTo( @NonNull ActionRecorder actionRecorder, @NonNull XmlDocument document, @NonNull String value); } /** * Perform {@link ManifestSystemProperty} injection. * @param mergingReport to log actions and errors. * @param xmlDocument the xml document to inject into. */ protected void performSystemPropertiesInjection( @NonNull MergingReport.Builder mergingReport, @NonNull XmlDocument xmlDocument) { for (ManifestSystemProperty manifestSystemProperty : ManifestSystemProperty.values()) { String propertyOverride = mSystemPropertyResolver.getValue(manifestSystemProperty); if (propertyOverride != null) { manifestSystemProperty.addTo( mergingReport.getActionRecorder(), xmlDocument, propertyOverride); } } } /** * A {@linkplain FileStreamProvider} provides (buffered, if necessary) {@link InputStream} * instances for a given {@link File} handle. */ public static class FileStreamProvider { /** * Creates a reader for the given file -- which may not necessarily read the contents of the * file on disk. For example, in the IDE, the client will map the file handle to a document in * the editor, and read the current contents of that editor whether or not it has been saved. * <p> * This method is responsible for providing its own buffering, if necessary (e.g. when * reading from disk, make sure you wrap the file stream in a buffering input stream.) * * @param file the file handle * @return the contents of the file * @throws FileNotFoundException if the file handle is invalid */ @SuppressWarnings("MethodMayBeStatic") // Intended for overrides outside this library protected InputStream getInputStream(@NonNull File file) throws FileNotFoundException { return new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); } } /** * This class will hold all invocation parameters for the manifest merging tool. * * There are broadly three types of input to the merging tool : * <ul> * <li>Build types and flavors overriding manifests</li> * <li>Application main manifest</li> * <li>Library manifest files</li> * </ul> * * Only the main manifest file is a mandatory parameter. * * High level description of the merging will be as follow : * <ol> * <li>Build type and flavors will be merged first in the order they were added. Highest * priority file added first, lowest added last.</li> * <li>Resulting document is merged with lower priority application main manifest file.</li> * <li>Resulting document is merged with each library file manifest file in the order * they were added. Highest priority added first, lowest added last.</li> * <li>Resulting document is returned as results of the merging process.</li> * </ol> * */ public static class Invoker<T extends Invoker<T>>{ protected final File mMainManifestFile; protected final ImmutableMap.Builder<ManifestSystemProperty, Object> mSystemProperties = new ImmutableMap.Builder<ManifestSystemProperty, Object>(); @NonNull protected final ILogger mLogger; @NonNull protected final ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> mPlaceholders = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object>(); @NonNull private final ImmutableList.Builder<Pair<String, File>> mLibraryFilesBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<Pair<String, File>>(); @NonNull private final ImmutableList.Builder<File> mFlavorsAndBuildTypeFiles = new ImmutableList.Builder<File>(); @NonNull private final ImmutableList.Builder<Feature> mFeaturesBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<Feature>(); @NonNull private final MergeType mMergeType; @Nullable private File mReportFile; @Nullable private FileStreamProvider mFileStreamProvider; /** * Sets a value for a {@link ManifestSystemProperty} * @param override the property to set * @param value the value for the property * @return itself. */ @NonNull public Invoker setOverride(@NonNull ManifestSystemProperty override, @NonNull String value) { mSystemProperties.put(override, value); return thisAsT(); } /** * Adds placeholders names and associated values for substitution. * @return itself. */ @NonNull public Invoker setPlaceHolderValues(@NonNull Map<String, Object> keyValuePairs) { mPlaceholders.putAll(keyValuePairs); return thisAsT(); } /** * Adds a new placeholder name and value for substitution. * @return itself. */ @NonNull public Invoker setPlaceHolderValue(@NonNull String placeHolderName, @NonNull String value) { mPlaceholders.put(placeHolderName, value); return thisAsT(); } /** * Optional behavior of the merging tool can be turned on by setting these Feature. */ public enum Feature { /** * Keep all intermediary merged files during the merging process. This is particularly * useful for debugging/tracing purposes. */ KEEP_INTERMEDIARY_STAGES, /** * When logging file names, use {@link File#getName()} rather than * {@link File#getPath()} */ PRINT_SIMPLE_FILENAMES, /** * Perform a sweep after all merging activities to remove all fully qualified class * names and replace them with the equivalent short version. */ EXTRACT_FQCNS, /** * Perform a sweep after all merging activities to remove all tools: decorations. */ REMOVE_TOOLS_DECLARATIONS, /** * Do no perform placeholders replacement. */ NO_PLACEHOLDER_REPLACEMENT, /** * Encode unresolved placeholders to be AAPT friendly. */ MAKE_AAPT_SAFE, /** * Perform InstantRun related swapping in the merged manifest file. */ INSTANT_RUN_REPLACEMENT, /** * Clients will not request the blame history */ SKIP_BLAME, /** * Clients will only request the merged XML documents, not XML pretty printed documents */ SKIP_XML_STRING, } /** * Creates a new builder with the mandatory main manifest file. * @param mainManifestFile application main manifest file. * @param logger the logger interface to use. */ private Invoker( @NonNull File mainManifestFile, @NonNull ILogger logger, @NonNull MergeType mergeType) { this.mMainManifestFile = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mainManifestFile); this.mLogger = logger; this.mMergeType = mergeType; } /** * Sets the file to use to write the merging report. If not called, * the merging process will not write a report. * @param mergeReport the file to write the report in. * @return itself. */ @NonNull public Invoker setMergeReportFile(@Nullable File mergeReport) { mReportFile = mergeReport; return this; } /** * Add one library file manifest, will be added last in the list of library files which will * make the parameter the lowest priority library manifest file. * @param file the library manifest file to add. * @return itself. */ @NonNull public Invoker addLibraryManifest(@NonNull File file) { if (mMergeType == MergeType.LIBRARY) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot add library dependencies manifests when creating a library"); } mLibraryFilesBuilder.add(Pair.of(file.getName(), file)); return thisAsT(); } @NonNull public Invoker addLibraryManifests(@NonNull List<Pair<String, File>> namesAndFiles) { if (mMergeType == MergeType.LIBRARY && !namesAndFiles.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot add library dependencies manifests when creating a library"); } mLibraryFilesBuilder.addAll(namesAndFiles); return thisAsT(); } /** * Add several library file manifests at then end of the list which will make them the * lowest priority manifest files. The relative priority between all the files passed as * parameters will be respected. * @param files library manifest files to add last. * @return itself. */ @NonNull public Invoker addLibraryManifests(@NonNull File... files) { for (File file : files) { addLibraryManifest(file); } return thisAsT(); } /** * Add a flavor or build type manifest file last in the list. * @param file build type or flavor manifest file * @return itself. */ @NonNull public Invoker addFlavorAndBuildTypeManifest(@NonNull File file) { this.mFlavorsAndBuildTypeFiles.add(file); return thisAsT(); } /** * Add several flavor or build type manifest files last in the list. Relative priorities * between the passed files as parameters will be respected. * @param files build type of flavor manifest files to add. * @return itself. */ @NonNull public Invoker addFlavorAndBuildTypeManifests(File... files) { this.mFlavorsAndBuildTypeFiles.add(files); return thisAsT(); } /** * Sets some optional features for the merge tool. * * @param features one to many features to set. * @return itself. */ @NonNull public Invoker withFeatures(Feature...features) { mFeaturesBuilder.add(features); return thisAsT(); } /** * Sets a file stream provider which allows the client of the manifest merger to provide * arbitrary content lookup for files. <p> NOTE: There should only be one. * * @param provider the provider to use * @return itself. */ @NonNull public Invoker withFileStreamProvider(@Nullable FileStreamProvider provider) { assert mFileStreamProvider == null || provider == null; mFileStreamProvider = provider; return thisAsT(); } /** * Perform the merging and return the result. * * @return an instance of {@link com.android.manifmerger.MergingReport} that will give * access to all the logging and merging records. * * This method can be invoked several time and will re-do the file merges. * * @throws com.android.manifmerger.ManifestMerger2.MergeFailureException if the merging * cannot be completed successfully. */ @NonNull public MergingReport merge() throws MergeFailureException { // provide some free placeholders values. ImmutableMap<ManifestSystemProperty, Object> systemProperties = mSystemProperties.build(); if (systemProperties.containsKey(ManifestSystemProperty.PACKAGE)) { // if the package is provided, make it available for placeholder replacement. mPlaceholders.put(PACKAGE_NAME, systemProperties.get(ManifestSystemProperty.PACKAGE)); // as well as applicationId since package system property overrides everything // but not when output is a library since only the final (application) // application Id should be used to replace libraries "applicationId" placeholders. if (mMergeType != MergeType.LIBRARY) { mPlaceholders.put(APPLICATION_ID, systemProperties.get(ManifestSystemProperty.PACKAGE)); } } FileStreamProvider fileStreamProvider = mFileStreamProvider != null ? mFileStreamProvider : new FileStreamProvider(); ManifestMerger2 manifestMerger = new ManifestMerger2( mLogger, mMainManifestFile, mLibraryFilesBuilder.build(), mFlavorsAndBuildTypeFiles.build(), mFeaturesBuilder.build(), mPlaceholders.build(), new MapBasedKeyBasedValueResolver<ManifestSystemProperty>(systemProperties), mMergeType, Optional.fromNullable(mReportFile), fileStreamProvider); return manifestMerger.merge(); } @NonNull @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private T thisAsT() { return (T) this; } } /** * Helper class for map based placeholders key value pairs. */ public static class MapBasedKeyBasedValueResolver<T> implements KeyBasedValueResolver<T> { private final ImmutableMap<T, Object> keyValues; public MapBasedKeyBasedValueResolver(@NonNull Map<T, Object> keyValues) { this.keyValues = ImmutableMap.copyOf(keyValues); } @Nullable @Override public String getValue(@NonNull T key) { Object value = keyValues.get(key); return value == null ? null : value.toString(); } } private static class ManifestInfo { private ManifestInfo( String name, File location, XmlDocument.Type type, Optional<String> mainManifestPackageName) { mName = name; mLocation = location; mType = type; mMainManifestPackageName = mainManifestPackageName; } private final String mName; private final File mLocation; private final XmlDocument.Type mType; private final Optional<String> mMainManifestPackageName; File getLocation() { return mLocation; } XmlDocument.Type getType() { return mType; } Optional<String> getMainManifestPackageName() { return mMainManifestPackageName; } } private static class LoadedManifestInfo extends ManifestInfo { @NonNull private final XmlDocument mXmlDocument; @NonNull private final Optional<String> mOriginalPackageName; private LoadedManifestInfo(@NonNull ManifestInfo manifestInfo, @NonNull Optional<String> originalPackageName, @NonNull XmlDocument xmlDocument) { super(manifestInfo.mName, manifestInfo.mLocation, manifestInfo.mType, manifestInfo.getMainManifestPackageName()); mXmlDocument = xmlDocument; mOriginalPackageName = originalPackageName; } @NonNull public XmlDocument getXmlDocument() { return mXmlDocument; } @NonNull public Optional<String> getOriginalPackageName() { return mOriginalPackageName; } } /** * Implementation a {@link com.android.manifmerger.KeyResolver} capable of resolving all * selectors value in the context of the passed libraries to this merging activities. */ static class SelectorResolver implements KeyResolver<String> { private final Map<String, String> mSelectors = new HashMap<String, String>(); protected void addSelector(String key, String value) { mSelectors.put(key, value); } @Nullable @Override public String resolve(String key) { return mSelectors.get(key); } @NonNull @Override public Iterable<String> getKeys() { return mSelectors.keySet(); } } // a wrapper exception to all sorts of failure exceptions that can be thrown during merging. public static class MergeFailureException extends Exception { protected MergeFailureException(Exception cause) { super(cause); } } }