/* * Copyright 2014 NAVER Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.navercorp.pinpoint.plugin.redis; /** * Jedis method names * * @author jaehong.kim * */ public class JedisMethodNames { public static String[] get() { return new String[] { "get", "type", "append", "keys", "set", "exists", "sort", "rename", "hvals", "scan", "hexists", "hmget", "hincrBy", "del", "randomKey", "renamenx", "expire", "expireAt", "move", "ttl", "mget", "getSet", "setnx", "mset", "setex", "hlen", "hkeys", "hdel", "zrangeWithScores", "zrevrangeWithScores", "zrangeByScoreWithScores", "zrevrangeByScore", "zrevrangeByScoreWithScores", "zremrangeByRank", "zremrangeByScore", "objectRefcount", "objectEncoding", "objectIdletime", "incrBy", "decr", "incr", "decrBy", "msetnx", "hset", "substr", "hget", "hsetnx", "hmset", "hgetAll", "rpush", "lpush", "llen", "lrange", "ltrim", "lindex", "lset", "lrem", "lpop", "rpop", "rpoplpush", "sadd", "smembers", "srem", "spop", "smove", "scard", "sismember", "sinter", "sinterstore", "sunion", "sunionstore", "sdiff", "sdiffstore", "srandmember", "zadd", "zrange", "zrem", "zincrby", "zrank", "zrevrank", "zrevrange", "zcard", "zscore", "watch", "blpop", "brpop", "zcount", "zrangeByScore", "zunionstore", "zinterstore", "strlen", "lpushx", "persist", "rpushx", "echo", "linsert", "brpoplpush", "setbit", "getbit", "setrange", "getrange", "configGet", "configSet", "eval", "subscribe", "publish", "psubscribe", "evalsha", "scriptExists", "scriptLoad", "slowlogGet", "bitcount", "bitop", "dump", "restore", "pexpire", "pexpireAt", "pttl", "incrByFloat", "psetex", "clientKill", "clientSetname", "migrate", "hincrByFloat", "hscan", "sscan", "zscan", "shutdown", "debug", "save", "sync", "time", "select", "resetState", "configResetStat", "randomBinaryKey", "monitor", "unwatch", "slowlogReset", "slowlogLen", "ping", "quit", "flushDB", "dbSize", "flushAll", "auth", "bgsave", "bgrewriteaof", "lastsave", "slaveof", "slaveofNoOne", "getDB", "multi", "scriptFlush", "scriptKill", "clientGetname", "clientList", "slowlogGetBinary", "info" }; } }