package; import org.apache.wicket.model.IDetachable; import org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters; /** * An interface for business-related objects aimed at validating the parameters of a link. * <ul> * <li>The parameters model will be validated before parameters injection and after parameters extraction. * <li>The serialized form of the parameters ({@link PageParameters}) will be validated after parameters injection and before parameters extraction. * </ul> * <p><strong>Note:</strong> if a model validation is to be performed, the validator must hold its own reference to the model. * It must therefore take care of {@link IDetachable#detach() detaching} the model when required. */ public interface ILinkParameterValidator extends IDetachable { void validateModel(LinkParameterValidationErrorCollector collector); void validateSerialized(PageParameters parameters, LinkParameterValidationErrorCollector collector); /* * Overridden here just so that it appears at the end of the Eclipse class template when implementing. */ @Override public void detach(); }