package; import java.util.Collection; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.springframework.core.convert.TypeDescriptor; import; import fr.openwide.core.commons.util.functional.SerializableSupplier; public class LinkParameterTypeInformation<T> { /** * We must wrap the typedescriptor in a supplier, since it is not serializable, and clients are serializable (so * they cannot hold references to non-serializable objects). */ private final Supplier<? extends TypeDescriptor> typeDescriptorSupplier; private final Supplier<? extends T> emptyValueSupplier; public static <T> LinkParameterTypeInformation<T> valueOf(final Class<T> clazz) { return new LinkParameterTypeInformation<T>( new SerializableSupplier<TypeDescriptor>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public TypeDescriptor get() { return TypeDescriptor.valueOf(clazz); } }, null ); } public static <T extends Collection<TElement>, TElement> LinkParameterTypeInformation<T> collection( final Class<? super T> clazz, final Class<TElement> elementType) { return new LinkParameterTypeInformation<T>( new SerializableSupplier<TypeDescriptor>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public TypeDescriptor get() { return TypeDescriptor.collection(clazz, TypeDescriptor.valueOf(elementType)); } }, null ); } public static <T extends Collection<?>> LinkParameterTypeInformation<T> collection( final Class<? super T> clazz, final TypeDescriptor elementType) { return new LinkParameterTypeInformation<T>( new SerializableSupplier<TypeDescriptor>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public TypeDescriptor get() { return TypeDescriptor.collection(clazz, elementType); } }, null ); } public static <T extends Collection<?>> LinkParameterTypeInformation<T> collection( final Class<? super T> clazz, final TypeDescriptor elementType, Supplier<? extends T> emptyValueSupplier) { return new LinkParameterTypeInformation<T>( new SerializableSupplier<TypeDescriptor>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public TypeDescriptor get() { return TypeDescriptor.collection(clazz, elementType); } }, emptyValueSupplier ); } private LinkParameterTypeInformation(Supplier<? extends TypeDescriptor> typeDescriptorSupplier, Supplier<? extends T> emptyValueSupplier) { super(); this.typeDescriptorSupplier = typeDescriptorSupplier; this.emptyValueSupplier = emptyValueSupplier; } public Supplier<? extends TypeDescriptor> getTypeDescriptorSupplier() { return typeDescriptorSupplier; } @Nullable public Supplier<? extends T> getEmptyValueSupplier() { return emptyValueSupplier; } }