package org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.ui.tree; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import org.nightlabs.jdo.ObjectID; import; import org.nightlabs.util.CollectionUtil; /** * General methods for interacting with the {@link PersonRelationTree}, its {@link PersonRelationTreeNode}s, and * to a certain extent, its {@link PersonRelationTreeController} too. * * @author khaireel at nightlabs dot de */ public final class PersonRelationTreeUtil { /** * @return the {@link PersonRelationTreeNode} containing within it's JDOObjectID, the given objectID. * Returns null if the node cannot be found. */ public static <N extends PersonRelationTreeNode> N getNodeFromObjectID(Set<N> parentNodes, ObjectID objectID) { if (parentNodes == null) return null; for (N node : parentNodes) if (node != null) { ObjectID jdoObjectID = node.getJdoObjectID(); if (jdoObjectID != null && jdoObjectID.equals(objectID)) return node; } return null; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> // Debug string helpers. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> // I. Quick debug. public static String showDequePaths(String preamble, Deque<? extends ObjectID> path, boolean isReversed) { String str = "++ " + preamble + " :: {"; Iterator<? extends ObjectID> iter = isReversed ? path.descendingIterator() : path.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) str += showObjectID(; return str + "}"; } // II. Quick debug. public static String showObjectIDs(String preamble, Collection<? extends ObjectID> objIDs, int modLnCnt) { if (objIDs == null) return preamble + " :: NULL"; int len = objIDs.size(); String str = preamble + " (size: " + len + ") :: {" + (len > modLnCnt ? "\n " : " "); int ctr = 0; for (ObjectID objectID : objIDs) { str += "(" + ctr + ")" + showObjectID(objectID, true) + " "; ctr++; if (ctr % modLnCnt == 0) str += "\n "; } return str + (len > modLnCnt ? "\n }" : "}"); } // II.a public static String showObjectIDs(String preamble, ObjectID[] objIDs, int modLnCnt) { return showObjectIDs(preamble, CollectionUtil.array2ArrayList(objIDs), modLnCnt); } // III. Quick debug. public static String showObjectID(ObjectID objectID) { return showObjectID(objectID, false); } // III.a Quick debug. public static String showObjectID(ObjectID objectID, boolean isShortened) { if (objectID == null) return "[null]"; String[] segID = objectID.toString().split("&"); String str = segID[1]; if (isShortened) { str = str.replaceFirst("propertySetID", "pSid"); str = str.replaceFirst("personRelationID", "pRid"); } return "[" + str + "]"; } // IV. Quick debug. public static String showNodeObjectIDs(String preamble, Collection<? extends PersonRelationTreeNode> nodes, int modLnCnt, boolean isShowPropertySetID) { if (nodes == null) return preamble + " :: NULL"; int len = nodes.size(); String str = preamble + " (size: " + len + ") :: {" + (len > modLnCnt ? "\n " : " ") + "Nodes ~~ "; int ctr = 0; for (PersonRelationTreeNode node : nodes) { str += "(" + ctr + ")"; if (node == null) str += "[Node:null] "; else { str += showObjectID(isShowPropertySetID ? node.getPropertySetID() : node.getJdoObjectID(), true); str += "[" + node.getChildNodeCount() + "]"; str += "<Obj:" + (node.getJdoObject() == null ? "null" : "Y") + ">"; str += " "; } ctr++; if (ctr % modLnCnt == 0) str += "\n "; } return str + (len > modLnCnt ? "\n }" : "}"); } // IV.a. public static <T extends PersonRelationTreeNode> String showNodeObjectIDs(String preamble, T[] nodes, int modLnCnt, boolean isShowPropertySetID) { return showNodeObjectIDs(preamble, CollectionUtil.array2ArrayList(nodes), modLnCnt, isShowPropertySetID); } // V. Quick debug. public static String showQuickNodeInfo(PersonRelationTreeNode node) { ObjectID jdoObjectID = node.getJdoObjectID(); PropertySetID propertySetID = node.getPropertySetID(); String str = jdoObjectID == null ? "[ObjectID:null]" : showObjectID(jdoObjectID); str += ", " + (propertySetID == null ? "[PropertySetID:null]" : showObjectID(propertySetID)); return str; } }