package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.nightlabs.jdo.ObjectID; import org.nightlabs.jfire.base.ui.jdo.tree.lazy.JDOLazyTreeNodesChangedEvent; import org.nightlabs.jfire.base.ui.jdo.tree.lazy.JDOObjectLazyTreeNode; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.PersonRelationManagerRemote.TuckedQueryCount; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.dao.PersonRelationDAO; import; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.ui.tree.PersonRelationTreeController; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.ui.tree.PersonRelationTreeNode; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.ui.tree.PersonRelationTreeUtil; import; import org.nightlabs.progress.NullProgressMonitor; import org.nightlabs.progress.ProgressMonitor; import org.nightlabs.progress.SubProgressMonitor; import org.nightlabs.util.CollectionUtil; /** * A specialised {@link PersonRelationTreeController} to handle {@link TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode}. * * @author khaireel (at) nightlabs (dot) de */ public class TuckedPersonRelationTreeController extends PersonRelationTreeController<TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode> { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TuckedPersonRelationTreeController.class); // Maintain some sort of synchronicity between the two paths; and one that will provide constant time reference in // retrieving relatable information between a PRID and its corresponding PSID (and vice-versa). private Map<Integer, Deque<ObjectID>> tuckedPRIDPathMaps = null; // <-- mixed PropertySetID & PersonRelationID. private Map<Integer, Deque<ObjectID>> tuckedPSIDPathMaps = null; // <-- PropertySetID only. /** * Set the controller's internal information manipulator for the original tuckedPaths. * @see PersonRelationDAO.getRelationRootNodes(). */ public void setTuckedPaths(Map<Class<? extends ObjectID>, List<Deque<ObjectID>>> tuckedPaths) { List<Deque<ObjectID>> pathsToRoot_PRID = tuckedPaths.get(PersonRelationID.class); // <-- mixed PropertySetID & PersonRelationID. List<Deque<ObjectID>> pathsToRoot_PSID = tuckedPaths.get(PropertySetID.class); // <-- PropertySetID only. // Initialise the path-expansion trackers. tuckedPRIDPathMaps = new HashMap<Integer, Deque<ObjectID>>(pathsToRoot_PRID.size()); tuckedPSIDPathMaps = new HashMap<Integer, Deque<ObjectID>>(pathsToRoot_PRID.size()); Iterator<Deque<ObjectID>> iterPaths_PRID = pathsToRoot_PRID.iterator(); Iterator<Deque<ObjectID>> iterPaths_PSID = pathsToRoot_PSID.iterator(); int index = 0; while (iterPaths_PSID.hasNext()) { tuckedPRIDPathMaps.put(index,; tuckedPSIDPathMaps.put(index,; index++; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******"); logger.debug(" @setTuckedPaths :: paths received = " + index); logger.debug("******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******"); for(int i=0; i<index; i++) logger.debug(PersonRelationTreeUtil.showObjectIDs("PSID-path @ref=" + i, tuckedPSIDPathMaps.get(i), 10)); logger.debug(".............................................................................................."); for(int i=0; i<index; i++) logger.debug(PersonRelationTreeUtil.showObjectIDs("PRID-path @ref=" + i, tuckedPRIDPathMaps.get(i), 10)); logger.debug("******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******--******"); } } @Override protected TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode createNode() { return new TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> // Handles the interaction to change a node's status from TUCKED to UNTUCKED, and vice-versa. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> /** * Given a set of parentsToRefresh in the changedEvent, we specifically look into the node's getStatusToChangeTo() method * and work to properly change it's status. */ protected void fireTuckChangedEvent(JDOLazyTreeNodesChangedEvent<ObjectID, TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode> changedEvent, ProgressMonitor monitor) { Set<TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode> parentsToRefresh = changedEvent.getParentsToRefresh(); for (TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode parentNode : parentsToRefresh) { // Status change: From TUCKED to UNTUCKED. if (parentNode.getStatusToChangeTo().equals(TuckedNodeStatus.UNTUCKED)) { // 1. Retrieve the children. // 2. Create (a new node) + add only those children that are not already loaded. Collection<ObjectID> childObjectIDs = retrieveChildObjectIDs(parentNode, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 80)); Set<ObjectID> nextObjectIDsOnPath = getNextObjectIDOnPath(parentNode); // <-- The node representing this ObjectID is ALWAYS loaded, whether the node is TUCKED or UNTUCKED. for (ObjectID objectID : childObjectIDs) if (!nextObjectIDsOnPath.contains(objectID)) parentNode.addChildNode(createOrRetrieveChildNodeByObjectID(parentNode, objectID)); parentNode.setTuckedStatus(TuckedNodeStatus.UNTUCKED); parentNode.setStatusToChangeTo(TuckedNodeStatus.UNSET); } // Status change: From UNTUCKED back to TUCKED. else if (parentNode.getStatusToChangeTo().equals(TuckedNodeStatus.TUCKED)) { // The set of TUCKED nodes are exactly from the same set of UNTUCKED nodes, which we have already created when // dealing with the status change form TUCKED to UNTUCKED. And also, we have kept a reference in the node's very // own loadedTuckedChildren, for use in future references. Collection<ObjectID> childObjectIDs = retrieveChildObjectIDs(parentNode, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 80)); List<JDOObjectLazyTreeNode<ObjectID, Object, PersonRelationTreeController<? extends PersonRelationTreeNode>>> subListOfTuckedNodes = new ArrayList<JDOObjectLazyTreeNode<ObjectID,Object,PersonRelationTreeController<? extends PersonRelationTreeNode>>>(childObjectIDs.size()); for (ObjectID objectID : childObjectIDs) subListOfTuckedNodes.add(createOrRetrieveChildNodeByObjectID(parentNode, objectID)); parentNode.setChildNodes(subListOfTuckedNodes); parentNode.setTuckedStatus(TuckedNodeStatus.TUCKED); parentNode.setStatusToChangeTo(TuckedNodeStatus.UNSET); } } // Done. Now react to the new changes. onJDOObjectsChanged(new JDOLazyTreeNodesChangedEvent<ObjectID, TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode>(changedEvent.getSource(), parentsToRefresh)); } /** * Consults the parentNode's previously loaded child nodes on UNTUCKing (but which are not present due to a subsequent TUCK). * @return the childNode representing the given objectID, if one is already existing. Otherwise, we create a new node, and * have it initialised accordingly. */ private TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode createOrRetrieveChildNodeByObjectID(TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode parentNode, ObjectID objectID) { TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode childNode = parentNode.getLoadedTuckedChildByObjectID(objectID); if (childNode == null) { childNode = createNode(); childNode.setActiveJDOObjectLazyTreeController(TuckedPersonRelationTreeController.this); childNode.setParent(parentNode); childNode.setJdoObjectID(objectID); addTreeNode(childNode); // <-- For the controller's internal map: objectID2TreeNodeList } return childNode; } @Override protected void onJDOObjectsChanged(JDOLazyTreeNodesChangedEvent<ObjectID, TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode> changedEvent) { // Tucked information (basically the child counting) may have changed and needs to be refreshed. Set<TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode> parentsToRefresh = changedEvent.getParentsToRefresh(); if (!(changedEvent.getSource() instanceof TuckedPersonRelationTree) && parentsToRefresh != null && !parentsToRefresh.isEmpty()) { for (TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode parentNode : parentsToRefresh) if (parentNode != null) updateTuckedNodeChildCounts(parentNode, new NullProgressMonitor()); // FIXME Put a proper monitor here? } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> // Retrieving COUNTs of the children of a given SET of personIDs. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> /** * Upon consolidation, we have made it possible to handle the 'general' case of retrieving {@link TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode}'s childCounts. * The only exception here is that if we find cases where the objectIDs (or the nodes containing the objectIDs) are not in our tuckedPath, * then we need to refer them to the super class's methods which should then handle the separate cases between {@link PropertySetID}s and * {@link PersonRelationID}s. These 'unhandled' objectIDs are placed back in the parameter unhandledObjectIDs, and the method calling this * general method should handle this case independently. */ protected <T extends ObjectID> Map<ObjectID, Long> retrieveTuckedNodeChildCount (Map<ObjectID, Long> result, Set<TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode> parentNodes, Set<T> objectIDs, Set<T> unhandledObjectIDs, ProgressMonitor monitor, int tix) { // [Note. A.] When our tuckedPath ends, we should get nextIDOnPath == null. In this case, personRelationIDs we come across should not be affect // with our tucked-node methodologies. We gather these IDs and then later on relegate them back to the super class's method. for (T objectID : objectIDs) { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> CONSOLIDATED for codes-optimality ------------>>---|| // [I] Fetch our related tuckedNode. TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode tuckedNode = getTuckedNodeFromObjectID(parentNodes, objectID); if (tuckedNode == null) { // <-- When we dont recognise a tuckedNode from our tuckedPath, we simply relegate the ID back to the super class's method. unhandledObjectIDs.add(objectID); monitor.worked(1); continue; } // [II] Update its childCounts. boolean isChildCountsUpdated = updateTuckedNodeChildCounts(tuckedNode, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 10)); if (!isChildCountsUpdated) { // <-- See [Note. A.] unhandledObjectIDs.add(objectID); monitor.worked(1); continue; } // [III] If we got all the way up to this point, then we have successfully gotten our tuckedNode 'set'. result.put(objectID, tuckedNode.getChildNodeCount()); monitor.worked(1); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> CONSOLIDATED for codes-optimality ------------>>---|| if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("*** " + tuckedNode.toDebugString()); } return result; } @Override protected Map<ObjectID, Long> retrieveChildCountByPersonRelationIDs (Map<ObjectID, Long> result, Set<TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode> parentNodes, Set<PersonRelationID> personRelationIDs, ProgressMonitor monitor, int tix) { ProgressMonitor subMonitor = new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, tix); subMonitor.beginTask("Retrieving child count...", personRelationIDs.size()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm here: @retrieve--[[ChildCount]]--ByPersonRelationIDs."); Set<PersonRelationID> unhandledPersonRelationIDs = new HashSet<PersonRelationID>(); result = retrieveTuckedNodeChildCount(result, parentNodes, personRelationIDs, unhandledPersonRelationIDs, subMonitor, tix); // <-- Factorised. Since 2010.03.31. // If there exists any personRelationIDs that has not been handled for the tucked situation, we let the super class handle them. if (!unhandledPersonRelationIDs.isEmpty()) result = super.retrieveChildCountByPersonRelationIDs(result, parentNodes, unhandledPersonRelationIDs, subMonitor, tix); subMonitor.done(); return result; } @Override protected Map<ObjectID, Long> retrieveChildCountByPropertySetIDs (Map<ObjectID, Long> result, Set<TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode> parentNodes, Set<PropertySetID> personIDs, ProgressMonitor monitor, int tix) { // This should be about as similar as the previous method: retrieveChildCountByPersonRelationIDs(). ProgressMonitor subMonitor = new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, tix); subMonitor.beginTask("Retrieving child count...", personIDs.size()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("@retrieve..ChildCount..By<<PropertySetID>>s"); Set<PropertySetID> unhandledPersonIDs = new HashSet<PropertySetID>(); result = retrieveTuckedNodeChildCount(result, parentNodes, personIDs, unhandledPersonIDs, subMonitor, tix); // <-- Factorised. Since 2010.03.31. // If there exists any personRelationIDs that has not been handled for the tucked situation, we let // the super class handle them. if (!unhandledPersonIDs.isEmpty()) result = super.retrieveChildCountByPropertySetIDs(result, parentNodes, unhandledPersonIDs, subMonitor, tix); subMonitor.done(); return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> /** * Given a proper {@link TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode}, we check to see if the {@link ObjectID} it carries lie on the * known tuckedPath. If so, we retrieve the childCounts for both actual and tucked. This, however, shall NOT set the * status of the tuckedNode. * @return true if the given tuckedNode has had both its childCounts updated. */ protected boolean updateTuckedNodeChildCounts(TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode tuckedNode, ProgressMonitor monitor) { Set<PropertySetID> nextIDsOnPath = getNextRelatedPropertySetIDOnPath(tuckedNode); // [Note. A.] When our tuckedPath ends, we should get nextIDOnPath == null. In this case, the personIDs we come across should not be affect // with our tucked-node methodologies. We gather these IDs and then later on relegate them back to the super class's method. if (nextIDsOnPath == null) return false; Set<PropertySetID> propertySetIDsToRoot = CollectionUtil.createHashSetFromCollection(tuckedNode.getPropertySetIDsToRoot()); // FIXME This is dangerous! Kai. PropertySetID nodePropertySetID = tuckedNode.getPropertySetID(); if (nodePropertySetID == null) // <-- It is possible that parentNode.getPropertySetID() returns null. But at this point, we know that the next element on the tuckedPath exists! nodePropertySetID = getCorrespondingPSID(tuckedNode); TuckedQueryCount tqCount = PersonRelationDAO.sharedInstance().getTuckedPersonRelationCount( null, nodePropertySetID, propertySetIDsToRoot, nextIDsOnPath, new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 20)); tuckedNode.setActualChildCount(tqCount.actualChildCount); tuckedNode.setTuckedChildCount(tqCount.tuckedChildCount); return true; } /** * @return the {@link TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode} containing within it's JDOObjectID, the given objectID. * Returns null if the node cannot be found. */ private TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode getTuckedNodeFromObjectID(Set<TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode> parentNodes, ObjectID objectID) { if (parentNodes == null) return null; for (TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode tuckedNode : parentNodes) if (tuckedNode != null) { ObjectID jdoObjectID = tuckedNode.getJdoObjectID(); if (jdoObjectID != null && jdoObjectID.equals(objectID)) return tuckedNode; } return null; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> // Retrieving ObjectIDs of the children of a given parentNode. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> @Override protected Collection<ObjectID> retrieveChildObjectIDsByPersonRelationIDs(TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode parentNode, ProgressMonitor monitor) { // We need some kind of coordination, in order to know what to load here. Done. // This depends on the information we can gather from the parentNode: check the status indicated by getStatusToChangeTo(). if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm here: @retrieveChild--((ObjectID))--sByPersonRelationIDs"); logger.debug(" ::: parentNode: " + PersonRelationTreeUtil.showObjectID(parentNode.getPropertySetID()) + ", statusToChangeTo: " + parentNode.getStatusToChangeTo()); } // Our tucked-situational environment is rather unique: // The tucked-path is ALWAYs known before hand; i.e. upon initiation, we have the required tucked path, which is the basis for the entire TuckedNode concept. // Thus, at any node we encounter, we already know what the next PropertySetID is going to be, and so we don't need to fetch that ID again. This was // previously done by first fetching the PersonRelation and then through it we access the getToID(). Note that it is possible to have null, which simply // carries two meanings: 1. we have reached the end of the line, or 2. ALL child nodes need to be fetched, since they don't belong to the tuckedPath. Collection<ObjectID> result = new ArrayList<ObjectID>(); ObjectID parentID = parentNode.getJdoObjectID(); // <-- This parentID is a 'PersonRelationID'. Set<PropertySetID> nextIDsOnPath = getNextRelatedPropertySetIDOnPath(parentNode); PropertySetID correspondingPSID = getCorrespondingPSID(parentNode); // <-- This is the same as the original getToID(). And, only if the parentNode has been instantiated, then this is the same as parentNode.getPropertySetID(). if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("~~ CHECK I: correspondingPSID = " + PersonRelationTreeUtil.showObjectID(correspondingPSID)); logger.debug(PersonRelationTreeUtil.showObjectIDs(" nextIDsOnPath ", nextIDsOnPath, 10)); } // [Guard check 1] Here, if our nextIDOnPath is null, then this node should be treated as a normal node; i.e. and if we check its status, we should also see 'TuckedNodeStatus.NORMAL'. if (nextIDsOnPath == null) return parentID instanceof PersonRelationID ? super.retrieveChildObjectIDsByPersonRelationIDs(parentNode, monitor) : super.retrieveChildObjectIDsByPropertySetIDs(parentNode, monitor); // [Guard check 2] No need to handle a node that has already been handled. PropertySetID parentPSID = parentNode.getPropertySetID(); TuckedNodeStatus statusToChangeTo = parentNode.getStatusToChangeTo(); if (parentPSID != null && statusToChangeTo.equals(TuckedNodeStatus.UNSET)) return result; // Load the ID's accordingly. These are the cases that we need to adhere to. (since 2010.03.28) // [Case 1]:: Upon first load. Condition: parentNode.getPropertySetID() == null. Reaction: Default --> treat parentNode as a TuckedNode. // [Case 2]:: Change of status from TUCKED to UNTUCKED. Condition: parentNode.getStatusToChangeTo() == UNTUCKED. Reaction: Untuck parentNode, and retrieve all childObjectIDs as per normal. // [Case 3]:: Change of status from UNTUCKED to TUCKED. Condition: parentNode.getStatusToChangeTo() == TUCKED. Reaction: Default --> treat parentNode as a TuckedNode. // [General case]: Ensure that the TuckedNode internal information is current. Set<PropertySetID> propertySetIDsToRoot = CollectionUtil.createHashSetFromCollection(parentNode.getPropertySetIDsToRoot()); TuckedQueryCount tqCount = PersonRelationDAO.sharedInstance().getTuckedPersonRelationCount( null, correspondingPSID, propertySetIDsToRoot, nextIDsOnPath, //CollectionUtil.createHashSet(nextIDOnPath), new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 80)); parentNode.setActualChildCount(tqCount.actualChildCount); parentNode.setTuckedChildCount(tqCount.tuckedChildCount); // The filtered IDs that we want. Collection<PersonRelationID> filteredPersonRelationIDs = null; // These two conditions are NOT mutually exclusive. boolean isHandleTuckedRetrieval = parentPSID == null || statusToChangeTo.equals(TuckedNodeStatus.TUCKED); boolean isHandleUnTuckedRetrieval = statusToChangeTo.equals(TuckedNodeStatus.UNTUCKED); // Now we handle [Case 1] and [Case 3]. if (isHandleTuckedRetrieval) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(":::: Handling [Case 1] and [Case 3] :::: ::::::::::::::::::::"); filteredPersonRelationIDs = PersonRelationDAO.sharedInstance().getInclusiveFilteredPersonRelationIDs( null, correspondingPSID, null, null, nextIDsOnPath, getPersonRelationComparator(), new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 80)); parentNode.setTuckedStatus(TuckedNodeStatus.TUCKED); } // Handle [Case 2]. else if (isHandleUnTuckedRetrieval) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(":::: Handling [Case 2] :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"); filteredPersonRelationIDs = PersonRelationDAO.sharedInstance().getFilteredPersonRelationIDs( null, correspondingPSID, null, null, propertySetIDsToRoot, getPersonRelationComparator(), new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 80)); parentNode.setTuckedStatus(TuckedNodeStatus.UNTUCKED); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------->>> " + parentNode.toDebugString()); // Tidy up, and we're done. if (filteredPersonRelationIDs != null) { parentNode.setChildNodeCount(filteredPersonRelationIDs.size()); result.addAll(filteredPersonRelationIDs); } return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> @Override protected Collection<ObjectID> retrieveChildObjectIDsByPropertySetIDs(TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode parentNode, ProgressMonitor monitor) { // Similar to the method retrieveChildObjectIDsByPersonRelationIDs, we need some kind of coordination. // And theoretically, we can handle them collectively! ... and so far, the theory is holding :) if (!parentNode.isNodeSet()) parentNode.setStatusToChangeTo(TuckedNodeStatus.TUCKED); // <-- We just need to ensure that the node is TUCKED upon initialisation. if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm here: @retrieveChild--((ObjectID))--sByPropertySetIDs"); return retrieveChildObjectIDsByPersonRelationIDs(parentNode, monitor); // <-- Factorised since 2010.03.30. } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> // These manage the the correlated correspondence between the tuckedPSIDPaths and tuckedPRIDPaths. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ++ ------>> // Notes on the multiple forked paths: // Let P1, P2, ..., Pn be the n unique paths in PSIDPaths. // Let P' \subset PSIDPaths so that P' is the set of unique paths containing an element e. // Then the following is true: // (i) Each subPath from the element e to the root, for all paths in P', is unique; and // (ii) Each subPath from the element e to the final-child, for all paths in P', is the same. // // This means that we can correctly identify the correct path P \elementOf PSIDPaths, given an element e, if and only if we // we have the subPath from the element e to the root. /** * @return the reference indexes to all the paths containing the mathing subPath-to-the-root based on the given tuckedNode. * Returns an empty list if no reference(s) to the path can be found. */ private List<Integer> getPathIndexReferences(TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode tuckedNode) { LinkedList<Integer> indexRefs = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // For the correct identification of the path's index, the given tuckedNode must have already been duly and correctly initialised. LinkedList<ObjectID> objectIDsToRoot = (LinkedList<ObjectID>) tuckedNode.getJDOObjectIDsToRoot(); // The root reference is at the beginning of this List. for (int index = 0; index < tuckedPRIDPathMaps.size(); index++) { Deque<ObjectID> tuckedPRIDPath = tuckedPRIDPathMaps.get(index); // [Note. B.] The root reference is at the END of this Deque. Yeah, I know, how stupidly annoying... Kai :/ Iterator<ObjectID> iterPRIDPath = tuckedPRIDPath.iterator(); // This loop terminates on three conditions: // 1. CLEANLY. When both paths we are comparing are the same length, and have exactly the same elements. // 2. CLEANLY. When objectIDsToRoot is exactly a subPath of iterPRIDPath. --> In which case, we simply keep the index value at where we stopped. // 3. When we find disequality between elements. boolean isSubPath = true; for(Iterator<ObjectID> iterObjectID = objectIDsToRoot.descendingIterator(); iterObjectID.hasNext(); ) { // See reason in [Note. B.] above. ObjectID objectID =; if (!iterPRIDPath.hasNext()) // [Case 2.] If we survive up till here, which means we have exhausted the elements in objectIDsToRoot, which means we have found the correct index reference. break; if (! { // [Case 3.] isSubPath = false; break; } } if (isSubPath) // [Case 1.] indexRefs.add(index); } return indexRefs; } /** * @return the next {@link PropertySetID}s on the related tuckedPSIDpath, based on the {@link ObjectID} from the given tuckedNode. * Returns null, if no match is found. */ private Set<PropertySetID> getNextRelatedPropertySetIDOnPath(TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode tuckedNode) { List<Integer> indexes = getPathIndexReferences(tuckedNode); if (indexes.isEmpty()) return null; Set<PropertySetID> propertySetIDs = null; for (Integer index : indexes) { Deque<ObjectID> tuckedPRIDPath = tuckedPRIDPathMaps.get(index); Deque<ObjectID> tuckedPSIDPath = tuckedPSIDPathMaps.get(index); Iterator<ObjectID> iterPRID = tuckedPRIDPath.iterator(); Iterator<ObjectID> iterPSID = tuckedPSIDPath.iterator(); while (iterPRID.hasNext()) {; if ( && iterPSID.hasNext()) { // return (PropertySetID) (iterPSID.hasNext() ? : null); // <-- Original: Handles the singular form. if (propertySetIDs == null) propertySetIDs = new HashSet<PropertySetID>(); propertySetIDs.add((PropertySetID); break; } } } return propertySetIDs; } /** * @return the next {@link ObjectID}s on the related tuckedPRIDPath, based on the {@link ObjectID} from the given tuckedNode. * Returns null, if not match is found. */ private Set<ObjectID> getNextObjectIDOnPath(TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode tuckedNode) { List<Integer> indexes = getPathIndexReferences(tuckedNode); if (indexes.isEmpty()) return null; Set<ObjectID> objectIDs = null; for (Integer index : indexes) { Deque<ObjectID> tuckedPRIDPath = tuckedPRIDPathMaps.get(index); Iterator<ObjectID> iterPRID = tuckedPRIDPath.iterator(); while (iterPRID.hasNext()) { if ( && iterPRID.hasNext()) { // return iterPRID.hasNext() ? : null; // <-- Original: Handles the 'singular' form. if (objectIDs == null) objectIDs = new HashSet<ObjectID>(); objectIDs.add(; break; } } } return objectIDs; } /** * @return the corresponding {@link PropertySetID}, based on the {@link ObjectID} from the given tuckedNode. * Returns null, if no match is found. */ private PropertySetID getCorrespondingPSID(TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode tuckedNode) { List<Integer> indexes = getPathIndexReferences(tuckedNode); if (indexes.isEmpty()) return null; Deque<ObjectID> tuckedPRIDPath = tuckedPRIDPathMaps.get(indexes.get(0)); Deque<ObjectID> tuckedPSIDPath = tuckedPSIDPathMaps.get(indexes.get(0)); Iterator<ObjectID> iterPRID = tuckedPRIDPath.iterator(); Iterator<ObjectID> iterPSID = tuckedPSIDPath.iterator(); while (iterPRID.hasNext()) { ObjectID psID =; if ( return (PropertySetID) psID; } return null; } /** * @return the sub-path of the tuckedPRIDpath, up to and inclusive of the currentID in the given tuckedNode. * Returns null if the given currentID is not found in any of the known tuckedPRIDpaths. */ protected Deque<ObjectID> getSubPathUpUntilCurrentID(TuckedPersonRelationTreeNode tuckedNode) { List<Integer> indexes = getPathIndexReferences(tuckedNode); if (indexes.isEmpty()) return null; Deque<ObjectID> tuckedPRIDPath = tuckedPRIDPathMaps.get(indexes.get(0)); Deque<ObjectID> subPath = new LinkedList<ObjectID>(); for (ObjectID objectID : tuckedPRIDPath) { subPath.add(objectID); if (objectID.equals(tuckedNode.getJdoObjectID())) return subPath; } return null; } }