Java Examples for org.eclipse.xsd.XSDEnumerationFacet

The following java examples will help you to understand the usage of org.eclipse.xsd.XSDEnumerationFacet. These source code samples are taken from different open source projects.

Example 1
Project: turmeric-eclipse-master  File: View source code
	 * process XSDSimpleTypeDefinition instance
	 * @param complex
	 * @return
	 * @throws ImportTypeException
private ImportTypeModel processSimpleTypeDef(XSDSimpleTypeDefinition simple) throws ImportTypeException {
    TypeParamModel model = null;
    EList<XSDEnumerationFacet> enums = simple.getEnumerationFacets();
    if (enums == null || enums.size() == 0) {
        model = new SimpleTypeParamModel();
        SOAXSDTemplateSubType simpleType = SOAXSDTemplateSubType.SIMPLE;
    } else {
        EnumTypeParamModel enummodel = new EnumTypeParamModel();
        model = enummodel;
        SOAXSDTemplateSubType enumType = SOAXSDTemplateSubType.ENUM;
        String templateFile = getTemplateFile(enumType);
        EnumTableModel[] enumItems = new EnumTableModel[enums.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < enums.size(); i++) {
            XSDEnumerationFacet facet = enums.get(i);
            enumItems[i] = new EnumTableModel();
            String description = getDescriptionFromAnnotation(facet.getAnnotation());
    String typeName = simple.getName();
    if (typeName == null) {
        typeName = "";
    // String version = simple.getSchema().getVersion();
    XSDTypeDefinition typeDef = simple.getBaseType();
    String baseType = typeDef.getName();
    String namespace = simple.getTargetNamespace();
    String description = getDescriptionFromAnnotations(simple.getAnnotations());
    // model.setVersion(version);
    ImportTypeModel importModel = new ImportTypeModel(model);
    return importModel;
Example 2
Project: webtools.sourceediting-master  File: View source code
private static void getEnumeratedValuesForSimpleType(XSDTypeDefinition type, List result) {
    List enumerationFacets = ((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) type).getEnumerationFacets();
    for (Iterator i = enumerationFacets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        XSDEnumerationFacet enumFacet = (XSDEnumerationFacet);
        List values = enumFacet.getValue();
        for (Iterator j = values.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
            Object o =;
            if (o != null) {
                if (!result.contains(o)) {
Example 3
Project: rinzo-xml-editor-master  File: View source code
public Collection<String> getAcceptableValues() {
    Collection<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (Iterator iterator = this.attribute.getTypeDefinition().getFacetContents().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        Object next =;
        if (next instanceof XSDEnumerationFacet) {
            XSDEnumerationFacet enumerationElement = (XSDEnumerationFacet) next;
    return result;
Example 4
Project: teiid-designer-master  File: View source code
     * Sets the core value of the specified facet. If facet cannot be properly modified to match fv, facets will be added or
     * removed as necessary to make it work. This occurs when a min or max value is changed from inclusive to exclusive, and when
     * dealing with patterns and enumerations.
     * @param facet
     * @param fv
private static XSDConstrainingFacet setMainFacetValue(XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type, XSDConstrainingFacet facet, Object value) {
    int facetClassifierID = facet.eClass().getClassifierID();
    switch(facetClassifierID) {
        case XSDPackage.XSD_LENGTH_FACET:
                XSDLengthFacet lf = (XSDLengthFacet) facet;
                if (value instanceof Integer) {
                    Integer i = (Integer) value;
                } else if (value instanceof InclusiveInteger) {
                    InclusiveInteger ii = (InclusiveInteger) value;
            // endif
        case XSDPackage.XSD_MAX_LENGTH_FACET:
                XSDMaxLengthFacet mf = (XSDMaxLengthFacet) facet;
                if (value instanceof Integer) {
                    Integer i = (Integer) value;
                } else if (value instanceof InclusiveInteger) {
                    InclusiveInteger ii = (InclusiveInteger) value;
            // endif
        case XSDPackage.XSD_MIN_LENGTH_FACET:
                XSDMinLengthFacet mf = (XSDMinLengthFacet) facet;
                if (value instanceof Integer) {
                    Integer i = (Integer) value;
                } else if (value instanceof InclusiveInteger) {
                    InclusiveInteger ii = (InclusiveInteger) value;
            // endif
        case XSDPackage.XSD_PATTERN_FACET:
                XSDPatternFacet pf = (XSDPatternFacet) facet;
                pf.setLexicalValue((String) value);
        case XSDPackage.XSD_ENUMERATION_FACET:
                XSDEnumerationFacet ef = (XSDEnumerationFacet) facet;
                ef.setLexicalValue((String) value);
        case XSDPackage.XSD_WHITE_SPACE_FACET:
                XSDWhiteSpaceFacet wf = (XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) facet;
                if (value instanceof String) {
                    String white = (String) value;
            // endif
        case XSDPackage.XSD_MIN_EXCLUSIVE_FACET:
        case XSDPackage.XSD_MIN_INCLUSIVE_FACET:
                XSDMinFacet mf = (XSDMinFacet) facet;
                if (value instanceof Integer) {
                    Integer i = (Integer) value;
                } else if (value instanceof InclusiveInteger) {
                    InclusiveInteger ii = (InclusiveInteger) value;
                    if (ii.isInclusive == mf.isInclusive()) {
                        // same inclusive types, don't need to do anything crazy
                    } else {
                        XSDMinFacet mf2;
                        if (ii.isInclusive) {
                            mf2 = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDMinInclusiveFacet();
                        } else {
                            mf2 = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDMinExclusiveFacet();
                        // endif
                        try {
                            // remove old:
                            ModelerCore.getModelEditor().removeValue(type, mf, type.getFacetContents());
                            // add the copy:
                            ModelerCore.getModelEditor().addValue(type, mf2, type.getFacetContents());
                            // update the return value:
                            facet = mf2;
                        } catch (ModelerCoreException err) {
                        return mf2;
                // endif -- same inclusive
            // endif -- integer or iinteger
        case XSDPackage.XSD_MAX_EXCLUSIVE_FACET:
        case XSDPackage.XSD_MAX_INCLUSIVE_FACET:
                XSDMaxFacet mf = (XSDMaxFacet) facet;
                if (value instanceof Integer) {
                    Integer i = (Integer) value;
                } else if (value instanceof InclusiveInteger) {
                    InclusiveInteger ii = (InclusiveInteger) value;
                    if (ii.isInclusive == mf.isInclusive()) {
                        // same inclusive types, don't need to do anything crazy
                    } else {
                        XSDMaxFacet mf2;
                        if (ii.isInclusive) {
                            mf2 = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDMaxInclusiveFacet();
                        } else {
                            mf2 = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDMaxExclusiveFacet();
                        // endif
                        try {
                            // remove old:
                            ModelerCore.getModelEditor().removeValue(type, mf, type.getFacetContents());
                            // add the copy:
                            ModelerCore.getModelEditor().addValue(type, mf2, type.getFacetContents());
                            // update the return value:
                            facet = mf2;
                        } catch (ModelerCoreException err) {
                        return mf2;
                // endif -- same inclusive
            // endif -- integer or iinteger
                XSDFractionDigitsFacet ff = (XSDFractionDigitsFacet) facet;
                if (value instanceof Integer) {
                    Integer i = (Integer) value;
                } else if (value instanceof InclusiveInteger) {
                    InclusiveInteger ii = (InclusiveInteger) value;
            // endif
        case XSDPackage.XSD_TOTAL_DIGITS_FACET:
                XSDTotalDigitsFacet tf = (XSDTotalDigitsFacet) facet;
                if (value instanceof Integer) {
                    Integer i = (Integer) value;
                } else if (value instanceof InclusiveInteger) {
                    InclusiveInteger ii = (InclusiveInteger) value;
            // endif
            ModelerXsdUiConstants.Util.log(ModelerXsdUiConstants.Util.getString(ERROR_KEY_UNUSABLE_FACET, facet));
    return facet;
Example 5
Project: org.eclipse.wst.sse.sieditor-master  File: View source code
private void updateSimpleTypeFacets(final XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type, final XSDSimpleTypeDefinition baseType) {
    final List<XSDConstrainingFacet> facets = type.getFacetContents();
    if (!getSimpleTypeFacets().areLengthFacetsSupported(baseType)) {
        removeFacet(facets, type.getLengthFacet());
        removeFacet(facets, type.getMinLengthFacet());
        removeFacet(facets, type.getMaxLengthFacet());
    if (!getSimpleTypeFacets().areInclusiveFacetsSupported(baseType)) {
        removeFacet(facets, type.getMinInclusiveFacet());
        removeFacet(facets, type.getMaxInclusiveFacet());
    if (!getSimpleTypeFacets().areExclusiveFacetsSupported(baseType)) {
        removeFacet(facets, type.getMinExclusiveFacet());
        removeFacet(facets, type.getMaxExclusiveFacet());
    if (!getSimpleTypeFacets().isFractionDigitsFacetSupported(baseType)) {
        removeFacet(facets, type.getFractionDigitsFacet());
    if (!getSimpleTypeFacets().isTotalDigitsFacetSupported(baseType)) {
        removeFacet(facets, type.getTotalDigitsFacet());
    if (!getSimpleTypeFacets().isEnumerationFacetSupported(baseType)) {
        for (final Iterator<XSDConstrainingFacet> it = facets.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            if ( instanceof XSDEnumerationFacet) {
    if (!getSimpleTypeFacets().isWhitespaceFacetSupported(baseType)) {
        removeFacet(facets, type.getWhiteSpaceFacet());
Example 6
Project: geotools_trunk-master  File: View source code
     * Pre-parses the instance compontent checking the following:
     * <p>
     * </p>
     * @param instance
protected Object preParse(InstanceComponent instance) {
    // we only preparse text, so simple types
    XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type = null;
    if (instance.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
        type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition();
    } else {
        XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition();
        if (complexType.getContentType() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
            type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) complexType.getContentType();
    String text = instance.getText();
    if (type != null) {
        //first base on variety
        if (type.getVariety() == XSDVariety.LIST_LITERAL) {
            //list, whiteSpace is fixed to "COLLAPSE 
            text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
            //lists are seperated by spaces
            String[] list = text.split(" +");
            // 4. enumeration
            if (type.getLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDLengthFacet length = type.getLengthFacet();
                if (list.length != length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (type.getMaxLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDMaxLengthFacet length = type.getMaxLengthFacet();
                if (list.length > length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (type.getMinLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDMinLengthFacet length = type.getMinLengthFacet();
                if (list.length < length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (!type.getEnumerationFacets().isEmpty()) {
                //gather up all teh possible values
                Set values = new HashSet();
                for (Iterator e = type.getEnumerationFacets().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) {
                    XSDEnumerationFacet enumeration = (XSDEnumerationFacet);
                    for (Iterator v = enumeration.getValue().iterator(); v.hasNext(); ) {
                for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                    if (!values.contains(list[i])) {
                    //validation exception
            //now we must parse the items up
            final XSDSimpleTypeDefinition itemType = type.getItemTypeDefinition();
            List parsed = new ArrayList();
            //create a pseudo declaration
            final XSDElementDeclaration element = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDElementDeclaration();
            if (instance.getName() != null) {
            if (instance.getNamespace() != null) {
            //create a new instance of the specified type
            InstanceComponentImpl theInstance = new InstanceComponentImpl() {

                public XSDTypeDefinition getTypeDefinition() {
                    return itemType;

                public XSDNamedComponent getDeclaration() {
                    return element;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                //perform the parse
                ParseExecutor executor = new ParseExecutor(theInstance, null, context, parser);
                parser.getBindingWalker().walk(element, executor, context);
            return parsed;
        } else if (type.getVariety() == XSDVariety.UNION_LITERAL) {
            // datatypes
            return text;
        } else {
            //walk through the facets and preparse as necessary 
            for (Iterator f = type.getFacets().iterator(); f.hasNext(); ) {
                XSDFacet facet = (XSDFacet);
                //white space
                if (facet instanceof XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) {
                    XSDWhiteSpaceFacet whitespace = (XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) facet;
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.REPLACE_LITERAL) {
                        text = Whitespace.REPLACE.preparse(text);
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.COLLAPSE_LITERAL) {
                        text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.PRESERVE_LITERAL) {
                    //do nothing
            return text;
    } else {
        // for mixed
        if (instance.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition && ((XSDComplexTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition()).isMixed()) {
            //collape the text
            text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
    return text;
Example 7
Project: org.eclipse.bpel-master  File: View source code
		 * This was stolen directly from XSDImpl. It builds a list of the enumeration
		 * values for the given XSD type definition.
		 * @param type - an XSD type definition (presumably determined from a CMNode)
		 * @param result - List to which we will add our results
public void getEnumeratedValuesForSimpleType(XSDTypeDefinition type, List result) {
    List enumerationFacets = ((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) type).getEnumerationFacets();
    for (Iterator i = enumerationFacets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        XSDEnumerationFacet enumFacet = (XSDEnumerationFacet);
        List values = enumFacet.getValue();
        for (Iterator j = values.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
            Object o =;
            if (o != null) {
                if (!result.contains(o)) {
Example 8
Project: tmdm-studio-se-master  File: View source code
private int getElementType(Object decl) {
    if (Util.getParent(decl) == decl) {
        if (Util.checkConcept((XSDElementDeclaration) decl)) {
            return 0;
        return 1;
    if (decl instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition) {
        return 2;
    if (decl instanceof XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition) {
        return 3;
    if (decl instanceof XSDXPathDefinition) {
        return 4;
    if (decl instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
        return 5;
    if (decl instanceof XSDAnnotation) {
        return 6;
    if (decl instanceof XSDParticle) {
        return 7;
    if (decl instanceof XSDModelGroup) {
        return 8;
    if (decl instanceof XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) {
        return 201;
    if (decl instanceof XSDLengthFacet) {
        return 202;
    if (decl instanceof XSDMinLengthFacet) {
        return 203;
    if (decl instanceof XSDMaxLengthFacet) {
        return 204;
    if (decl instanceof XSDTotalDigitsFacet) {
        return 205;
    if (decl instanceof XSDFractionDigitsFacet) {
        return 206;
    if (decl instanceof XSDMaxInclusiveFacet) {
        return 207;
    if (decl instanceof XSDMaxExclusiveFacet) {
        return 208;
    if (decl instanceof XSDMinInclusiveFacet) {
        return 209;
    if (decl instanceof XSDMinExclusiveFacet) {
        return 210;
    if (decl instanceof XSDPatternFacet) {
        return 211;
    if (decl instanceof XSDEnumerationFacet) {
        return 212;
    if (decl instanceof Element) {
        Element e = (Element) decl;
        if (e.getLocalName().equals("appinfo")) {
        String source = e.getAttribute("source");
        if (source != null) {
            if (source.startsWith("X_Label_")) {
                return 101;
            } else if (source.equals("X_ForeignKey")) {
                return 102;
            } else if (source.equals("X_ForeignKeyInfo")) {
                return 103;
            } else if (source.equals("X_SourceSystem")) {
                return 104;
            } else if (source.equals("X_TargetSystem")) {
                return 105;
            } else if (source.startsWith("X_Description_")) {
                return 106;
            } else if (source.equals("X_Write")) {
                return 107;
            } else if (source.equals("X_Hide")) {
                return 108;
            } else if (source.equals("X_Schematron")) {
                return 109;
            } else if (source.startsWith("X_Facet_")) {
                return 110;
            } else if (source.startsWith("X_Workflow")) {
                return 111;
            } else if (source.startsWith("X_ForeignKey_Filter")) {
                return 112;
            } else if (source.startsWith("X_Display_Format_")) {
                return 113;
            } else if (source.equals("X_Lookup_Field")) {
                return 114;
            } else if (source.equals("X_PrimaryKeyInfo")) {
                return 115;
            } else if (source.equals("X_Visible_Rule")) {
                return 116;
            } else if (source.equals("X_Default_Value_Rule")) {
                return 117;
            } else if (source.equals("X_Deny_Create")) {
                return 118;
            } else if (source.equals("X_Deny_PhysicalDelete")) {
                return 119;
            } else if (source.equals("X_Deny_LogicalDelete")) {
                return 120;
            } else if (source.equals("X_FKIntegrity")) {
                return 121;
            } else if (source.equals("X_FKIntegrity_Override")) {
                return 122;
            } else if (source.equals("X_ForeignKeyInfoFormat")) {
                return 123;
    return -1;
Example 9
Project: modeshape-master  File: View source code
protected void processTypeFacets(XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type, Node typeNode, XSDTypeDefinition baseType) throws RepositoryException {
    if (baseType == null) {
        baseType = type.getBaseType();
    if (baseType == type) {
        // The base type is the anytype ...
        baseType = type.getSchema().getSchemaForSchema().resolveSimpleTypeDefinition("", "anyType");
    if (baseType != null) {
        typeNode.setProperty(XsdLexicon.BASE_TYPE_NAME, baseType.getName());
        typeNode.setProperty(XsdLexicon.BASE_TYPE_NAMESPACE, baseType.getTargetNamespace());
        setReference(typeNode, XsdLexicon.BASE_TYPE_REFERENCE, TYPE_DEFINITIONS, baseType.getTargetNamespace(), baseType.getName());
    processFacet(type.getEffectiveMaxLengthFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.MAX_LENGTH, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getMaxLengthFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.MAX_LENGTH, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getEffectiveMinLengthFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.MIN_LENGTH, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getMinLengthFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.MIN_LENGTH, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getEffectiveMaxFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.MAX_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getMaxExclusiveFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.MAX_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getEffectiveMinFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.MIN_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getMinExclusiveFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.MIN_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getMaxInclusiveFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.MAX_VALUE_INCLUSIVE, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getMinInclusiveFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.MIN_VALUE_INCLUSIVE, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getEffectiveTotalDigitsFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.TOTAL_DIGITS, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getTotalDigitsFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.TOTAL_DIGITS, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getEffectiveFractionDigitsFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.FRACTION_DIGITS, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getFractionDigitsFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.FRACTION_DIGITS, PropertyType.LONG);
    processFacet(type.getEffectiveWhiteSpaceFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.WHITESPACE, PropertyType.STRING);
    processFacet(type.getWhiteSpaceFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.WHITESPACE, PropertyType.STRING);
    processFacet(type.getEffectivePatternFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.PATTERN, PropertyType.STRING);
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<XSDPatternFacet> patternFacets = type.getPatternFacets();
    processFacetsList(patternFacets, typeNode, XsdLexicon.PATTERN);
    processFacet(type.getEffectiveEnumerationFacet(), typeNode, XsdLexicon.ENUMERATED_VALUES, PropertyType.STRING);
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<XSDEnumerationFacet> enumFacets = type.getEnumerationFacets();
    processFacetsList(enumFacets, typeNode, XsdLexicon.ENUMERATED_VALUES);
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<XSDSimpleFinal> finalFacets2 = type.getFinal();
    processEnumerators(finalFacets2, typeNode, XsdLexicon.FINAL);
    processAnnotation(type.getAnnotation(), typeNode);
Example 10
Project: mappingtools-master  File: View source code
//                             Getting Enumeration values of simple types
          * @param simpleTypeName the name of a simple type
          * @return a list of its enumerated values, if it has any; otherwise an empty list
          * @throws MapperException if there is no such simple type
public Vector<String> getSimpleTypeEnumeratedValues(String simpleTypeName) throws MapperException {
    Vector<String> values = new Vector<String>();
    XSDSimpleTypeDefinition theType = null;
    EList<XSDTypeDefinition> types = schema.getTypeDefinitions();
    for (Iterator<XSDTypeDefinition> it = types.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        XSDTypeDefinition next =;
        if (theType == null) {
            if ((next instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) && (next.getName().equals(simpleTypeName)))
                theType = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) next;
            if ((theType != null) && (theType.getEnumerationFacets() != null)) {
                int size = theType.getEnumerationFacets().size();
                if (size > 0) {
                    for (Iterator<XSDEnumerationFacet> iu = theType.getEnumerationFacets().iterator(); iu.hasNext(); ) {
                        XSDEnumerationFacet facet =;
                        EList<Object> valueSet = facet.getValue();
                        if ((valueSet != null) && (valueSet.size() == 1)) {
                            Object value = valueSet.get(0);
                            if (value instanceof String)
                                values.add((String) value);
    if (theType == null)
        throw new MapperException("Simple type '" + simpleTypeName + "' not found.");
    return values;
Example 11
Project: geotools-tike-master  File: View source code
     * Pre-parses the instance compontent checking the following:
     * <p>
     * </p>
     * @param instance
protected Object preParse(InstanceComponent instance) {
    // we only preparse text, so simple types
    XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type = null;
    if (instance.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
        type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition();
    } else {
        XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition();
        if (complexType.getContentType() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
            type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) complexType.getContentType();
    String text = instance.getText();
    if (type != null) {
        //first base on variety
        if (type.getVariety() == XSDVariety.LIST_LITERAL) {
            //list, whiteSpace is fixed to "COLLAPSE 
            text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
            //lists are seperated by spaces
            String[] list = text.split(" +");
            // 4. enumeration
            if (type.getLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDLengthFacet length = type.getLengthFacet();
                if (list.length != length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (type.getMaxLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDMaxLengthFacet length = type.getMaxLengthFacet();
                if (list.length > length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (type.getMinLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDMinLengthFacet length = type.getMinLengthFacet();
                if (list.length < length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (!type.getEnumerationFacets().isEmpty()) {
                //gather up all teh possible values
                Set values = new HashSet();
                for (Iterator e = type.getEnumerationFacets().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) {
                    XSDEnumerationFacet enumeration = (XSDEnumerationFacet);
                    for (Iterator v = enumeration.getValue().iterator(); v.hasNext(); ) {
                for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                    if (!values.contains(list[i])) {
                    //validation exception
            //now we must parse the items up
            final XSDSimpleTypeDefinition itemType = type.getItemTypeDefinition();
            List parsed = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                //create a pseudo declaration
                final XSDElementDeclaration element = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDElementDeclaration();
                if (instance.getName() != null) {
                if (instance.getNamespace() != null) {
                //create a new instance of the specified type
                InstanceComponentImpl theInstance = new InstanceComponentImpl() {

                    public XSDTypeDefinition getTypeDefinition() {
                        return itemType;

                    public XSDNamedComponent getDeclaration() {
                        return element;

                //perform the parse
                ParseExecutor executor = new ParseExecutor(theInstance, null, context, parser);
                parser.getBindingWalker().walk(element, executor, context);
            return parsed;
        } else if (type.getVariety() == XSDVariety.UNION_LITERAL) {
            // datatypes
            return text;
        } else {
            //walk through the facets and preparse as necessary 
            for (Iterator f = type.getFacets().iterator(); f.hasNext(); ) {
                XSDFacet facet = (XSDFacet);
                //white space
                if (facet instanceof XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) {
                    XSDWhiteSpaceFacet whitespace = (XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) facet;
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.REPLACE_LITERAL) {
                        text = Whitespace.REPLACE.preparse(text);
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.COLLAPSE_LITERAL) {
                        text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.PRESERVE_LITERAL) {
                    //do nothing
            return text;
    } else {
        // for mixed
        if (instance.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition && ((XSDComplexTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition()).isMixed()) {
            //collape the text
            text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
    return text;
Example 12
Project: geotools-master  File: View source code
     * Pre-parses the instance compontent checking the following:
     * <p>
     * </p>
     * @param instance
protected Object preParse(InstanceComponent instance) {
    // we only preparse text, so simple types
    XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type = null;
    if (instance.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
        type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition();
    } else {
        XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition();
        if (complexType.getContentType() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
            type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) complexType.getContentType();
    String text = instance.getText();
    if (type != null) {
        //first base on variety
        if (type.getVariety() == XSDVariety.LIST_LITERAL) {
            //list, whiteSpace is fixed to "COLLAPSE 
            text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
            //lists are seperated by spaces
            String[] list = text.split(" +");
            // 4. enumeration
            if (type.getLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDLengthFacet length = type.getLengthFacet();
                if (list.length != length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (type.getMaxLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDMaxLengthFacet length = type.getMaxLengthFacet();
                if (list.length > length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (type.getMinLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDMinLengthFacet length = type.getMinLengthFacet();
                if (list.length < length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (!type.getEnumerationFacets().isEmpty()) {
                //gather up all teh possible values
                Set values = new HashSet();
                for (Iterator e = type.getEnumerationFacets().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) {
                    XSDEnumerationFacet enumeration = (XSDEnumerationFacet);
                    for (Iterator v = enumeration.getValue().iterator(); v.hasNext(); ) {
                for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                    if (!values.contains(list[i])) {
                    //validation exception
            //now we must parse the items up
            final XSDSimpleTypeDefinition itemType = type.getItemTypeDefinition();
            List parsed = new ArrayList();
            //create a pseudo declaration
            final XSDElementDeclaration element = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDElementDeclaration();
            if (instance.getName() != null) {
            if (instance.getNamespace() != null) {
            //create a new instance of the specified type
            InstanceComponentImpl theInstance = new InstanceComponentImpl() {

                public XSDTypeDefinition getTypeDefinition() {
                    return itemType;

                public XSDNamedComponent getDeclaration() {
                    return element;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                //perform the parse
                ParseExecutor executor = new ParseExecutor(theInstance, null, context, parser);
                parser.getBindingWalker().walk(element, executor, context);
            return parsed;
        } else if (type.getVariety() == XSDVariety.UNION_LITERAL) {
            // datatypes
            return text;
        } else {
            //walk through the facets and preparse as necessary 
            for (Iterator f = type.getFacets().iterator(); f.hasNext(); ) {
                XSDFacet facet = (XSDFacet);
                //white space
                if (facet instanceof XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) {
                    XSDWhiteSpaceFacet whitespace = (XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) facet;
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.REPLACE_LITERAL) {
                        text = Whitespace.REPLACE.preparse(text);
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.COLLAPSE_LITERAL) {
                        text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.PRESERVE_LITERAL) {
                    //do nothing
            return text;
    } else {
        // for mixed
        if (instance.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition && ((XSDComplexTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition()).isMixed()) {
            //collape the text
            text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
    return text;
Example 13
Project: geotools-2.7.x-master  File: View source code
     * Pre-parses the instance compontent checking the following:
     * <p>
     * </p>
     * @param instance
protected Object preParse(InstanceComponent instance) {
    // we only preparse text, so simple types
    XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type = null;
    if (instance.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
        type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition();
    } else {
        XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition();
        if (complexType.getContentType() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
            type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) complexType.getContentType();
    String text = instance.getText();
    if (type != null) {
        //first base on variety
        if (type.getVariety() == XSDVariety.LIST_LITERAL) {
            //list, whiteSpace is fixed to "COLLAPSE 
            text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
            //lists are seperated by spaces
            String[] list = text.split(" +");
            // 4. enumeration
            if (type.getLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDLengthFacet length = type.getLengthFacet();
                if (list.length != length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (type.getMaxLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDMaxLengthFacet length = type.getMaxLengthFacet();
                if (list.length > length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (type.getMinLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDMinLengthFacet length = type.getMinLengthFacet();
                if (list.length < length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (!type.getEnumerationFacets().isEmpty()) {
                //gather up all teh possible values
                Set values = new HashSet();
                for (Iterator e = type.getEnumerationFacets().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) {
                    XSDEnumerationFacet enumeration = (XSDEnumerationFacet);
                    for (Iterator v = enumeration.getValue().iterator(); v.hasNext(); ) {
                for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                    if (!values.contains(list[i])) {
                    //validation exception
            //now we must parse the items up
            final XSDSimpleTypeDefinition itemType = type.getItemTypeDefinition();
            List parsed = new ArrayList();
            //create a pseudo declaration
            final XSDElementDeclaration element = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDElementDeclaration();
            if (instance.getName() != null) {
            if (instance.getNamespace() != null) {
            //create a new instance of the specified type
            InstanceComponentImpl theInstance = new InstanceComponentImpl() {

                public XSDTypeDefinition getTypeDefinition() {
                    return itemType;

                public XSDNamedComponent getDeclaration() {
                    return element;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                //perform the parse
                ParseExecutor executor = new ParseExecutor(theInstance, null, context, parser);
                parser.getBindingWalker().walk(element, executor, context);
            return parsed;
        } else if (type.getVariety() == XSDVariety.UNION_LITERAL) {
            // datatypes
            return text;
        } else {
            //walk through the facets and preparse as necessary 
            for (Iterator f = type.getFacets().iterator(); f.hasNext(); ) {
                XSDFacet facet = (XSDFacet);
                //white space
                if (facet instanceof XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) {
                    XSDWhiteSpaceFacet whitespace = (XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) facet;
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.REPLACE_LITERAL) {
                        text = Whitespace.REPLACE.preparse(text);
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.COLLAPSE_LITERAL) {
                        text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.PRESERVE_LITERAL) {
                    //do nothing
            return text;
    } else {
        // for mixed
        if (instance.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition && ((XSDComplexTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition()).isMixed()) {
            //collape the text
            text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
    return text;
Example 14
Project: geotools-old-master  File: View source code
     * Pre-parses the instance compontent checking the following:
     * <p>
     * </p>
     * @param instance
protected Object preParse(InstanceComponent instance) {
    // we only preparse text, so simple types
    XSDSimpleTypeDefinition type = null;
    if (instance.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
        type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition();
    } else {
        XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType = (XSDComplexTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition();
        if (complexType.getContentType() instanceof XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) {
            type = (XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) complexType.getContentType();
    String text = instance.getText();
    if (type != null) {
        //first base on variety
        if (type.getVariety() == XSDVariety.LIST_LITERAL) {
            //list, whiteSpace is fixed to "COLLAPSE 
            text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
            //lists are seperated by spaces
            String[] list = text.split(" +");
            // 4. enumeration
            if (type.getLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDLengthFacet length = type.getLengthFacet();
                if (list.length != length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (type.getMaxLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDMaxLengthFacet length = type.getMaxLengthFacet();
                if (list.length > length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (type.getMinLengthFacet() != null) {
                XSDMinLengthFacet length = type.getMinLengthFacet();
                if (list.length < length.getValue()) {
                //validation exception
            if (!type.getEnumerationFacets().isEmpty()) {
                //gather up all teh possible values
                Set values = new HashSet();
                for (Iterator e = type.getEnumerationFacets().iterator(); e.hasNext(); ) {
                    XSDEnumerationFacet enumeration = (XSDEnumerationFacet);
                    for (Iterator v = enumeration.getValue().iterator(); v.hasNext(); ) {
                for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                    if (!values.contains(list[i])) {
                    //validation exception
            //now we must parse the items up
            final XSDSimpleTypeDefinition itemType = type.getItemTypeDefinition();
            List parsed = new ArrayList();
            //create a pseudo declaration
            final XSDElementDeclaration element = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE.createXSDElementDeclaration();
            if (instance.getName() != null) {
            if (instance.getNamespace() != null) {
            //create a new instance of the specified type
            InstanceComponentImpl theInstance = new InstanceComponentImpl() {

                public XSDTypeDefinition getTypeDefinition() {
                    return itemType;

                public XSDNamedComponent getDeclaration() {
                    return element;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                //perform the parse
                ParseExecutor executor = new ParseExecutor(theInstance, null, context, parser);
                parser.getBindingWalker().walk(element, executor, context);
            return parsed;
        } else if (type.getVariety() == XSDVariety.UNION_LITERAL) {
            // datatypes
            return text;
        } else {
            //walk through the facets and preparse as necessary 
            for (Iterator f = type.getFacets().iterator(); f.hasNext(); ) {
                XSDFacet facet = (XSDFacet);
                //white space
                if (facet instanceof XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) {
                    XSDWhiteSpaceFacet whitespace = (XSDWhiteSpaceFacet) facet;
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.REPLACE_LITERAL) {
                        text = Whitespace.REPLACE.preparse(text);
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.COLLAPSE_LITERAL) {
                        text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
                    if (whitespace.getValue() == XSDWhiteSpace.PRESERVE_LITERAL) {
                    //do nothing
            return text;
    } else {
        // for mixed
        if (instance.getTypeDefinition() instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition && ((XSDComplexTypeDefinition) instance.getTypeDefinition()).isMixed()) {
            //collape the text
            text = Whitespace.COLLAPSE.preparse(text);
    return text;
Example 15
Project: bpel-master  File: View source code
		 * This was stolen directly from XSDImpl. It builds a list of the enumeration
		 * values for the given XSD type definition.
		 * @param type - an XSD type definition (presumably determined from a CMNode)
		 * @param result - List to which we will add our results
public void getEnumeratedValuesForSimpleType(XSDTypeDefinition type, List result) {
    List enumerationFacets = ((XSDSimpleTypeDefinition) type).getEnumerationFacets();
    for (Iterator i = enumerationFacets.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        XSDEnumerationFacet enumFacet = (XSDEnumerationFacet);
        List values = enumFacet.getValue();
        for (Iterator j = values.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
            Object o =;
            if (o != null) {
                if (!result.contains(o)) {