// $ANTLR 3.0.1 /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g 2008-06-23 18:23:26 package org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.parser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.antlr.runtime.BitSet; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken; import org.antlr.runtime.FailedPredicateException; import org.antlr.runtime.MismatchedSetException; import org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException; import org.antlr.runtime.Parser; import org.antlr.runtime.ParserRuleReturnScope; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.antlr.runtime.Token; import org.antlr.runtime.TokenStream; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTreeAdaptor; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.RewriteEarlyExitException; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.RewriteRuleSubtreeStream; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.RewriteRuleTokenStream; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeAdaptor; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.AdditiveExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.AllNodeStep; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.Axis; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.CommentNodeStep; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.EqualityExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.Expr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.FilterExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.FunctionCallExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.LiteralExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.LocationPath; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.LogicalExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.MultiplicativeExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.NameStep; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.NumberExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.PathExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.Predicate; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.ProcessingInstructionNodeStep; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.RelationalExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.Step; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.TextNodeStep; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.UnaryExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.UnionExpr; import org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.VariableReferenceExpr; public class XPath10Parser extends Parser { public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] { "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "OR", "AND", "MOD", "DIV", "LPAREN", "RPAREN", "LBRACKET", "RBRACKET", "PIPE", "DOT", "DOT2", "AT", "COMMA", "COLON2", "COLON", "SLASH", "SLASH2", "DOLLAR", "PLUS", "MINUS", "EQ", "NE", "LT", "LTE", "GT", "GTE", "STAR", "Args", "IDENTIFIER", "LITERAL", "NUMBER", "WS", "DIGITS", "SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING", "DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING" }; public static final int DOLLAR=21; public static final int LT=26; public static final int STAR=30; public static final int SLASH2=20; public static final int MOD=6; public static final int DIGITS=36; public static final int GTE=29; public static final int NUMBER=34; public static final int Args=31; public static final int LITERAL=33; public static final int MINUS=23; public static final int AND=5; public static final int EOF=-1; public static final int LTE=27; public static final int LPAREN=8; public static final int LBRACKET=10; public static final int AT=15; public static final int COLON=18; public static final int RPAREN=9; public static final int SINGLE_QUOTE_STRING=37; public static final int WS=35; public static final int SLASH=19; public static final int DOUBLE_QUOTE_STRING=38; public static final int COMMA=16; public static final int IDENTIFIER=32; public static final int OR=4; public static final int GT=28; public static final int PLUS=22; public static final int PIPE=12; public static final int DOT2=14; public static final int EQ=24; public static final int DIV=7; public static final int RBRACKET=11; public static final int DOT=13; public static final int COLON2=17; public static final int NE=25; public XPath10Parser(TokenStream input) { super(input); ruleMemo = new HashMap[33+1]; } protected TreeAdaptor adaptor = new CommonTreeAdaptor(); public void setTreeAdaptor(TreeAdaptor adaptor) { this.adaptor = adaptor; } public TreeAdaptor getTreeAdaptor() { return adaptor; } public String[] getTokenNames() { return tokenNames; } public String getGrammarFileName() { return "/org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g"; } boolean isNodeNodeName (String node) { return "node".equals(node); } boolean isTextNodeName (String node) { return "text".equals(node); } boolean isCommentNodeName (String node) { return "comment".equals(node); } boolean isProcessingInstructionNodeName (String node) { return "processing-instruction".equals(node); } static int positionOf (Token token, boolean start) { if (token instanceof CommonToken) { CommonToken t = (CommonToken)token; if (start) { return t.getStartIndex(); } return t.getStopIndex(); } return -1; } static int positionOfIfUnset (Token token, boolean start, int currentValue) { if (currentValue < 0) { return positionOf(token,start); } return currentValue; } public void displayRecognitionError(String[] tokenNames, RecognitionException re) { String msg = getErrorMessage(re, tokenNames); // we don't recover throw new XPath10Exception(msg,re.getCause(),re.index); } public static class xpath_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start xpath // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:109:0: xpath returns [Expr result] : e= unionExpr ; public final xpath_return xpath() throws RecognitionException { xpath_return retval = new xpath_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; unionExpr_return e = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:110:3: (e= unionExpr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:110:5: e= unionExpr { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_unionExpr_in_xpath742); e=unionExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, e.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = e.result; } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end xpath public static class locationPath_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public LocationPath result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start locationPath // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:114:0: locationPath returns [LocationPath result] : (aloc= absoluteLocationPath | rloc= relativeLocationPath ); public final locationPath_return locationPath() throws RecognitionException { locationPath_return retval = new locationPath_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; absoluteLocationPath_return aloc = null; relativeLocationPath_return rloc = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:114:43: (aloc= absoluteLocationPath | rloc= relativeLocationPath ) int alt1=2; int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA1_0>=SLASH && LA1_0<=SLASH2)) ) { alt1=1; } else if ( ((LA1_0>=DOT && LA1_0<=AT)||LA1_0==STAR||LA1_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { alt1=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("114:0: locationPath returns [LocationPath result] : (aloc= absoluteLocationPath | rloc= relativeLocationPath );", 1, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:115:2: aloc= absoluteLocationPath { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_absoluteLocationPath_in_locationPath769); aloc=absoluteLocationPath(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, aloc.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result =aloc.result; } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:117:4: rloc= relativeLocationPath { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_relativeLocationPath_in_locationPath781); rloc=relativeLocationPath(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, rloc.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result =rloc.result; } } break; } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end locationPath public static class absoluteLocationPath_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public LocationPath result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start absoluteLocationPath // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:121:0: absoluteLocationPath returns [LocationPath result] : (op= SLASH2 | op= SLASH ) ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | ) ; public final absoluteLocationPath_return absoluteLocationPath() throws RecognitionException { absoluteLocationPath_return retval = new absoluteLocationPath_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token op=null; i_relativeLocationPath_return loc = null; Object op_tree=null; Step ans = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:124:3: ( (op= SLASH2 | op= SLASH ) ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | ) ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:125:3: (op= SLASH2 | op= SLASH ) ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | ) { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:125:3: (op= SLASH2 | op= SLASH ) int alt2=2; int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA2_0==SLASH2) ) { alt2=1; } else if ( (LA2_0==SLASH) ) { alt2=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("125:3: (op= SLASH2 | op= SLASH )", 2, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:125:4: op= SLASH2 { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,SLASH2,FOLLOW_SLASH2_in_absoluteLocationPath811); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { ans=new AllNodeStep(Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF); ans.setPosition(positionOf(op,true),positionOf(op,false)); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:127:73: op= SLASH { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,SLASH,FOLLOW_SLASH_in_absoluteLocationPath820); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | ) int alt3=2; int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA3_0==IDENTIFIER) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_0==AT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_0==STAR) ) { int LA3_3 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA3_3==LBRACKET) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==SLASH2) ) { switch ( input.LA(3) ) { case IDENTIFIER: { int LA3_52 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 52, input); throw nvae; } } break; case AT: { int LA3_53 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA3_53==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA3_158 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 158, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_53==STAR) ) { int LA3_159 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 159, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 53, input); throw nvae; } } break; case STAR: { int LA3_54 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 54, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT: { int LA3_55 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 55, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT2: { int LA3_56 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 56, input); throw nvae; } } break; case OR: case AND: case MOD: case DIV: case RPAREN: case RBRACKET: case PIPE: case COMMA: case PLUS: case MINUS: case EQ: case NE: case LT: case LTE: case GT: case GTE: { alt3=2; } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 24, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_3==SLASH) ) { switch ( input.LA(3) ) { case IDENTIFIER: { int LA3_73 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 73, input); throw nvae; } } break; case AT: { int LA3_74 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA3_74==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA3_255 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 255, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_74==STAR) ) { int LA3_256 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 256, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 74, input); throw nvae; } } break; case STAR: { int LA3_75 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 75, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT: { int LA3_76 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 76, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT2: { int LA3_77 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 77, input); throw nvae; } } break; case OR: case AND: case MOD: case DIV: case RPAREN: case RBRACKET: case PIPE: case COMMA: case PLUS: case MINUS: case EQ: case NE: case LT: case LTE: case GT: case GTE: { alt3=2; } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 25, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_3==PIPE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==EOF) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==STAR) ) { int LA3_28 = input.LA(3); if ( ((LA3_28>=OR && LA3_28<=DIV)||(LA3_28>=RPAREN && LA3_28<=PIPE)||LA3_28==COMMA||LA3_28==PLUS||(LA3_28>=EQ && LA3_28<=GTE)) ) { alt3=2; } else if ( (LA3_28==SLASH2) ) { int LA3_95 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA3_95==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA3_328 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 328, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_95==AT) ) { int LA3_329 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 329, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_95==STAR) ) { int LA3_330 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 330, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_95==DOT) ) { int LA3_331 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 331, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_95==DOT2) ) { int LA3_332 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 332, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_95==PIPE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==PLUS) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==MINUS) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==LT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==GT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==LTE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==GTE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==EQ) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==NE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==AND) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==OR) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==RBRACKET) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==RPAREN) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==COMMA) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==DIV) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_95==MOD) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 95, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_28==SLASH) ) { int LA3_96 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA3_96==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA3_349 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 349, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_96==AT) ) { int LA3_350 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 350, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_96==STAR) ) { int LA3_351 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 351, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_96==DOT) ) { int LA3_352 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 352, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_96==DOT2) ) { int LA3_353 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 353, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_96==PIPE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==PLUS) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==MINUS) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==LT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==GT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==LTE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==GTE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==EQ) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==NE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==AND) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==OR) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==RBRACKET) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==RPAREN) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==COMMA) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==DIV) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_96==MOD) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 96, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_28==MINUS) ) { switch ( input.LA(4) ) { case SLASH2: { int LA3_370 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 370, input); throw nvae; } } break; case SLASH: { int LA3_371 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 371, input); throw nvae; } } break; case IDENTIFIER: { int LA3_372 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 372, input); throw nvae; } } break; case AT: { int LA3_373 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 373, input); throw nvae; } } break; case STAR: { int LA3_374 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 374, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT: { int LA3_375 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 375, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT2: { int LA3_376 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 376, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOLLAR: { int LA3_377 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 377, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LPAREN: { int LA3_378 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 378, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LITERAL: { int LA3_379 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 379, input); throw nvae; } } break; case NUMBER: { int LA3_380 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 380, input); throw nvae; } } break; case MINUS: { int LA3_381 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 381, input); throw nvae; } } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 99, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_28==STAR) ) { int LA3_111 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA3_111==LBRACKET) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==SLASH2) ) { int LA3_383 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 383, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_111==SLASH) ) { int LA3_384 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 384, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_111==PIPE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==PLUS) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==MINUS) ) { int LA3_387 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 387, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_111==LT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==GT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==LTE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==GTE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==EQ) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==NE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==AND) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==OR) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==RBRACKET) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==RPAREN) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==COMMA) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==STAR) ) { int LA3_399 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 399, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_111==DIV) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==MOD) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_111==LPAREN||(LA3_111>=DOT && LA3_111<=AT)||LA3_111==DOLLAR||(LA3_111>=IDENTIFIER && LA3_111<=NUMBER)) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 111, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_28==IDENTIFIER) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_28==AT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_28==DOT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_28==DOT2) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_28==DOLLAR) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_28==LPAREN) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_28==LITERAL) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_28==NUMBER) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 28, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_3==DIV) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==MOD) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==PLUS) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==MINUS) ) { switch ( input.LA(3) ) { case SLASH2: { int LA3_122 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 122, input); throw nvae; } } break; case SLASH: { int LA3_123 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 123, input); throw nvae; } } break; case IDENTIFIER: { int LA3_124 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 124, input); throw nvae; } } break; case AT: { int LA3_125 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA3_125==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA3_475 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 475, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_125==STAR) ) { int LA3_476 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 476, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 125, input); throw nvae; } } break; case STAR: { int LA3_126 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 126, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT: { int LA3_127 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 127, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT2: { int LA3_128 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 128, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOLLAR: { int LA3_129 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA3_129==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA3_537 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 537, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 129, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LPAREN: { switch ( input.LA(4) ) { case SLASH2: { int LA3_538 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 538, input); throw nvae; } } break; case SLASH: { int LA3_539 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 539, input); throw nvae; } } break; case IDENTIFIER: { int LA3_540 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 540, input); throw nvae; } } break; case AT: { int LA3_541 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 541, input); throw nvae; } } break; case STAR: { int LA3_542 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 542, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT: { int LA3_543 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 543, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT2: { int LA3_544 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 544, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOLLAR: { int LA3_545 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 545, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LPAREN: { int LA3_546 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 546, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LITERAL: { int LA3_547 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 547, input); throw nvae; } } break; case NUMBER: { int LA3_548 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 548, input); throw nvae; } } break; case MINUS: { int LA3_549 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 549, input); throw nvae; } } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 130, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LITERAL: { int LA3_131 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 131, input); throw nvae; } } break; case NUMBER: { int LA3_132 = input.LA(4); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 132, input); throw nvae; } } break; case MINUS: { switch ( input.LA(4) ) { case SLASH2: { int LA3_590 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 590, input); throw nvae; } } break; case SLASH: { int LA3_591 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 591, input); throw nvae; } } break; case IDENTIFIER: { int LA3_592 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 592, input); throw nvae; } } break; case AT: { int LA3_593 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 593, input); throw nvae; } } break; case STAR: { int LA3_594 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 594, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT: { int LA3_595 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 595, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOT2: { int LA3_596 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 596, input); throw nvae; } } break; case DOLLAR: { int LA3_597 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 597, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LPAREN: { int LA3_598 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 598, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LITERAL: { int LA3_599 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 599, input); throw nvae; } } break; case NUMBER: { int LA3_600 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 600, input); throw nvae; } } break; case MINUS: { int LA3_601 = input.LA(5); if ( (synpred1()) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 601, input); throw nvae; } } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 133, input); throw nvae; } } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 32, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_3==LT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==GT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==LTE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==GTE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==EQ) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==NE) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==AND) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==OR) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==RBRACKET) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==RPAREN) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==COMMA) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_3==LPAREN||(LA3_3>=DOT && LA3_3<=AT)||LA3_3==DOLLAR||(LA3_3>=IDENTIFIER && LA3_3<=NUMBER)) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 3, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA3_0==DOT) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_0==DOT2) && (synpred1())) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_0==EOF||(LA3_0>=OR && LA3_0<=DIV)||LA3_0==RPAREN||(LA3_0>=RBRACKET && LA3_0<=PIPE)||LA3_0==COMMA||(LA3_0>=PLUS && LA3_0<=GTE)) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("129:7: ( ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath | )", 3, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:129:9: ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER )=>loc= i_relativeLocationPath { pushFollow(FOLLOW_i_relativeLocationPath_in_absoluteLocationPath853); loc=i_relativeLocationPath(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, loc.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = loc.result; } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:129:88: { if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new LocationPath(true); } } break; } if ( backtracking==0 ) { if (retval.result != null) { if (ans != null) { retval.result.addFirstStep(ans); } retval.result.setIsAbsolute(true); } } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end absoluteLocationPath public static class relativeLocationPath_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public LocationPath result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start relativeLocationPath // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:137:0: relativeLocationPath returns [LocationPath result] : e= i_relativeLocationPath ; public final relativeLocationPath_return relativeLocationPath() throws RecognitionException { relativeLocationPath_return retval = new relativeLocationPath_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; i_relativeLocationPath_return e = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:137:51: (e= i_relativeLocationPath ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:138:3: e= i_relativeLocationPath { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_i_relativeLocationPath_in_relativeLocationPath898); e=i_relativeLocationPath(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, e.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = e.result; } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end relativeLocationPath public static class i_relativeLocationPath_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public LocationPath result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start i_relativeLocationPath // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:142:0: i_relativeLocationPath returns [LocationPath result] : s1= step ( (op= SLASH2 | SLASH ) s2= step )* ; public final i_relativeLocationPath_return i_relativeLocationPath() throws RecognitionException { i_relativeLocationPath_return retval = new i_relativeLocationPath_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token op=null; Token SLASH1=null; step_return s1 = null; step_return s2 = null; Object op_tree=null; Object SLASH1_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:142:53: (s1= step ( (op= SLASH2 | SLASH ) s2= step )* ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:143:4: s1= step ( (op= SLASH2 | SLASH ) s2= step )* { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_step_in_i_relativeLocationPath926); s1=step(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, s1.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result =new LocationPath(false, s1.result); } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:144:7: ( (op= SLASH2 | SLASH ) s2= step )* loop5: do { int alt5=2; int LA5_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA5_0>=SLASH && LA5_0<=SLASH2)) ) { alt5=1; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:144:9: (op= SLASH2 | SLASH ) s2= step { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:144:9: (op= SLASH2 | SLASH ) int alt4=2; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA4_0==SLASH2) ) { alt4=1; } else if ( (LA4_0==SLASH) ) { alt4=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("144:9: (op= SLASH2 | SLASH )", 4, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:144:10: op= SLASH2 { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,SLASH2,FOLLOW_SLASH2_in_i_relativeLocationPath941); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); adaptor.addChild(root_0, op_tree); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result.addStep(new AllNodeStep(Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF)); retval.result.setPosition(positionOf(op,true),positionOf(op,false)); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:146:23: SLASH { SLASH1=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,SLASH,FOLLOW_SLASH_in_i_relativeLocationPath946); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { SLASH1_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(SLASH1); adaptor.addChild(root_0, SLASH1_tree); } } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_step_in_i_relativeLocationPath952); s2=step(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, s2.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result.addStep(s2.result); } } break; default : break loop5; } } while (true); } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end i_relativeLocationPath public static class step_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Step result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start step // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:154:0: step returns [Step result] : ( ( ( ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT )=> axis | ) ( ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) | ss= specialStep ) (p= predicate )* ) | as= abbrStep (p= predicate )* ); public final step_return step() throws RecognitionException { step_return retval = new step_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token ns=null; Token id=null; Token COLON3=null; specialStep_return ss = null; predicate_return p = null; abbrStep_return as = null; axis_return axis2 = null; Object ns_tree=null; Object id_tree=null; Object COLON3_tree=null; // default axis, per XPath spec. int anAxis = Axis.CHILD; int posStart = -1; String aNs = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:161:4: ( ( ( ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT )=> axis | ) ( ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) | ss= specialStep ) (p= predicate )* ) | as= abbrStep (p= predicate )* ) int alt12=2; int LA12_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA12_0==AT||LA12_0==STAR||LA12_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { alt12=1; } else if ( ((LA12_0>=DOT && LA12_0<=DOT2)) ) { alt12=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("154:0: step returns [Step result] : ( ( ( ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT )=> axis | ) ( ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) | ss= specialStep ) (p= predicate )* ) | as= abbrStep (p= predicate )* );", 12, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt12) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:162:3: ( ( ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT )=> axis | ) ( ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) | ss= specialStep ) (p= predicate )* ) { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:162:3: ( ( ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT )=> axis | ) ( ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) | ss= specialStep ) (p= predicate )* ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:164:4: ( ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT )=> axis | ) ( ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) | ss= specialStep ) (p= predicate )* { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:164:4: ( ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT )=> axis | ) int alt6=2; int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA6_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA6_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA6_1==EOF||(LA6_1>=OR && LA6_1<=PIPE)||LA6_1==COMMA||(LA6_1>=COLON && LA6_1<=SLASH2)||(LA6_1>=PLUS && LA6_1<=STAR)) ) { alt6=2; } else if ( (LA6_1==COLON2) && (synpred2())) { alt6=1; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("164:4: ( ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT )=> axis | )", 6, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA6_0==AT) && (synpred2())) { alt6=1; } else if ( (LA6_0==STAR) ) { alt6=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("164:4: ( ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT )=> axis | )", 6, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:164:6: ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT )=> axis { pushFollow(FOLLOW_axis_in_step1015); axis2=axis(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, axis2.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { anAxis=axis2.axis; posStart = axis2.posStart; } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:164:124: { } break; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:166:4: ( ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) | ss= specialStep ) int alt9=2; int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA9_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA9_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA9_1==LPAREN) ) { alt9=2; } else if ( (LA9_1==EOF||(LA9_1>=OR && LA9_1<=DIV)||(LA9_1>=RPAREN && LA9_1<=PIPE)||LA9_1==COMMA||(LA9_1>=COLON && LA9_1<=SLASH2)||(LA9_1>=PLUS && LA9_1<=STAR)) ) { alt9=1; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("166:4: ( ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) | ss= specialStep )", 9, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA9_0==STAR) ) { alt9=1; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("166:4: ( ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) | ss= specialStep )", 9, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:167:5: ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:167:5: ( (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:167:7: (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:167:7: (ns= IDENTIFIER COLON )? int alt7=2; int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA7_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA7_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA7_1==COLON) ) { alt7=1; } } switch (alt7) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:167:8: ns= IDENTIFIER COLON { ns=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_step1042); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { ns_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(ns); adaptor.addChild(root_0, ns_tree); } COLON3=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_step1044); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { COLON3_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(COLON3); adaptor.addChild(root_0, COLON3_tree); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { aNs=ns.getText(); posStart=positionOfIfUnset(ns,true,posStart); } } break; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:167:97: (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR ) int alt8=2; int LA8_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA8_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { alt8=1; } else if ( (LA8_0==STAR) ) { alt8=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("167:97: (id= IDENTIFIER | id= STAR )", 8, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:167:99: id= IDENTIFIER { id=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_step1056); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { id_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(id); adaptor.addChild(root_0, id_tree); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:167:113: id= STAR { id=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,STAR,FOLLOW_STAR_in_step1060); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { id_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(id); adaptor.addChild(root_0, id_tree); } } break; } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new NameStep(anAxis,aNs,id.getText()); retval.result.setPosition(positionOfIfUnset(id,true,posStart), positionOf(id,false)); } } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:173:5: ss= specialStep { pushFollow(FOLLOW_specialStep_in_step1081); ss=specialStep(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, ss.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = ss.result; retval.result.setAxis(anAxis); } } break; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:175:6: (p= predicate )* loop10: do { int alt10=2; int LA10_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA10_0==LBRACKET) ) { alt10=1; } switch (alt10) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:175:8: p= predicate { pushFollow(FOLLOW_predicate_in_step1099); p=predicate(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, p.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result.addPredicate(p.result); } } break; default : break loop10; } } while (true); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:178:5: as= abbrStep (p= predicate )* { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_abbrStep_in_step1121); as=abbrStep(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, as.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result =as.result; retval.result.setPosition(as.posStart,as.posEnd); } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:181:19: (p= predicate )* loop11: do { int alt11=2; int LA11_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA11_0==LBRACKET) ) { alt11=1; } switch (alt11) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:181:21: p= predicate { pushFollow(FOLLOW_predicate_in_step1130); p=predicate(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, p.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result.addPredicate(p.result); } } break; default : break loop11; } } while (true); } break; } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end step public static class specialStep_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Step result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start specialStep // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:187:0: specialStep returns [Step result] : ({...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN (pi= IDENTIFIER )? rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN ); public final specialStep_return specialStep() throws RecognitionException { specialStep_return retval = new specialStep_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token id=null; Token pi=null; Token rp=null; Token LPAREN4=null; Token LPAREN5=null; Token LPAREN6=null; Token LPAREN7=null; Object id_tree=null; Object pi_tree=null; Object rp_tree=null; Object LPAREN4_tree=null; Object LPAREN5_tree=null; Object LPAREN6_tree=null; Object LPAREN7_tree=null; String piID = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:190:3: ({...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN (pi= IDENTIFIER )? rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN ) int alt14=4; int LA14_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA14_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA14_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA14_1==LPAREN) ) { int LA14_2 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA14_2==RPAREN) ) { int LA14_3 = input.LA(4); if ( ( isProcessingInstructionNodeName( input.LT(1).getText() ) ) ) { alt14=1; } else if ( ( isCommentNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) ) ) { alt14=2; } else if ( ( isTextNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) ) ) { alt14=3; } else if ( ( isNodeNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) ) ) { alt14=4; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("187:0: specialStep returns [Step result] : ({...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN (pi= IDENTIFIER )? rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN );", 14, 3, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA14_2==IDENTIFIER) ) { alt14=1; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("187:0: specialStep returns [Step result] : ({...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN (pi= IDENTIFIER )? rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN );", 14, 2, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("187:0: specialStep returns [Step result] : ({...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN (pi= IDENTIFIER )? rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN );", 14, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("187:0: specialStep returns [Step result] : ({...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN (pi= IDENTIFIER )? rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN | {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN );", 14, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt14) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:191:2: {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN (pi= IDENTIFIER )? rp= RPAREN { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); if ( !( isProcessingInstructionNodeName( input.LT(1).getText() ) ) ) { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "specialStep", "\tisProcessingInstructionNodeName( input.LT(1).getText() ) "); } id=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_specialStep1167); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { id_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(id); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(id_tree, root_0); } LPAREN4=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_specialStep1170); if (failed) return retval; // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:192:27: (pi= IDENTIFIER )? int alt13=2; int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA13_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { alt13=1; } switch (alt13) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:192:29: pi= IDENTIFIER { pi=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_specialStep1177); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { pi_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(pi); adaptor.addChild(root_0, pi_tree); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { piID=pi.getText(); } } break; } rp=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_specialStep1186); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new ProcessingInstructionNodeStep(0, piID ); retval.result.setPosition(positionOf(id,true),positionOf(rp,false)); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:197:4: {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); if ( !( isCommentNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) ) ) { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "specialStep", " isCommentNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) "); } id=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_specialStep1215); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { id_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(id); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(id_tree, root_0); } LPAREN5=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_specialStep1218); if (failed) return retval; rp=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_specialStep1223); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new CommentNodeStep(Axis.CHILD); retval.result.setPosition(positionOf(id,true),positionOf(rp,false)); } } break; case 3 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:202:4: {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); if ( !( isTextNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) ) ) { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "specialStep", " isTextNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) "); } id=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_specialStep1262); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { id_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(id); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(id_tree, root_0); } LPAREN6=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_specialStep1265); if (failed) return retval; rp=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_specialStep1270); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new TextNodeStep(Axis.CHILD); retval.result.setPosition(positionOf(id,true),positionOf(rp,false)); } } break; case 4 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:207:4: {...}?id= IDENTIFIER LPAREN rp= RPAREN { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); if ( !( isNodeNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) ) ) { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} throw new FailedPredicateException(input, "specialStep", " isNodeNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) "); } id=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_specialStep1302); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { id_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(id); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(id_tree, root_0); } LPAREN7=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_specialStep1305); if (failed) return retval; rp=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_specialStep1310); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new AllNodeStep(Axis.CHILD); retval.result.setPosition(positionOf(id,true),positionOf(rp,false)); } } break; } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end specialStep public static class axis_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public int axis; public int posStart; public int posEnd; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start axis // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:214:0: axis returns [int axis, int posStart, int posEnd ] : (id= IDENTIFIER COLON2 | at= AT ); public final axis_return axis() throws RecognitionException { axis_return retval = new axis_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token id=null; Token at=null; Token COLON28=null; Object id_tree=null; Object at_tree=null; Object COLON28_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:214:51: (id= IDENTIFIER COLON2 | at= AT ) int alt15=2; int LA15_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA15_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { alt15=1; } else if ( (LA15_0==AT) ) { alt15=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("214:0: axis returns [int axis, int posStart, int posEnd ] : (id= IDENTIFIER COLON2 | at= AT );", 15, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt15) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:215:4: id= IDENTIFIER COLON2 { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); id=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_axis1366); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { id_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(id); adaptor.addChild(root_0, id_tree); } COLON28=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,COLON2,FOLLOW_COLON2_in_axis1368); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { COLON28_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(COLON28); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(COLON28_tree, root_0); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.axis = Axis.getAxis( id.getText()); retval.posStart = positionOf(id,true); retval.posEnd = positionOf(id,false); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:220:6: at= AT { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); at=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,AT,FOLLOW_AT_in_axis1388); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { at_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(at); adaptor.addChild(root_0, at_tree); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.axis = Axis.ATTRIBUTE; retval.posStart = positionOf(at,true); retval.posEnd = positionOf(at,false); } } break; } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end axis public static class predicate_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Predicate result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start predicate // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:235:0: predicate returns [Predicate result] : LBRACKET e= predicateExpr RBRACKET ; public final predicate_return predicate() throws RecognitionException { predicate_return retval = new predicate_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token LBRACKET9=null; Token RBRACKET10=null; predicateExpr_return e = null; Object LBRACKET9_tree=null; Object RBRACKET10_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:235:37: ( LBRACKET e= predicateExpr RBRACKET ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:236:3: LBRACKET e= predicateExpr RBRACKET { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); LBRACKET9=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,LBRACKET,FOLLOW_LBRACKET_in_predicate1430); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { LBRACKET9_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(LBRACKET9); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(LBRACKET9_tree, root_0); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_predicateExpr_in_predicate1435); e=predicateExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, e.getTree()); RBRACKET10=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,RBRACKET,FOLLOW_RBRACKET_in_predicate1437); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = e.result ; } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end predicate public static class predicateExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Predicate result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start predicateExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:242:0: predicateExpr returns [Predicate result] : e= expr ; public final predicateExpr_return predicateExpr() throws RecognitionException { predicateExpr_return retval = new predicateExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; expr_return e = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:243:3: (e= expr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:243:5: e= expr { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_predicateExpr1468); e=expr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, e.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new Predicate(e.result) ; } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end predicateExpr public static class abbrStep_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Step result; public int posStart; public int posEnd; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start abbrStep // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:251:0: abbrStep returns [Step result, int posStart, int posEnd ] : (d= DOT | d= DOT2 ); public final abbrStep_return abbrStep() throws RecognitionException { abbrStep_return retval = new abbrStep_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token d=null; Object d_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:251:58: (d= DOT | d= DOT2 ) int alt16=2; int LA16_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA16_0==DOT) ) { alt16=1; } else if ( (LA16_0==DOT2) ) { alt16=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("251:0: abbrStep returns [Step result, int posStart, int posEnd ] : (d= DOT | d= DOT2 );", 16, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt16) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:252:4: d= DOT { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); d=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,DOT,FOLLOW_DOT_in_abbrStep1500); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { d_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(d); adaptor.addChild(root_0, d_tree); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new AllNodeStep(Axis.SELF); retval.posStart = positionOf(d,true); retval.posEnd = retval.posStart+1; } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:253:4: d= DOT2 { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); d=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,DOT2,FOLLOW_DOT2_in_abbrStep1513); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { d_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(d); adaptor.addChild(root_0, d_tree); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new AllNodeStep(Axis.PARENT); retval.posStart = positionOf(d,true); retval.posEnd = retval.posStart+2; } } break; } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end abbrStep public static class abbrAxisSpecifier_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start abbrAxisSpecifier // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:259:0: abbrAxisSpecifier : ( AT )? ; public final abbrAxisSpecifier_return abbrAxisSpecifier() throws RecognitionException { abbrAxisSpecifier_return retval = new abbrAxisSpecifier_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token AT11=null; Object AT11_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:259:19: ( ( AT )? ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:259:21: ( AT )? { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:259:21: ( AT )? int alt17=2; int LA17_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA17_0==AT) ) { alt17=1; } switch (alt17) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:259:23: AT { AT11=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,AT,FOLLOW_AT_in_abbrAxisSpecifier1531); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { AT11_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(AT11); adaptor.addChild(root_0, AT11_tree); } } break; } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end abbrAxisSpecifier public static class expr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start expr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:274:0: expr returns [Expr result] : e= orExpr ; public final expr_return expr() throws RecognitionException { expr_return retval = new expr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; orExpr_return e = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:275:3: (e= orExpr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:275:5: e= orExpr { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_orExpr_in_expr1565); e=orExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, e.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = e.result ; } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end expr public static class primaryExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start primaryExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:281:0: primaryExpr returns [Expr result] : (varRef= variableReference | LPAREN exp= expr RPAREN | lit= literal | num= number | fn= functionCall ); public final primaryExpr_return primaryExpr() throws RecognitionException { primaryExpr_return retval = new primaryExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token LPAREN12=null; Token RPAREN13=null; variableReference_return varRef = null; expr_return exp = null; literal_return lit = null; number_return num = null; functionCall_return fn = null; Object LPAREN12_tree=null; Object RPAREN13_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:281:34: (varRef= variableReference | LPAREN exp= expr RPAREN | lit= literal | num= number | fn= functionCall ) int alt18=5; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case DOLLAR: { alt18=1; } break; case LPAREN: { alt18=2; } break; case LITERAL: { alt18=3; } break; case NUMBER: { alt18=4; } break; case IDENTIFIER: { alt18=5; } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("281:0: primaryExpr returns [Expr result] : (varRef= variableReference | LPAREN exp= expr RPAREN | lit= literal | num= number | fn= functionCall );", 18, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt18) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:282:4: varRef= variableReference { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_variableReference_in_primaryExpr1594); varRef=variableReference(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, varRef.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = varRef.result ; } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:283:5: LPAREN exp= expr RPAREN { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); LPAREN12=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_primaryExpr1611); if (failed) return retval; pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_primaryExpr1616); exp=expr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, exp.getTree()); RPAREN13=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_primaryExpr1618); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = exp.result; retval.result.setWrapParen(true); } } break; case 3 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:284:5: lit= literal { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_literal_in_primaryExpr1638); lit=literal(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, lit.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = lit.result ; } } break; case 4 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:285:5: num= number { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_number_in_primaryExpr1670); num=number(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, num.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = num.result ; } } break; case 5 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:286:5: fn= functionCall { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_functionCall_in_primaryExpr1703); fn=functionCall(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, fn.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = fn.result ; } } break; } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end primaryExpr public static class literal_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start literal // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:290:0: literal returns [Expr result] : lit= LITERAL ; public final literal_return literal() throws RecognitionException { literal_return retval = new literal_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token lit=null; Object lit_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:291:2: (lit= LITERAL ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:291:4: lit= LITERAL { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); lit=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,LITERAL,FOLLOW_LITERAL_in_literal1741); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { lit_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(lit); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(lit_tree, root_0); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new LiteralExpr(lit.getText()) ; retval.result.setPosition (positionOf(lit,true),positionOf(lit,false) ); } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end literal public static class number_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start number // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:297:0: number returns [Expr result] : num= NUMBER ; public final number_return number() throws RecognitionException { number_return retval = new number_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token num=null; Object num_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:298:4: (num= NUMBER ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:298:6: num= NUMBER { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); num=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,NUMBER,FOLLOW_NUMBER_in_number1767); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { num_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(num); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(num_tree, root_0); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new NumberExpr(num.getText()); retval.result.setPosition(positionOf(num,true),positionOf(num,false)); } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end number public static class variableReference_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start variableReference // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:304:0: variableReference returns [Expr result] : DOLLAR var= qName ; public final variableReference_return variableReference() throws RecognitionException { variableReference_return retval = new variableReference_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token DOLLAR14=null; qName_return var = null; Object DOLLAR14_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:305:3: ( DOLLAR var= qName ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:305:5: DOLLAR var= qName { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); DOLLAR14=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,DOLLAR,FOLLOW_DOLLAR_in_variableReference1798); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { DOLLAR14_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(DOLLAR14); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(DOLLAR14_tree, root_0); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_qName_in_variableReference1803); var=qName(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, var.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new VariableReferenceExpr(var.prefix, var.localName); retval.result.setPosition( var.startOffset, var.endOffset ); } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end variableReference public static class functionCall_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public FunctionCallExpr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start functionCall // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:318:0: functionCall returns [FunctionCallExpr result ] : qn= qName LPAREN (list= argList )? RPAREN ; public final functionCall_return functionCall() throws RecognitionException { functionCall_return retval = new functionCall_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token LPAREN15=null; Token RPAREN16=null; qName_return qn = null; argList_return list = null; Object LPAREN15_tree=null; Object RPAREN16_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:319:5: (qn= qName LPAREN (list= argList )? RPAREN ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:319:7: qn= qName LPAREN (list= argList )? RPAREN { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_qName_in_functionCall1838); qn=qName(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, qn.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new FunctionCallExpr(qn.prefix,qn.localName); retval.result.setPosition (qn.startOffset,qn.endOffset); } LPAREN15=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,LPAREN,FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_functionCall1863); if (failed) return retval; // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:323:18: (list= argList )? int alt19=2; int LA19_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA19_0==LPAREN||(LA19_0>=DOT && LA19_0<=AT)||(LA19_0>=SLASH && LA19_0<=DOLLAR)||LA19_0==MINUS||LA19_0==STAR||(LA19_0>=IDENTIFIER && LA19_0<=NUMBER)) ) { alt19=1; } switch (alt19) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:323:20: list= argList { pushFollow(FOLLOW_argList_in_functionCall1870); list=argList(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, list.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result.getParameters().addAll(list.result); } } break; } RPAREN16=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,RPAREN,FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_functionCall1877); if (failed) return retval; } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end functionCall public static class argList_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public List<Expr> result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start argList // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:328:0: argList returns [ List<Expr> result ] : a= argument ( COMMA b= argument )* -> ^( Args ( argument )+ ) ; public final argList_return argList() throws RecognitionException { argList_return retval = new argList_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token COMMA17=null; argument_return a = null; argument_return b = null; Object COMMA17_tree=null; RewriteRuleTokenStream stream_COMMA=new RewriteRuleTokenStream(adaptor,"token COMMA"); RewriteRuleSubtreeStream stream_argument=new RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(adaptor,"rule argument"); retval.result = new ArrayList<Expr>(); try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:332:3: (a= argument ( COMMA b= argument )* -> ^( Args ( argument )+ ) ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:332:5: a= argument ( COMMA b= argument )* { pushFollow(FOLLOW_argument_in_argList1914); a=argument(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) stream_argument.add(a.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result.add(a.result); } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:333:5: ( COMMA b= argument )* loop20: do { int alt20=2; int LA20_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA20_0==COMMA) ) { alt20=1; } switch (alt20) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:333:7: COMMA b= argument { COMMA17=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,COMMA,FOLLOW_COMMA_in_argList1925); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) stream_COMMA.add(COMMA17); pushFollow(FOLLOW_argument_in_argList1929); b=argument(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) stream_argument.add(b.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result.add(b.result); } } break; default : break loop20; } } while (true); // AST REWRITE // elements: argument // token labels: // rule labels: retval // token list labels: // rule list labels: if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = root_0; RewriteRuleSubtreeStream stream_retval=new RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(adaptor,"token retval",retval!=null?retval.tree:null); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // 334:8: -> ^( Args ( argument )+ ) { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:334:11: ^( Args ( argument )+ ) { Object root_1 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); root_1 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(adaptor.create(Args, "Args"), root_1); if ( !(stream_argument.hasNext()) ) { throw new RewriteEarlyExitException(); } while ( stream_argument.hasNext() ) { adaptor.addChild(root_1, stream_argument.next()); } stream_argument.reset(); adaptor.addChild(root_0, root_1); } } } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end argList public static class argument_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start argument // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:338:0: argument returns [Expr result] : e= expr ; public final argument_return argument() throws RecognitionException { argument_return retval = new argument_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; expr_return e = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:339:4: (e= expr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:339:6: e= expr { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_expr_in_argument1980); e=expr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, e.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = e.result ; } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end argument public static class unionExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start unionExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:350:0: unionExpr returns [Expr result] : (a= pathExpr ) ( (op= PIPE ) b= pathExpr )* ; public final unionExpr_return unionExpr() throws RecognitionException { unionExpr_return retval = new unionExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token op=null; pathExpr_return a = null; pathExpr_return b = null; Object op_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:351:3: ( (a= pathExpr ) ( (op= PIPE ) b= pathExpr )* ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:351:5: (a= pathExpr ) ( (op= PIPE ) b= pathExpr )* { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:351:5: (a= pathExpr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:351:6: a= pathExpr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_pathExpr_in_unionExpr2015); a=pathExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, a.getTree()); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = a.result; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:353:5: ( (op= PIPE ) b= pathExpr )* loop21: do { int alt21=2; int LA21_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA21_0==PIPE) ) { alt21=1; } switch (alt21) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:353:6: (op= PIPE ) b= pathExpr { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:353:6: (op= PIPE ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:353:7: op= PIPE { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,PIPE,FOLLOW_PIPE_in_unionExpr2036); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } pushFollow(FOLLOW_pathExpr_in_unionExpr2042); b=pathExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, b.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new UnionExpr(op.getText(),retval.result,b.result); } } break; default : break loop21; } } while (true); } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end unionExpr public static class pathExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start pathExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:360:0: pathExpr returns [Expr result] : (loc= locationPath | e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? ); public final pathExpr_return pathExpr() throws RecognitionException { pathExpr_return retval = new pathExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token SLASH18=null; Token SLASH219=null; locationPath_return loc = null; filterExpr_return e = null; relativeLocationPath_return path = null; Object SLASH18_tree=null; Object SLASH219_tree=null; Step ans = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:363:2: (loc= locationPath | e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? ) int alt24=2; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case DOT: case DOT2: case AT: case SLASH: case SLASH2: case STAR: { alt24=1; } break; case IDENTIFIER: { switch ( input.LA(2) ) { case COLON: { int LA24_12 = input.LA(3); if ( (LA24_12==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA24_36 = input.LA(4); if ( (LA24_36==LPAREN) ) { alt24=2; } else if ( (LA24_36==EOF||(LA24_36>=OR && LA24_36<=DIV)||(LA24_36>=RPAREN && LA24_36<=PIPE)||LA24_36==COMMA||(LA24_36>=SLASH && LA24_36<=SLASH2)||(LA24_36>=PLUS && LA24_36<=STAR)) ) { alt24=1; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("360:0: pathExpr returns [Expr result] : (loc= locationPath | e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? );", 24, 36, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA24_12==STAR) ) { alt24=1; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("360:0: pathExpr returns [Expr result] : (loc= locationPath | e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? );", 24, 12, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LPAREN: { switch ( input.LA(3) ) { case RPAREN: { int LA24_38 = input.LA(4); if ( (( isCommentNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) || isNodeNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) || isTextNodeName(input.LT(1).getText()) || isProcessingInstructionNodeName( input.LT(1).getText() ) )) ) { alt24=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt24=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("360:0: pathExpr returns [Expr result] : (loc= locationPath | e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? );", 24, 38, input); throw nvae; } } break; case IDENTIFIER: { int LA24_39 = input.LA(4); if ( ((LA24_39>=OR && LA24_39<=LPAREN)||LA24_39==LBRACKET||LA24_39==PIPE||(LA24_39>=COMMA && LA24_39<=SLASH2)||(LA24_39>=PLUS && LA24_39<=STAR)) ) { alt24=2; } else if ( (LA24_39==RPAREN) ) { int LA24_97 = input.LA(5); if ( ( isProcessingInstructionNodeName( input.LT(1).getText() ) ) ) { alt24=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt24=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("360:0: pathExpr returns [Expr result] : (loc= locationPath | e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? );", 24, 97, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("360:0: pathExpr returns [Expr result] : (loc= locationPath | e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? );", 24, 39, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LPAREN: case DOT: case DOT2: case AT: case SLASH: case SLASH2: case DOLLAR: case MINUS: case STAR: case LITERAL: case NUMBER: { alt24=2; } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("360:0: pathExpr returns [Expr result] : (loc= locationPath | e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? );", 24, 13, input); throw nvae; } } break; case EOF: case OR: case AND: case MOD: case DIV: case RPAREN: case LBRACKET: case RBRACKET: case PIPE: case COMMA: case COLON2: case SLASH: case SLASH2: case PLUS: case MINUS: case EQ: case NE: case LT: case LTE: case GT: case GTE: case STAR: { alt24=1; } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("360:0: pathExpr returns [Expr result] : (loc= locationPath | e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? );", 24, 3, input); throw nvae; } } break; case LPAREN: case DOLLAR: case LITERAL: case NUMBER: { alt24=2; } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("360:0: pathExpr returns [Expr result] : (loc= locationPath | e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? );", 24, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt24) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:364:3: loc= locationPath { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_locationPath_in_pathExpr2092); loc=locationPath(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, loc.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = loc.result; } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:366:5: e= filterExpr ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_filterExpr_in_pathExpr2109); e=filterExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, e.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = e.result; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:367:8: ( ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath )? int alt23=2; int LA23_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA23_0>=SLASH && LA23_0<=SLASH2)) ) { alt23=1; } switch (alt23) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:367:10: ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) path= relativeLocationPath { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:367:10: ( SLASH | SLASH2 ) int alt22=2; int LA22_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA22_0==SLASH) ) { alt22=1; } else if ( (LA22_0==SLASH2) ) { alt22=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("367:10: ( SLASH | SLASH2 )", 22, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt22) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:367:11: SLASH { SLASH18=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,SLASH,FOLLOW_SLASH_in_pathExpr2124); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { SLASH18_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(SLASH18); adaptor.addChild(root_0, SLASH18_tree); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:367:17: SLASH2 { SLASH219=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,SLASH2,FOLLOW_SLASH2_in_pathExpr2126); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { SLASH219_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(SLASH219); adaptor.addChild(root_0, SLASH219_tree); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { ans=new AllNodeStep(Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF); } } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_relativeLocationPath_in_pathExpr2133); path=relativeLocationPath(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, path.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new PathExpr(e.result,path.result); if (ans != null) { path.result.addFirstStep(ans); } } } break; } } break; } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end pathExpr public static class filterExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start filterExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:375:0: filterExpr returns [Expr result] : e= primaryExpr (p= predicate )* ; public final filterExpr_return filterExpr() throws RecognitionException { filterExpr_return retval = new filterExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; primaryExpr_return e = null; predicate_return p = null; FilterExpr filter = null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:379:3: (e= primaryExpr (p= predicate )* ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:379:5: e= primaryExpr (p= predicate )* { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_primaryExpr_in_filterExpr2172); e=primaryExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, e.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { filter = new FilterExpr(e.result) ; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:380:9: (p= predicate )* loop25: do { int alt25=2; int LA25_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA25_0==LBRACKET) ) { alt25=1; } switch (alt25) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:380:11: p= predicate { pushFollow(FOLLOW_predicate_in_filterExpr2189); p=predicate(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, p.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { filter.addPredicate(p.result); } } break; default : break loop25; } } while (true); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = filter.hasPredicates() ? filter : filter.getExpr(); } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end filterExpr public static class orExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start orExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:393:0: orExpr returns [Expr result] : (a= andExpr ) ( (op= OR ) b= andExpr )* ; public final orExpr_return orExpr() throws RecognitionException { orExpr_return retval = new orExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token op=null; andExpr_return a = null; andExpr_return b = null; Object op_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:394:3: ( (a= andExpr ) ( (op= OR ) b= andExpr )* ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:394:5: (a= andExpr ) ( (op= OR ) b= andExpr )* { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:394:5: (a= andExpr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:394:6: a= andExpr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_andExpr_in_orExpr2234); a=andExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, a.getTree()); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = a.result; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:396:9: ( (op= OR ) b= andExpr )* loop26: do { int alt26=2; int LA26_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA26_0==OR) ) { alt26=1; } switch (alt26) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:396:10: (op= OR ) b= andExpr { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:396:10: (op= OR ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:396:11: op= OR { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,OR,FOLLOW_OR_in_orExpr2266); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } pushFollow(FOLLOW_andExpr_in_orExpr2272); b=andExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, b.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new LogicalExpr(op.getText(), retval.result, b.result); } } break; default : break loop26; } } while (true); } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end orExpr public static class andExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start andExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:404:0: andExpr returns [Expr result] : (a= equalityExpr ) ( (op= AND ) b= equalityExpr )* ; public final andExpr_return andExpr() throws RecognitionException { andExpr_return retval = new andExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token op=null; equalityExpr_return a = null; equalityExpr_return b = null; Object op_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:405:3: ( (a= equalityExpr ) ( (op= AND ) b= equalityExpr )* ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:405:6: (a= equalityExpr ) ( (op= AND ) b= equalityExpr )* { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:405:6: (a= equalityExpr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:405:7: a= equalityExpr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_equalityExpr_in_andExpr2332); a=equalityExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, a.getTree()); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = a.result; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:407:12: ( (op= AND ) b= equalityExpr )* loop27: do { int alt27=2; int LA27_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA27_0==AND) ) { alt27=1; } switch (alt27) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:407:13: (op= AND ) b= equalityExpr { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:407:13: (op= AND ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:407:14: op= AND { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,AND,FOLLOW_AND_in_andExpr2377); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } pushFollow(FOLLOW_equalityExpr_in_andExpr2383); b=equalityExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, b.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new LogicalExpr(op.getText(),retval.result,b.result); } } break; default : break loop27; } } while (true); } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end andExpr public static class equalityExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start equalityExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:414:0: equalityExpr returns [Expr result] : (a= relationalExpr ) ( (op= EQ | op= NE ) b= relationalExpr )* ; public final equalityExpr_return equalityExpr() throws RecognitionException { equalityExpr_return retval = new equalityExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token op=null; relationalExpr_return a = null; relationalExpr_return b = null; Object op_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:415:3: ( (a= relationalExpr ) ( (op= EQ | op= NE ) b= relationalExpr )* ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:415:5: (a= relationalExpr ) ( (op= EQ | op= NE ) b= relationalExpr )* { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:415:5: (a= relationalExpr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:415:6: a= relationalExpr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_relationalExpr_in_equalityExpr2452); a=relationalExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, a.getTree()); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = a.result; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:417:12: ( (op= EQ | op= NE ) b= relationalExpr )* loop29: do { int alt29=2; int LA29_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA29_0>=EQ && LA29_0<=NE)) ) { alt29=1; } switch (alt29) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:417:13: (op= EQ | op= NE ) b= relationalExpr { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:417:13: (op= EQ | op= NE ) int alt28=2; int LA28_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA28_0==EQ) ) { alt28=1; } else if ( (LA28_0==NE) ) { alt28=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("417:13: (op= EQ | op= NE )", 28, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt28) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:417:14: op= EQ { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,EQ,FOLLOW_EQ_in_equalityExpr2484); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:417:21: op= NE { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,NE,FOLLOW_NE_in_equalityExpr2489); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_relationalExpr_in_equalityExpr2495); b=relationalExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, b.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new EqualityExpr(op.getText(), retval.result, b.result ); } } break; default : break loop29; } } while (true); } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end equalityExpr public static class relationalExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start relationalExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:424:0: relationalExpr returns [Expr result] : (a= additiveExpr ) ( (op= LT | op= GT | op= LTE | op= GTE ) b= additiveExpr )* ; public final relationalExpr_return relationalExpr() throws RecognitionException { relationalExpr_return retval = new relationalExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token op=null; additiveExpr_return a = null; additiveExpr_return b = null; Object op_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:425:3: ( (a= additiveExpr ) ( (op= LT | op= GT | op= LTE | op= GTE ) b= additiveExpr )* ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:425:5: (a= additiveExpr ) ( (op= LT | op= GT | op= LTE | op= GTE ) b= additiveExpr )* { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:425:5: (a= additiveExpr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:425:6: a= additiveExpr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_additiveExpr_in_relationalExpr2565); a=additiveExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, a.getTree()); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = a.result; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:427:13: ( (op= LT | op= GT | op= LTE | op= GTE ) b= additiveExpr )* loop31: do { int alt31=2; int LA31_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA31_0>=LT && LA31_0<=GTE)) ) { alt31=1; } switch (alt31) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:427:14: (op= LT | op= GT | op= LTE | op= GTE ) b= additiveExpr { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:427:14: (op= LT | op= GT | op= LTE | op= GTE ) int alt30=4; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case LT: { alt30=1; } break; case GT: { alt30=2; } break; case LTE: { alt30=3; } break; case GTE: { alt30=4; } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("427:14: (op= LT | op= GT | op= LTE | op= GTE )", 30, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt30) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:427:15: op= LT { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,LT,FOLLOW_LT_in_relationalExpr2595); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:427:22: op= GT { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,GT,FOLLOW_GT_in_relationalExpr2600); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; case 3 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:427:29: op= LTE { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,LTE,FOLLOW_LTE_in_relationalExpr2605); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; case 4 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:427:37: op= GTE { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,GTE,FOLLOW_GTE_in_relationalExpr2610); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_additiveExpr_in_relationalExpr2616); b=additiveExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, b.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new RelationalExpr(op.getText(), retval.result, b.result); } } break; default : break loop31; } } while (true); } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end relationalExpr public static class additiveExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start additiveExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:440:0: additiveExpr returns [Expr result] : (a= multExpr ) ( (op= PLUS | op= MINUS ) b= multExpr )* ; public final additiveExpr_return additiveExpr() throws RecognitionException { additiveExpr_return retval = new additiveExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token op=null; multExpr_return a = null; multExpr_return b = null; Object op_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:441:2: ( (a= multExpr ) ( (op= PLUS | op= MINUS ) b= multExpr )* ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:441:5: (a= multExpr ) ( (op= PLUS | op= MINUS ) b= multExpr )* { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:441:5: (a= multExpr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:441:6: a= multExpr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_multExpr_in_additiveExpr2677); a=multExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, a.getTree()); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = a.result; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:443:12: ( (op= PLUS | op= MINUS ) b= multExpr )* loop33: do { int alt33=2; int LA33_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA33_0>=PLUS && LA33_0<=MINUS)) ) { alt33=1; } switch (alt33) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:443:13: (op= PLUS | op= MINUS ) b= multExpr { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:443:13: (op= PLUS | op= MINUS ) int alt32=2; int LA32_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA32_0==PLUS) ) { alt32=1; } else if ( (LA32_0==MINUS) ) { alt32=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("443:13: (op= PLUS | op= MINUS )", 32, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt32) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:443:14: op= PLUS { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,PLUS,FOLLOW_PLUS_in_additiveExpr2709); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:443:23: op= MINUS { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,MINUS,FOLLOW_MINUS_in_additiveExpr2714); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_multExpr_in_additiveExpr2720); b=multExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, b.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new AdditiveExpr(op.getText(),retval.result, b.result); } } break; default : break loop33; } } while (true); } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end additiveExpr public static class multExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public Expr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start multExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:450:0: multExpr returns [Expr result] : (a= unaryExpr ) ( (op= STAR | op= DIV | op= MOD ) b= unaryExpr )* ; public final multExpr_return multExpr() throws RecognitionException { multExpr_return retval = new multExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token op=null; unaryExpr_return a = null; unaryExpr_return b = null; Object op_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:451:3: ( (a= unaryExpr ) ( (op= STAR | op= DIV | op= MOD ) b= unaryExpr )* ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:451:5: (a= unaryExpr ) ( (op= STAR | op= DIV | op= MOD ) b= unaryExpr )* { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:451:5: (a= unaryExpr ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:451:6: a= unaryExpr { pushFollow(FOLLOW_unaryExpr_in_multExpr2799); a=unaryExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, a.getTree()); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = a.result; } // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:453:10: ( (op= STAR | op= DIV | op= MOD ) b= unaryExpr )* loop35: do { int alt35=2; int LA35_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA35_0>=MOD && LA35_0<=DIV)||LA35_0==STAR) ) { alt35=1; } switch (alt35) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:453:11: (op= STAR | op= DIV | op= MOD ) b= unaryExpr { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:453:11: (op= STAR | op= DIV | op= MOD ) int alt34=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case STAR: { alt34=1; } break; case DIV: { alt34=2; } break; case MOD: { alt34=3; } break; default: if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("453:11: (op= STAR | op= DIV | op= MOD )", 34, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt34) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:453:12: op= STAR { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,STAR,FOLLOW_STAR_in_multExpr2827); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:453:21: op= DIV { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,DIV,FOLLOW_DIV_in_multExpr2832); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; case 3 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:453:29: op= MOD { op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,MOD,FOLLOW_MOD_in_multExpr2837); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(op_tree, root_0); } } break; } pushFollow(FOLLOW_unaryExpr_in_multExpr2843); b=unaryExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, b.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new MultiplicativeExpr(op.getText(), retval.result, b.result); } } break; default : break loop35; } } while (true); } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end multExpr public static class unaryExpr_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public UnaryExpr result; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start unaryExpr // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:460:0: unaryExpr returns [UnaryExpr result] : (u= unionExpr | op= MINUS n= unaryExpr ); public final unaryExpr_return unaryExpr() throws RecognitionException { unaryExpr_return retval = new unaryExpr_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token op=null; unionExpr_return u = null; unaryExpr_return n = null; Object op_tree=null; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:461:3: (u= unionExpr | op= MINUS n= unaryExpr ) int alt36=2; int LA36_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA36_0==LPAREN||(LA36_0>=DOT && LA36_0<=AT)||(LA36_0>=SLASH && LA36_0<=DOLLAR)||LA36_0==STAR||(LA36_0>=IDENTIFIER && LA36_0<=NUMBER)) ) { alt36=1; } else if ( (LA36_0==MINUS) ) { alt36=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return retval;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("460:0: unaryExpr returns [UnaryExpr result] : (u= unionExpr | op= MINUS n= unaryExpr );", 36, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt36) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:461:5: u= unionExpr { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); pushFollow(FOLLOW_unionExpr_in_unaryExpr2907); u=unionExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, u.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = new UnaryExpr(u.result); } } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:464:5: op= MINUS n= unaryExpr { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); op=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,MINUS,FOLLOW_MINUS_in_unaryExpr2929); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { op_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(op); adaptor.addChild(root_0, op_tree); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_unaryExpr_in_unaryExpr2933); n=unaryExpr(); _fsp--; if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) adaptor.addChild(root_0, n.getTree()); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.result = n.result; retval.result.setOperand(op.getText()); retval.result.setPosition(positionOf(op,true),-1); } } break; } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end unaryExpr public static class qName_return extends ParserRuleReturnScope { public String prefix; public String localName; public int startOffset; public int endOffset; Object tree; public Object getTree() { return tree; } }; // $ANTLR start qName // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:476:0: qName returns [String prefix, String localName , int startOffset, int endOffset ] : (p= IDENTIFIER COLON )? n= IDENTIFIER ; public final qName_return qName() throws RecognitionException { qName_return retval = new qName_return(); retval.start = input.LT(1); Object root_0 = null; Token p=null; Token n=null; Token COLON20=null; Object p_tree=null; Object n_tree=null; Object COLON20_tree=null; retval.prefix = ""; retval.startOffset = -1; try { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:481:3: ( (p= IDENTIFIER COLON )? n= IDENTIFIER ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:482:6: (p= IDENTIFIER COLON )? n= IDENTIFIER { root_0 = (Object)adaptor.nil(); // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:482:6: (p= IDENTIFIER COLON )? int alt37=2; int LA37_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA37_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { int LA37_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA37_1==COLON) ) { alt37=1; } } switch (alt37) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:482:7: p= IDENTIFIER COLON { p=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_qName2972); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { p_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(p); adaptor.addChild(root_0, p_tree); } COLON20=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,COLON,FOLLOW_COLON_in_qName2974); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { COLON20_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(COLON20); root_0 = (Object)adaptor.becomeRoot(COLON20_tree, root_0); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.prefix =p.getText() ; retval.startOffset = positionOf(p,true); } } break; } n=(Token)input.LT(1); match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_qName2992); if (failed) return retval; if ( backtracking==0 ) { n_tree = (Object)adaptor.create(n); adaptor.addChild(root_0, n_tree); } if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.localName =n.getText(); if (retval.startOffset < 0) { retval.startOffset = positionOf(n,true); } retval.endOffset = positionOf(n,false); } } retval.stop = input.LT(-1); if ( backtracking==0 ) { retval.tree = (Object)adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0); adaptor.setTokenBoundaries(retval.tree, retval.start, retval.stop); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { reportError(re); recover(input,re); } finally { } return retval; } // $ANTLR end qName // $ANTLR start synpred1 public final void synpred1_fragment() throws RecognitionException { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:129:9: ( AT | STAR | IDENTIFIER ) // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g: { if ( input.LA(1)==AT||input.LA(1)==STAR||input.LA(1)==IDENTIFIER ) { input.consume(); errorRecovery=false;failed=false; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;} MismatchedSetException mse = new MismatchedSetException(null,input); recoverFromMismatchedSet(input,mse,FOLLOW_set_in_synpred1842); throw mse; } } } // $ANTLR end synpred1 // $ANTLR start synpred2 public final void synpred2_fragment() throws RecognitionException { // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:164:6: ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT ) int alt38=2; int LA38_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA38_0==IDENTIFIER) ) { alt38=1; } else if ( (LA38_0==AT) ) { alt38=2; } else { if (backtracking>0) {failed=true; return ;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("164:6: synpred2 : ( IDENTIFIER COLON2 | AT );", 38, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt38) { case 1 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:164:7: IDENTIFIER COLON2 { match(input,IDENTIFIER,FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred21003); if (failed) return ; match(input,COLON2,FOLLOW_COLON2_in_synpred21005); if (failed) return ; } break; case 2 : // /org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10/src/org/eclipse/bpel/xpath10/parser/XPath10.g:164:27: AT { match(input,AT,FOLLOW_AT_in_synpred21009); if (failed) return ; } break; }} // $ANTLR end synpred2 public final boolean synpred1() { backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred1_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !failed; input.rewind(start); backtracking--; failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred2() { backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred2_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !failed; input.rewind(start); backtracking--; failed=false; return success; } public static final BitSet FOLLOW_unionExpr_in_xpath742 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_absoluteLocationPath_in_locationPath769 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_relativeLocationPath_in_locationPath781 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SLASH2_in_absoluteLocationPath811 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000014000E002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SLASH_in_absoluteLocationPath820 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000014000E002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_i_relativeLocationPath_in_absoluteLocationPath853 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_i_relativeLocationPath_in_relativeLocationPath898 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_step_in_i_relativeLocationPath926 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000180002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SLASH2_in_i_relativeLocationPath941 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000014000E000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SLASH_in_i_relativeLocationPath946 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000014000E000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_step_in_i_relativeLocationPath952 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000180002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_axis_in_step1015 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000140000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_step1042 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000040000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_step1044 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000140000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_step1056 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000402L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STAR_in_step1060 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000402L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_specialStep_in_step1081 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000402L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_predicate_in_step1099 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000402L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_abbrStep_in_step1121 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000402L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_predicate_in_step1130 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000402L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_specialStep1167 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_specialStep1170 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_specialStep1177 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_specialStep1186 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_specialStep1215 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_specialStep1218 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_specialStep1223 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_specialStep1262 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_specialStep1265 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_specialStep1270 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_specialStep1302 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_specialStep1305 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_specialStep1310 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_axis1366 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000020000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON2_in_axis1368 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_AT_in_axis1388 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LBRACKET_in_predicate1430 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_predicateExpr_in_predicate1435 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000800L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RBRACKET_in_predicate1437 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_predicateExpr1468 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT_in_abbrStep1500 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOT2_in_abbrStep1513 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_AT_in_abbrAxisSpecifier1531 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_orExpr_in_expr1565 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_variableReference_in_primaryExpr1594 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_primaryExpr1611 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_primaryExpr1616 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_primaryExpr1618 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_literal_in_primaryExpr1638 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_number_in_primaryExpr1670 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_functionCall_in_primaryExpr1703 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LITERAL_in_literal1741 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NUMBER_in_number1767 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DOLLAR_in_variableReference1798 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_qName_in_variableReference1803 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_qName_in_functionCall1838 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LPAREN_in_functionCall1863 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E300L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_argList_in_functionCall1870 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000200L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_RPAREN_in_functionCall1877 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_argument_in_argList1914 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COMMA_in_argList1925 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_argument_in_argList1929 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000010002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_expr_in_argument1980 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_pathExpr_in_unionExpr2015 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PIPE_in_unionExpr2036 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000074038E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_pathExpr_in_unionExpr2042 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000001002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_locationPath_in_pathExpr2092 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_filterExpr_in_pathExpr2109 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000180002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SLASH_in_pathExpr2124 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000014000E000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_SLASH2_in_pathExpr2126 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000014000E000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_relativeLocationPath_in_pathExpr2133 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_primaryExpr_in_filterExpr2172 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000402L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_predicate_in_filterExpr2189 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000402L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_andExpr_in_orExpr2234 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000012L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_OR_in_orExpr2266 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_andExpr_in_orExpr2272 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000012L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_equalityExpr_in_andExpr2332 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000022L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_AND_in_andExpr2377 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_equalityExpr_in_andExpr2383 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000022L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_relationalExpr_in_equalityExpr2452 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000003000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_EQ_in_equalityExpr2484 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_NE_in_equalityExpr2489 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_relationalExpr_in_equalityExpr2495 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000003000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_additiveExpr_in_relationalExpr2565 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000003C000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LT_in_relationalExpr2595 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_GT_in_relationalExpr2600 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_LTE_in_relationalExpr2605 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_GTE_in_relationalExpr2610 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_additiveExpr_in_relationalExpr2616 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000003C000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_multExpr_in_additiveExpr2677 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000C00002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_PLUS_in_additiveExpr2709 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUS_in_additiveExpr2714 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_multExpr_in_additiveExpr2720 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000C00002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_unaryExpr_in_multExpr2799 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000400000C2L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_STAR_in_multExpr2827 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_DIV_in_multExpr2832 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MOD_in_multExpr2837 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_unaryExpr_in_multExpr2843 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x00000000400000C2L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_unionExpr_in_unaryExpr2907 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_MINUS_in_unaryExpr2929 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000740B8E100L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_unaryExpr_in_unaryExpr2933 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_qName2972 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000040000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON_in_qName2974 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_qName2992 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_set_in_synpred1842 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_IDENTIFIER_in_synpred21003 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000020000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_COLON2_in_synpred21005 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_AT_in_synpred21009 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); }