package org.eclipse.bpel.xpath10.parser; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.junit.Test; /** * Various expressions tests. * * @author Michal Chmielewski ( * @date Aug 26, 2008 * */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class Expressions extends AbstractTC { /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void StringDoubleQuote() throws RecognitionException { String input = "\"a b c d\""; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "\"a b c d\""); runTest(CMP_AST, "\"a b c d\"", "\"a b c d\""); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void StringSingleQuote() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 'ab cd' "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "'ab cd'"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "'ab cd'"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void PositiveInteger() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12345 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12345"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "12345"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void NegativeInteger() throws RecognitionException { String input = " -12345 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "-12345"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "- 12345"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void PositiveFloat() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12345.01 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12345.01"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "12345.01"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void NegativeFloat() throws RecognitionException { String input = " -12345.01 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "-12345.01"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "- 12345.01"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void NegativeFloatNoLeading0() throws RecognitionException { String input = " -.01 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "-.01"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "- .01"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void FloatNoLeading0() throws RecognitionException { String input = " .01 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, ".01"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, ".01"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void FloatNoLeading0Dot() throws RecognitionException { String input = " . + 01 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "self::node() + 01"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(+ . 01)"); } /** * Additive Expression with + operator * * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void AdditiveExpr() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 + 13 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 + 13"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(+ 12 13)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void AdditiveExpr3() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 + 13 + 7 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 + 13 + 7"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(+ (+ 12 13) 7)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void AdditiveExpr3P() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 +(13+ 7)"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 + (13 + 7)"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(+ 12 (+ 13 7))"); } /** * Additive Expression with - operator * * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void AdditiveExprMinus() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12-14"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 - 14"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(- 12 14)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void AdditiveExprMinus3() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 - 14-15 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 - 14 - 15"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(- (- 12 14) 15)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void AdditiveExprMinus3P() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12-(14-15)"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 - (14 - 15)"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(- 12 (- 14 15))"); } /** * Multiplicative Expression with * operator * * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void MultiplicativeExprTimes() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 * 14 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 * 14"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(* 12 14)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void MultiplicativeExprTimes3() throws RecognitionException { String input = "12*14*15"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 * 14 * 15"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(* (* 12 14) 15)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void MultiplicativeExprTimes3P() throws RecognitionException { String input = "12*(14*15)"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 * (14 * 15)"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(* 12 (* 14 15))"); } /** * Multiplicative Expression with MOD operator * * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void MultiplicativeExprMOD() throws RecognitionException { String input = "12 mod 14"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 mod 14"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(mod 12 14)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void MultiplicativeExprMOD3() throws RecognitionException { String input = "12 mod 14 mod 7"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 mod 14 mod 7"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(mod (mod 12 14) 7)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void MultiplicativeExprMOD3P() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 mod ( 14 mod 7)"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 mod (14 mod 7)"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(mod 12 (mod 14 7))"); } /** * Multiplicative Expression with DIV operator * * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void MultiplicativeExprDIV() throws RecognitionException { String input = "12 div 14"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 div 14"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(div 12 14)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void MultiplicativeExprDIV3() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 div 14 div 7"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 div 14 div 7"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(div (div 12 14) 7)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void EqualityExprEQ() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 = 14"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 = 14"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(= 12 14)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void EqualitylExprNEQ() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 != 14 "; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 != 14"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(!= 12 14)"); } /** * AND Logical Expressions * * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void LogicalAndExpr() throws RecognitionException { String input = "12 and 14"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 and 14"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(and 12 14)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void LogicalAndExpr3() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 and 14 and 15"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 and 14 and 15"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(and (and 12 14) 15)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void LogicalAndExpr3P() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 and (14 and 15)"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 and (14 and 15)"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(and 12 (and 14 15))"); } /** * OR Logical Expressions * * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void LogicalORExpr() throws RecognitionException { String input = "12 or 14"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 or 14"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(or 12 14)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void LogicalOrExpr3() throws RecognitionException { String input = "12 or 14 or 15"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 or 14 or 15"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(or (or 12 14) 15)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void LogicalOrExpr3P() throws RecognitionException { String input = "12 or (14 or 15))"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 or (14 or 15)"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(or 12 (or 14 15))"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void VariableReference() throws RecognitionException { String input = "$foo"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "$foo"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "($ foo)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void VariableReference2() throws RecognitionException { String input = "$foo:bar"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "$foo:bar"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "($ (: foo bar))"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void Expr2() throws RecognitionException { String input = " ( 12+ $foo )-(12 +$bar)"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "(12 + $foo) - (12 + $bar)"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(- (+ 12 ($ foo)) (+ 12 ($ bar)))"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void Expr3() throws RecognitionException { String input = " 12 + ( $foo - 13)"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "12 + ($foo - 13)"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(+ 12 (- ($ foo) 13))"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void FuncCallNoArgs() throws RecognitionException { String input = "foobar()"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "foobar()"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "foobar"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void FuncCall1() throws RecognitionException { String input = "foobar('Hello')"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "foobar('Hello')"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "foobar (Args 'Hello')"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void FuncCall2() throws RecognitionException { String input = "foobar(2+$var)"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "foobar(2 + $var)"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "foobar (Args (+ 2 ($ var)))"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void FuncCall3() throws RecognitionException { String input = "foobar(2+$var,'Hello',12)"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "foobar(2 + $var, 'Hello', 12)"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "foobar (Args (+ 2 ($ var)) 'Hello' 12)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void Expr4() throws RecognitionException { String input = "$foo mod 5"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "$foo mod 5"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(mod ($ foo) 5)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void Expr5() throws RecognitionException { String input = "$foo/bar mod 5"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "$foo/child::bar mod 5"); runTest(CMP_AST, "$foo//bar mod 5", "(mod ($ foo) // bar 5)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void Expr6() throws RecognitionException { String input = "$foo//bar mod 5"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "$foo/descendant-or-self::node()/child::bar mod 5"); runTest(CMP_AST, "$foo//bar mod 5", "(mod ($ foo) // bar 5)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void PathExprAxis() throws RecognitionException { String input = "/descendant::ns1:foo/parent::ns2:bar/child::child"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "/descendant::ns1:foo/parent::ns2:bar/child::child"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(/ (:: descendant) ns1 : foo / (:: parent) ns2 : bar / (:: child) child)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void PathExprAxis2() throws RecognitionException { String input = "/ancestor::ns1:foo/following-sibling::ns2:sib/preceding-sibling::sib2"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "/ancestor::ns1:foo/following-sibling::ns2:sib/preceding-sibling::sib2"); runTest( CMP_AST, input, "(/ (:: ancestor) ns1 : foo / (:: following-sibling) ns2 : sib / (:: preceding-sibling) sib2)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void PathExprAxis3() throws RecognitionException { String input = "/following::ns1:foo/preceding::ns2:sib/attribute::attr2"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "/following::ns1:foo/preceding::ns2:sib/attribute::attr2"); runTest( CMP_AST, input, "(/ (:: following) ns1 : foo / (:: preceding) ns2 : sib / (:: attribute) attr2)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void PathExprAxis4() throws RecognitionException { String input = "/namespace::ns1:foo/self::ns2:sib/descendant-or-self::ds/ancestor-or-self::ns:as"; runTest( CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "/namespace::ns1:foo/self::ns2:sib/descendant-or-self::ds/ancestor-or-self::ns:as"); runTest( CMP_AST, input, "(/ (:: namespace) ns1 : foo / (:: self) ns2 : sib / (:: descendant-or-self) ds / (:: ancestor-or-self) ns : as)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void PathExprAxisBadAxis() throws RecognitionException { String input = "/badaxis::foo"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "/unknown-axis-name::foo"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(/ (:: badaxis) foo)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void PathExprSlashSlash() throws RecognitionException { String input = "//foo//bar"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "/descendant-or-self::node()/child::foo/descendant-or-self::node()/child::bar"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "(// foo // bar)"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void Query() throws RecognitionException { String input = "$v//bar"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "$v/descendant-or-self::node()/child::bar"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "($ v) // bar"); } /** * @throws RecognitionException */ @Test public void Query2() throws RecognitionException { String input = "$v/bar"; runTest(CMP_EXPR_TEXT, input, "$v/child::bar"); runTest(CMP_AST, input, "($ v) / bar"); } }