package; import nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell; import nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Material; import nars.lab.grid2d.main.Hauto; public class Dungeon { // max size of the map int xmax; //columns int ymax; //rows // size of the map int _xsize; int _ysize; // number of "objects" to generate on the map int _objects; double ChanceRoom = 75; private final Cell[][] _dungeonMap; public int Corridors; public Dungeon(Hauto a) { this._dungeonMap = a.readCells; _xsize = xmax = a.w; _ysize = ymax = a.h; } // setting a tile's type void SetCell(int x, int y, Material m) { float h; switch (m) { case Door: h = 100; break; case StoneWall: h = 150; break; case DirtFloor: h = 1; break; default: h = 1; } _dungeonMap[x][y].height = h; _dungeonMap[x][y].material = m; } /* public boolean IsWall(int x, int y, int xlen, int ylen, int xt, int yt, int d) { Func<int, int, int> a = GetFeatureLowerBound; Func<int, int, int> b = IsFeatureWallBound; switch (d) { case Hauto.UP: return xt == a(x, xlen) || xt == b(x, xlen) || yt == y || yt == y - ylen + 1; case Hauto.RIGHT: return xt == x || xt == x + xlen - 1 || yt == a(y, ylen) || yt == b(y, ylen); case Hauto.DOWN: return xt == a(x, xlen) || xt == b(x, xlen) || yt == y || yt == y + ylen - 1; case Hauto.LEFT: return xt == x || xt == x - xlen + 1 || yt == a(y, ylen) || yt == b(y, ylen); } } */ public static int GetFeatureLowerBound(int c, int len) { return c - len / 2; } public static int IsFeatureWallBound(int c, int len) { return c + (len - 1) / 2; } public static int GetFeatureUpperBound(int c, int len) { return c + (len + 1) / 2; } /* public static List<PointI> GetRoomPoints(int x, int y, int xlen, int ylen, int d) { // north and south share the same x strategy // east and west share the same y strategy Func<int, int, int> a = GetFeatureLowerBound; Func<int, int, int> b = GetFeatureUpperBound; switch (d) { case Hauto.UP: for (var xt = a(x, xlen); xt < b(x, xlen); xt++) for (var yt = y; yt > y - ylen; yt--) yield return new PointI { X = xt, Y = yt }; break; case Hauto.RIGHT: for (var xt = x; xt < x + xlen; xt++) for (var yt = a(y, ylen); yt < b(y, ylen); yt++) yield return new PointI { X = xt, Y = yt }; break; case Hauto.DOWN: for (var xt = a(x, xlen); xt < b(x, xlen); xt++) for (var yt = y; yt < y + ylen; yt++) yield return new PointI { X = xt, Y = yt }; break; case Hauto.LEFT: for (var xt = x; xt > x - xlen; xt--) for (var yt = a(y, ylen); yt < b(y, ylen); yt++) yield return new PointI { X = xt, Y = yt }; break; default: yield break; } } */ public Material GetCellType(int x, int y) { return this._dungeonMap[x][y].material; } public int GetRand(int min, int max) { return (int)(Math.random()*(max-min)+min); } public boolean MakeCorridor(int x, int y, int length, int direction) { // define the dimensions of the corridor (er.. only the width and height..) int len = this.GetRand(2, length); Material Floor = Material.Corridor; int xtemp; int ytemp = 0; switch (direction) { case Hauto.UP: // north // check if there's enough space for the corridor // start with checking it's not out of the boundaries if (x < 0 || x > this._xsize) return false; xtemp = x; // same thing here, to make sure it's not out of the boundaries for (ytemp = y; ytemp > (y - len); ytemp--) { if (ytemp < 0 || ytemp > this._ysize) return false; // oh boho, it was! if (GetCellType(xtemp, ytemp) != Material.Empty) return false; } // if we're still here, let's start building Corridors++; for (ytemp = y; ytemp > (y - len); ytemp--) { this.SetCell(xtemp, ytemp, Floor); } break; case Hauto.RIGHT: // east if (y < 0 || y > this._ysize) return false; ytemp = y; for (xtemp = x; xtemp < (x + len); xtemp++) { if (xtemp < 0 || xtemp > this._xsize) return false; if (GetCellType(xtemp, ytemp) != Material.Empty) return false; } Corridors++; for (xtemp = x; xtemp < (x + len); xtemp++) { this.SetCell(xtemp, ytemp, Floor); } break; case Hauto.DOWN: // south if (x < 0 || x > this._xsize) return false; xtemp = x; for (ytemp = y; ytemp < (y + len); ytemp++) { if (ytemp < 0 || ytemp > this._ysize) return false; if (GetCellType(xtemp, ytemp) != Material.Empty) return false; } Corridors++; for (ytemp = y; ytemp < (y + len); ytemp++) { this.SetCell(xtemp, ytemp, Floor); } break; case Hauto.LEFT: // west if (ytemp < 0 || ytemp > this._ysize) return false; ytemp = y; for (xtemp = x; xtemp > (x - len); xtemp--) { if (xtemp < 0 || xtemp > this._xsize) return false; if (GetCellType(xtemp, ytemp) != Material.Empty) return false; } Corridors++; for (xtemp = x; xtemp > (x - len); xtemp--) { this.SetCell(xtemp, ytemp, Floor); } break; } // woot, we're still here! let's tell the other guys we're done!! return true; } /* public IEnumerable<Tuple<PointI, int>> GetSurroundingPoints(PointI v) { var points = new[] { Tuple.Create(new PointI { X = v.X, Y = v.Y + 1 }, Hauto.UP), Tuple.Create(new PointI { X = v.X - 1, Y = v.Y }, Hauto.RIGHT), Tuple.Create(new PointI { X = v.X , Y = v.Y-1 }, Hauto.DOWN), Tuple.Create(new PointI { X = v.X +1, Y = v.Y }, Hauto.LEFT), }; return points.Where(p => InBounds(p.Item1)); } public IEnumerable<Tuple<PointI, int, Tile>> GetSurroundings(PointI v) { return this.GetSurroundingPoints(v) .Select(r => Tuple.Create(r.Item1, r.Item2, this.GetCellType(r.Item1.X, r.Item1.Y))); } */ /*public boolean InBounds(int x, int y) { return x > 0 && x < this.xmax && y > 0 && y < this.ymax; }*/ }