package nars.lab.grid2d.main; import java.util.List; import nars.util.EventEmitter.EventObserver; import nars.util.Events; import nars.NAR; import nars.config.Parameters; import nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Logic; import nars.lab.grid2d.main.Cell.Material; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Hauto.DOWN; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Hauto.LEFT; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Hauto.RIGHT; import static nars.lab.grid2d.main.Hauto.UP; import; import nars.lab.grid2d.object.Key; import nars.lab.grid2d.operator.Activate; import nars.lab.grid2d.operator.Deactivate; import nars.lab.grid2d.operator.Goto; import nars.lab.grid2d.operator.Pick; import nars.gui.NARSwing; import nars.lab.grid2d.object.Pizza; import processing.core.PVector; public class TestChamber { public static boolean staticInformation=false; //TIMING static int narUpdatePeriod = 1; /*milliseconds */ int gridUpdatePeriod = 20; int automataPeriod = 20; int agentPeriod = 20; static long guiUpdateTime = 25; /* milliseconds */ //OPTIONS public static boolean curiousity=false; public static void main(String[] args) { //set NAR architecture parameters: //builder... Parameters.CONSIDER_NEW_OPERATION_BIAS = 1.0f; //not that much events in testchamber anyway Parameters.SEQUENCE_BAG_SIZE = 100; //but many possible different ways to achieve certain things NAR nar = new NAR(); nar.param.decisionThreshold.set(0.51); //set NAR runtime parmeters: /*for(NAR.PluginState pluginstate : nar.getPlugins()) { if(pluginstate.plugin instanceof InternalExperience || pluginstate.plugin instanceof FullInternalExperience) { nar.removePlugin(pluginstate); } }*/ //nar.addPlugin(new TemporalParticlePlanner()); //(nar.param).duration.set(10); (nar.param).noiseLevel.set(0); new NARSwing(nar); new TestChamber(nar); nar.start(narUpdatePeriod); } static Grid2DSpace space; public PVector lasttarget = new PVector(5, 25); //not work public static boolean executed_going=false; static String goal = ""; static String opname=""; public static LocalGridObject inventorybag=null; public static int keyn=-1; public static String getobj(int x,int y) { for(GridObject gridi : space.objects) { if(gridi instanceof LocalGridObject) { //Key && ((Key)gridi).doorname.equals(goal)) { LocalGridObject gridu=(LocalGridObject) gridi; if(gridu.x==x && gridu.y==y && !"".equals(gridu.doorname)) return gridu.doorname; } } return ""; } public static void operateObj(String arg,String opnamer) { opname=opnamer; Hauto cells = space.cells; goal = arg; for (int i = 0; i < cells.w; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cells.h; j++) { if (cells.readCells[i][j].name.equals(arg)) { if(opname.equals("go-to")) = new PVector(i, j); } } } //if("pick".equals(opname)) { for(GridObject gridi : space.objects) { if(gridi instanceof LocalGridObject && ((LocalGridObject)gridi).doorname.equals(goal)) { //Key && ((Key)gridi).doorname.equals(goal)) { LocalGridObject gridu=(LocalGridObject) gridi; if(opname.equals("go-to")) = new PVector(gridu.x, gridu.y); } } //} } boolean invalid=false; public static boolean active=true; public static boolean executed=false; public static boolean needpizza=false; public static int hungry = 0; public static int lastgoaltime = 0; public List<PVector> path=null; public static boolean ComplexFeedback=true; //false is minimal feedback public TestChamber() { super(); } public TestChamber(NAR nar) { this(nar, true); } public TestChamber(NAR nar, boolean showWindow) { super(); int w = 50; int h = 50; int water_threshold = 30; Hauto cells = new Hauto(w, h, nar); cells.forEach(0, 0, w, h, new CellFunction() { @Override public void update(Cell c) { ///c.setHeight((int)(Math.random() * 12 + 1)); float smoothness = 20f; c.material = Material.GrassFloor; double n = SimplexNoise.noise(c.state.x / smoothness, c.state.y / smoothness); if ((n * 64) > water_threshold) { c.material = Material.Water; } c.setHeight((int) (Math.random() * 24 + 1)); } }); Maze.buildMaze(cells, 3, 3, 23, 23); space = new Grid2DSpace(cells, nar); space.FrameRate = 0; space.automataPeriod = automataPeriod/gridUpdatePeriod; space.agentPeriod = agentPeriod/gridUpdatePeriod; TestChamber into=this; nar.memory.event.on(Events.FrameEnd.class, new EventObserver() { private long lastDrawn = 0; @Override public void event(Class event, Object... arguments) { if (nar.time() % gridUpdatePeriod == 0) { space.update(into); long now = System.nanoTime(); if (now - lastDrawn > guiUpdateTime*1e6) { space.redraw(); lastDrawn = now; } } } }); if (showWindow) space.newWindow(1000, 800, true); cells.forEach(16, 16, 18, 18, new Hauto.SetMaterial(Material.DirtFloor)); GridAgent a = new GridAgent(17, 17, nar) { String lastgone=""; @Override public void update(Effect nextEffect) { if(active) { //nar.stop(); executed=false; if(path==null || path.size()<=0 && !executed_going) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //make thinking in testchamber bit faster //nar.step(1); if (executed) { break; } } } if(needpizza) { hungry--; if(hungry<0) { hungry=20; // nar.addInput("(&&,<#1 --> pizza>,<#1 --> [at]>)!"); //also works but better: nar.addInput("<SELF --> [replete]>!"); /*for (GridObject obj : space.objects) { if (obj instanceof Pizza) { nar.addInput("<" + ((Pizza) obj).doorname + "--> at>!"); } }*/ } } if(Hauto.goalInputPeriodic) { lastgoaltime--; if(lastgoaltime < 0) { lastgoaltime = 20; nar.addInput(Hauto.lastWish); } } } // int a = 0; // if (Math.random() < 0.4) { // int randDir = (int)(Math.random()*4); // if (randDir == 0) a = LEFT; // else if (randDir == 1) a = RIGHT; // else if (randDir == 2) a = UP; // else if (randDir == 3) a = DOWN; // /*else if (randDir == 4) a = UPLEFT; // else if (randDir == 5) a = UPRIGHT; // else if (randDir == 6) a = DOWNLEFT; // else if (randDir == 7) a = DOWNRIGHT;*/ // turn(a); // } /*if (Math.random() < 0.2) { forward(1); }*/ lasttarget =; space.current = new PVector(x, y); // System.out.println(nextEffect); if (nextEffect == null) { path = Grid2DSpace.Shortest_Path(space, this, space.current,; actions.clear(); // System.out.println(path); if(path==null) { executed_going=false; } //if (path != null) { if(inventorybag!=null) { inventorybag.x=(int)space.current.x; inventorybag.y=(int)space.current.y;;; } if(inventorybag==null || !(inventorybag instanceof Key)) { keyn=-1; } if (path==null || path.size() <= 1) {; active=true; executed_going=false; //System.out.println("at destination; didnt need to find path"); if (!"".equals(goal)) {// && space.current.equals( { //--nar.step(6); GridObject obi=null; if(!"".equals(opname)) { for(GridObject gridi : space.objects) { if(gridi instanceof LocalGridObject && ((LocalGridObject)gridi).doorname.equals(goal) && ((LocalGridObject)gridi).x==(int)space.current.x && ((LocalGridObject)gridi).y==(int)space.current.y ) { obi=gridi; break; } } } if(obi!=null || cells.readCells[(int)space.current.x][(int)space.current.y].name.equals(goal)) { //only possible for existing ones if("pick".equals(opname)) { if(inventorybag!=null && inventorybag instanceof LocalGridObject) { //we have to drop it LocalGridObject ob=(LocalGridObject) inventorybag; ob.x=(int)space.current.x; ob.y=(int)space.current.y; space.objects.add(ob); } inventorybag=(LocalGridObject)obi; if(obi!=null) { space.objects.remove(obi); if(inventorybag.doorname.startsWith("{key")) { keyn=Integer.parseInt(inventorybag.doorname.replaceAll("key", "").replace("}", "").replace("{", "")); for(int i=0;i<cells.h;i++) { for(int j=0;j<cells.w;j++) { if(Hauto.doornumber(cells.readCells[i][j])==keyn) { cells.readCells[i][j].is_solid=false; cells.writeCells[i][j].is_solid=false; } } } } } nar.addInput("<"+goal+" --> hold>. :|:"); } else if("deactivate".equals(opname)) { for(int i=0;i<cells.h;i++) { for(int j=0;j<cells.w;j++) { if(cells.readCells[i][j].name.equals(goal)) { if(cells.readCells[i][j].logic==Logic.SWITCH) { cells.readCells[i][j].logic=Logic.OFFSWITCH; cells.writeCells[i][j].logic=Logic.OFFSWITCH; cells.readCells[i][j].charge=0.0f; cells.writeCells[i][j].charge=0.0f; if(ComplexFeedback) nar.addInput("(--,<"+goal+" --> [on]>). :|: %1.00;0.90%"); } } } } } else if("activate".equals(opname)) { for(int i=0;i<cells.h;i++) { for(int j=0;j<cells.w;j++) { if(cells.readCells[i][j].name.equals(goal)) { if(cells.readCells[i][j].logic==Logic.OFFSWITCH) { cells.readCells[i][j].logic=Logic.SWITCH; cells.writeCells[i][j].logic=Logic.SWITCH; cells.readCells[i][j].charge=1.0f; cells.writeCells[i][j].charge=1.0f; if(ComplexFeedback) nar.addInput("<"+goal+" --> [on]>. :|:"); } } } } } if("go-to".equals(opname)) { executed_going=false; if(!goal.equals(lastgone)) { nar.addInput("<"+goal+" --> [at]>. :|:"); } lastgone=goal; if (true /*goal.startsWith("{pizza")*/) { int x= 0; int y = 0; for (GridObject obj : space.objects) { if(obj instanceof GridAgent) { GridAgent ag = (GridAgent) obj; x = ag.x; y = ag.y; } } GridObject ToRemove = null; boolean atePizza = false; for (GridObject obj : space.objects) { //remove pizza if (obj instanceof Pizza) { LocalGridObject obo = (LocalGridObject) obj; if (obo.x == x && obo.y == y /*obo.doorname.equals(goal)*/) { ToRemove = obj; atePizza = true; } } } if (ToRemove != null) { space.objects.remove(ToRemove); } if(atePizza) { hungry=20; //nar.addInput("<"+goal+" --> eat>. :|:"); //that is sufficient: nar.addInput("<SELF --> [replete]>. :|:"); } } active=true; } } } opname=""; /*if(!executed && !executed_going) nar.step(1);*/ } else { //nar.step(10); //nar.memory.setEnabled(false); executed_going=true; active=false; //nar.step(1); int numSteps = Math.min(10, path.size()); float cx = x; float cy = y; for (int i = 1; i < numSteps; i++) { PVector next = path.get(i); int dx = (int) (next.x - cx); int dy = (int) (next.y - cy); if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 1)) { turn(UP); forward(1); } if ((dx == 1) && (dy == 0)) { turn(RIGHT); forward(1); } if ((dx == -1) && (dy == 0)) { turn(LEFT); forward(1); } if ((dx == 0) && (dy == -1)) { turn(DOWN); forward(1); } cx = next.x; cy = next.y; } } } } } }; Goto wu = new Goto(this, "^go-to"); nar.memory.addOperator(wu); Pick wa = new Pick(this, "^pick"); nar.memory.addOperator(wa); Activate waa = new Activate(this, "^activate"); nar.memory.addOperator(waa); Deactivate waaa = new Deactivate(this, "^deactivate"); nar.memory.addOperator(waaa); space.add(a); } }