package org.openmuc.framework.driver.aggregator.types; import java.util.List; import; import org.openmuc.framework.dataaccess.Channel; import org.openmuc.framework.dataaccess.DataAccessService; import org.openmuc.framework.driver.aggregator.AggregationException; import org.openmuc.framework.driver.aggregator.AggregatorChannel; import org.openmuc.framework.driver.aggregator.AggregatorConstants; import org.openmuc.framework.driver.aggregator.AggregatorUtil; import org.openmuc.framework.driver.aggregator.ChannelAddress; public class PulseEnergyAggregation extends AggregatorChannel { private static final double SHORT_MAX = 65535.0; private static final int INDEX_PULSES_WH = 1; private static final int INDEX_MAX_COUNTER = 2; public PulseEnergyAggregation(ChannelAddress simpleAddress, DataAccessService dataAccessService) throws AggregationException { super(simpleAddress, dataAccessService); } /** * Performs aggregation */ @Override public double aggregate(long currentTimestamp, long endTimestamp) throws AggregationException { double value = 0; try { List<Record> recordList = getLoggedRecords(currentTimestamp, endTimestamp); value = getPulsesEnergy(channelAddress, sourceChannel, recordList, aggregatedChannel); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AggregationException(e.getMessage()); } return value; } private double getPulsesEnergy(ChannelAddress simpleAdress, Channel sourceChannel, List<Record> recordList, Channel aggregatedChannel) throws AggregationException, AggregationException { double aggregatedValue; double pulsesPerWh; double maxCounterValue; // parse type address params. length = 3: <type,pulsePerWh,maxCounterValue> String[] typeParams = simpleAdress.getAggregationType().split(AggregatorConstants.TYPE_PARAM_SEPARATOR); if (typeParams.length == 3) { pulsesPerWh = Double.valueOf(typeParams[INDEX_PULSES_WH]); maxCounterValue = Double.valueOf(typeParams[INDEX_MAX_COUNTER]); } else { throw new AggregationException("Wrong parameters for PULSE_ENERGY."); } if (pulsesPerWh > 0) { if (maxCounterValue <= 0) { maxCounterValue = SHORT_MAX; // if negative or null then set default value } aggregatedValue = getImpulsValue(sourceChannel, recordList, aggregatedChannel.getSamplingInterval(), pulsesPerWh, maxCounterValue); } else { throw new AggregationException("Parameter pulses per Wh has to be greater then 0."); } return aggregatedValue; } private double getImpulsValue(Channel sourceChannel, List<Record> recordList, long samplingInterval, double pulsesPerX, double maxCounterValue) throws AggregationException { if (recordList.size() < 1) { throw new AggregationException("List holds less than 1 records, calculation of pulses not possible."); } Record lastRecord = AggregatorUtil.getLastRecordOfList(recordList); double past = lastRecord.getValue().asDouble(); double actual = getWaitForLatestRecordValue(sourceChannel, lastRecord); double power = calcPulsesValue(actual, past, pulsesPerX, samplingInterval, maxCounterValue); return power; } private double calcPulsesValue(double actualPulses, double pulsesHist, double pulsesPerX, long loggingInterval, double maxCounterValue) { double power; double pulses = actualPulses - pulsesHist; if (pulses >= 0.0) { pulses = actualPulses - pulsesHist; } else { pulses = (maxCounterValue - pulsesHist) + actualPulses; } power = pulses / pulsesPerX * (loggingInterval / 1000.); return power; } private double getWaitForLatestRecordValue(Channel sourceChannel, Record lastRecord) { double returnValue; do { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } while (sourceChannel.getLatestRecord().getTimestamp().equals(lastRecord.getTimestamp())); returnValue = sourceChannel.getLatestRecord().getValue().asDouble(); return returnValue; } }