/* * Copyright 2011-16 Fraunhofer ISE * * This file is part of OpenMUC. * For more information visit http://www.openmuc.org * * OpenMUC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * OpenMUC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenMUC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ package org.openmuc.framework.datalogger.ascii.utils; public class Const { public final static String CHAR_SET = "US-ASCII"; public final static String DEFAULT_DIRECTORY = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/data/ascii/"; public final static String FILEINFO = "generated by AsciiLoger of OpenMUC"; public final static double ISEFORMATVERSION = 1.00; public final static String EXTENSION = ".dat"; public final static String EXTENSION_OLD = ".old"; public static final String HEADER_SIGN = "##"; public static final String COMMENT_SIGN = "#"; public static final String COMMENT_NAME = "comment"; public static final String TIMESTAMP_STRING = "unixtimestamp"; public static final short INVALID_INDEX = -1; public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "%1$tY%1$tm%1$td"; // Date in YYYYMMDD public static final String TIME_FORMAT = "%1$tH%1$tM%1$tS"; // Time in HHMMSS public static final String SEPARATOR = ";\t"; public static final char LINESEPARATOR = '\n'; public static final String LINESEPARATOR_STRING = "\n"; public static final String ERROR = "err"; public static final String COL_NUM = "col_no"; public static final String DATATYPE_NAME = "value_type"; public static final String VALUETYPE_ENDSIGN = ". "; public static final String VALUETYPE_SIZE_SEPARATOR = ","; public static final String HEXADECIMAL = "0x"; public static final char MINUS_SIGN = '-'; public static final char PLUS_SIGN = '+'; public static final char DECIMAL_SEPARATOR = '.'; public static final char TIME_SEPERATOR = '_'; public static final String TIME_SEPERATOR_STRING = "_"; public static final int SIZE_LEADING_SIGN = 1; public static final int VALUE_SIZE_DOUBLE = 8 + SIZE_LEADING_SIGN; public static final int VALUE_SIZE_INTEGER = 11 + SIZE_LEADING_SIGN; public static final int VALUE_SIZE_LONG = 20 + SIZE_LEADING_SIGN; public static final int VALUE_SIZE_SHORT = 6 + SIZE_LEADING_SIGN; public static final int VALUE_SIZE_MINIMAL = 5 + SIZE_LEADING_SIGN; public static final int NUM_OF_TIME_TYPES_IN_HEADER = 3; }