/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.ofbiz.webtools.labelmanager; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.component.ComponentConfig; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.component.ComponentConfig.ClasspathInfo; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.Debug; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.FileUtil; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilCodec; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilXml; import org.w3c.dom.Comment; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class LabelManagerFactory { public static final String module = LabelManagerFactory.class.getName(); public static final String resource = "WebtoolsUiLabels"; public static final String keySeparator = "#"; protected static Set<String> componentNamesFound = null; protected static Map<String, LabelFile> filesFound = null; protected Map<String, LabelInfo> labels = new TreeMap<String, LabelInfo>(); protected Set<String> localesFound = new TreeSet<String>(); protected List<LabelInfo> duplicatedLocalesLabelsList = new LinkedList<LabelInfo>(); public static synchronized LabelManagerFactory getInstance() throws IOException { if (componentNamesFound == null) { loadComponentNames(); } if (filesFound == null) { loadLabelFiles(); } return new LabelManagerFactory(); } protected LabelManagerFactory() { } protected static void loadComponentNames() { componentNamesFound = new TreeSet<String>(); Collection<ComponentConfig> componentConfigs = ComponentConfig.getAllComponents(); for (ComponentConfig componentConfig : componentConfigs) { componentNamesFound.add(componentConfig.getComponentName()); } } protected static void loadLabelFiles() throws IOException { filesFound = new TreeMap<String, LabelFile>(); List<ClasspathInfo> cpInfos = ComponentConfig.getAllClasspathInfos(); for (ClasspathInfo cpi : cpInfos) { if ("dir".equals(cpi.type)) { String configRoot = cpi.componentConfig.getRootLocation(); configRoot = configRoot.replace('\\', '/'); if (!configRoot.endsWith("/")) { configRoot = configRoot + "/"; } String location = cpi.location.replace('\\', '/'); if (location.startsWith("/")) { location = location.substring(1); } List<File> resourceFiles = FileUtil.findXmlFiles(configRoot + location, null, "resource", null); for (File resourceFile : resourceFiles) { filesFound.put(resourceFile.getName(), new LabelFile(resourceFile, cpi.componentConfig.getComponentName())); } } } } public void findMatchingLabels(String component, String fileName, String key, String locale, boolean onlyNotUsedLabels) throws MalformedURLException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException, GeneralException { if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(component) && UtilValidate.isEmpty(fileName) && UtilValidate.isEmpty(key) && UtilValidate.isEmpty(locale)) { // Important! Don't allow unparameterized queries - doing so will result in loading the entire project into memory return; } for (LabelFile fileInfo : filesFound.values()) { if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(component) && !component.equals(fileInfo.componentName)) { continue; } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(fileName) && !fileName.equals(fileInfo.getFileName())) { continue; } if ("ExampleEntityLabels.xml".equals(fileInfo.getFileName()) || "ProductPromoUiLabels.xml".equals(fileInfo.getFileName()) ) { continue; } if (Debug.infoOn()) { Debug.logInfo("Current file : " + fileInfo.getFileName(), module); } Document resourceDocument = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(fileInfo.file.toURI().toURL(), false); Element resourceElem = resourceDocument.getDocumentElement(); String labelKeyComment = ""; for (Node propertyNode : UtilXml.childNodeList(resourceElem.getFirstChild())) { if (propertyNode instanceof Element) { Element propertyElem = (Element) propertyNode; String labelKey = UtilCodec.canonicalize(propertyElem.getAttribute("key")); if (onlyNotUsedLabels && (labelKey.contains(".description.") || labelKey.contains(".transitionName.") || labelKey.contains(".partyRelationshipName.") || labelKey.contains(".geoName.") || labelKey.contains(".categoryName.") || labelKey.contains("FieldDescription.") || labelKey.contains("ProductShipmentUomAbbreviation_") || labelKey.contains("TemporalExpression_") || labelKey.contains(".portalPageName.") || labelKey.contains("ProductStoreGroup.productStoreGroupName.NA") || labelKey.contains("buildEbayConfig.") || labelKey.contains("week.") || labelKey.contains("second.") || labelKey.contains("hour.") || labelKey.contains("millisecond.") || labelKey.contains("service.") || labelKey.contains("check.") || (labelKey.length() == 2) // These are languages Ids || labelKey.contains("pt_") // These are languages Ids || labelKey.contains("en_") // These are languages Ids )) { continue; // OFBIZ-8154 WIP } String labelComment = ""; for (Node valueNode : UtilXml.childNodeList(propertyElem.getFirstChild())) { if (valueNode instanceof Element) { Element valueElem = (Element) valueNode; // Support old way of specifying xml:lang value. // Old way: en_AU, new way: en-AU String localeName = valueElem.getAttribute("xml:lang"); if( localeName.contains("_")) { localeName = localeName.replace('_', '-'); } String labelValue = UtilCodec.canonicalize(UtilXml.nodeValue(valueElem.getFirstChild())); LabelInfo label = labels.get(labelKey + keySeparator + fileInfo.getFileName()); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(label)) { label = new LabelInfo(labelKey, labelKeyComment, fileInfo.getFileName(), localeName, labelValue, labelComment); labels.put(labelKey + keySeparator + fileInfo.getFileName(), label); } else { if (label.setLabelValue(localeName, labelValue, labelComment, false)) { duplicatedLocalesLabelsList.add(label); } } localesFound.add(localeName); labelComment = ""; } else if (valueNode instanceof Comment) { labelComment = labelComment + UtilCodec.canonicalize(valueNode.getNodeValue()); } } labelKeyComment = ""; } else if (propertyNode instanceof Comment) { labelKeyComment = labelKeyComment + UtilCodec.canonicalize(propertyNode.getNodeValue()); } } } } public LabelFile getLabelFile(String fileName) { return filesFound.get(fileName); } public Map<String, LabelInfo> getLabels() { return labels; } public Set<String> getLocalesFound() { return new TreeSet<String>(localesFound); } public static Collection<LabelFile> getFilesFound() { return filesFound.values(); } public static Set<String> getComponentNamesFound() { return componentNamesFound; } public Set<String> getLabelsList() { return labels.keySet(); } public int getDuplicatedLocalesLabels() { return duplicatedLocalesLabelsList.size(); } public List<LabelInfo> getDuplicatedLocalesLabelsList() { return duplicatedLocalesLabelsList; } public int updateLabelValue(List<String> localeNames, List<String> localeValues, List<String> localeComments, LabelInfo label, String key, String keyComment, String fileName) { int notEmptyLabels = 0; for (int i = 0; i < localeNames.size(); i++) { String localeName = localeNames.get(i); String localeValue = localeValues.get(i); String localeComment = null; if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(localeComments)) localeComment = localeComments.get(i); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(localeValue) || UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(localeComment)) { if (label == null) { try { label = new LabelInfo(key, keyComment, fileName, localeName, localeValue, localeComment); labels.put(key + keySeparator + fileName, label); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { label.setLabelKeyComment(keyComment); } if (label != null) { label.setLabelValue(localeName, localeValue, localeComment, true); notEmptyLabels++; } } } return notEmptyLabels; } }