/******************************************************************************* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package org.apache.ofbiz.service.engine; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.Debug; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.HttpClient; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.HttpClientException; import org.apache.ofbiz.base.util.UtilGenerics; import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.Delegator; import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.serialize.XmlSerializer; import org.apache.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext; import org.apache.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException; import org.apache.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher; import org.apache.ofbiz.service.ModelService; import org.apache.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher; /** * HttpEngine.java */ public class HttpEngine extends GenericAsyncEngine { public static final String module = HttpEngine.class.getName(); private static final boolean exportAll = false; public HttpEngine(ServiceDispatcher dispatcher) { super(dispatcher); } /** * @see org.apache.ofbiz.service.engine.GenericEngine#runSync(java.lang.String, org.apache.ofbiz.service.ModelService, java.util.Map) */ @Override public Map<String, Object> runSync(String localName, ModelService modelService, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException { DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getLocalContext(localName); String xmlContext = null; try { if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("Serializing Context --> " + context, module); xmlContext = XmlSerializer.serialize(context); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot serialize context.", e); } Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); parameters.put("serviceName", modelService.invoke); if (xmlContext != null) parameters.put("serviceContext", xmlContext); HttpClient http = new HttpClient(this.getLocation(modelService), parameters); String postResult = null; try { postResult = http.post(); } catch (HttpClientException e) { throw new GenericServiceException("Problems invoking HTTP request", e); } Map<String, Object> result = null; try { Object res = XmlSerializer.deserialize(postResult, dctx.getDelegator()); if (res instanceof Map<?, ?>) result = UtilGenerics.checkMap(res); else throw new GenericServiceException("Result not an instance of Map."); } catch (Exception e) { throw new GenericServiceException("Problems deserializing result.", e); } return result; } /** * @see org.apache.ofbiz.service.engine.GenericEngine#runSyncIgnore(java.lang.String, org.apache.ofbiz.service.ModelService, java.util.Map) */ @Override public void runSyncIgnore(String localName, ModelService modelService, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException { runSync(localName, modelService, context); } /** * Event for handling HTTP services * @param request HttpServletRequest object * @param response HttpServletResponse object * @return null */ public static String httpEngine(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { LocalDispatcher dispatcher = (LocalDispatcher) request.getAttribute("dispatcher"); Delegator delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator"); String serviceName = request.getParameter("serviceName"); String serviceMode = request.getParameter("serviceMode"); String xmlContext = request.getParameter("serviceContext"); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> context = null; if (serviceName == null) result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE, "Cannot have null service name"); if (serviceMode == null) serviceMode = "SYNC"; // deserialize the context if (!result.containsKey(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE)) { if (xmlContext != null) { try { Object o = XmlSerializer.deserialize(xmlContext, delegator); if (o instanceof Map<?, ?>) context = UtilGenerics.checkMap(o); else { Debug.logError("Context not an instance of Map error", module); result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE, "Context not an instance of Map"); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.logError(e, "Deserialization error", module); result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error occurred deserializing context: " + e.toString()); } } } // invoke the service if (!result.containsKey(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE)) { try { ModelService model = dispatcher.getDispatchContext().getModelService(serviceName); if (model.export || exportAll) { if (serviceMode.equals("ASYNC")) { dispatcher.runAsync(serviceName, context); } else { result = dispatcher.runSync(serviceName, context); } } else { Debug.logWarning("Attempt to invoke a non-exported service: " + serviceName, module); throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot find requested service"); } } catch (GenericServiceException e) { Debug.logError(e, "Service invocation error", module); result.put(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE, "Service invocation error: " + e.toString()); } } // backup error message StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder(); // process the result String resultString = null; try { resultString = XmlSerializer.serialize(result); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.logError(e, "Cannot serialize result", module); if (result.containsKey(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE)) errorMessage.append(result.get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE)); errorMessage.append("::"); errorMessage.append(e); } // handle the response try { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); response.setContentType("plain/text"); if (errorMessage.length() > 0) { response.setContentLength(errorMessage.toString().getBytes().length); out.write(errorMessage.toString()); } else { response.setContentLength(resultString.getBytes().length); out.write(resultString); } out.flush(); response.flushBuffer(); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.logError(e, "Problems w/ getting the servlet writer.", module); return "error"; } return null; } }