/** * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Sonatype, Inc. * All rights reserved. Includes the third-party code listed at http://www.sonatype.com/products/nexus/attributions. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it only under the terms of the GNU Affero General * Public License Version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 along with this program. If not, see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses. * * Sonatype Nexus (TM) Open Source Version is available from Sonatype, Inc. Sonatype and Sonatype Nexus are trademarks of * Sonatype, Inc. Apache Maven is a trademark of the Apache Foundation. M2Eclipse is a trademark of the Eclipse Foundation. * All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. */ package org.sonatype.nexus.proxy; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils; import org.sonatype.jettytestsuite.ServletServer; import org.sonatype.nexus.configuration.model.CRepositoryCoreConfiguration; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.access.AccessManager; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.item.AbstractStorageItem; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.item.DefaultStorageFileItem; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.item.RepositoryItemUid; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.item.StorageItem; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.item.StringContentLocator; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.maven.RepositoryPolicy; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.maven.maven1.M1Repository; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.repository.Repository; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.repository.RepositoryWritePolicy; import org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.storage.UnsupportedStorageOperationException; public class M1RepositoryTest extends M1ResourceStoreTest { private static final long A_DAY = 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L; protected static final String SPOOF_RELEASE = "/spoof/poms/spoof-1.0.pom"; protected static final String SPOOF_SNAPSHOT = "/spoof/poms/spoof-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom"; @Override protected EnvironmentBuilder getEnvironmentBuilder() throws Exception { ServletServer ss = (ServletServer) lookup( ServletServer.ROLE ); return new M1TestsuiteEnvironmentBuilder( ss ); } @Override protected String getItemPath() { return "/activeio/jars/activeio-2.1.jar"; } @Override protected ResourceStore getResourceStore() throws NoSuchRepositoryException, IOException { Repository repo1 = getRepositoryRegistry().getRepository( "repo1-m1" ); repo1.setWritePolicy( RepositoryWritePolicy.ALLOW_WRITE ); getApplicationConfiguration().saveConfiguration(); return repo1; } public void testPoliciesWithRetrieve() throws Exception { M1Repository repository = (M1Repository) getResourceStore(); // a "release" repository.setRepositoryPolicy( RepositoryPolicy.RELEASE ); repository.getCurrentCoreConfiguration().commitChanges(); StorageItem item = getResourceStore().retrieveItem( new ResourceStoreRequest( SPOOF_RELEASE, false ) ); checkForFileAndMatchContents( item ); try { item = getResourceStore().retrieveItem( new ResourceStoreRequest( SPOOF_SNAPSHOT, false ) ); fail( "Should not be able to get snapshot from release repo" ); } catch ( ItemNotFoundException e ) { // good } // reset NFC repository.expireCaches( new ResourceStoreRequest( RepositoryItemUid.PATH_ROOT, true ) ); // a "snapshot" repository.setRepositoryPolicy( RepositoryPolicy.SNAPSHOT ); repository.getCurrentCoreConfiguration().commitChanges(); item = getResourceStore().retrieveItem( new ResourceStoreRequest( SPOOF_SNAPSHOT, false ) ); checkForFileAndMatchContents( item ); try { item = getResourceStore().retrieveItem( new ResourceStoreRequest( SPOOF_RELEASE, false ) ); fail( "Should not be able to get release from snapshot repo" ); } catch ( ItemNotFoundException e ) { // good } } public void testPoliciesWithStore() throws Exception { M1Repository repository = (M1Repository) getResourceStore(); // a "release" repository.setRepositoryPolicy( RepositoryPolicy.RELEASE ); repository.getCurrentCoreConfiguration().commitChanges(); DefaultStorageFileItem item = new DefaultStorageFileItem( repository, SPOOF_RELEASE, true, true, new StringContentLocator( SPOOF_RELEASE ) ); repository.storeItem( false, item ); try { item = new DefaultStorageFileItem( repository, SPOOF_SNAPSHOT, true, true, new StringContentLocator( SPOOF_SNAPSHOT ) ); repository.storeItem( false, item ); fail( "Should not be able to store snapshot to release repo" ); } catch ( UnsupportedStorageOperationException e ) { // good } // reset NFC repository.expireCaches( new ResourceStoreRequest( RepositoryItemUid.PATH_ROOT, true ) ); // a "snapshot" repository.setRepositoryPolicy( RepositoryPolicy.SNAPSHOT ); repository.getCurrentCoreConfiguration().commitChanges(); item = new DefaultStorageFileItem( repository, SPOOF_SNAPSHOT, true, true, new StringContentLocator( SPOOF_SNAPSHOT ) ); repository.storeItem( false, item ); try { item = new DefaultStorageFileItem( repository, SPOOF_RELEASE, true, true, new StringContentLocator( SPOOF_RELEASE ) ); repository.storeItem( false, item ); fail( "Should not be able to store release to snapshot repo" ); } catch ( UnsupportedStorageOperationException e ) { // good } } public void testProxyLastRequestedAttribute() throws Exception { M1Repository repository = (M1Repository) this.getRepositoryRegistry().getRepository( "repo1-m1" ); String item = "/spoof/poms/spoof-1.0.pom"; ResourceStoreRequest request = new ResourceStoreRequest( item ); request.getRequestContext().put( AccessManager.REQUEST_REMOTE_ADDRESS, "" ); StorageItem storageItem = repository.retrieveItem( request ); long lastRequest = System.currentTimeMillis() - 10 * A_DAY; storageItem.setLastRequested( lastRequest ); repository.storeItem( false, storageItem ); // now request the object, the lastRequested timestamp should be updated StorageItem resultItem = repository.retrieveItem( request ); Assert.assertTrue( resultItem.getLastRequested() + " > " + lastRequest, resultItem.getLastRequested() > lastRequest ); // check the shadow attributes AbstractStorageItem shadowStorageItem = repository.getAttributesHandler().getAttributeStorage().getAttributes( repository.createUid( request.getRequestPath() ) ); Assert.assertEquals( resultItem.getLastRequested(), shadowStorageItem.getLastRequested() ); } public void testHostedLastRequestedAttribute() throws Exception { String itemPath = "/spoof/poms/spoof-1.0.pom"; M1Repository repository = (M1Repository) this.getRepositoryRegistry().getRepository( "inhouse" ); File inhouseLocalStorageDir = new File( new URL(((CRepositoryCoreConfiguration) repository.getCurrentCoreConfiguration()).getConfiguration( false).getLocalStorage().getUrl() ).getFile()); File artifactFile = new File( inhouseLocalStorageDir, itemPath ); artifactFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileUtils.fileWrite( artifactFile.getAbsolutePath(), "Some Text so the file is not empty" ); ResourceStoreRequest request = new ResourceStoreRequest( itemPath ); request.getRequestContext().put( AccessManager.REQUEST_REMOTE_ADDRESS, "" ); StorageItem storageItem = repository.retrieveItem( request ); long lastRequest = System.currentTimeMillis() - 10 * A_DAY; storageItem.setLastRequested( lastRequest ); repository.storeItem( false, storageItem ); // now request the object, the lastRequested timestamp should be updated StorageItem resultItem = repository.retrieveItem( request ); Assert.assertTrue( resultItem.getLastRequested() > lastRequest ); // check the shadow attributes AbstractStorageItem shadowStorageItem = repository.getAttributesHandler().getAttributeStorage().getAttributes( repository.createUid( request.getRequestPath() ) ); Assert.assertEquals( resultItem.getLastRequested(), shadowStorageItem.getLastRequested() ); } }