package; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component; import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Requirement; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClient; import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig; import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder; import com.ning.http.client.ProxyServer; import com.ning.http.client.Realm; @Component( role = AhcProvider.class ) public class DefaultAhcProvider implements AhcProvider { @Requirement private ApplicationConfiguration applicationConfiguration; @Requirement private UserAgentBuilder userAgentBuilder; private volatile AsyncHttpClient sharedClient; private volatile boolean shutdown = false; public synchronized void reset() { sharedClient = null; } public synchronized void close() { try { if ( sharedClient != null ) { sharedClient.close(); } } finally { shutdown = true; } } @Override public synchronized AsyncHttpClient getAsyncHttpClient() { if ( shutdown ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "AHC provider was shut down, not serving client up anymore." ); } if ( sharedClient == null ) { // TODO: nexus wide singleton or new instance per invocation? final Builder configBuilder = getAsyncHttpClientConfigBuilder( applicationConfiguration.getGlobalRemoteStorageContext() ); configBuilder.setUserAgent( userAgentBuilder.formatGenericUserAgentString() ); sharedClient = new AsyncHttpClient( ); } return sharedClient; } @Override public Builder getAsyncHttpClientConfigBuilder( final ProxyRepository repository, final RemoteStorageContext ctx ) { if ( shutdown ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "AHC provider was shut down, not serving client up anymore." ); } final Builder result = getAsyncHttpClientConfigBuilder( ctx ); result.setUserAgent( userAgentBuilder.formatRemoteRepositoryStorageUserAgentString( repository, ctx ) ); // enable redirects for RRS use result.setFollowRedirects( true ); // limiting (with httpClient defaults) to prevent bashing of remote repositories result.setMaximumConnectionsPerHost( 20 ); result.setMaximumConnectionsTotal( 20 ); // proxy-logic will handle retries result.setMaxRequestRetry( 0 ); return result; } // == protected Builder getAsyncHttpClientConfigBuilder( final RemoteStorageContext ctx ) { final AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder result = new AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder(); // timeout final int timeout = ctx.getRemoteConnectionSettings().getConnectionTimeout(); result.setConnectionTimeoutInMs( timeout ); result.setRequestTimeoutInMs( timeout ); // handle compression result.setCompressionEnabled( true ); // remote auth RemoteAuthenticationSettings ras = ctx.getRemoteAuthenticationSettings(); if ( ras != null ) { Realm realm = null; if ( ras instanceof ClientSSLRemoteAuthenticationSettings ) { // ClientSSLRemoteAuthenticationSettings cras = (ClientSSLRemoteAuthenticationSettings) ras; // TODO - implement this } else if ( ras instanceof NtlmRemoteAuthenticationSettings ) { NtlmRemoteAuthenticationSettings nras = (NtlmRemoteAuthenticationSettings) ras; realm = new Realm.RealmBuilder().setPrincipal( nras.getUsername() ).setPassword( nras.getPassword() ).setNtlmDomain( nras.getNtlmDomain() ).setNtlmHost( nras.getNtlmHost() ).build(); } else if ( ras instanceof UsernamePasswordRemoteAuthenticationSettings ) { UsernamePasswordRemoteAuthenticationSettings uras = (UsernamePasswordRemoteAuthenticationSettings) ras; realm = new Realm.RealmBuilder().setPrincipal( uras.getUsername() ).setPassword( uras.getPassword() ).setUsePreemptiveAuth( true ).build(); } if ( realm != null ) { result.setRealm( realm ); } } // proxy RemoteProxySettings rps = ctx.getRemoteProxySettings(); if ( rps.isEnabled() ) { ProxyServer proxy = null; if ( rps.getProxyAuthentication() != null ) { ras = rps.getProxyAuthentication(); if ( ras instanceof ClientSSLRemoteAuthenticationSettings ) { // ClientSSLRemoteAuthenticationSettings cras = (ClientSSLRemoteAuthenticationSettings) ras; // TODO - implement this } else if ( ras instanceof NtlmRemoteAuthenticationSettings ) { NtlmRemoteAuthenticationSettings nras = (NtlmRemoteAuthenticationSettings) ras; proxy = new ProxyServer( rps.getHostname(), rps.getPort(), nras.getUsername(), nras.getPassword() ); proxy.setNtlmDomain( nras.getNtlmDomain() ); } else if ( ras instanceof UsernamePasswordRemoteAuthenticationSettings ) { UsernamePasswordRemoteAuthenticationSettings uras = (UsernamePasswordRemoteAuthenticationSettings) ras; proxy = new ProxyServer( rps.getHostname(), rps.getPort(), uras.getUsername(), uras.getPassword() ); } } else { proxy = new ProxyServer( rps.getHostname(), rps.getPort() ); } // to avoid NPEs while incomplete if ( proxy != null ) { // check if we have non-proxy hosts if ( rps.getNonProxyHosts() != null && !rps.getNonProxyHosts().isEmpty() ) { // TODO: someone "invented" non-proxy hosts as a list of regexps! So, question is, how to // transport that "smart move" to AHC? // AHC supports "*" as wildcard for ( String nonProxyHost : rps.getNonProxyHosts() ) { proxy.addNonProxyHost( nonProxyHost ); } } result.setProxyServer( proxy ); } } return result; } }