/* * Copyright 2016 Igor Maznitsa. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.igormaznitsa.sciareto.ui.tree; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringReader; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import com.igormaznitsa.meta.common.utils.Assertions; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import com.igormaznitsa.meta.annotation.MustNotContainNull; import com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.model.MMapURI; import com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.model.MindMap; import com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.model.logger.Logger; import com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.model.logger.LoggerFactory; import com.igormaznitsa.sciareto.Context; import com.igormaznitsa.sciareto.ui.MapUtils; import com.igormaznitsa.sciareto.ui.SystemUtils; public class NodeProject extends NodeFileOrFolder { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NodeProject.class); private volatile File folder = null; private volatile boolean knowledgeFolderPresented; public NodeProject(@Nonnull final NodeProjectGroup group, @Nonnull final File folder) { super(group, true, folder.getName(), !Files.isWritable(folder.toPath())); this.folder = folder; this.knowledgeFolderPresented = new File(folder,Context.KNOWLEDGE_FOLDER).isDirectory(); reloadSubtree(); } public boolean hasKnowledgeFolder(){ return this.knowledgeFolderPresented; } @Override public void setName(@Nonnull final String name) { this.name = name; this.folder = new File(folder.getParentFile(), name); reloadSubtree(); } @Override @Nullable public File makeFileForNode() { return this.folder; } @Nonnull public File getFolder() { return this.folder; } public void setFolder(@Nonnull final File folder) { Assertions.assertTrue("Must be directory", folder.isDirectory()); //NOI18N this.folder = folder; reloadSubtree(); } @Nonnull public NodeProjectGroup getGroup() { return (NodeProjectGroup) this.parent; } @Nonnull @MustNotContainNull public List<File> findAffectedFiles(@Nonnull final File changedFile) { final File baseFolder = makeFileForNode(); final boolean folder = changedFile.isDirectory(); final List<File> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (final File mindMapFile : FileUtils.listFiles(baseFolder, new String[]{"mmd", "MMD"}, true)) { //NOI18N try { final MindMap map = new MindMap(null, new StringReader(FileUtils.readFileToString(mindMapFile, "UTF-8"))); //NOI18N if (!MapUtils.findTopicsRelatedToFile(baseFolder, changedFile, map).isEmpty()) { result.add(mindMapFile); } } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Can't process mind map file", ex); //NOI18N } } return result; } @Nonnull @MustNotContainNull public List<File> deleteAllLinksToFile(@Nonnull @MustNotContainNull final List<File> listOfFilesToProcess, @Nonnull final File fileToRemove) { final List<File> affectedFiles = new ArrayList<>(); final File baseFolder = makeFileForNode(); final MMapURI fileURI = new MMapURI(baseFolder, fileToRemove, null); for (final File file : listOfFilesToProcess) { if (file.isFile()) { try { final MindMap map = new MindMap(null, new StringReader(FileUtils.readFileToString(file, "UTF-8"))); //NOI18N if (map.deleteAllLinksToFile(baseFolder, fileURI)) { SystemUtils.saveUTFText(file, map.packToString()); affectedFiles.add(file); } } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Can't process mind map file", ex); //NOI18N } } } return affectedFiles; } @Override public void reloadSubtree() { super.reloadSubtree(); this.knowledgeFolderPresented = new File(this.folder,Context.KNOWLEDGE_FOLDER).isDirectory(); } @Nonnull @MustNotContainNull public List<File> replaceAllLinksToFile(@Nonnull @MustNotContainNull final List<File> listOfFilesToProcess, @Nonnull final File oldFile, @Nonnull final File newFile) { final List<File> affectedFiles = new ArrayList<>(); final File baseFolder = makeFileForNode(); final MMapURI oldFileURI = new MMapURI(baseFolder, oldFile, null); final MMapURI newFileURI = new MMapURI(baseFolder, newFile, null); for (final File file : listOfFilesToProcess) { if (file.isFile()) { try { final MindMap map = new MindMap(null, new StringReader(FileUtils.readFileToString(file, "UTF-8"))); //NOI18N if (map.replaceAllLinksToFile(baseFolder, oldFileURI, newFileURI)) { SystemUtils.saveUTFText(file, map.packToString()); affectedFiles.add(file); } } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Can't process mind map file", ex); //NOI18N } } } return affectedFiles; } }