/* * Copyright 2015 Igor Maznitsa. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.igormaznitsa.nbmindmap.nb.refactoring.gui; import com.igormaznitsa.mindmap.model.ModelUtils; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.api.AbstractRefactoring; import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.api.MoveRefactoring; import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.api.Problem; import org.netbeans.modules.refactoring.spi.ui.CustomRefactoringPanel; import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject; import org.openide.util.HelpCtx; import org.openide.util.Lookup; import org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups; import com.igormaznitsa.meta.common.utils.Assertions; public class MoveUI extends AbstractMMDRefactoringUI { private final Lookup lookup; private final FileObject [] files; private final MoveRefactoring refactoring; private MovePanel panel; public MoveUI(final Lookup lookup, final FileObject [] files) { this.files = files; this.lookup = lookup; this.refactoring = new MoveRefactoring(Lookups.fixed(ModelUtils.joinArrays(files, new Object[]{this}))); } @Override public String getName() { if (this.files.length>1){ return String.format(BUNDLE.getString("MoveUI.getNameMultiFile"),Integer.toString(this.files.length)); }else{ return String.format(BUNDLE.getString("MoveUI.getNameSingleFile"),this.files[0].getName()); } } @Override public String getDescription() { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for(final FileObject fo : files){ if (buffer.length()>0) buffer.append(','); buffer.append(fo.getNameExt()); } return String.format(BUNDLE.getString("MoveUI.getDescription"),buffer.toString()); } @Override public boolean isQuery() { return false; } @Override public CustomRefactoringPanel getPanel(final ChangeListener parent) { if (this.panel == null){ this.panel = new MovePanel(this.lookup, this.files, parent); } return this.panel; } @Override public Problem setParameters() { final FileObject fo = Assertions.assertNotNull(this.panel).getTarget(); if (fo != null) { this.refactoring.setTarget(Lookups.fixed(fo.toURL())); } else { this.refactoring.setTarget(Lookup.EMPTY); } return this.refactoring.checkParameters(); } @Override public Problem checkParameters() { final FileObject fo = Assertions.assertNotNull(this.panel).getTarget(); if (fo!=null){ this.refactoring.setTarget(Lookups.fixed(fo.toURL())); }else{ this.refactoring.setTarget(Lookup.EMPTY); } return this.refactoring.checkParameters(); } @Override public boolean hasParameters() { return true; } @Override public AbstractRefactoring getRefactoring() { return this.refactoring; } @Override public HelpCtx getHelpCtx() { return null; } }