/* * Copyright 2009-2012 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ibatis.jdbc; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @author Clinton Begin * @author Jeff Butler * @author Adam Gent */ /** * AbstractSQL, Statement Builder的核心,参见mybatis文档Statement Builders一章 * 建造者模式 * 可以参考SQLTest,实际上感觉这个类用处不大 */ public abstract class AbstractSQL<T> { private static final String AND = ") \nAND ("; private static final String OR = ") \nOR ("; private SQLStatement sql = new SQLStatement(); public abstract T getSelf(); public T UPDATE(String table) { sql().statementType = SQLStatement.StatementType.UPDATE; sql().tables.add(table); return getSelf(); } public T SET(String sets) { sql().sets.add(sets); return getSelf(); } public T INSERT_INTO(String tableName) { sql().statementType = SQLStatement.StatementType.INSERT; sql().tables.add(tableName); return getSelf(); } public T VALUES(String columns, String values) { sql().columns.add(columns); sql().values.add(values); return getSelf(); } //select这个list里加入columns,可以看到下面的方法都是类似的,就是建造者模式,把属性一个个set进去 public T SELECT(String columns) { sql().statementType = SQLStatement.StatementType.SELECT; sql().select.add(columns); return getSelf(); } public T SELECT_DISTINCT(String columns) { sql().distinct = true; SELECT(columns); return getSelf(); } public T DELETE_FROM(String table) { sql().statementType = SQLStatement.StatementType.DELETE; sql().tables.add(table); return getSelf(); } public T FROM(String table) { sql().tables.add(table); return getSelf(); } public T JOIN(String join) { sql().join.add(join); return getSelf(); } public T INNER_JOIN(String join) { sql().innerJoin.add(join); return getSelf(); } public T LEFT_OUTER_JOIN(String join) { sql().leftOuterJoin.add(join); return getSelf(); } public T RIGHT_OUTER_JOIN(String join) { sql().rightOuterJoin.add(join); return getSelf(); } public T OUTER_JOIN(String join) { sql().outerJoin.add(join); return getSelf(); } public T WHERE(String conditions) { sql().where.add(conditions); //标记最后一个list sql().lastList = sql().where; return getSelf(); } public T OR() { //最后一个list加上OR sql().lastList.add(OR); return getSelf(); } public T AND() { //最后一个list加上AND sql().lastList.add(AND); return getSelf(); } public T GROUP_BY(String columns) { sql().groupBy.add(columns); return getSelf(); } public T HAVING(String conditions) { sql().having.add(conditions); //标记最后一个list sql().lastList = sql().having; return getSelf(); } public T ORDER_BY(String columns) { sql().orderBy.add(columns); return getSelf(); } private SQLStatement sql() { return sql; } public <A extends Appendable> A usingAppender(A a) { sql().sql(a); return a; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sql().sql(sb); return sb.toString(); } //安全的Appendable private static class SafeAppendable { private final Appendable a; private boolean empty = true; public SafeAppendable(Appendable a) { super(); this.a = a; } public SafeAppendable append(CharSequence s) { try { if (empty && s.length() > 0) { empty = false; } a.append(s); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return this; } public boolean isEmpty() { return empty; } } //SQL语句 private static class SQLStatement { //4种语句类型 public enum StatementType { DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE } StatementType statementType; List<String> sets = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> select = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> join = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> innerJoin = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> outerJoin = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> leftOuterJoin = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> rightOuterJoin = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> where = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> having = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> groupBy = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> orderBy = new ArrayList<String>(); //标记最后一个list List<String> lastList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean distinct; public SQLStatement() { // Prevent Synthetic Access } private void sqlClause(SafeAppendable builder, String keyword, List<String> parts, String open, String close, String conjunction) { if (!parts.isEmpty()) { if (!builder.isEmpty()) { //如果前面有东西,另起一行 builder.append("\n"); } builder.append(keyword); builder.append(" "); builder.append(open); String last = "________"; for (int i = 0, n = parts.size(); i < n; i++) { String part = parts.get(i); if (i > 0 && !part.equals(AND) && !part.equals(OR) && !last.equals(AND) && !last.equals(OR)) { builder.append(conjunction); } builder.append(part); last = part; } builder.append(close); } } //拼装select语句,可以看到都是调用sqlClause, private String selectSQL(SafeAppendable builder) { if (distinct) { sqlClause(builder, "SELECT DISTINCT", select, "", "", ", "); } else { sqlClause(builder, "SELECT", select, "", "", ", "); } sqlClause(builder, "FROM", tables, "", "", ", "); sqlClause(builder, "JOIN", join, "", "", "\nJOIN "); sqlClause(builder, "INNER JOIN", innerJoin, "", "", "\nINNER JOIN "); sqlClause(builder, "OUTER JOIN", outerJoin, "", "", "\nOUTER JOIN "); sqlClause(builder, "LEFT OUTER JOIN", leftOuterJoin, "", "", "\nLEFT OUTER JOIN "); sqlClause(builder, "RIGHT OUTER JOIN", rightOuterJoin, "", "", "\nRIGHT OUTER JOIN "); //where条件默认拼接上AND sqlClause(builder, "WHERE", where, "(", ")", " AND "); sqlClause(builder, "GROUP BY", groupBy, "", "", ", "); sqlClause(builder, "HAVING", having, "(", ")", " AND "); sqlClause(builder, "ORDER BY", orderBy, "", "", ", "); return builder.toString(); } private String insertSQL(SafeAppendable builder) { sqlClause(builder, "INSERT INTO", tables, "", "", ""); sqlClause(builder, "", columns, "(", ")", ", "); sqlClause(builder, "VALUES", values, "(", ")", ", "); return builder.toString(); } private String deleteSQL(SafeAppendable builder) { sqlClause(builder, "DELETE FROM", tables, "", "", ""); sqlClause(builder, "WHERE", where, "(", ")", " AND "); return builder.toString(); } private String updateSQL(SafeAppendable builder) { sqlClause(builder, "UPDATE", tables, "", "", ""); sqlClause(builder, "SET", sets, "", "", ", "); sqlClause(builder, "WHERE", where, "(", ")", " AND "); return builder.toString(); } //拼装SQL public String sql(Appendable a) { SafeAppendable builder = new SafeAppendable(a); if (statementType == null) { return null; } String answer; switch (statementType) { case DELETE: answer = deleteSQL(builder); break; case INSERT: answer = insertSQL(builder); break; case SELECT: answer = selectSQL(builder); break; case UPDATE: answer = updateSQL(builder); break; default: answer = null; } return answer; } } }