/* Copyright (c) 2001-2010, The HSQL Development Group * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HSQL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, HSQLDB.ORG, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.hsqldb.cmdline; import org.hsqldb.lib.ValidatingResourceBundle; import org.hsqldb.lib.RefCapableRBInterface; /* $Id: SqltoolRB.java 3481 2010-02-26 18:05:06Z fredt $ */ /** * Resource Bundle for SqlTool and associated classes. * * Purpose of this class is to wrap a RefCapablePropertyResourceBundle to * reliably detect any possible use of a missing property key as soon as * this class is clinitted. * The reason for this is to allow us developers to detect all such errors * before end-users ever use this class. * * IMPORTANT: To add a new ResourceBundle element, add two new lines, one * like <PRE> * static public final int NEWKEYID = keyCounter++; * </PRE> and one line <PRE> * new Integer(KEY2), "key2", * </PRE> * Both should be inserted right after all of the other lines of the same type. * NEWKEYID is obviously a new constant which you will use in calling code * like SqltoolRB.NEWKEYID. */ public enum SqltoolRB implements RefCapableRBInterface { SqlTool_syntax, // SqlTool inline properties: passwordFor_prompt, SqlTool_varset_badformat, SqlTool_abort_continue_mutuallyexclusive, sqltempfile_fail, rcdata_inlineurl_missing, rcdata_inline_extravars, rcdata_inlineusername_missing, rcdata_password_visible, password_readfail, connection_fail, rcdata_genfromvalues_fail, conndata_retrieval_fail, jdbc_established, // SqlFile class, file references: SqlFile_banner, buffer_help, special_help, pl_help, dsv_options, d_options, raw_leadin, errorat, rejectreport_top, rejectreport_row, rejectreport_bottom, macro_help, // SqlFile inline properties: rawmode_prompt, raw_movedtobuffer, input_movedtobuffer, sqlstatement_empty, causereport, break_unsatisfied, continue_unsatisfied, primaryinput_accessfail, input_unterminated, plvar_set_incomplete, aborting, rollingback, special_unspecified, bufhist_unspecified, buffer_executing, nobuffer_yet, commandnum_malformat, buffer_restored, substitution_malformat, substitution_nomatch, substitution_syntax, buffer_unknown, special_extrachars, buffer_extrachars, special_malformat, html_mode, dsv_targetfile_demand, file_wrotechars, file_writefail, special_d_like, outputfile_nonetoclose, outputfile_reopening, outputfile_header, destfile_demand, buffer_empty, file_appendfail, sqlfile_name_demand, sqlfile_execute_fail, a_setting, committed, special_b_malformat, binary_loadedbytesinto, binary_filefail, c_setting, bang_incomplete, bang_command_fail, special_unknown, dsv_m_syntax, dsv_x_syntax, raw_empty, dsv_nocolsleft, dsv_skipcols_missing, plalias_malformat, plvar_undefined, sysprop_empty, sysprop_unterminated, sysprop_undefined, var_infinite, plvar_nameempty, plvar_unterminated, pl_malformat, pl_expansionmode, end_noblock, continue_syntax, break_syntax, pl_list_parens, pl_list_lengths, dumpload_malformat, plvar_nocolon, plvar_tildedash_nomoreargs, dumpload_fail, prepare_malformat, foreach_malformat, pl_block_fail, ifwhile_malformat, if_malformat, while_malformat, pl_unknown, pl_block_unterminated, vendor_oracle_dS, vendor_derby_dr, vendor_nosup_d, vendor_derby_du, special_d_unknown, metadata_fetch_fail, metadata_fetch_failfor, prepare_demandqm, binbuffer_empty, vendor_nosup_sysschemas, noresult, dsv_bincol, binbuf_write, rows_fetched, rows_fetched_dsv, row_update_singular, row_update_multiple, history_unavailable, history_none, editbuffer_contents, buffer_instructions, history_number_req, history_backto, history_upto, history_back, describe_table_name, describe_table_datatype, describe_table_width, describe_table_nonulls, logical_unrecognized, read_toobig, read_partial, read_convertfail, dsv_coldelim_present, dsv_rowdelim_present, dsv_nullrep_present, dsv_constcols_nullcol, file_readfail, inputfile_closefail, dsv_header_none, dsv_header_noswitchtarg, dsv_header_noswitchmatch, dsv_header_nonswitched, dsv_nocolheader, dsv_metadata_mismatch, query_metadatafail, dsv_rejectfile_setupfail, dsv_rejectreport_setupfail, none, insertion_preparefail, dsv_header_matchernonhead, dsv_colcount_mismatch, dsv_insertcol_mismatch, time_bad, boolean_bad, inputrec_modified, dsv_recin_fail, dsv_import_summary, insertions_notcommitted, autocommit_fetchfail, dsv_rejectfile_purgefail, dsv_rejectreport_purgefail, edit_malformat, input_malformat, append_empty, transiso_report, exectime_reporting, exectime_report, regex_malformat, encode_fail, macro_tip, macrodef_malformat, macrodef_empty, macrodef_semi, macro_malformat, macro_undefined, log_syntax, log_syntax_error, reject_rpc, rpc_autocommit_failure, rpc_commit_failure, disconnect_success, disconnect_failure, no_required_conn, disconnected_msg, connected_fallbackmsg, no_vendor_schemaspt, schemaname_retrieval_fail ; private static ValidatingResourceBundle vrb = new ValidatingResourceBundle( SqltoolRB.class.getPackage().getName() + ".sqltool", SqltoolRB.class); static { vrb.setMissingPosValueBehavior(ValidatingResourceBundle.NOOP_BEHAVIOR); vrb.setMissingPropertyBehavior(ValidatingResourceBundle.NOOP_BEHAVIOR); } public String getString() { return vrb.getString(this); } public String toString() { return ValidatingResourceBundle.resourceKeyFor(this); } public String getExpandedString() { return vrb.getExpandedString(this); } public String getExpandedString(String... strings) { return vrb.getExpandedString(this, strings); } public String getString(String... strings) { return vrb.getString(this, strings); } public String getString(int i1) { return vrb.getString(this, i1); } public String getString(int i1, int i2) { return vrb.getString(this, i1, i2); } public String getString(int i1, int i2, int i3) { return vrb.getString(this, i1, i2, i3); } public String getString(int i1, String s2) { return vrb.getString(this, i1, s2); } public String getString(String s1, int i2) { return vrb.getString(this, s1, i2); } public String getString(int i1, int i2, String s3) { return vrb.getString(this, i1, i2, s3); } public String getString(int i1, String s2, int i3) { return vrb.getString(this, i1, s2, i3); } public String getString(String s1, int i2, int i3) { return vrb.getString(this, s1, i2, i3); } public String getString(int i1, String s2, String s3) { return vrb.getString(this, i1, s3, s3); } public String getString(String s1, String s2, int i3) { return vrb.getString(this, s1, s2, i3); } public String getString(String s1, int i2, String s3) { return vrb.getString(this, s1, i2, s3); } }