/* Copyright (c) 2001-2010, The HSQL Development Group * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HSQL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, HSQLDB.ORG, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.hsqldb; import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName; import org.hsqldb.error.Error; import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode; import org.hsqldb.lib.DoubleIntIndex; import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlDeque; import org.hsqldb.lib.IntKeyHashMapConcurrent; import org.hsqldb.lib.LongDeque; import org.hsqldb.persist.CachedObject; /** * Manages rows involved in transactions * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.0.0 * @since 2.0.0 */ public class TransactionManagerMV2PL extends TransactionManagerCommon implements TransactionManager { // functional unit - merged committed transactions HsqlDeque committedTransactions = new HsqlDeque(); LongDeque committedTransactionTimestamps = new LongDeque(); public TransactionManagerMV2PL(Database db) { database = db; hasPersistence = database.logger.isLogged(); lobSession = database.sessionManager.getSysLobSession(); rowActionMap = new IntKeyHashMapConcurrent(10000); txModel = MVLOCKS; catalogNameList = new HsqlName[]{ database.getCatalogName() }; } public long getGlobalChangeTimestamp() { return globalChangeTimestamp.get(); } public boolean isMVRows() { return true; } public int getTransactionControl() { return MVLOCKS; } public void setTransactionControl(Session session, int mode) { writeLock.lock(); try { // statement runs as transaction if (liveTransactionTimestamps.size() == 1) { switch (mode) { case MVCC : { TransactionManagerMVCC manager = new TransactionManagerMVCC(database); manager.globalChangeTimestamp.set( globalChangeTimestamp.get()); manager.liveTransactionTimestamps.addLast( session.transactionTimestamp); database.txManager = manager; break; } case MVLOCKS : break; case LOCKS : { TransactionManager2PL manager = new TransactionManager2PL(database); manager.globalChangeTimestamp.set( globalChangeTimestamp.get()); database.txManager = manager; break; } } return; } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_25001); } public void completeActions(Session session) { endActionTPL(session); } public boolean prepareCommitActions(Session session) { Object[] list = session.rowActionList.getArray(); int limit = session.rowActionList.size(); writeLock.lock(); try { session.actionTimestamp = nextChangeTimestamp(); for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { RowAction action = (RowAction) list[i]; action.prepareCommit(session); } return true; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public boolean commitTransaction(Session session) { if (session.abortTransaction) { return false; } int limit = session.rowActionList.size(); Object[] list = session.rowActionList.getArray(); writeLock.lock(); try { endTransaction(session); // new actionTimestamp used for commitTimestamp session.actionTimestamp = nextChangeTimestamp(); for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { RowAction action = (RowAction) list[i]; action.commit(session); } persistCommit(session, list, limit); // session.actionTimestamp is the committed tx timestamp if (getFirstLiveTransactionTimestamp() > session.actionTimestamp) { mergeTransaction(session, list, 0, limit, session.actionTimestamp); finaliseRows(session, list, 0, limit, true); } else { list = session.rowActionList.toArray(); addToCommittedQueue(session, list); } endTransactionTPL(session); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } session.tempSet.clear(); if (session != lobSession && lobSession.rowActionList.size() > 0) { lobSession.isTransaction = true; lobSession.actionIndex = lobSession.rowActionList.size(); lobSession.commit(false); } return true; } public void rollback(Session session) { writeLock.lock(); try { session.abortTransaction = false; session.actionTimestamp = nextChangeTimestamp(); rollbackPartial(session, 0, session.transactionTimestamp); endTransaction(session); endTransactionTPL(session); } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public void rollbackSavepoint(Session session, int index) { long timestamp = session.sessionContext.savepointTimestamps.get(index); Integer oi = (Integer) session.sessionContext.savepoints.get(index); int start = oi.intValue(); while (session.sessionContext.savepoints.size() > index + 1) { session.sessionContext.savepoints.remove( session.sessionContext.savepoints.size() - 1); session.sessionContext.savepointTimestamps.removeLast(); } rollbackPartial(session, start, timestamp); } public void rollbackAction(Session session) { rollbackPartial(session, session.actionIndex, session.actionTimestamp); endActionTPL(session); } /** * rollback the row actions from start index in list and * the given timestamp */ void rollbackPartial(Session session, int start, long timestamp) { Object[] list = session.rowActionList.getArray(); int limit = session.rowActionList.size(); if (start == limit) { return; } for (int i = start; i < limit; i++) { RowAction action = (RowAction) list[i]; if (action != null) { action.rollback(session, timestamp); } else { System.out.println("null action in rollback " + start); } } // rolled back transactions can always be merged as they have never been // seen by other sessions mergeRolledBackTransaction(session, timestamp, list, start, limit); finaliseRows(session, list, start, limit, false); session.rowActionList.setSize(start); } public RowAction addDeleteAction(Session session, Table table, Row row, int[] colMap) { RowAction action; boolean newAction; synchronized (row) { newAction = row.rowAction == null; action = RowAction.addDeleteAction(session, table, row, colMap); } session.rowActionList.add(action); if (newAction) { if (!row.isMemory()) { rowActionMap.put(action.getPos(), action); } } return action; } public void addInsertAction(Session session, Table table, Row row) { RowAction action = row.rowAction; if (action == null) { System.out.println("null insert action " + session + " " + session.actionTimestamp); } session.rowActionList.add(action); if (!row.isMemory()) { rowActionMap.put(action.getPos(), action); } } // functional unit - accessibility of rows public boolean canRead(Session session, Row row, int mode, int[] colMap) { RowAction action = row.rowAction; if (action == null) { return true; } return action.canRead(session, TransactionManager.ACTION_READ); } public boolean canRead(Session session, int id, int mode) { RowAction action = (RowAction) rowActionMap.get(id); return action == null ? true : action.canRead(session, TransactionManager.ACTION_READ); } /** * add transaction info to a row just loaded from the cache. called only * for CACHED tables */ public void setTransactionInfo(CachedObject object) { Row row = (Row) object; RowAction rowact = (RowAction) rowActionMap.get(row.position); row.rowAction = rowact; } /** * remove the transaction info */ public void removeTransactionInfo(CachedObject object) { rowActionMap.remove(object.getPos()); } /** * add a list of actions to the end of queue */ void addToCommittedQueue(Session session, Object[] list) { synchronized (committedTransactionTimestamps) { // add the txList according to commit timestamp committedTransactions.addLast(list); // get session commit timestamp committedTransactionTimestamps.addLast(session.actionTimestamp); /* debug 190 if (committedTransactions.size() > 64) { System.out.println("******* excessive transaction queue"); } // debug 190 */ } } /** * expire all committed transactions that are no longer in scope */ void mergeExpiredTransactions(Session session) { long timestamp = getFirstLiveTransactionTimestamp(); while (true) { long commitTimestamp = 0; Object[] actions = null; synchronized (committedTransactionTimestamps) { if (committedTransactionTimestamps.isEmpty()) { break; } commitTimestamp = committedTransactionTimestamps.getFirst(); if (commitTimestamp < timestamp) { committedTransactionTimestamps.removeFirst(); actions = (Object[]) committedTransactions.removeFirst(); } else { break; } } mergeTransaction(session, actions, 0, actions.length, commitTimestamp); finaliseRows(session, actions, 0, actions.length, true); } } public void beginTransaction(Session session) { writeLock.lock(); try { session.actionTimestamp = nextChangeTimestamp(); session.transactionTimestamp = session.actionTimestamp; session.isTransaction = true; liveTransactionTimestamps.addLast(session.transactionTimestamp); transactionCount++; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } /** * add session to the end of queue when a transaction starts * (depending on isolation mode) */ public void beginAction(Session session, Statement cs) { if (session.hasLocks(cs)) { return; } writeLock.lock(); try { boolean canProceed = setWaitedSessionsTPL(session, cs); if (canProceed) { if (session.tempSet.isEmpty()) { lockTablesTPL(session, cs); // we dont set other sessions that would now be waiting for this one too } else { setWaitingSessionTPL(session); } } else { session.abortTransaction = true; } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } /** * add session to the end of queue when a transaction starts * (depending on isolation mode) */ public void beginActionResume(Session session) { writeLock.lock(); try { session.actionTimestamp = nextChangeTimestamp(); if (!session.isTransaction) { session.transactionTimestamp = session.actionTimestamp; session.isTransaction = true; liveTransactionTimestamps.addLast(session.actionTimestamp); transactionCount++; } } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } /** * remove session from queue when a transaction ends * and expire any committed transactions * that are no longer required. remove transactions ended before the first * timestamp in liveTransactionsSession queue */ void endTransaction(Session session) { long timestamp = session.transactionTimestamp; session.isTransaction = false; int index = liveTransactionTimestamps.indexOf(timestamp); if (index >= 0) { transactionCount--; liveTransactionTimestamps.remove(index); mergeExpiredTransactions(session); } } // functional unit - list actions and translate id's /** * Return a lookup of all row ids for cached tables in transactions. * For auto-defrag, as currently there will be no RowAction entries * at the time of defrag. */ public DoubleIntIndex getTransactionIDList() { return super.getTransactionIDList(); } /** * Convert row ID's for cached table rows in transactions */ public void convertTransactionIDs(DoubleIntIndex lookup) { super.convertTransactionIDs(lookup); } }