package org.multibit.mbm.api.response.hal.item; import; import com.theoryinpractise.halbuilder.ResourceFactory; import com.theoryinpractise.halbuilder.spi.Resource; import org.multibit.mbm.api.response.hal.BaseBridge; import org.multibit.mbm.core.model.*; import org.multibit.mbm.resources.ResourceAsserts; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * <p>Bridge to provide the following to {@link org.multibit.mbm.core.model.Item}:</p> * <ul> * <li>Creates representations of an Item for a Customer</li> * </ul> * * @since 0.0.1 */ public class PublicItemBridge extends BaseBridge<Item> { /** * @param uriInfo The {@link} containing the originating request information * @param principal An optional {@link org.multibit.mbm.core.model.User} to provide a security principal */ public PublicItemBridge(UriInfo uriInfo, Optional<User> principal) { super(uriInfo, principal); } public Resource toResource(Item item) { ResourceAsserts.assertNotNull(item, "item"); ResourceAsserts.assertNotNull(item.getId(),"id"); ResourceFactory resourceFactory = getResourceFactory(); // Create the slug from the title (if it is present) String title = item.getItemFieldContent(ItemField.TITLE); String slug = null; if (title != null) { slug = title .replaceAll("\\p{Punct}", "") .replaceAll("\\p{Space}", "-") .toLowerCase(); } // Calculate the price // TODO Consider currency choice from preferences String price = item.getLocalPrice().getAmount().toPlainString(); String taxRate = String.valueOf(item.getTaxRate()); Resource userResource = resourceFactory.newResource("/item/" + item.getSKU()) .withProperty("sku", item.getSKU()) .withProperty("gtin", item.getGTIN()) .withProperty("price", price) .withProperty("tax_rate", taxRate) .withProperty("slug", slug) // End of build ; // Convert the ContactMethodDetails map into primary and secondary property entries for (Map.Entry<ItemField, ItemFieldDetail> entry : item.getItemFieldMap().entrySet()) { // Determine the property String propertyName = entry.getKey().getPropertyNameSingular(); boolean isLink = entry.getKey().isLink(); ItemFieldDetail itemFieldDetail = entry.getValue(); LocalisedText primaryDetail = itemFieldDetail.getPrimaryDetail(); // TODO Consider how i18n will be transmitted // Consider filtering on Locale if (isLink) { userResource.withLink(primaryDetail.getContent(), propertyName); } else { userResource.withProperty(propertyName, primaryDetail.getContent()); } Set<LocalisedText> secondaryDetails = itemFieldDetail.getSecondaryDetails(); // TODO Consider if a 1-based field index is the best representation here: array? sub-resource? int index = 1; for (LocalisedText secondaryDetail : secondaryDetails) { if (isLink) { userResource.withLink(secondaryDetail.getContent(), propertyName + index); } else { userResource.withProperty(propertyName + index, secondaryDetail.getContent()); } index++; } } return userResource; } }