package org.multibit.mbm.test; import; import; import com.theoryinpractise.halbuilder.spi.Resource; import com.yammer.dropwizard.json.Json; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.multibit.mbm.api.hal.HalMediaType; import; import java.util.Arrays; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; /** * <p>Fixture assertions to provide the following to application:</p> * <ul> * <li>Support methods to simplify common test patterns</li> * </ul> * * @since 0.0.1 */ public class FixtureAsserts { private static final Json JSON = new Json(); /** * Validates the fixture JSON and provides a minified String for comparison * * @param fixtureClasspath The classpath (can be in other JARs) * * @return The contents as parsed by JSON * * @throws IOException If something goes wrong */ public static String jsonFixture(String fixtureClasspath) throws IOException { return JSON.writeValueAsString(JSON.readValue(fixture(fixtureClasspath), JsonNode.class)); } /** * @param fixtureClasspath The classpath (can be in other JARs) * * @return A contents as a UTF8 string * * @throws IOException If something goes wrong */ public static String fixture(String fixtureClasspath) throws IOException { return Resources.toString(FixtureAsserts.class.getResource(fixtureClasspath), Charsets.UTF_8).trim(); } /** * Takes a String and compares it to a JSON fixture ( * * @param reason The reason (e.g. "a Customer can be marshalled to JSON") * @param representation The simple string representation * @param fixtureClasspath The classpath reference to the resource (e.g. "fixtures/example.json") * * @throws If something goes wrong */ public static void assertStringMatchesJsonFixture(String reason, String representation, String fixtureClasspath) throws IOException { Assert.assertEquals(reason, jsonFixture(fixtureClasspath), representation ); } /** * Takes a String and compares it to a normalised String fixture * * @param reason The reason (e.g. "a Customer can be marshalled to JSON") * @param representation The simple string representation * @param fixtureClasspath The classpath reference to the resource (e.g. "/fixtures/example.json") * * @throws If something goes wrong */ public static void assertStringMatchesStringFixture(String reason, String representation, String fixtureClasspath) throws IOException { Assert.assertEquals(reason, fixture(fixtureClasspath), representation ); } /** * Renders a HAL resource as JSON and compares it to a normalised JSON fixture * * @param reason The reason (e.g. "a Customer can be marshalled to JSON") * @param representation The HAL representation * @param fixtureClasspath The classpath reference to the resource (e.g. "fixtures/example.json") * * @throws If something goes wrong */ public static void assertRepresentationMatchesJsonFixture(String reason, Resource representation, String fixtureClasspath) throws IOException { Assert.assertEquals(reason, jsonFixture(fixtureClasspath), representation.renderContent(HalMediaType.APPLICATION_HAL_JSON) ); } /** * Renders a HAL representation as JSON and compares it to the expected fixture * * @param reason The reason (e.g. "a Customer can be marshalled to JSON") * @param representation The HAL representation * @param fixtureClasspath The classpath reference to the resource (e.g. "fixtures/example.xml") * * @throws If something goes wrong */ public static void assertRepresentationMatchesXmlFixture(String reason, Resource representation, String fixtureClasspath) throws IOException { Assert.assertEquals(reason, fixture(fixtureClasspath), representation.renderContent(HalMediaType.APPLICATION_HAL_XML) ); } /** * Compares the given byte[] with that read from the expected fixture * * @param reason The reason (e.g. "a correct swatch has been generated") * @param representation The byte[] to test * @param fixtureClasspath The classpath reference to the resource (e.g. "fixtures/example.png") * * @throws If something goes wrong */ public static void assertRepresentationMatchesBinaryFixture(String reason, byte[] representation, String fixtureClasspath) throws IOException { assertTrue(reason, Arrays.equals(representation, BinaryFixtureHelpers.fixture(fixtureClasspath))); } }