/* * This file is part of muCommander, http://www.mucommander.com * Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Maxence Bernard * * muCommander is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * muCommander is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.mucommander.ui.action.impl; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import com.mucommander.conf.MuConfigurations; import com.mucommander.conf.MuPreference; import com.mucommander.conf.MuPreferences; import com.mucommander.text.Translator; import com.mucommander.ui.action.AbstractActionDescriptor; import com.mucommander.ui.action.ActionCategory; import com.mucommander.ui.action.ActionCategory; import com.mucommander.ui.action.ActionDescriptor; import com.mucommander.ui.action.ActionFactory; import com.mucommander.ui.action.MuAction; import com.mucommander.ui.main.MainFrame; import com.mucommander.ui.main.StatusBar; /** * This action shows/hides the current MainFrame's {@link com.mucommander.ui.main.StatusBar} depending on its * current visible state: if it is visible, hides it, if not shows it. * * <p>This action's label will be updated to reflect the current visible state. * * <p>Each time this action is executed, the new current visible state is stored in the configuration so that * new MainFrame windows will use it to determine whether the StatusBar has to be made visible or not. * * @author Maxence Bernard */ public class ToggleStatusBarAction extends MuAction { public ToggleStatusBarAction(MainFrame mainFrame, Map<String,Object> properties) { super(mainFrame, properties); updateLabel(MuConfigurations.getPreferences().getVariable(MuPreference.STATUS_BAR_VISIBLE, MuPreferences.DEFAULT_STATUS_BAR_VISIBLE)); } private void updateLabel(boolean visible) { setLabel(Translator.get(visible?Descriptor.ACTION_ID+".hide":Descriptor.ACTION_ID+".show")); } @Override public void performAction() { StatusBar statusBar = mainFrame.getStatusBar(); boolean visible = !statusBar.isVisible(); // Save the last status bar visible state in the configuration, this will become the default for new MainFrame windows. MuConfigurations.getPreferences().setVariable(MuPreference.STATUS_BAR_VISIBLE, visible); // Change the label to reflect the new status bar state updateLabel(visible); // Show/hide the status bar statusBar.setVisible(visible); mainFrame.validate(); } @Override public ActionDescriptor getDescriptor() { return new Descriptor(); } public static class Factory implements ActionFactory { public MuAction createAction(MainFrame mainFrame, Map<String,Object> properties) { return new ToggleStatusBarAction(mainFrame, properties); } } public static class Descriptor extends AbstractActionDescriptor { public static final String ACTION_ID = "ToggleStatusBar"; public String getId() { return ACTION_ID; } public ActionCategory getCategory() { return ActionCategory.VIEW; } public KeyStroke getDefaultAltKeyStroke() { return null; } public KeyStroke getDefaultKeyStroke() { return null; } @Override public String getLabelKey() { return ACTION_ID+".show"; } } }