package coen; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import javax.sound.*; import javax.sound.sampled.*; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import*; public class ButtonC { private String ID; private String fileName; private char latching; private char loopInterval; private short[] sample; private Waveform wf; private byte[] aStream; private int samplesPerPx; public String GetID() { return this.ID; } public short[] GetSample() { return this.sample.clone(); } public char GetLatching() { return this.latching; } public char GetLoopInterval() { return this.loopInterval; } public void SetSample(short[] newSample) { this.sample = newSample; = new Waveform(newSample);; this.aStream = AudioP.getStream(newSample); this.samplesPerPx = newSample.length/270; } public void SetLoopInterval(char li) { this.loopInterval = li; } public void SetLatching(char latch) { this.latching = latch; } public Waveform getWaveform() { return; } public void setPlayhead (int ph) {; //, 0, 270, 60);; } public void sliceLeft() { int lengthOfNewSample = this.sample.length-(this.samplesPerPx*; if (lengthOfNewSample == 0) { short[] dummyShort = new short[1]; dummyShort[0] = 0; this.SetSample(dummyShort); } else { short[] newSample = new short[lengthOfNewSample]; for (int i = 0; i < lengthOfNewSample; i++) { newSample[i] = this.sample[i+this.samplesPerPx*]; } this.SetSample(newSample); } } public void sliceRight() { int lengthOfNewSample = this.sample.length-(this.samplesPerPx*(; if (lengthOfNewSample == 0) { short[] dummyShort = new short[1]; dummyShort[0] = 0; this.SetSample(dummyShort); } else { short[] newSample = new short[lengthOfNewSample]; for (int i = 0; i < lengthOfNewSample; i++) { newSample[i] = this.sample[i]; } this.SetSample(newSample); } } /**OutputToFile * Writes the button config to a file * * @throws Exception - Bad Filename/Unable to create file */ public void OutputToFile(String path) throws Exception { File dir = new File(path); dir.mkdirs(); File outputFile = new File(dir, this.fileName); // Output the length of the array, followed by the array itself // Currently output as spaced, signed shorts (-65536 <-> 65536) if (this.sample != null) { short[] rescaledShorts = new short[sample.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sample.length; i++) { if (sample[i] >= 0) { rescaledShorts[i] = (short) (sample[i]-32768); } else { rescaledShorts[i] = (short) (sample[i]+32768); } } ByteBuffer myByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(rescaledShorts.length*2); myByteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); ShortBuffer myShortBuffer = myByteBuffer.asShortBuffer(); myShortBuffer.put(rescaledShorts); FileChannel out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile).getChannel(); out.write(myByteBuffer); out.close(); } else { // The button hasn't been assigned // Output for the MPC will be a single 0 //outputFile.write(0); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(outputFile, false); fw.write(0); fw.close(); } } public ButtonC (String id, String fn) { this.ID = id; this.fileName = fn; this.latching = 0x00; this.loopInterval = 0x00; this.sample = null; short[] dummyShort = new short[1]; dummyShort[0] = 0; = new Waveform(dummyShort);; this.samplesPerPx = 0; } }