package com.jsyn.examples; import; import; import com.jsyn.JSyn; import com.jsyn.Synthesizer; import; import com.jsyn.devices.AudioDeviceManager; import com.jsyn.unitgen.ChannelIn; import com.jsyn.unitgen.ChannelOut; import com.jsyn.unitgen.FixedRateMonoReader; import com.jsyn.unitgen.FixedRateMonoWriter; import com.jsyn.unitgen.Maximum; import com.jsyn.unitgen.Minimum; import com.jsyn.util.WaveFileWriter; /** * Record audio then play back. * @author Phil Burk (C) 2010 Mobileer Inc * */ public class LongEcho { final static int DELAY_SECONDS = 4; Synthesizer synth; ChannelIn channelIn; ChannelOut channelOut; FloatSample sample; FixedRateMonoReader reader; FixedRateMonoWriter writer; Minimum minner; Maximum maxxer; private void test() throws IOException { // Create a context for the synthesizer. synth = JSyn.createSynthesizer(); // Add a tone generator. synth.add( channelIn = new ChannelIn() ); // Add an output mixer. synth.add( channelOut = new ChannelOut() ); synth.add( minner = new Minimum() ); synth.add( maxxer = new Maximum() ); synth.add( reader = new FixedRateMonoReader() ); synth.add( writer = new FixedRateMonoWriter() ); sample = new FloatSample( 44100 * DELAY_SECONDS, 1 ); maxxer.inputB.set( -0.98 ); // clip minner.inputB.set( 0.98 ); // Connect the input to the output. channelIn.output.connect( minner.inputA ); minner.output.connect( maxxer.inputA ); maxxer.output.connect( writer.input ); reader.output.connect( channelOut.input ); // Both stereo. int numInputChannels = 2; int numOutputChannels = 2; synth.start( 44100, AudioDeviceManager.USE_DEFAULT_DEVICE, numInputChannels, AudioDeviceManager.USE_DEFAULT_DEVICE, numOutputChannels ); writer.start(); channelOut.start(); // For a long echo, read cursor should be just in front of the write cursor. reader.dataQueue.queue( sample, 1000, sample.getNumFrames() - 1000 ); // Loop both forever. reader.dataQueue.queueLoop( sample, 0, sample.getNumFrames() ); writer.dataQueue.queueLoop( sample, 0, sample.getNumFrames() ); System.out.println("Start talking. You should hear an echo after " + DELAY_SECONDS + " seconds."); // Sleep a while. try { double time = synth.getCurrentTime(); // Sleep for a while synth.sleepUntil( time + 30.0 ); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } saveEcho( new File("saved_echo.wav")); // Stop everything. synth.stop(); } private void saveEcho( File file ) throws IOException { WaveFileWriter writer = new WaveFileWriter( file ); writer.setFrameRate( 44100 ); writer.setSamplesPerFrame( 1 ); writer.setBitsPerSample( 16 ); float[] buffer = new float[sample.getNumFrames()];; for( float v : buffer ) { writer.write( (double) v ); } writer.close(); } public static void main( String[] args ) { try { new LongEcho().test(); } catch( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }