/** * Copyright (C) 2010 STMicroelectronics * * This file is part of "Mind Compiler" is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Contact: mind@ow2.org * * Authors: Matthieu Leclercq * Contributors: */ package org.ow2.mind.idl.annotation; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Map; import org.antlr.stringtemplate.StringTemplate; import org.antlr.stringtemplate.StringTemplateGroup; import org.antlr.stringtemplate.StringTemplateGroupLoader; import org.antlr.stringtemplate.language.AngleBracketTemplateLexer; import org.objectweb.fractal.adl.ADLException; import org.objectweb.fractal.adl.NodeFactory; import org.objectweb.fractal.adl.error.BasicErrorLocator; import org.objectweb.fractal.adl.error.ErrorLocator; import org.objectweb.fractal.adl.merger.NodeMerger; import org.ow2.mind.error.ErrorManager; import org.ow2.mind.idl.IDLCache; import org.ow2.mind.idl.IDLLoader; import org.ow2.mind.idl.ast.IDL; import org.ow2.mind.idl.parser.IDLParserContextHelper; import com.google.inject.Inject; /** * Base class for the implementation of annotation processors integrated in the * IDL loader chain. This abstract class provides some helper methods. * * @see IDLLoaderAnnotationProcessor * @see IDLLoaderProcessor */ public abstract class AbstractIDLLoaderAnnotationProcessor implements IDLLoaderAnnotationProcessor { @Inject protected ErrorManager errorManagerItf; @Inject protected NodeFactory nodeFactoryItf; @Inject protected NodeMerger nodeMergerItf; @Inject protected IDLCache idlCacheItf; @Inject protected IDLLoader idlLoaderItf; @Inject protected StringTemplateGroupLoader templateLoaderItf; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns <code>true</code> if an IDL with the given name as already been * loaded. * * @return <code>true</code> if an IDL with the given name as already been * loaded. */ protected boolean isIDLAlreadyGenerated(final String name, final Map<Object, Object> context) { return IDLParserContextHelper.isRegisteredIDL(name, context) || idlCacheItf.getInCache(name, context) != null; } /** * Load an IDL definition from the given (generated) source. If a definition * is already known in cache for the given name, this method returns the IDL * in cache. <br> * If the loading of the IDL raise an exception, a temporary file is generated * in which the given sources are dumped. This simplifies the debugging of the * generator. * * @param name the name of the IDL; * @param idlSource the source code of the IDL; * @param context context map. * @return the loaded IDL. * @throws ADLException if a error occurs. * @see #isIDLAlreadyGenerated(String, Map) * @see IDLParserContextHelper#registerIDL(String, String, Map) */ protected IDL loadIDLFromSource(final String name, final String idlSource, final Map<Object, Object> context) throws ADLException { final IDL idl = idlCacheItf.getInCache(name, context); if (idl != null) { return idl; } IDLParserContextHelper.registerIDL(name, idlSource, context); try { return idlLoaderItf.load(name, context); } catch (final ADLException e) { // The loading of the generated ADL fails. // Print the ADL content in a temporary file to ease its debugging. try { final File f = File.createTempFile("GeneratedIDL", ".idl"); final FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f); fw.write(idlSource); fw.close(); // update the error locator to point to the temporary file. final ErrorLocator l = e.getError().getLocator(); final ErrorLocator l1 = new BasicErrorLocator(f.getPath(), l.getBeginLine(), l.getBeginColumn()); e.getError().setLocator(l1); } catch (final IOException e1) { // ignore } throw e; } } protected IDL loadIDLFromAST(final IDL idl, final Map<Object, Object> context) throws ADLException { final IDL d = idlCacheItf.getInCache(idl.getName(), context); if (d != null) { return d; } IDLParserContextHelper.registerIDL(idl, context); return idlLoaderItf.load(idl.getName(), context); } /** * Returns the StringTemplate template with the given * <code>templateName</code> name and found in the * <code>templateGroupName</code> group. * * @param templateGroupName the groupName from which the template must be * loaded. * @param templateName the name of the template. * @return a StringTemplate template * @see StringTemplateGroupLoader */ protected StringTemplate getTemplate(final String templateGroupName, final String templateName) { final StringTemplateGroup templateGroup = templateLoaderItf.loadGroup( templateGroupName, AngleBracketTemplateLexer.class, null); registerCustomRenderer(templateGroup); return templateGroup.getInstanceOf(templateName); } /** * This method can be overridden by sub-classes to register a custom renderer * when a templateGroup is loaded by {@link #getTemplate(String, String)}. * * @param templateGroup the loaded templateGroup. * @see StringTemplateGroup#registerRenderer(Class, Object) */ protected void registerCustomRenderer(final StringTemplateGroup templateGroup) { } }