/** * Copyright (C) 2009 STMicroelectronics * Copyright (C) 2013 Schneider-Electric * * This file is part of "Mind Compiler" is free software: you can redistribute * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Contact: mind@ow2.org * * Authors: Matthieu Leclercq * Contributors: Stephane Seyvoz */ package org.ow2.mind.preproc; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class TestMPP extends AbstractTestMPP { @Test(groups = {"functional", "checkin"}) public void testSimpleSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("simple", "simple"); } @Test(groups = {"functional", "checkin"}) public void testSimpleMulti() throws Exception { compileMulti("simple", "simple"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testLineNumberSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("lineNumber", "lineNumber"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testLineNumberMulti() throws Exception { compileMulti("lineNumber", "lineNumber"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testAttributeSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("attribute", "attribute"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testAttributeMulti() throws Exception { compileMulti("attribute", "attribute"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testmultidecl2Singleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("multidecl-2", "multidecl-2"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testmultidecl2Multi() throws Exception { compileMulti("multidecl-2", "multidecl-2"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testvoidSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("void", "void"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testvoidMulti() throws Exception { compileMulti("void", "void"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testfunctionPtrSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("functionPtr", "functionPtr"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testfunctionPtrMulti() throws Exception { compileMulti("functionPtr", "functionPtr"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testfunctionPtr2Singleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("functionPtr2", "functionPtr2"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testfunctionPtr2Multi() throws Exception { compileMulti("functionPtr2", "functionPtr2"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testfunctionPtr3Singleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("functionPtr3", "functionPtr3"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testfunctionPtr3Multi() throws Exception { compileMulti("functionPtr3", "functionPtr3"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testfunctionPtr4Singleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("functionPtr4", "functionPtr4"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testfunctionPtr4Multi() throws Exception { compileMulti("functionPtr4", "functionPtr4"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testextraParentSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("extraParent", "extraparent"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testextraParentMulti() throws Exception { compileMulti("extraParent", "extraparent"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testmissingCAllSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("missingCALL", "missingCALL"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testmissingCALLMulti() throws Exception { compileMulti("missingCALL", "missingCALL"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testmissingCALL2Singleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("missingCALL2", "missingCALL2"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testmissingCALL2Multi() throws Exception { compileMulti("missingCALL2", "missingCALL2"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testaccessToThisSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("accessToThis", "accesToThis"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testaccessToThisMulti() throws Exception { compileMulti("accessToThis", "accesToThis"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testprivateArraySingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("privateArray", "privateArray"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testprivatePtrSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("privatePtr", "privatePtr"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testexternSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("extern", "extern"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testkrSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("kr", "kr"); } @Test(groups = {"unsupported"}) public void testmultideclSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("multidecl", "multidecl"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testsingletonSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("singleton", "singleton"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testmaskingSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("masking", "masking"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testconstructorSingleton() throws Exception { compileSingleton("constructor", "constructor"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testconstructorMulti() throws Exception { compileMulti("constructor", "constructor"); } @Test(groups = {"functional"}) public void testMethImplCheckSplitSingleton() throws Exception { initSourcePath(getDepsDir("methImplCheckSplit/Interface0.itf") .getAbsolutePath()); compileSplitSingletonForDef("methImplCheckSplit", "source0", "source1", "methImplCheckSplit.Primitive"); } }