package; import io.milton.common.Utils; import io.milton.http.HttpManager; import io.milton.http.Response; import io.milton.http.XmlWriter; import io.milton.http.exceptions.BadRequestException; import io.milton.http.exceptions.NotAuthorizedException; import io.milton.http.webdav.PropFindPropertyBuilder; import io.milton.http.webdav.PropFindResponse; import io.milton.http.webdav.PropFindXmlFooter; import io.milton.http.webdav.PropFindXmlGenerator; import io.milton.http.webdav.PropertiesRequest; import io.milton.http.webdav.WebDavProtocol; import io.milton.resource.PropFindableResource; import io.milton.resource.RemovedResource; import io.milton.resource.Resource; import io.milton.resource.SyncCollectionResource; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.Namespace; public class SyncCollectionReport implements Report { protected final Namespace NS_DAV = Namespace.getNamespace(WebDavProtocol.NS_DAV.getPrefix(), WebDavProtocol.NS_DAV.getName()); private static enum SyncLevel { One, Infinite } private final PropFindPropertyBuilder propertyBuilder; private final PropFindXmlGenerator xmlGenerator; public SyncCollectionReport(PropFindPropertyBuilder propertyBuilder, PropFindXmlGenerator xmlGenerator) { this.propertyBuilder = propertyBuilder; this.xmlGenerator = xmlGenerator; } @Override public String getName() { return "sync-collection"; } @Override public String process(String host, String path, Resource r, Document doc) throws BadRequestException, NotAuthorizedException { if (!(r instanceof SyncCollectionResource)) { throw new BadRequestException(r, "This resource does not support sync-token."); } SyncCollectionResource syncCollectionResource = (SyncCollectionResource) r; /* * This report is only defined when the Depth header has value "0"; other values result in a 400 (Bad Request) error response. Note that [RFC3253], Section 3.6, states that if the Depth header is not present, it defaults to a value of "0". 3.3. Depth Behavior Servers MUST support only Depth:0 behavior with the DAV:sync-collection report, i.e., the report targets only the collection being synchronized in a single request. */ if (HttpManager.request().getDepthHeader() != 0) { //throw new BadRequestException(r, "Depth header must be 0"); // iOS 8.1 sends depth=1 with sync-collection, so ignore the spec } /* However, clients do need to "scope" the synchronization to different levels within that collection -- specifically, immediate children (level "1") and all children at any depth (level "infinite"). To specify which level to use, clients MUST include a DAV:sync-level XML element in the request. */ Element syncLevelElm = ReportUtils.find(doc.getRootElement(), "sync-level", NS_DAV); /* To specify which level to use, clients MUST include a DAV:sync-level XML element in the request.*/ if (syncLevelElm == null) { throw new BadRequestException(r, "DAV:sync-level must be included in the request."); } String syncLevel = syncLevelElm.getText(); // 1 or infinite SyncLevel lv = SyncLevel.One; if ("1".equals(syncLevel)) { /* When the client specifies the DAV:sync-level XML element with a value of "1", only appropriate internal member URLs (immediate children) of the collection specified as the request-URI are reported. */ lv = SyncLevel.One; } else if ("infinite".equals(syncLevel)) { /* When the client specifies the DAV:sync-level XML element with a value of "infinite", all appropriate member URLs of the collection specified as the request-URI are reported, provided child collections themselves also support the DAV:sync-collection report. */ lv = SyncLevel.Infinite; } else { throw new BadRequestException(r, String.format("Unsupported DAV:sync-level: \"%s\", must be either \"1\" or \"infinite\".", syncLevel)); } URI syncToken = null; Element syncTokenElm = ReportUtils.find(doc.getRootElement(), "sync-token", NS_DAV); if (syncTokenElm != null) { String syncTokenText = syncTokenElm.getText(); if (syncTokenText != null && !syncTokenText.isEmpty()) { try { syncToken = new URI(syncTokenText); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new BadRequestException(r, "sync-token must be a valid URI."); } } } String parentHref = HttpManager.request().getAbsolutePath(); parentHref = Utils.suffixSlash(parentHref); List<PropFindResponse> respProps = new ArrayList<PropFindResponse>(); findResources(syncCollectionResource, doc, syncToken, lv, parentHref, respProps); final URI nextSyncToken = syncCollectionResource.getSyncToken(); /* <A:sync-collection xmlns:A="DAV:"> <A:sync-token></A:sync-token> <A:sync-level>1</A:sync-level> <A:prop> <A:getetag/> <A:getcontenttype/> </A:prop> </A:sync-collection> */ /*For members that have changed (i.e., are new or have had their mapped resource modified), the DAV:response MUST contain at least one DAV:propstat element and MUST NOT contain any DAV:status element. For members that have been removed, the DAV:response MUST contain one DAV:status with a value set to '404 Not Found' and MUST NOT contain any DAV:propstat element. For members that are collections and are unable to support the DAV:sync-collection report, the DAV:response MUST contain one DAV:status with a value set to '403 Forbidden', a DAV:error containing DAV:supported-report or DAV:sync-traversal-supported (see Section 3.3 for which is appropriate) and MUST NOT contain any DAV:propstat element. */ //List<PropFindResponse> String xml = xmlGenerator.generate(respProps, new PropFindXmlFooter() { @Override public void footer(XmlWriter writer) { writer.writeProperty(WebDavProtocol.NS_DAV.getPrefix(), "sync-token", nextSyncToken.toString()); } }); return xml; } private void findResources(SyncCollectionResource parent, Document doc, URI syncToken, SyncLevel syncLevel, String parentHref, List<PropFindResponse> respProps) throws NotAuthorizedException, BadRequestException { Map<String, Resource> children = parent.findResourcesBySyncToken(syncToken); for (String href : children.keySet()) { Resource r = children.get(href); //hrefs.add(parentHref + r.getName()); if (r instanceof RemovedResource) { /* 3.4. Types of Changes Reported on Initial Synchronization When the DAV:sync-collection request contains an empty DAV:sync-token element, the server MUST return all member URLs of the collection (taking account of the DAV:sync-level XML element value as per Section 3.3, and optional truncation of the result set as per Section 3.6) and it MUST NOT return any removed member URLs. All types of member (collection or non-collection) MUST be reported. */ if (syncToken != null) { /* For members that have been removed, the DAV:response MUST contain one DAV:status with a value set to '404 Not Found' and MUST NOT contain any DAV:propstat element. */ PropFindResponse resp = new PropFindResponse(href, Response.Status.SC_NOT_FOUND); // TODO 404 must be in just under the response respProps.add(resp); } } else if (r instanceof PropFindableResource) { Set<QName> props = getProps(doc); PropertiesRequest parseResult = PropertiesRequest.toProperties(props); PropFindableResource pfr = (PropFindableResource) r; try { respProps.addAll(propertyBuilder.buildProperties(pfr, 0, parseResult, href)); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("There was an unencoded url requested: " + href, ex); } } else { //log.warn("requested href is for a non PropFindableResource: " + r.getClass() + " - " + href); } if (syncLevel == SyncLevel.Infinite) { /* When the client specifies the DAV:sync-level XML element with a value of "infinite", all appropriate member URLs of the collection specified as the request-URI are reported, provided child collections themselves also support the DAV:sync-collection report. */ if (r instanceof SyncCollectionResource) { String currentHref = Utils.suffixSlash(parentHref + r.getName()); findResources((SyncCollectionResource) r, doc, syncToken, syncLevel, currentHref, respProps); } /* For members that are collections and are unable to support the DAV:sync-collection report, the DAV:response MUST contain one DAV:status with a value set to '403 Forbidden', a DAV:error containing DAV:supported-report or DAV:sync-traversal-supported (see Section 3.3 for which is appropriate) and MUST NOT contain any DAV:propstat element. */ } } } private Set<QName> getProps(Document doc) { Element elProp = doc.getRootElement().getChild("prop", NS_DAV); if (elProp == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No prop element"); } Set<QName> set = new HashSet<QName>(); for (Object o : elProp.getChildren()) { if (o instanceof Element) { Element el = (Element) o; String local = el.getName(); String ns = el.getNamespaceURI(); set.add(new QName(ns, local, el.getNamespacePrefix())); } } return set; } }