package; import java.util.Date; import io.milton.vfs.db.Credential; import io.milton.vfs.db.PasswordCredential; import io.milton.vfs.db.Profile; import io.milton.http.http11.auth.DigestGenerator; import io.milton.http.http11.auth.DigestResponse; import io.milton.vfs.db.utils.SessionManager; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * * @author brad */ public class PasswordManager { private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(PasswordManager.class); private final DigestGenerator digestGenerator; private String realm = "milton-mini"; public PasswordManager(DigestGenerator digestGenerator) { this.digestGenerator = digestGenerator; } public PasswordManager() { this.digestGenerator = new DigestGenerator(); } public void setPassword(Profile user, String newPassword) { // Attempt to locate a PasswordCredential PasswordCredential epc = null; if (user.getCredentials() != null) { for (Credential c : user.getCredentials()) { if (c instanceof PasswordCredential) { epc = (PasswordCredential) c; break; } } } if (epc == null) { epc = new PasswordCredential(); epc.setCreatedDate(new Date()); epc.setModifiedDate(new Date()); epc.setProfile(user); if( user.getCredentials() == null ) { user.setCredentials(new ArrayList<Credential>()); } user.getCredentials().add(epc); } String hash = calcPasswordHash(user.getName(), newPassword); epc.setPassword(hash); SessionManager.session().save(user); SessionManager.session().save(epc); } public String calcPasswordHash(String userName, String password) { String a1md5 = digestGenerator.encodePasswordInA1Format(userName, realm, password); return a1md5; } public String getRealm() { return realm; } public void setRealm(String realm) { this.realm = realm; } public boolean verifyDigest(DigestResponse digest, Profile user) { PasswordCredential epc = null; if (user.getCredentials() != null) { for (Credential c : user.getCredentials()) { if (c instanceof PasswordCredential) { epc = (PasswordCredential) c; break; } } } if (epc == null) { log.warn("Profile is not associated with a password: profileId=" + user.getId()); return false; } //String actualPassword = epc.getPassword(); String a1Md5 = epc.getPassword(); //String a1Md5 = digestGenerator.encodePasswordInA1Format(user.getName(), realm, actualPassword); String expectedResp = digestGenerator.generateDigestWithEncryptedPassword(digest, a1Md5); String actualResp = digest.getResponseDigest(); if (expectedResp.equals(actualResp)) { //"verifyDigest: ok"); return true; } else { System.out.println("digests don't match!!!!"); System.out.println("expected (ie generated by server): " + expectedResp); System.out.println("actual (ie given in request): " + actualResp); System.out.println("cnonce: " + digest.getCnonce()); System.out.println("method: " + digest.getMethod()); System.out.println("nc: " + digest.getNc()); System.out.println("nonce:" + digest.getNonce()); System.out.println("qop: " + digest.getQop()); System.out.println("realm: " + digest.getRealm()); System.out.println("uri: " + digest.getUri()); System.out.println("user: " + digest.getUser()); System.out.println("password a1md5: " + a1Md5); return false; } } public boolean verifyPassword(Profile user, String requestPassword) { if (requestPassword != null) { log.trace("verify password: " + user.getName()); if (user.getCredentials() != null && !user.getCredentials().isEmpty()) { for (Credential c : user.getCredentials()) { if (c instanceof PasswordCredential) { PasswordCredential pc = (PasswordCredential) c; if (matches(user.getName(), pc, requestPassword)) { log.trace("Password check ok"); return true; } else { log.warn("Non-matching password"); } } } } else { log.warn("null or empty creds for: " + user.getId()); } } log.warn("Basic login failed for user: " + user.getEmail()); return false; } private boolean matches(String username, PasswordCredential pc, String requestPassword) { String a1Md5 = pc.getPassword(); String reqHash = calcPasswordHash(username, requestPassword); if(a1Md5.equals(reqHash)) { return true; } else { log.warn("password hashes do not match: " + a1Md5 + " != " + reqHash); return false; } } }