package org.mifos.test.acceptance.util; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; @ContextConfiguration(locations={"classpath:test-context.xml", "classpath:ui-test-context.xml"}) public class ApplicationDatabaseOperation { @Autowired private DriverManagerDataSource dataSource; private Connection connection; public void cleanBatchJobTables() throws SQLException { getStatement().executeUpdate("truncate table BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION_CONTEXT"); getStatement().executeUpdate("truncate table BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION"); getStatement().executeUpdate("truncate table BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION_SEQ"); getStatement().executeUpdate("truncate table BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION_CONTEXT"); getStatement().executeUpdate("truncate table BATCH_JOB_EXECUTION"); getStatement().executeUpdate("truncate table BATCH_JOB_PARAMS"); getStatement().executeUpdate("truncate table BATCH_JOB_INSTANCE"); getStatement().executeUpdate("truncate table BATCH_JOB_SEQ"); closeConnection(); } public void updateCustomerState(String statusID, String inUse) throws SQLException { getStatement().executeUpdate("UPDATE customer_state l SET currently_in_use= " + inUse + " WHERE l.status_id=" + statusID); closeConnection(); } public void updateLSIM(int lsimValue) throws SQLException { getStatement().executeUpdate("update config_key_value set configuration_value=" + lsimValue + " where configuration_key='repaymentSchedulesIndependentOfMeetingIsEnabled'"); closeConnection(); } public void updateGLIM(int glimValue) throws SQLException { getStatement().executeUpdate("update config_key_value set configuration_value=" + glimValue + " where configuration_key='loanIndividualMonitoringIsEnabled'"); closeConnection(); } public void updateGapBetweenDisbursementAndFirstMeetingDate(int gap) throws SQLException { getStatement().executeUpdate("update config_key_value set configuration_value=" + gap + " where configuration_key='minDaysBetweenDisbursalAndFirstRepaymentDay'"); closeConnection(); } public boolean doesBranchOfficeExist(String officeName, int officeType, String shortName) throws SQLException { return doesEntityExist("select count(*) from office where " + "office_level_id='" + officeType + "' and " + "office_short_name='" + shortName + "' and " + "display_name='" + officeName + "';"); } public boolean doesClientExist(String clientName, String officeName) throws SQLException { return doesEntityExist("select * from customer where display_name='" + clientName + "';"); } public boolean doesSystemUserExist(String userLoginName, String userName, String officeName) throws SQLException { return doesEntityExist("select * from personnel where "+ "display_name = '" + userName + "' and " + "login_name = '" + userLoginName + "';"); } public boolean doesFeeExist(String feeName) throws SQLException { return doesEntityExist("select count(fee_name) from fees where fee_name = '" + feeName + "';"); } public boolean doesDecliningPrincipalBalanceExist() throws SQLException { return doesEntityExist("select * from lookup_value where lookup_name='InterestTypes-DecliningPrincipalBalance';"); } public boolean doesHolidayExist(String holidayName) throws SQLException { return doesEntityExist("select * from holiday where holiday_name='" + holidayName + "';"); } private boolean doesEntityExist(String entityCountQuery) throws SQLException { ResultSet resultSet = null; try{ int noOfOffices = 0; resultSet = getStatement().executeQuery(entityCountQuery); if ( { noOfOffices = resultSet.getInt(1); } resultSet.close(); closeConnection(); return (noOfOffices > 0); } finally { resultSet.close(); closeConnection(); } } private void closeConnection() throws SQLException { connection.close(); } private Statement getStatement() throws SQLException { return getConnection().createStatement(); } private Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { connection = dataSource.getConnection(); return connection; } public void insertDecliningPrincipalBalanceInterestType() throws SQLException { getStatement().execute("insert into lookup_value(lookup_id,entity_id,lookup_name) values((select max(lv.lookup_id)+1 from lookup_value lv), 37, 'InterestTypes-DecliningPrincipalBalance');"); getStatement().execute("insert into interest_types (interest_type_id, lookup_id, category_id, descripton) values(5,(select lookup_id from lookup_value where entity_id =37 and lookup_name='InterestTypes-DecliningPrincipalBalance'),1,'InterestTypes-DecliningPrincipalBalance');"); closeConnection(); } public boolean deosQuestionResponseForLoanExist(String loanID, String event, String question, String response) throws SQLException { return doesEntityExist("SELECT count(*) FROM question_group_response as qqr, sections_questions as sq, questions as q WHERE qqr.response = \""+response+"\" AND qqr.sections_questions_id = AND sq.question_id = q.question_id AND q.question_text = \""+question+"\"" +" AND qqr.question_group_instance_id in (" +"SELECT FROM question_group_instance as qqi, account as a WHERE qqi.entity_id = a.account_id AND a.global_account_num = \""+loanID+"\"" +" AND qqi.event_source_id = (" +"SELECT FROM event_sources as es WHERE es.description = \""+event+"\"" +")" +");" ); } public boolean deosQuestionResponseForSavingsExist(String savingsID, String event, String question, String response) throws SQLException { return doesEntityExist("SELECT count(*) FROM question_group_response as qqr, sections_questions as sq, questions as q WHERE qqr.response = \""+response+"\" AND qqr.sections_questions_id = AND sq.question_id = q.question_id AND q.question_text = \""+question+"\"" +" AND qqr.question_group_instance_id in (" +"SELECT FROM question_group_instance as qqi, account as a WHERE qqi.entity_id = a.account_id AND a.global_account_num = \""+savingsID+"\"" +" AND qqi.event_source_id = (" +"SELECT FROM event_sources as es WHERE es.description = \""+event+"\"" +")" +");" ); } public boolean deosQuestionResponseForClientExist(String clientID, String event, String question, String response) throws SQLException { return doesEntityExist("SELECT count(*) FROM question_group_response as qqr, sections_questions as sq, questions as q WHERE qqr.response = \""+response+"\" AND qqr.sections_questions_id = AND sq.question_id = q.question_id AND q.question_text = \""+question+"\"" +" AND qqr.question_group_instance_id in (" +"SELECT FROM question_group_instance as qqi, customer as c WHERE qqi.entity_id = c.customer_id AND c.global_cust_num = \""+clientID+"\"" +" AND qqi.event_source_id = (" +"SELECT FROM event_sources as es WHERE es.description = \""+event+"\"" +")" +");" ); } }