/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Grameen Foundation USA * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * * See also http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html for an * explanation of the license and how it is applied. */ package org.mifos.test.acceptance.framework.holiday; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.mifos.test.acceptance.framework.MifosPage; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Wait; public class CreateHolidayEntryPage extends MifosPage { public CreateHolidayEntryPage(Selenium selenium) { super(selenium); this.verifyPage("create_officeHoliday"); // TODO KRP: uncomment this when acceptance tests are running locally this.verifyRepaymentRuleOptions(); } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.TooManyFields") // lots of fields ok for form input case public static class CreateHolidaySubmitParameters { public static final String NEXT_WORKING_DAY = "Next Working Day"; public static final String SAME_DAY = "Same Day"; public static final String NEXT_MEETING_OR_REPAYMENT = "Next Meeting/Repayment"; public static final String MORATORIUM = "Moratorium"; private String name; private String fromDateDD; private String fromDateMM; private String fromDateYYYY; private String thruDateDD; private String thruDateMM; private String thruDateYYYY; private String repaymentRule; @Deprecated private String selectedOfficeIds; private final List<String> selectedOfficeNames; public CreateHolidaySubmitParameters() { super(); this.selectedOfficeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); } public String getName() { return this.name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getFromDateDD() { return this.fromDateDD; } public void setFromDateDD(String fromDateDD) { this.fromDateDD = fromDateDD; } public String getFromDateMM() { return this.fromDateMM; } public void setFromDateMM(String fromDateMM) { this.fromDateMM = fromDateMM; } public String getFromDateYYYY() { return this.fromDateYYYY; } public void setFromDateYYYY(String fromDateYYYY) { this.fromDateYYYY = fromDateYYYY; } public String getThruDateDD() { return this.thruDateDD; } public void setThruDateDD(String thruDateDD) { this.thruDateDD = thruDateDD; } public String getThruDateMM() { return this.thruDateMM; } public void setThruDateMM(String thruDateMM) { this.thruDateMM = thruDateMM; } public String getThruDateYYYY() { return this.thruDateYYYY; } public void setThruDateYYYY(String thruDateYYYY) { this.thruDateYYYY = thruDateYYYY; } public String getRepaymentRule() { return this.repaymentRule; } public void setRepaymentRule(String repaymentRule) { this.repaymentRule = repaymentRule; } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.OnlyOneReturn") public int getRepaymentRuleValue() { if (SAME_DAY.equals(repaymentRule)) { return 1; } if (NEXT_MEETING_OR_REPAYMENT.equals(repaymentRule)) { return 2; } if (NEXT_WORKING_DAY.equals(repaymentRule)) { return 3; } if (MORATORIUM.equals(repaymentRule)) { return 4; } return -1; } @Deprecated public void setSelectedOfficeIds(String selectedOfficeIds) { this.selectedOfficeIds = selectedOfficeIds; } @Deprecated public String getSelectedOfficeIds() { return selectedOfficeIds; } public List<String> getSelectedOfficeNames() { return selectedOfficeNames; } public void addOffice(String officeName) { selectedOfficeNames.add(officeName); } public String getFromDate() { return this.fromDateYYYY + "-" + this.fromDateMM + "-" + this.fromDateDD; } public String getThruDate() { String resault = ""; if (this.thruDateYYYY == null) { resault = getFromDate(); } else { resault = this.thruDateYYYY + "-" + this.thruDateMM + "-" + this.thruDateDD; } return resault; } } public CreateHolidayConfirmationPage submitAndNavigateToHolidayConfirmationPage( CreateHolidaySubmitParameters formParameters) { selenium.type("holiday.input.name", formParameters.getName()); selenium.type("holidayFromDateDD", formParameters.getFromDateDD()); selenium.type("holidayFromDateMM", formParameters.getFromDateMM()); selenium.type("holidayFromDateYY", formParameters.getFromDateYYYY()); this.typeTextIfNotEmpty("holidayThruDateDD", formParameters.getThruDateDD()); this.typeTextIfNotEmpty("holidayThruDateMM", formParameters.getThruDateMM()); this.typeTextIfNotEmpty("holidayThruDateYY", formParameters.getThruDateYYYY()); selenium.select("holiday.input.repaymentrule", "value=" + formParameters.getRepaymentRuleValue()); selenium.fireEvent("holidayFromDateYY", "blur"); selenium.fireEvent("holidayThruDateYY", "blur"); new Wait("Wait for ajax component, jsTree has timed out") { @Override public boolean until() { // id 1 is the for the root/head office of the jsTree return selenium.isElementPresent("id=1"); } }; if (formParameters.getSelectedOfficeNames().size() > 0) { for (String officeName : formParameters.getSelectedOfficeNames()) { selenium.click("link=*" + officeName); } } else { selenium.type("selectedOfficeIds", formParameters.getSelectedOfficeIds()); selenium.getEval("window.CreateHoliday.setState();"); } selenium.click("holiday.button.preview"); waitForPageToLoad(); return new CreateHolidayConfirmationPage(selenium); } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.StringToString") private void verifyRepaymentRuleOptions() { String[] options = selenium.getSelectOptions("name=repaymentRuleId"); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of repayment rule options", 5, options.length); Assert.assertEquals(CreateHolidaySubmitParameters.SAME_DAY, options[1]); Assert.assertEquals(CreateHolidaySubmitParameters.NEXT_MEETING_OR_REPAYMENT, options[2]); Assert.assertEquals(CreateHolidaySubmitParameters.NEXT_WORKING_DAY, options[3]); Assert.assertEquals(CreateHolidaySubmitParameters.MORATORIUM, options[4]); } }