package com.zendesk.maxwell; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.zendesk.maxwell.producer.MaxwellOutputConfig; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.BinlogPosition; import com.zendesk.maxwell.replication.Position; import com.zendesk.maxwell.row.RowMap; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.Schema; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.SchemaCapturer; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.SchemaStoreSchema; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.ddl.ResolvedSchemaChange; import com.zendesk.maxwell.schema.ddl.SchemaChange; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; public class MaxwellTestSupport { static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MaxwellTestSupport.class); public static MysqlIsolatedServer setupServer(String extraParams) throws Exception { MysqlIsolatedServer server = new MysqlIsolatedServer(); server.boot(extraParams); Connection conn = server.getConnection(); SchemaStoreSchema.ensureMaxwellSchema(conn, "maxwell"); SchemaStoreSchema.upgradeSchemaStoreSchema(conn); return server; } public static MysqlIsolatedServer setupServer() throws Exception { return setupServer(null); } public static void setupSchema(MysqlIsolatedServer server, boolean resetBinlogs) throws Exception { List<String> queries = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList( "CREATE DATABASE if not exists shard_2", "DROP DATABASE if exists shard_1", "CREATE DATABASE shard_1", "USE shard_1" )); for ( File file: new File(getSQLDir() + "/schema").listFiles()) { if ( !file.getName().endsWith(".sql")) continue; if ( file.getName().contains("sharded") ) continue; byte[] sql = Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()); String s = new String(sql); if ( s != null ) { queries.add(s); } } String shardedFileName; if ( server.getVersion().equals("5.6") ) shardedFileName = "sharded_56.sql"; else shardedFileName = "sharded.sql"; File shardedFile = new File(getSQLDir() + "/schema/" + shardedFileName); byte[] sql = Files.readAllBytes(shardedFile.toPath()); String s = new String(sql); if ( s != null ) { queries.add(s); } if ( resetBinlogs ) queries.add("RESET MASTER"); server.executeList(queries); } public static void setupSchema(MysqlIsolatedServer server) throws Exception { setupSchema(server, true); } public static String getSQLDir() { final String dir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); return dir + "/src/test/resources/sql/"; } public static MaxwellContext buildContext(int port, Position p, MaxwellFilter filter) throws SQLException { MaxwellConfig config = new MaxwellConfig(); = ""; config.replicationMysql.port = port; config.replicationMysql.user = "maxwell"; config.replicationMysql.password = "maxwell"; config.replicationMysql.jdbcOptions.add("useSSL=false"); = ""; config.maxwellMysql.port = port; config.maxwellMysql.user = "maxwell"; config.maxwellMysql.password = "maxwell"; config.maxwellMysql.jdbcOptions.add("useSSL=false"); config.databaseName = "maxwell"; config.filter = filter; config.initPosition = p; return new MaxwellContext(config); } private static void clearSchemaStore(MysqlIsolatedServer mysql) throws Exception { mysql.execute("drop database if exists maxwell"); } public static List<RowMap> getRowsWithReplicator(final MysqlIsolatedServer mysql, MaxwellFilter filter, final String queries[], final String before[]) throws Exception { MaxwellTestSupportCallback callback = new MaxwellTestSupportCallback() { @Override public void afterReplicatorStart(MysqlIsolatedServer mysql) throws SQLException { mysql.executeList(Arrays.asList(queries)); } @Override public void beforeReplicatorStart(MysqlIsolatedServer mysql) throws SQLException { if ( before != null) mysql.executeList(Arrays.asList(before)); } }; return getRowsWithReplicator(mysql, filter, callback, null); } public static boolean inGtidMode() { return System.getenv(MaxwellConfig.GTID_MODE_ENV) != null; } public static Position capture(Connection c) throws SQLException { return Position.capture(c, inGtidMode()); } public static List<RowMap> getRowsWithReplicator(final MysqlIsolatedServer mysql, MaxwellFilter filter, MaxwellTestSupportCallback callback, MaxwellOutputConfig outputConfig) throws Exception { final ArrayList<RowMap> list = new ArrayList<>(); clearSchemaStore(mysql); MaxwellConfig config = new MaxwellConfig(); config.maxwellMysql.user = "maxwell"; config.maxwellMysql.password = "maxwell"; = "localhost"; config.maxwellMysql.port = mysql.getPort(); config.maxwellMysql.jdbcOptions.add("useSSL=false"); config.replicationMysql = config.maxwellMysql; if (outputConfig == null) { outputConfig = new MaxwellOutputConfig(); } if ( filter != null ) { if ( filter.isDatabaseWhitelist() ) filter.includeDatabase("test"); if ( filter.isTableWhitelist() ) filter.includeTable("boundary"); } config.filter = filter; config.bootstrapperType = "sync"; callback.beforeReplicatorStart(mysql); config.initPosition = capture(mysql.getConnection()); final String waitObject = new String(""); BufferedMaxwell maxwell = new BufferedMaxwell(config) { @Override protected void onReplicatorStart() { synchronized(waitObject) { waitObject.notify(); } } }; new Thread(maxwell).start(); synchronized(waitObject) { waitObject.wait(); } callback.afterReplicatorStart(mysql); maxwell.context.getPositionStore().heartbeat(); Position finalPosition = capture(mysql.getConnection()); LOGGER.debug("running replicator up to " + finalPosition); Long pollTime = 2000L; Position lastPositionRead = null; for ( ;; ) { RowMap row = maxwell.poll(pollTime); pollTime = 500L; // after the first row is receive, we go into a tight loop. if ( row == null ) { LOGGER.debug("timed out waiting for final row. Last position we saw: " + lastPositionRead); break; } lastPositionRead = row.getPosition(); if ( row.getPosition().newerThan(finalPosition) ) { // consume whatever's left over in the buffer. for ( ;; ) { RowMap r = maxwell.poll(100); if ( r == null ) break; if ( r.toJSON(outputConfig) != null ) list.add(r); } break; } if ( row.toJSON(outputConfig) != null ) list.add(row); } callback.beforeTerminate(mysql); maxwell.terminate(); Exception maxwellError = maxwell.context.getError(); if (maxwellError != null) { throw maxwellError; } return list; } public static void testDDLFollowing(MysqlIsolatedServer server, String alters[]) throws Exception { SchemaCapturer capturer = new SchemaCapturer(server.getConnection(), buildContext(server.getPort(), null, null).getCaseSensitivity()); Schema topSchema = capturer.capture(); server.executeList(Arrays.asList(alters)); ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); for ( String alterSQL : alters) { List<SchemaChange> changes = SchemaChange.parse("shard_1", alterSQL); if ( changes != null ) { for ( SchemaChange change : changes ) { ResolvedSchemaChange resolvedChange = change.resolve(topSchema); if ( resolvedChange == null ) continue; // go to and from json String json = m.writeValueAsString(resolvedChange); ResolvedSchemaChange fromJson = m.readValue(json, ResolvedSchemaChange.class); fromJson.apply(topSchema); } } } Schema bottomSchema = capturer.capture(); List<String> diff = topSchema.diff(bottomSchema, "followed schema", "recaptured schema"); assertThat(StringUtils.join(diff.iterator(), "\n"), diff.size(), is(0)); } }