package com.zendesk.maxwell; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; public class MaxwellMysqlStatus { static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MaxwellMysqlStatus.class); private Connection connection; public MaxwellMysqlStatus(Connection c) { this.connection = c; } private String sqlStatement(String variableName) { return "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '" + variableName + "'"; } private String getVariableState(String variableName, boolean throwOnMissing) throws SQLException, MaxwellCompatibilityError { ResultSet rs; rs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlStatement(variableName)); String status; if(! { if ( throwOnMissing ) { throw new MaxwellCompatibilityError("Could not check state for Mysql variable: " + variableName); } else { return null; } } status = rs.getString("Value"); return status; } private void ensureVariableState(String variable, String state) throws SQLException, MaxwellCompatibilityError { if (!getVariableState(variable, true).equals(state)) { throw new MaxwellCompatibilityError("variable " + variable + " must be set to '" + state + "'"); } } private void ensureServerIDIsSet() throws SQLException, MaxwellCompatibilityError { String id = getVariableState("server_id", false); if ( "0".equals(id) ) { throw new MaxwellCompatibilityError("server_id is '0'. Maxwell will not function without a server_id being set."); } } private void ensureRowImageFormat() throws SQLException, MaxwellCompatibilityError { String rowImageFormat = getVariableState("binlog_row_image", false); if ( rowImageFormat == null ) // only present in mysql 5.6+ return; if ( rowImageFormat.equals("MINIMAL") ) { LOGGER.warn("Warning: binlog_row_image is set to MINIMAL. This may not be what you want."); LOGGER.warn("See for more information."); } } public static void ensureReplicationMysqlState(Connection c) throws SQLException, MaxwellCompatibilityError { MaxwellMysqlStatus m = new MaxwellMysqlStatus(c); m.ensureServerIDIsSet(); m.ensureVariableState("log_bin", "ON"); m.ensureVariableState("binlog_format", "ROW"); m.ensureRowImageFormat(); } public static void ensureMaxwellMysqlState(Connection c) throws SQLException, MaxwellCompatibilityError { MaxwellMysqlStatus m = new MaxwellMysqlStatus(c); m.ensureVariableState("read_only", "OFF"); } public static void ensureGtidMysqlState(Connection c) throws SQLException, MaxwellCompatibilityError { MaxwellMysqlStatus m = new MaxwellMysqlStatus(c); m.ensureVariableState("gtid_mode", "ON"); m.ensureVariableState("log_slave_updates", "ON"); m.ensureVariableState("enforce_gtid_consistency", "ON"); } }