package org.apache.maven.surefire.testset; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Set; import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableSet; import static org.apache.maven.shared.utils.StringUtils.isBlank; import static org.apache.maven.shared.utils.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import static org.apache.maven.shared.utils.StringUtils.split; import static; import static; import static java.util.Collections.singleton; import static org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.ResolvedTest.Type.CLASS; import static org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.ResolvedTest.Type.METHOD; // TODO In Surefire 3.0 see SUREFIRE-1309 and use normal fully qualified class name regex instead. /** * Resolved multi pattern filter e.g. -Dtest=MyTest#test,!AnotherTest#otherTest into an object model * composed of included and excluded tests.<br> * The methods {@link #shouldRun(String, String)} are filters easily used in JUnit filter or TestNG. * This class is independent of JUnit and TestNG API.<br> * It is accessed by Java Reflection API in {@link org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireReflector} * using specific ClassLoader. */ public class TestListResolver implements GenericTestPattern<ResolvedTest, String, String> { private static final String JAVA_CLASS_FILE_EXTENSION = ".class"; private static final TestListResolver WILDCARD = new TestListResolver( "*" + JAVA_CLASS_FILE_EXTENSION ); private static final TestListResolver EMPTY = new TestListResolver( "" ); private final Set<ResolvedTest> includedPatterns; private final Set<ResolvedTest> excludedPatterns; private final boolean hasIncludedMethodPatterns; private final boolean hasExcludedMethodPatterns; public TestListResolver( Collection<String> tests ) { final IncludedExcludedPatterns patterns = new IncludedExcludedPatterns(); final Set<ResolvedTest> includedFilters = new LinkedHashSet<ResolvedTest>( 0 ); final Set<ResolvedTest> excludedFilters = new LinkedHashSet<ResolvedTest>( 0 ); for ( final String csvTests : tests ) { if ( isNotBlank( csvTests ) ) { for ( String request : split( csvTests, "," ) ) { request = request.trim(); if ( request.length() != 0 && !request.equals( "!" ) ) { resolveTestRequest( request, patterns, includedFilters, excludedFilters ); } } } } this.includedPatterns = unmodifiableSet( includedFilters ); this.excludedPatterns = unmodifiableSet( excludedFilters ); this.hasIncludedMethodPatterns = patterns.hasIncludedMethodPatterns; this.hasExcludedMethodPatterns = patterns.hasExcludedMethodPatterns; } public TestListResolver( String csvTests ) { this( csvTests == null ? Collections.<String>emptySet() : singleton( csvTests ) ); } public TestListResolver( Collection<String> included, Collection<String> excluded ) { this( mergeIncludedAndExcludedTests( included, excluded ) ); } /** * Used only in method filter. */ private TestListResolver( boolean hasIncludedMethodPatterns, boolean hasExcludedMethodPatterns, Set<ResolvedTest> includedPatterns, Set<ResolvedTest> excludedPatterns ) { this.includedPatterns = includedPatterns; this.excludedPatterns = excludedPatterns; this.hasIncludedMethodPatterns = hasIncludedMethodPatterns; this.hasExcludedMethodPatterns = hasExcludedMethodPatterns; } public static TestListResolver newTestListResolver( Set<ResolvedTest> includedPatterns, Set<ResolvedTest> excludedPatterns ) { return new TestListResolver( haveMethodPatterns( includedPatterns ), haveMethodPatterns( excludedPatterns ), includedPatterns, excludedPatterns ); } @Override public boolean hasIncludedMethodPatterns() { return hasIncludedMethodPatterns; } @Override public boolean hasExcludedMethodPatterns() { return hasExcludedMethodPatterns; } @Override public boolean hasMethodPatterns() { return hasIncludedMethodPatterns() || hasExcludedMethodPatterns(); } /** * * @param resolver filter possibly having method patterns * @return {@code resolver} if {@link TestListResolver#hasMethodPatterns() resolver.hasMethodPatterns()} * returns {@code true}; Otherwise wildcard filter {@code *.class} is returned. */ public static TestListResolver optionallyWildcardFilter( TestListResolver resolver ) { return resolver.hasMethodPatterns() ? resolver : WILDCARD; } public static TestListResolver getWildcard() { return WILDCARD; } public static TestListResolver getEmptyTestListResolver() { return EMPTY; } public final boolean isWildcard() { return equals( WILDCARD ); } public TestFilter<String, String> and( final TestListResolver another ) { return new TestFilter<String, String>() { @Override public boolean shouldRun( String testClass, String methodName ) { return TestListResolver.this.shouldRun( testClass, methodName ) && another.shouldRun( testClass, methodName ); } }; } public TestFilter<String, String> or( final TestListResolver another ) { return new TestFilter<String, String>() { @Override public boolean shouldRun( String testClass, String methodName ) { return TestListResolver.this.shouldRun( testClass, methodName ) || another.shouldRun( testClass, methodName ); } }; } public boolean shouldRun( Class<?> testClass, String methodName ) { return shouldRun( toClassFileName( testClass ), methodName ); } /** * Returns {@code true} if satisfies {@code testClassFile} and {@code methodName} filter. * * @param testClassFile format must be e.g. "my/package/MyTest.class" including class extension; or null * @param methodName real test-method name; or null */ @Override public boolean shouldRun( String testClassFile, String methodName ) { if ( isEmpty() || isBlank( testClassFile ) && isBlank( methodName ) ) { return true; } else { boolean shouldRun = false; if ( getIncludedPatterns().isEmpty() ) { shouldRun = true; } else { for ( ResolvedTest filter : getIncludedPatterns() ) { if ( filter.matchAsInclusive( testClassFile, methodName ) ) { shouldRun = true; break; } } } if ( shouldRun ) { for ( ResolvedTest filter : getExcludedPatterns() ) { if ( filter.matchAsExclusive( testClassFile, methodName ) ) { shouldRun = false; break; } } } return shouldRun; } } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return equals( EMPTY ); } @Override public String getPluginParameterTest() { String aggregatedTest = aggregatedTest( "", getIncludedPatterns() ); if ( isNotBlank( aggregatedTest ) && !getExcludedPatterns().isEmpty() ) { aggregatedTest += ", "; } aggregatedTest += aggregatedTest( "!", getExcludedPatterns() ); return aggregatedTest.length() == 0 ? "" : aggregatedTest; } @Override public Set<ResolvedTest> getIncludedPatterns() { return includedPatterns; } @Override public Set<ResolvedTest> getExcludedPatterns() { return excludedPatterns; } @Override public boolean equals( Object o ) { if ( this == o ) { return true; } if ( o == null || getClass() != o.getClass() ) { return false; } TestListResolver that = (TestListResolver) o; return getIncludedPatterns().equals( that.getIncludedPatterns() ) && getExcludedPatterns().equals( that.getExcludedPatterns() ); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = getIncludedPatterns().hashCode(); result = 31 * result + getExcludedPatterns().hashCode(); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return getPluginParameterTest(); } public static String toClassFileName( Class<?> test ) { return test == null ? null : toClassFileName( test.getName() ); } public static String toClassFileName( String fullyQualifiedTestClass ) { return fullyQualifiedTestClass == null ? null : fullyQualifiedTestClass.replace( '.', '/' ) + JAVA_CLASS_FILE_EXTENSION; } static String removeExclamationMark( String s ) { return s.length() != 0 && s.charAt( 0 ) == '!' ? s.substring( 1 ) : s; } private static void updatedFilters( boolean isExcluded, ResolvedTest test, IncludedExcludedPatterns patterns, Collection<ResolvedTest> includedFilters, Collection<ResolvedTest> excludedFilters ) { if ( isExcluded ) { excludedFilters.add( test ); patterns.hasExcludedMethodPatterns |= test.hasTestMethodPattern(); } else { includedFilters.add( test ); patterns.hasIncludedMethodPatterns |= test.hasTestMethodPattern(); } } private static String aggregatedTest( String testPrefix, Set<ResolvedTest> tests ) { StringBuilder aggregatedTest = new StringBuilder(); for ( ResolvedTest test : tests ) { String readableTest = test.toString(); if ( readableTest.length() != 0 ) { if ( aggregatedTest.length() != 0 ) { aggregatedTest.append( ", " ); } aggregatedTest.append( testPrefix ) .append( readableTest ); } } return aggregatedTest.toString(); } private static Collection<String> mergeIncludedAndExcludedTests( Collection<String> included, Collection<String> excluded ) { ArrayList<String> incExc = new ArrayList<String>( included ); incExc.removeAll( Collections.<String>singleton( null ) ); for ( String exc : excluded ) { if ( exc != null ) { exc = exc.trim(); if ( exc.length() != 0 ) { if ( exc.contains( "!" ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Exclamation mark not expected in 'exclusion': " + exc ); } exc = exc.replace( ",", ",!" ); if ( !exc.startsWith( "!" ) ) { exc = "!" + exc; } incExc.add( exc ); } } } return incExc; } static boolean isRegexPrefixedPattern( String pattern ) { int indexOfRegex = pattern.indexOf( REGEX_HANDLER_PREFIX ); int prefixLength = REGEX_HANDLER_PREFIX.length(); if ( indexOfRegex != -1 ) { if ( indexOfRegex != 0 || !pattern.endsWith( PATTERN_HANDLER_SUFFIX ) || !isRegexMinLength( pattern ) || pattern.indexOf( REGEX_HANDLER_PREFIX, prefixLength ) != -1 ) { String msg = "Illegal test|includes|excludes regex '%s'. Expected %%regex[class#method] " + "or !%%regex[class#method] " + "with optional class or #method."; throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( msg, pattern ) ); } return true; } else { return false; } } static boolean isRegexMinLength( String pattern ) { //todo bug in maven-shared-utils: '+1' should not appear in the condition //todo cannot reuse code from because method isRegexPrefixedPattern is in private package. return pattern.length() > REGEX_HANDLER_PREFIX.length() + PATTERN_HANDLER_SUFFIX.length() + 1; } static String[] unwrapRegex( String regex ) { regex = regex.trim(); int from = REGEX_HANDLER_PREFIX.length(); int to = regex.length() - PATTERN_HANDLER_SUFFIX.length(); return unwrap( regex.substring( from, to ) ); } static String[] unwrap( final String request ) { final String[] classAndMethod = { "", "" }; final int indexOfHash = request.indexOf( '#' ); if ( indexOfHash == -1 ) { classAndMethod[0] = request.trim(); } else { classAndMethod[0] = request.substring( 0, indexOfHash ).trim(); classAndMethod[1] = request.substring( 1 + indexOfHash ).trim(); } return classAndMethod; } static void nonRegexClassAndMethods( String clazz, String methods, boolean isExcluded, IncludedExcludedPatterns patterns, Collection<ResolvedTest> includedFilters, Collection<ResolvedTest> excludedFilters ) { for ( String method : split( methods, "+" ) ) { method = method.trim(); ResolvedTest test = new ResolvedTest( clazz, method, false ); if ( !test.isEmpty() ) { updatedFilters( isExcluded, test, patterns, includedFilters, excludedFilters ); } } } /** * Requires trimmed {@code request} been not equal to "!". */ static void resolveTestRequest( String request, IncludedExcludedPatterns patterns, Collection<ResolvedTest> includedFilters, Collection<ResolvedTest> excludedFilters ) { final boolean isExcluded = request.startsWith( "!" ); ResolvedTest test = null; request = removeExclamationMark( request ); if ( isRegexPrefixedPattern( request ) ) { final String[] unwrapped = unwrapRegex( request ); final boolean hasClass = unwrapped[0].length() != 0; final boolean hasMethod = unwrapped[1].length() != 0; if ( hasClass && hasMethod ) { test = new ResolvedTest( unwrapped[0], unwrapped[1], true ); } else if ( hasClass ) { test = new ResolvedTest( CLASS, unwrapped[0], true ); } else if ( hasMethod ) { test = new ResolvedTest( METHOD, unwrapped[1], true ); } } else { final int indexOfMethodSeparator = request.indexOf( '#' ); if ( indexOfMethodSeparator == -1 ) { test = new ResolvedTest( CLASS, request, false ); } else { String clazz = request.substring( 0, indexOfMethodSeparator ); String methods = request.substring( 1 + indexOfMethodSeparator ); nonRegexClassAndMethods( clazz, methods, isExcluded, patterns, includedFilters, excludedFilters ); } } if ( test != null && !test.isEmpty() ) { updatedFilters( isExcluded, test, patterns, includedFilters, excludedFilters ); } } private static boolean haveMethodPatterns( Set<ResolvedTest> patterns ) { for ( ResolvedTest pattern : patterns ) { if ( pattern.hasTestMethodPattern() ) { return true; } } return false; } }