package org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.booterclient; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import junit.framework.Assert; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.booterclient.lazytestprovider.NotifiableTestStream; import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.booterclient.output.ForkClient; import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.api.ConsoleLogger; import org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.log.api.NullConsoleLogger; import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkingRunListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan; import static; /** * @author Kristian Rosenvold */ public class ForkingRunListenerTest extends TestCase { private final ByteArrayOutputStream content, anotherContent; private final PrintStream printStream, anotherPrintStream; final int defaultChannel = 17; final int anotherChannel = 18; public ForkingRunListenerTest() { content = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); printStream = new PrintStream( content ); anotherContent = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); anotherPrintStream = new PrintStream( anotherContent ); } private void reset() { printStream.flush(); content.reset(); } public void testHeaderCreation() { final byte[] header = ForkingRunListener.createHeader( (byte) 'F', 0xCAFE ); String asString = new String( header ); assertEquals( "F,cafe," + Charset.defaultCharset().name() + ",", asString ); } public void testHeaderCreationShort() { final byte[] header = ForkingRunListener.createHeader( (byte) 'F', 0xE ); String asString = new String( header ); assertEquals( "F,e," + Charset.defaultCharset().name() + ",", asString ); } public void testSetStarting() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); TestSetReportEntry expected = createDefaultReportEntry(); expected ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.SET_STARTING, expected ); } public void testSetCompleted() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); TestSetReportEntry expected = createDefaultReportEntry(); expected ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.SET_COMPLETED, expected ); } public void testStarting() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); ReportEntry expected = createDefaultReportEntry(); expected ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.TEST_STARTING, expected ); } public void testStringTokenizer() { String test = "5,11,,testMethod,null,22,,,"; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( test, "," ); assertEquals( "5", tok.nextToken() ); assertEquals( "11", tok.nextToken() ); assertEquals( "", tok.nextToken() ); assertEquals( "testMethod", tok.nextToken() ); assertEquals( "null", tok.nextToken() ); assertEquals( "22", tok.nextToken() ); assertFalse( tok.hasMoreTokens() ); } public void testSucceded() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); ReportEntry expected = createDefaultReportEntry(); expected ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.TEST_SUCCEEDED, expected ); } public void testFailed() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); ReportEntry expected = createReportEntryWithStackTrace(); expected ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.TEST_FAILED, expected ); } public void testFailedWithCommaInMessage() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); ReportEntry expected = createReportEntryWithSpecialMessage( "We, the people" ); expected ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.TEST_FAILED, expected ); } public void testFailedWithUnicodeEscapeInMessage() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); ReportEntry expected = createReportEntryWithSpecialMessage( "We, \\u0177 people" ); expected ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.TEST_FAILED, expected ); } public void testFailure() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); ReportEntry expected = createDefaultReportEntry(); expected ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.TEST_ERROR, expected ); } public void testSkipped() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); ReportEntry expected = createDefaultReportEntry(); expected ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.TEST_SKIPPED, expected ); } public void testAssumptionFailure() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); ReportEntry expected = createDefaultReportEntry(); expected ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.TEST_ASSUMPTION_FAIL, expected ); } public void testConsole() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); ConsoleLogger directConsoleReporter = (ConsoleLogger); "HeyYou" ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.CONSOLE_OUTPUT, "HeyYou" ); } public void testConsoleOutput() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun(); ConsoleOutputReceiver directConsoleReporter = (ConsoleOutputReceiver); directConsoleReporter.writeTestOutput( "HeyYou".getBytes(), 0, 6, true ); standardTestRun.assertExpected( MockReporter.STDOUT, "HeyYou" ); } public void testSystemProperties() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun();; reset(); createForkingRunListener( defaultChannel ); TestSetMockReporterFactory providerReporterFactory = new TestSetMockReporterFactory(); NullConsoleLogger log = new NullConsoleLogger(); ForkClient forkStreamClient = new ForkClient( providerReporterFactory, new MockNotifiableTestStream(), log ); forkStreamClient.consumeMultiLineContent( content.toString( "UTF-8" ) ); MatcherAssert.assertThat( forkStreamClient.getTestVmSystemProperties().size(), is( greaterThan( 1 ) ) ); } public void testMultipleEntries() throws ReporterException, IOException { final StandardTestRun standardTestRun = new StandardTestRun();; reset(); RunListener forkingReporter = createForkingRunListener( defaultChannel ); TestSetReportEntry reportEntry = createDefaultReportEntry(); forkingReporter.testSetStarting( reportEntry ); forkingReporter.testStarting( reportEntry ); forkingReporter.testSucceeded( reportEntry ); forkingReporter.testSetCompleted( reportEntry ); TestSetMockReporterFactory providerReporterFactory = new TestSetMockReporterFactory(); NullConsoleLogger log = new NullConsoleLogger(); ForkClient forkStreamClient = new ForkClient( providerReporterFactory, new MockNotifiableTestStream(), log ); forkStreamClient.consumeMultiLineContent( content.toString( "UTF-8" ) ); final MockReporter reporter = (MockReporter) forkStreamClient.getReporter(); final List<String> events = reporter.getEvents(); assertEquals( MockReporter.SET_STARTING, events.get( 0 ) ); assertEquals( MockReporter.TEST_STARTING, events.get( 1 ) ); assertEquals( MockReporter.TEST_SUCCEEDED, events.get( 2 ) ); assertEquals( MockReporter.SET_COMPLETED, events.get( 3 ) ); } public void test2DifferentChannels() throws ReporterException, IOException { reset(); ReportEntry expected = createDefaultReportEntry(); final SimpleReportEntry secondExpected = createAnotherDefaultReportEntry(); new ForkingRunListener( printStream, defaultChannel, false ) .testStarting( expected ); new ForkingRunListener( anotherPrintStream, anotherChannel, false ) .testSkipped( secondExpected ); TestSetMockReporterFactory providerReporterFactory = new TestSetMockReporterFactory(); NotifiableTestStream notifiableTestStream = new MockNotifiableTestStream(); NullConsoleLogger log = new NullConsoleLogger(); ForkClient forkStreamClient = new ForkClient( providerReporterFactory, notifiableTestStream, log ); forkStreamClient.consumeMultiLineContent( content.toString( "UTF-8" ) ); MockReporter reporter = (MockReporter) forkStreamClient.getReporter(); Assert.assertEquals( MockReporter.TEST_STARTING, reporter.getFirstEvent() ); Assert.assertEquals( expected, reporter.getFirstData() ); Assert.assertEquals( 1, reporter.getEvents().size() ); forkStreamClient = new ForkClient( providerReporterFactory, notifiableTestStream, log ); forkStreamClient.consumeMultiLineContent( anotherContent.toString( "UTF-8" ) ); MockReporter reporter2 = (MockReporter) forkStreamClient.getReporter(); Assert.assertEquals( MockReporter.TEST_SKIPPED, reporter2.getFirstEvent() ); Assert.assertEquals( secondExpected, reporter2.getFirstData() ); Assert.assertEquals( 1, reporter2.getEvents().size() ); } // Todo: Test weird characters private SimpleReportEntry createDefaultReportEntry() { return new SimpleReportEntry( "", "testMethod", 22 ); } private SimpleReportEntry createAnotherDefaultReportEntry() { return new SimpleReportEntry( "", "testAnotherMethod", 42 ); } private SimpleReportEntry createReportEntryWithStackTrace() { try { throw new RuntimeException(); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { StackTraceWriter stackTraceWriter = new LegacyPojoStackTraceWriter( "org.apache.tests.TestClass", "testMethod11", e ); return new CategorizedReportEntry( "", "testMethod", "aGroup", stackTraceWriter, 77 ); } } private SimpleReportEntry createReportEntryWithSpecialMessage( String message ) { try { throw new RuntimeException( message ); } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { StackTraceWriter stackTraceWriter = new LegacyPojoStackTraceWriter( "org.apache.tests.TestClass", "testMethod11", e ); return new CategorizedReportEntry( "", "testMethod", "aGroup", stackTraceWriter, 77 ); } } private RunListener createForkingRunListener( Integer testSetChannel ) { return new ForkingRunListener( printStream, testSetChannel, false ); } private class StandardTestRun { private MockReporter reporter; public RunListener run() throws ReporterException { reset(); return createForkingRunListener( defaultChannel ); } public void clientReceiveContent() throws ReporterException, IOException { TestSetMockReporterFactory providerReporterFactory = new TestSetMockReporterFactory(); NullConsoleLogger log = new NullConsoleLogger(); final ForkClient forkStreamClient = new ForkClient( providerReporterFactory, new MockNotifiableTestStream(), log ); forkStreamClient.consumeMultiLineContent( content.toString( ) ); reporter = (MockReporter) forkStreamClient.getReporter(); } public String getFirstEvent() { return reporter.getEvents().get( 0 ); } public ReportEntry getFirstData() { return (ReportEntry) reporter.getData().get( 0 ); } private void assertExpected( String actionCode, ReportEntry expected ) throws IOException, ReporterException { clientReceiveContent(); assertEquals( actionCode, getFirstEvent() ); final ReportEntry firstData = getFirstData(); assertEquals( expected.getSourceName(), firstData.getSourceName() ); assertEquals( expected.getName(), firstData.getName() ); //noinspection deprecation assertEquals( expected.getElapsed(), firstData.getElapsed() ); assertEquals( expected.getGroup(), firstData.getGroup() ); if ( expected.getStackTraceWriter() != null ) { //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored assertEquals( expected.getStackTraceWriter().getThrowable().getLocalizedMessage(), firstData.getStackTraceWriter().getThrowable().getLocalizedMessage() ); assertEquals( expected.getStackTraceWriter().writeTraceToString(), firstData.getStackTraceWriter().writeTraceToString() ); } } private void assertExpected( String actionCode, String expected ) throws IOException, ReporterException { clientReceiveContent(); assertEquals( actionCode, getFirstEvent() ); final String firstData = (String) reporter.getData().get( 0 ); assertEquals( expected, firstData ); } } }