package logbook.gui; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import logbook.config.AppConfig; import logbook.constants.AppConstants; import logbook.dto.chart.Resource; import logbook.dto.chart.ResourceLog; import logbook.dto.chart.ResourceLog.SortableLog; import logbook.gui.logic.ColorManager; import logbook.gui.logic.ResourceChart; import logbook.gui.logic.ResourceChart.ActiveLevel; import logbook.gui.logic.TableItemCreator; import logbook.internal.LoggerHolder; import logbook.scripting.TableItemCreatorProxy; import logbook.util.SwtUtils; import; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.SashForm; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.FileDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MessageBox; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableColumn; /** * 資材チャートのダイアログ * */ public final class ResourceChartDialog extends WindowBase { /** ロガー */ private static final LoggerHolder LOG = new LoggerHolder(ResourceChartDialog.class); /** スケールテキスト */ private static final String[] SCALE_TEXT = { "1日", "1週間", "2週間", "1ヶ月", "2ヶ月", "3ヶ月", "半年", "1年" }; /** スケールテキストに対応する日 */ private static final int[] SCALE_DAYS = { 1, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90, 180, 365 }; /** 資材テーブルに表示する資材のフォーマット */ private static final String DIFF_FORMAT = "{0,number,0}({1,number,+0;-0})"; /** シェル */ private final Shell parent; private Shell shell; /** メニューバー */ private Menu menubar; /** [ファイル]メニュー */ private Menu filemenu; /** スケール */ private Combo combo; /** グラフキャンバス */ private Canvas canvas; /** 資材ログ */ private ResourceLog log; /** 資材テーブル */ private Table table; /** 資材テーブルのヘッダ */ private final String[] header = new String[] { "日付", "燃料", "弾薬", "鋼材", "ボーキ", "バーナー", "バケツ", "開発資材", "ネジ" }; /** 資材テーブルのボディ */ private List<String[]> body = new ArrayList<>(); /** 最後に読み込んだ時間 */ private Date lastLoadDate = new Date(0); /** 更新タイマー */ protected Timer timer; private int nextActivated = -1; private int nowActivated = -1; private Image currentImage; private final Button[] enableCheckButtons = new Button[8]; /** * Create the dialog. * @param parent */ public ResourceChartDialog(Shell parent, MenuItem menuItem) { super(menuItem); this.parent = parent; } /** * Open the dialog. */ @Override public void open() { // 初期化済みの場合 if (this.isWindowInitialized()) { // リロードして表示 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(this.lastLoadDate); cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1); if (new Date().after(cal.getTime())) { // 最後に読み込んでから1分以上経過していたら再読み込み this.updateContents(); } this.setVisible(true); return; } this.createContents(); this.registerEvents(); this.setWindowInitialized(true); this.setVisible(true); // 更新タイマー this.timer = new Timer(true); // 10分毎に再読み込みするようにスケジュールする this.timer.schedule(new CyclicReloadTask(), 0, TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(10)); } /** * Create contents of the dialog. */ private void createContents() { super.createContents(this.parent, SWT.SHELL_TRIM, false); this.getShell().setText("資材チャート"); = this.getShell();, 300); Point(800, 650)));, new Listener() { @Override public void handleEvent(Event event) { if (ResourceChartDialog.this.currentImage != null) { ResourceChartDialog.this.currentImage.dispose(); ResourceChartDialog.this.currentImage = null; } } }); GridLayout glShell = new GridLayout(1, false); glShell.verticalSpacing = 2; glShell.marginWidth = 2; glShell.marginHeight = 2; glShell.horizontalSpacing = 2;; this.createMenubar(); this.menubar = this.getMenubar(); if (this.isNoMenubar()) { this.filemenu = this.menubar; } else { MenuItem fileroot = new MenuItem(this.menubar, SWT.CASCADE); fileroot.setText("ファイル"); this.filemenu = new Menu(fileroot); fileroot.setMenu(this.filemenu); } MenuItem save = new MenuItem(this.filemenu, SWT.NONE); save.setText("画像ファイルとして保存(&S)\tCtrl+S"); save.setAccelerator(SWT.CTRL + 'S'); SashForm sashForm = new SashForm(, SWT.SMOOTH | SWT.VERTICAL); sashForm.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 1, 1)); Composite compositeChart = new Composite(sashForm, SWT.NONE); GridLayout glCompositeChart = new GridLayout(4, false); glCompositeChart.verticalSpacing = 1; glCompositeChart.marginWidth = 1; glCompositeChart.marginHeight = 1; glCompositeChart.marginBottom = 1; glCompositeChart.horizontalSpacing = 1; compositeChart.setLayout(glCompositeChart); Label label = new Label(compositeChart, SWT.NONE); label.setText("スケール"); this.combo = new Combo(compositeChart, SWT.READ_ONLY); this.combo.setItems(SCALE_TEXT);; this.combo.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { ResourceChartDialog.this.reloadImage(); } }); Label label2 = new Label(compositeChart, SWT.NONE); label2.setText("表示"); Composite enableCheckGroup = new Composite(compositeChart, SWT.NONE); enableCheckGroup.setLayout(new RowLayout(SWT.HORIZONTAL)); SelectionListener checkboxListener = new SelectionAdapter() { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { ResourceChartDialog.this.reloadImage(); } }; final Runnable updateImage = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ResourceChartDialog.this.updateActivatedImage(); } }; MouseTrackListener checkboxMouseListener = new MouseTrackListener() { @Override public void mouseEnter(MouseEvent e) { Control control = (Control) e.getSource(); ResourceChartDialog.this.nextActivated = (Integer) control.getData(); Display.getDefault().asyncExec(updateImage); } @Override public void mouseExit(MouseEvent e) { ResourceChartDialog.this.nextActivated = -1; Display.getDefault().timerExec(100, updateImage); } @Override public void mouseHover(MouseEvent e) { } }; String[] resourceNames = new String[] { "燃料", "弾薬", "鋼材", "ボーキ", "バーナー", "バケツ", "開発資材", "ネジ" }; RGB[] colors = AppConfig.get().getResourceColors(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { Button check = new Button(enableCheckGroup, SWT.CHECK); check.setData(i); check.addSelectionListener(checkboxListener); check.addMouseTrackListener(checkboxMouseListener); check.setSelection(true); // ButtonはWindowsだと色を変えられないので画像化して貼り付ける String text = resourceNames[i]; GC gc = new GC(check); Point textExtent = gc.stringExtent(text); gc.dispose(); Image image = new Image(check.getDisplay(), new Rectangle(0, 0, textExtent.x, textExtent.y)); GC gcImage = new GC(image); gcImage.setBackground(check.getDisplay().getSystemColor(SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_BACKGROUND)); gcImage.setForeground(ColorManager.getColor(colors[i])); gcImage.drawText(text, 0, 0); gcImage.dispose(); check.setImage(image); this.enableCheckButtons[i] = check; } this.canvas = new Canvas(compositeChart, SWT.NO_BACKGROUND); this.canvas.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 4, 1)); Composite compositeTable = new Composite(sashForm, SWT.NONE); GridLayout glCompositeTable = new GridLayout(1, false); glCompositeTable.horizontalSpacing = 1; glCompositeTable.marginHeight = 1; glCompositeTable.marginWidth = 1; glCompositeTable.verticalSpacing = 1; compositeTable.setLayout(glCompositeTable); this.table = new Table(compositeTable, SWT.BORDER | SWT.FULL_SELECTION); this.table.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true, 1, 1)); this.table.setHeaderVisible(true); this.table.setLinesVisible(true); sashForm.setWeights(new int[] { 3, 1 }); this.canvas.addPaintListener(new PaintListener() { @Override public void paintControl(PaintEvent e) { if (ResourceChartDialog.this.currentImage != null) { e.gc.drawImage(ResourceChartDialog.this.currentImage, 0, 0); } } }); this.canvas.addListener(SWT.Resize, new Listener() { @Override public void handleEvent(Event e) { ResourceChartDialog.this.reloadImage(); } }); // 画像ファイルとして保存のリスナー save.addSelectionListener(new SaveImageAdapter()); // 資材テーブルを表示する this.setTableHeader(); // データを読み込んで表示 this.updateContents(); } private void updateActivatedImage() { if (this.nowActivated != this.nextActivated) { this.nowActivated = this.nextActivated; this.reloadImage(); } } private void updateContents() { File report = new File(FilenameUtils.concat(AppConfig.get().getReportPath(), AppConstants.LOG_RESOURCE)); try { this.log = ResourceLog.getInstance(report); if (this.log != null) { this.body = createTableBody(this.log); this.reloadImage(); this.setTableBody(); this.packTableHeader(); this.lastLoadDate = new Date(); } } catch (IOException e) { this.log = null; } } private void reloadImage() { int scale = SCALE_DAYS[ResourceChartDialog.this.combo.getSelectionIndex()]; String scaleText = "スケール:" + ResourceChartDialog.this.combo.getText(); Point size = ResourceChartDialog.this.canvas.getSize(); if ((size.x > 0) && (size.y > 0)) { int width = size.x - 1; int height = size.y - 1; if (this.log != null) { if (this.currentImage != null) { this.currentImage.dispose(); } this.currentImage = createImage(this.log, scale, scaleText, width, height, ResourceChartDialog.this.getResourceActiveLevel(), false); this.canvas.redraw(); } } } /** * テーブルヘッダーをセットする */ private void setTableHeader() { for (int i = 0; i < this.header.length; i++) { TableColumn col = new TableColumn(this.table, SWT.LEFT); col.setText(this.header[i]); } this.packTableHeader(); } /** * テーブルヘッダーの幅を調節する */ private void packTableHeader() { TableColumn[] columns = this.table.getColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { columns[i].pack(); } } /** * テーブルボディーをセットする */ private void setTableBody() { this.table.removeAll(); TableItemCreator creator = TableItemCreatorProxy.get(AppConstants.RESOURCECHAR_PREFIX); creator.begin(this.header); for (int i = 0; i < this.body.size(); i++) { String[] line = this.body.get(i); creator.create(this.table, line, i); } creator.end(); } @Override public void setVisible(boolean visible) { super.setVisible(visible); if (visible) { // マウスホイールイベントを期間選択コンボボックスに流すためにフォーカスする this.combo.setFocus(); } } /** * 資材ログのグラフイメージを作成する * * @param log 資材ログ * @param scale 日単位のスケール * @param width 幅 * @param height 高さ * @return グラフイメージ */ private static Image createImage(ResourceLog log, int scale, String scaleText, int width, int height, ActiveLevel[] activeLevel, boolean printHeader) { Image image = new Image(Display.getCurrent(), Math.max(width, 1), Math.max(height, 1)); try { GC gc = new GC(image); try { ResourceChart chart = new ResourceChart( gc, log, scale, scaleText, width, height, activeLevel, printHeader); chart.draw(gc); } finally { gc.dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { image.dispose(); image = null; LOG.get().warn("グラフの描画で例外が発生しました", e); } return image; } /** * 資材テーブルのボディを作成する * * @param log 資材ログ * @param body テーブルボディ */ private static List<String[]> createTableBody(ResourceLog log) { List<String[]> body = new ArrayList<>(); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(AppConstants.DATE_DAYS_FORMAT); format.setTimeZone(AppConstants.TIME_ZONE_MISSION); Map<String, SortableLog> resourceofday = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < log.time.length; i++) { String key = format.format(new Date(log.time[i])); Resource[] r = log.resources; resourceofday.put(key, new SortableLog(log.time[i], r[ResourceLog.RESOURCE_FUEL].values[i], r[ResourceLog.RESOURCE_AMMO].values[i], r[ResourceLog.RESOURCE_METAL].values[i], r[ResourceLog.RESOURCE_BAUXITE].values[i], r[ResourceLog.RESOURCE_BURNER].values[i], r[ResourceLog.RESOURCE_BUCKET].values[i], r[ResourceLog.RESOURCE_RESEARCH].values[i], r[ResourceLog.RESOURCE_SCREW].values[i])); } MessageFormat diffFormat = new MessageFormat(DIFF_FORMAT); SortableLog before = null; for (Entry<String, SortableLog> entry : resourceofday.entrySet()) { SortableLog val = entry.getValue(); int fuel = val.fuel; int ammo = val.ammo; int metal = val.metal; int bauxite = val.bauxite; int burner = val.burner; int bucket = val.bucket; int research = val.research; int screw = val.screw; int fuelDiff = fuel; int ammoDiff = ammo; int metalDiff = metal; int bauxiteDiff = bauxite; int burnerDiff = burner; int bucketDiff = bucket; int researchDiff = research; int screwDiff = screw; if (before != null) { fuelDiff = fuel - before.fuel; ammoDiff = ammo - before.ammo; metalDiff = metal - before.metal; bauxiteDiff = bauxite - before.bauxite; burnerDiff = burner - before.burner; bucketDiff = bucket - before.bucket; researchDiff = research - before.research; screwDiff = screw - before.screw; } before = val; String[] line = new String[] { entry.getKey(), diffFormat.format(new Object[] { fuel, fuelDiff }), diffFormat.format(new Object[] { ammo, ammoDiff }), diffFormat.format(new Object[] { metal, metalDiff }), diffFormat.format(new Object[] { bauxite, bauxiteDiff }), diffFormat.format(new Object[] { burner, burnerDiff }), diffFormat.format(new Object[] { bucket, bucketDiff }), diffFormat.format(new Object[] { research, researchDiff }), diffFormat.format(new Object[] { screw, screwDiff }) }; body.add(line); } Collections.reverse(body); return body; } private ActiveLevel[] getResourceActiveLevel() { ActiveLevel[] activated = new ActiveLevel[this.enableCheckButtons.length]; int nowActivated = ((this.nowActivated != -1) && this.enableCheckButtons[this.nowActivated].getSelection()) ? this.nowActivated : -1; for (int i = 0; i < activated.length; ++i) { boolean enabled = this.enableCheckButtons[i].getSelection(); if (!enabled) { activated[i] = ActiveLevel.DISABLED; } else if (nowActivated == -1) { activated[i] = ActiveLevel.NORMAL; } else if (nowActivated == i) { activated[i] = ActiveLevel.ACTIVE; } else { activated[i] = ActiveLevel.INACTIVE; } } return activated; } private void saveImage() { if (this.log != null) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(AppConstants.DATE_DAYS_FORMAT); String name = "資材ログ_" + format.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()) + ".png"; FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(, SWT.SAVE); dialog.setFileName(name); dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] { "*.png" }); String filename =; if (filename != null) { File file = new File(filename); if (file.exists()) { MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(, SWT.YES | SWT.NO); messageBox.setText("確認"); messageBox.setMessage("指定されたファイルは存在します。\n上書きしますか?"); if ( == SWT.NO) { return; } } int scale = SCALE_DAYS[this.combo.getSelectionIndex()]; String scaleText = "スケール:" + this.combo.getText(); Point size = this.canvas.getSize(); int width = size.x - 1; int height = size.y - 1; try (OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))) { // イメージの生成 Image image = createImage( this.log, scale, scaleText, width, height, this.getResourceActiveLevel(), true); try { ImageLoader loader = new ImageLoader(); = new ImageData[] { image.getImageData() };, SWT.IMAGE_PNG); } finally { image.dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(, SWT.ICON_ERROR); messageBox.setText("書き込めませんでした"); messageBox.setMessage(ex.toString());; } } } } /** * 画像ファイルとして保存のリスナー * */ private final class SaveImageAdapter extends SelectionAdapter { @Override public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) { ResourceChartDialog.this.saveImage(); } } /** * テーブルを定期的に再読み込みする */ protected class CyclicReloadTask extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (! { // 見えているときだけ処理する if ( { ResourceChartDialog.this.updateContents(); } } else { // ウインドウが消えていたらタスクをキャンセルする CyclicReloadTask.this.cancel(); } } }); } } }