package liquibase.database.core; import liquibase.CatalogAndSchema; import liquibase.database.DatabaseConnection; import liquibase.database.AbstractJdbcDatabase; import liquibase.database.OfflineConnection; import liquibase.database.jvm.JdbcConnection; import liquibase.exception.DatabaseException; import liquibase.exception.DateParseException; import liquibase.exception.UnexpectedLiquibaseException; import liquibase.logging.LogFactory; import liquibase.statement.DatabaseFunction; import liquibase.util.ISODateFormat; import liquibase.util.JdbcUtils; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class H2Database extends AbstractJdbcDatabase { private static String START_CONCAT = "CONCAT("; private static String END_CONCAT = ")"; private static String SEP_CONCAT = ", "; private String connectionSchemaName = "PUBLIC"; public H2Database() { super.unquotedObjectsAreUppercased=true; super.setCurrentDateTimeFunction("NOW()"); this.dateFunctions.add(new DatabaseFunction("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()")); super.sequenceNextValueFunction = "NEXTVAL('%s')"; super.sequenceCurrentValueFunction = "CURRVAL('%s')"; } @Override public String getShortName() { return "h2"; } @Override public Integer getDefaultPort() { return 8082; } @Override protected String getDefaultDatabaseProductName() { return "H2"; } @Override public String getDefaultDriver(String url) { if (url.startsWith("jdbc:h2")) { return "org.h2.Driver"; } return null; } @Override public int getPriority() { return PRIORITY_DATABASE; } @Override public boolean isCorrectDatabaseImplementation(DatabaseConnection conn) throws DatabaseException { return "H2".equals(conn.getDatabaseProductName()); } // public void dropDatabaseObjects(String schema) throws DatabaseException { // DatabaseConnection conn = getConnection(); // Statement dropStatement = null; // try { // dropStatement = conn.createStatement(); // dropStatement.executeUpdate("DROP ALL OBJECTS"); // changeLogTableExists = false; // changeLogLockTableExists = false; // changeLogCreateAttempted = false; // changeLogLockCreateAttempted = false; // } catch (SQLException e) { // throw new DatabaseException(e); // } finally { // try { // if (dropStatement != null) { // dropStatement.close(); // } // conn.commit(); // } catch (SQLException e) { // ; // } // } // // } @Override public boolean supportsTablespaces() { return false; } @Override public String getViewDefinition(CatalogAndSchema schema, String name) throws DatabaseException { String definition = super.getViewDefinition(schema, name); if (!definition.startsWith("SELECT")) { definition = definition.replaceFirst(".*?\\n", ""); //some h2 versions return "create\nselect } definition = definition.replaceFirst("/\\*.*",""); //sometimes includes comments at the end return definition; } @Override public Date parseDate(String dateAsString) throws DateParseException { try { return new ISODateFormat().parse(dateAsString); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new DateParseException(dateAsString); } } @Override public boolean isSafeToRunUpdate() throws DatabaseException { if (getConnection() == null) { return true; } String url = getConnection().getURL(); boolean isLocalURL = ( super.isSafeToRunUpdate() || url.startsWith("jdbc:h2:file:") || url.startsWith("jdbc:h2:mem:") || url.startsWith("jdbc:h2:zip:") || url.startsWith("jdbc:h2:~") ); return isLocalURL; } // @Override // public String convertRequestedSchemaToSchema(String requestedSchema) throws DatabaseException { // return super.convertRequestedSchemaToSchema(requestedSchema).toLowerCase(); // } @Override public boolean supportsSequences() { return true; } @Override protected String getConnectionSchemaName() { return connectionSchemaName; } @Override public String getConcatSql(String... values) { if (values == null) { return null; } return getConcatSql(Arrays.asList(values)); } /** * Recursive way of building CONCAT instruction * * @param values a non null List of String * @return a String containing the CONCAT instruction with all elements, or only a value if there is only one element in the list */ private String getConcatSql(List<String> values) { if (values.size() == 1) { return values.get(0); } else { return START_CONCAT + values.get(0) + SEP_CONCAT + getConcatSql(values.subList(1, values.size())) + END_CONCAT; } } @Override public String getDateLiteral(String isoDate) { return "'" + isoDate.replace('T', ' ') + "'"; } @Override public boolean isReservedWord(String objectName) { return keywords.contains(objectName.toUpperCase()); } private static List keywords = Arrays.asList( "CROSS", "CURRENT_DATE", "CURRENT_TIME", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "DISTINCT", "EXCEPT", "EXISTS", "FALSE", "FETCH", "FOR", "FROM", "FULL", "GROUP", "HAVING", "INNER", "INTERSECT", "IS", "JOIN", "LIKE", "LIMIT", "MINUS", "NATURAL", "NOT", "NULL", "OFFSET", "ON", "ORDER", "PRIMARY", "ROWNUM", "SELECT", "SYSDATE", "SYSTIME", "SYSTIMESTAMP", "TODAY", "TRUE", "UNION", "UNIQUE", "WHERE"); @Override public boolean supportsInitiallyDeferrableColumns() { return false; } @Override protected String getAutoIncrementClause() { return "AUTO_INCREMENT"; } @Override protected String getAutoIncrementStartWithClause() { return "%d"; } @Override protected String getAutoIncrementByClause() { return "%d"; } @Override public boolean createsIndexesForForeignKeys() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsDropTableCascadeConstraints() { return true; } @Override public void setConnection(DatabaseConnection conn) { Connection sqlConn = null; if (!(conn instanceof OfflineConnection)) { try { if (conn instanceof JdbcConnection) { Method wrappedConn = conn.getClass().getMethod("getWrappedConnection"); wrappedConn.setAccessible(true); sqlConn = (Connection) wrappedConn.invoke(conn); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedLiquibaseException(e); } if (sqlConn != null) { Statement statement = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; try { statement = sqlConn.createStatement(); resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT SCHEMA()"); String schemaName = null; if ( { schemaName = resultSet.getString(1); } if (schemaName != null) { this.connectionSchemaName = schemaName; } } catch (SQLException e) { LogFactory.getLogger().info("Could not read current schema name: "+e.getMessage()); } finally { JdbcUtils.close(resultSet, statement); } } } super.setConnection(conn); } }