package liquibase.change.core; import liquibase.change.*; import liquibase.database.Database; import liquibase.database.core.SybaseASADatabase; import liquibase.snapshot.SnapshotGeneratorFactory; import liquibase.statement.SqlStatement; import liquibase.statement.core.DropUniqueConstraintStatement; import liquibase.structure.core.Column; import liquibase.structure.core.UniqueConstraint; /** * Removes an existing unique constraint. */ @DatabaseChange(name="dropUniqueConstraint", description = "Drops an existing unique constraint", priority = ChangeMetaData.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, appliesTo = "uniqueConstraint") public class DropUniqueConstraintChange extends AbstractChange { private String catalogName; private String schemaName; private String tableName; private String constraintName; /** * Sybase ASA does drop unique constraint not by name, but using list of the columns in unique clause. */ private String uniqueColumns; @DatabaseChangeProperty(mustEqualExisting ="uniqueConstraint.table.catalog", since = "3.0") public String getCatalogName() { return catalogName; } public void setCatalogName(String catalogName) { this.catalogName = catalogName; } @DatabaseChangeProperty(mustEqualExisting ="uniqueConstraint.table.schema") public String getSchemaName() { return schemaName; } public void setSchemaName(String schemaName) { this.schemaName = schemaName; } @DatabaseChangeProperty(mustEqualExisting = "uniqueConstraint.table", description = "Name of the table to drop the unique constraint from") public String getTableName() { return tableName; } public void setTableName(String tableName) { this.tableName = tableName; } @DatabaseChangeProperty(mustEqualExisting = "uniqueConstraint", description = "Name of unique constraint to drop") public String getConstraintName() { return constraintName; } public void setConstraintName(String constraintName) { this.constraintName = constraintName; } @DatabaseChangeProperty(exampleValue = "name") public String getUniqueColumns() { return uniqueColumns; } public void setUniqueColumns(String uniqueColumns) { this.uniqueColumns = uniqueColumns; } @Override public SqlStatement[] generateStatements(Database database) { //todo if (database instanceof SQLiteDatabase) { // // return special statements for SQLite databases // return generateStatementsForSQLiteDatabase(database); // } DropUniqueConstraintStatement statement = new DropUniqueConstraintStatement(getCatalogName(), getSchemaName(), getTableName(), getConstraintName()); if (database instanceof SybaseASADatabase) { statement.setUniqueColumns(ColumnConfig.arrayFromNames(uniqueColumns)); } return new SqlStatement[]{ statement }; } @Override public ChangeStatus checkStatus(Database database) { try { UniqueConstraint example = new UniqueConstraint(getConstraintName(), getCatalogName(), getSchemaName(), getTableName()); if (getUniqueColumns() != null) { for (String column : getUniqueColumns().split("\\s*,\\s*")) { example.addColumn(example.getColumns().size(), new Column(column)); } } return new ChangeStatus().assertComplete(!SnapshotGeneratorFactory.getInstance().has(example, database), "Unique constraint exists"); } catch (Exception e) { return new ChangeStatus().unknown(e); } } // private SqlStatement[] generateStatementsForSQLiteDatabase(Database database) { // // // SQLite does not support this ALTER TABLE operation until now. // // For more information see: // // This is a small work around... // // // Note: The attribute "constraintName" is used to pass the column // // name instead of the constraint name. // // List<SqlStatement> statements = new ArrayList<SqlStatement>(); // // // define alter table logic // AlterTableVisitor rename_alter_visitor = new AlterTableVisitor() { // public ColumnConfig[] getColumnsToAdd() { // return new ColumnConfig[0]; // } // public boolean copyThisColumn(ColumnConfig column) { // return true; // } // public boolean createThisColumn(ColumnConfig column) { // if (column.getName().equals(getConstraintName())) { // column.getConstraints().setUnique(false); // } // return true; // } // public boolean createThisIndex(Index index) { // return true; // } // }; // // try { // // alter table // statements.addAll(SQLiteDatabase.getAlterTableStatements( // rename_alter_visitor, // database,getCatalogName(), getSchemaName(),getTableName())); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // // return statements.toArray(new SqlStatement[statements.size()]); // } @Override public String getConfirmationMessage() { return "Unique constraint "+getConstraintName()+" dropped from "+getTableName(); } @Override public String getSerializedObjectNamespace() { return STANDARD_CHANGELOG_NAMESPACE; } }