package com.wcs.newsletter.replacer; /* * #%L * Webstar Newsletter * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 Webstar Csoport Kft. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException; import com.liferay.portal.model.Layout; import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil; import com.wcs.newsletter.model.NewsletterConfig; import com.wcs.newsletter.service.NewsletterConfigLocalServiceUtil; import com.wcs.newsletter.util.EmailConst; import com.wcs.newsletter.util.LiferayUtil; import com.wcs.tool.ListUtil; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class ConfirmEmailLinkReplacer extends AbstractEmailReplacer { private List<String> confirmationKeys; public ConfirmEmailLinkReplacer(List<String> confirmationKeys) { this.confirmationKeys = confirmationKeys; } @Override public String getVariableName() { return EmailConst.Variable.CONFIRM_EMAIL; } @Override public String getValue() throws Exception { return getConfirmationLink(); } private String getConfirmationLink() throws PortalException { try { if (ListUtil.isEmpty(confirmationKeys)) { return null; } StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(); body.append("<a href=\""); List<NewsletterConfig> configs = NewsletterConfigLocalServiceUtil.findByConfigKey("subscriptionActionLayout"); NewsletterConfig subscriptionActionLayout; subscriptionActionLayout = configs.get(0); Layout layout = null; layout = LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayout(Long.parseLong(subscriptionActionLayout.getConfigValue())); // layout = LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayoutByUuidAndGroupId(subscriptionActionLayout.getConfigValue(), LiferayUtil.getThemeDisplay().getScopeGroupId()); // layout = LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getLayoutByUuidAndGroupId(subscriptionActionLayout.getConfigValue(), LiferayUtil.getThemeDisplay().getScopeGroupId(),false); String layoutURL = PortalUtil.getLayoutURL(layout, LiferayUtil.getThemeDisplay()); body.append(LiferayUtil.getThemeDisplay().getURLPortal()); // body.append("/subscription?"); body.append(layoutURL); body.append("?"); for (int i = 0; i < confirmationKeys.size(); i++) { String confirmationKey = confirmationKeys.get(i); if (i > 0) { body.append("&"); } body.append(EmailConst.Action.CONFIRM_PARAM_KEY).append("=").append(confirmationKey); } body.append("\">"); body.append("Megerősít/Confirm"); body.append("</a>"); body.append("<br />"); return new String(body); } catch (SystemException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ConfirmEmailLinkReplacer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return ""; } }