package com.wcs.newsletter.controller; /* * #%L * Webstar Newsletter * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 Webstar Csoport Kft. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.WebKeys; import com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay; import com.wcs.newsletter.util.JsfUtil; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.portlet.PortletRequest; @ManagedBean @SessionScoped public class NavigationController extends AbstractSessionController { private static final String ROOT = "/view/admin/"; private static final String EDIT = "edit"; private static final String LIST = "list"; private static final String NEWSLETTER = "newsletter"; private static final int CATEGORIES_MENU = 0; private static final int SUBSCRIPTIONS_MENU = 1; private static final int NEWSLETTERS_MENU = 2; private static final int NEWSLETTERSCONFIG_MENU = 3; private static final int CATEGORIES = 0; private static final int CATEGORIES_EDIT = 1; private static final int USERS = 2; private static final int USERS_EDIT = 3; private static final int NEWSLETTERS = 4; private static final int NEWSLETTERS_EDIT = 5; private static final int NEWSLETTERS_LIST = 6; private static final int NEWSLETTERS_LIST_EDIT = 7; private static final int NEWSLETTERS_CONFIG = 8; private NavigationParamController navigationParamController; private int activeIndex = 0; private int activeSubIndex = 0; public void initCategoriesMenu() { setActiveIndex(CATEGORIES_MENU); } public void initSubscriptionsMenu() { setActiveIndex(SUBSCRIPTIONS_MENU); } public void initNewslettersMenu() { setActiveIndex(NEWSLETTERS_MENU); } public void initNewslettersConfig() { setActiveIndex(NEWSLETTERSCONFIG_MENU); } public void initSubscriptionsSubMenu() { setActiveSubIndex(USERS); } public void initSubscriptionsEditSubMenu() { setActiveSubIndex(USERS_EDIT); } public void initNewsletterSubMenu() { setActiveSubIndex(NEWSLETTERS); } public void initNewsletterEditSubMenu() { setActiveSubIndex(NEWSLETTERS_EDIT); } public void initNewsletterListSubMenu() { setActiveSubIndex(NEWSLETTERS_LIST); } public void initNewsletterListEditSubMenu() { setActiveSubIndex(NEWSLETTERS_LIST_EDIT); } public void initNewsletterConfigSubMenu() { setActiveSubIndex(NEWSLETTERS_CONFIG); } public void initCategoriesSubMenu() { setActiveSubIndex(CATEGORIES); } public void initCategoriesEditSubMenu() { setActiveSubIndex(CATEGORIES_EDIT); } public String navigateToCategoriesMenu() { initCategoriesMenu(); return ROOT + "categoryList.jsf?faces-redirect=true"; } public String navigateToSubscriptionsMenu() { initSubscriptionsMenu(); return ROOT + "subscriptionList.jsf?faces-redirect=true"; } public String navigateToNewslettersMenu() { initNewslettersMenu(); return ROOT + "newsletterList.jsf?faces-redirect=true"; } public String navigateToNewslettersConfig() { initNewslettersConfig(); return ROOT + "subscriptionConfig.jsf?faces-redirect=true"; } public String navigateToCategoryEdit(Long id) { getNavigationParamController().setCategoryParam(id); return EDIT; } public String navigateToSubscriptionEdit(Long id) { getNavigationParamController().setSubscriptionParam(id); return EDIT; } public String navigateToNewsletterEdit(Long id) { getNavigationParamController().setNewsletterParam(id); return EDIT; } public String navigateToNewsletterCreate() { return EDIT; } public String navigateToNewsletterList() { return LIST; } public String navigateToList() { return LIST; } public int getActiveIndex() { return activeIndex; } public int getActiveSubIndex() { return activeSubIndex; } public void setActiveSubIndex(int activeSubIndex) { this.activeSubIndex = activeSubIndex; } public void setActiveIndex(int activeIndex) { this.activeIndex = activeIndex; } public String getLiferayFullLangCode() { PortletRequest portletRequest = (PortletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest(); ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) portletRequest.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY); //TODO: ez jöhetne valami abstract ős controllerből! return themeDisplay.getLanguageId(); } public NavigationParamController getNavigationParamController() { if (navigationParamController == null) { navigationParamController = (NavigationParamController) JsfUtil.getManagedBean("navigationParamController"); } return navigationParamController; } public boolean isCategories() { return CATEGORIES == activeSubIndex; } public boolean isCategoriesEdit() { return CATEGORIES_EDIT == activeSubIndex; } public boolean isUsers() { return USERS == activeSubIndex; } public boolean isUsersEdit() { return USERS_EDIT == activeSubIndex; } public boolean isNewsletters() { return NEWSLETTERS == activeSubIndex; } public boolean isNewslettersEdit() { return NEWSLETTERS_EDIT == activeSubIndex; } public boolean isNewslettersList() { return NEWSLETTERS_LIST == activeSubIndex; } public boolean isNewslettersListEdit() { return NEWSLETTERS_LIST_EDIT == activeSubIndex; } public boolean isConfig() { return NEWSLETTERS_CONFIG == activeSubIndex; } }