package stu.tnt.gdx.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import stu.tnt.gdx.input.OnBackKeyListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Buttons; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Orientation; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Peripheral; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.TextInputListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap; /** @FileName: * @CreateOn: Sep 15, 2012 - 11:11:44 AM * @Author: TrungNT */ public class eInput implements InputProcessor { // ============= Storage ============= private final ArrayList<InputProcessor> mInputProcessors = new ArrayList<InputProcessor>(); private final ObjectMap<Integer, InputProcessor> mInputMap = new ObjectMap<Integer, InputProcessor>(); private final ArrayList<MotionCallBack> mMotionList = new ArrayList<MotionCallBack>(); private final ArrayList<KeyCallBack> mKeysList = new ArrayList<KeyCallBack>(); private final ArrayList<InputProcessor> CloneList = new ArrayList<InputProcessor>(); // ============================================== OnBackKeyListener mBackKeyListener = null; int tmp; // ============================================== private int mLastTouchPointer; private int projectedX; private int projectedY; public eInput () { } /** Add a new processor at a specified index( the index must in range` [0,size] * * @param index your index * @param processor your processor */ public void addProcessor (int index, InputProcessor processor) { if (!mInputMap.containsKey(index)) { mInputProcessors.add(processor); mInputMap.put(index, processor); } else { removeProcessor(index); addProcessor(index, processor); } } /** Remove a processor at specified index( The index must in range [0,size]) * * @param index your index */ public void removeProcessor (int index) { InputProcessor input = mInputMap.remove(index); mInputProcessors.remove(input); } public final void registerBackKeyListener (OnBackKeyListener listener) { mBackKeyListener = listener; } public void unregisterBackKeyListener () { mBackKeyListener = null; } /** @return the number of mInputProcessors in this multiplexer */ public int size () { return mInputProcessors.size(); } /** Clear the processor list */ public void clear () { mInputProcessors.clear(); mInputMap.clear(); mMotionList.clear(); mKeysList.clear(); } /** Get the array list of mInputProcessors * * @return Array<InputProcessor> */ ArrayList<InputProcessor> getProcessors () { return mInputProcessors; } public InputProcessor findInputById (int id) { return mInputMap.get(id); } /*************************************************************** Key event handler ***************************************************************/ /** Called when a key was pressed * * @param keycode one of the constants in {@link Input.Keys} * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean keyDown (int keycode) { tmp = mInputProcessors.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mInputProcessors.get(i).keyDown(keycode); tmp = mKeysList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mKeysList.get(i).onKeyDown(keycode); return true; } /** Called when a key was released * * @param keycode one of the constants in {@link Input.Keys} * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean keyUp (int keycode) { if (mBackKeyListener != null && keycode == Keys.BACK) return mBackKeyListener.BackKeyPressed(); tmp = mInputProcessors.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mInputProcessors.get(i).keyUp(keycode); tmp = mKeysList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mKeysList.get(i).onKeyUp(keycode); return true; } /** Called when a key was typed * * @param character The character * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean keyTyped (char character) { tmp = mInputProcessors.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mInputProcessors.get(i).keyTyped(character); tmp = mKeysList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mKeysList.get(i).onKeyTyped(character); return true; } /*********************************************************** Touch event handler ***********************************************************/ /** Called when the screen was touched or a mouse button was pressed. The button parameter will be {@link Buttons#LEFT} on * Android. * * @param x The x coordinate, origin is in the upper left corner * @param y The y coordinate, origin is in the upper left corner * @param pointer the pointer for the event. * @param button the button * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean touchDown (int X, int Y, int pointer, int button) { mLastTouchPointer = pointer; int y = - Y; // ============= calculate projected input ============= projectedX = (int)(((float)X / (float) * eAdmin.gameWidth()); projectedY = (int)(((float)y / (float) * eAdmin.gameHeight()); CloneList.clear(); CloneList.addAll(mInputProcessors); for (InputProcessor i : CloneList) i.touchDown(X, Y, pointer, button); tmp = mMotionList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mMotionList.get(i).onTouchDown(projectedX, projectedY, pointer, button); return true; } /** Called when a finger was lifted or a mouse button was released. The button parameter will be {@link Buttons#LEFT} on * Android. * * @param x The x coordinate * @param y The y coordinate * @param pointer the pointer for the event. * @param button the button * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean touchUp (int X, int Y, int pointer, int button) { int y = - Y; // ============= calculate projected input ============= projectedX = (int)(((float)X / (float) * eAdmin.gameWidth()); projectedY = (int)(((float)y / (float) * eAdmin.gameHeight()); CloneList.clear(); CloneList.addAll(mInputProcessors); for (InputProcessor i : CloneList) i.touchUp(X, Y, pointer, button); tmp = mMotionList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mMotionList.get(i).onTouchUp(projectedX, projectedY, pointer, button); return true; } /** Called when a finger or the mouse was dragged. * * @param x The x coordinate * @param y The y coordinate * @param pointer the pointer for the event. * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean touchDragged (int X, int Y, int pointer) { int y = - Y; // ============= calculate projected input ============= projectedX = (int)(((float)X / (float) * eAdmin.gameWidth()); projectedY = (int)(((float)y / (float) * eAdmin.gameHeight()); CloneList.clear(); CloneList.addAll(mInputProcessors); for (InputProcessor i : CloneList) i.touchDragged(X, Y, pointer); tmp = mMotionList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mMotionList.get(i).onTouchDragged(projectedX, projectedY, pointer); return true; } /** Called when the mouse was moved without any buttons being pressed. Will not be called on Android. * * @param x The x coordinate * @param y The y coordinate * @return whether the input was processed */ @Override public boolean mouseMoved (int X, int Y) { int y = - Y; // ============= calculate projected input ============= projectedX = (int)(((float)X / (float) * eAdmin.gameWidth()); projectedY = (int)(((float)y / (float) * eAdmin.gameHeight()); tmp = mInputProcessors.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mInputProcessors.get(i).mouseMoved(X, Y); tmp = mMotionList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mMotionList.get(i).onTouchMoved(projectedX, projectedY); return true; } /** Called when the mouse wheel was scrolled. Will not be called on Android. * * @param amount the scroll amount, -1 or 1 depending on the direction the wheel was scrolled. * @return whether the input was processed. */ @Override public boolean scrolled (int amount) { tmp = mInputProcessors.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp; i++) mInputProcessors.get(i).scrolled(amount); return true; } /*********************************************************** Input management ***********************************************************/ /** find the input by the given key with is specified when you create new Inputprocessor * * @param key input's key * @return */ public InputProcessor findInputByID (int key) { return mInputMap.get(key); } public void addMotionCallback (MotionCallBack callback) { if (!mMotionList.contains(callback)) mMotionList.add(callback); } public void addKeyCallback (KeyCallBack callback) { if (!mKeysList.contains(callback)) mKeysList.add(callback); } /** Register a new callback to listen to input event * * @param callback new Call back */ public void addCallback (Callback callback) { if (callback instanceof MotionCallBack && callback instanceof KeyCallBack) { if (!mMotionList.contains(callback)) mMotionList.add((MotionCallBack)callback); if (!mKeysList.contains(callback)) mKeysList.add((KeyCallBack)callback); } else if (callback instanceof MotionCallBack) { if (!mMotionList.contains(callback)) mMotionList.add((MotionCallBack)callback); } else if (callback instanceof KeyCallBack) { if (!mKeysList.contains(callback)) this.mKeysList.add((KeyCallBack)callback); } } public boolean removeMotionCallback (MotionCallBack callback) { return mMotionList.remove(callback); } public boolean removeKeyCallback (KeyCallBack callback) { return mKeysList.remove(callback); } public boolean removeCallback (MotionCallBack motionCallback, KeyCallBack keyCallback) { return mMotionList.remove(motionCallback) & mMotionList.remove(keyCallback); } /** Unregister the callback from listener list * * @param callback the callback * @return true if success remove, otherwise false */ public boolean removeCallback (Callback callback) { if (callback instanceof MotionCallBack && callback instanceof KeyCallBack) { return mMotionList.remove((MotionCallBack)callback) & mKeysList.remove((KeyCallBack)callback); } else if (callback instanceof MotionCallBack) { return mMotionList.remove((MotionCallBack)callback); } else if (callback instanceof KeyCallBack) { return mKeysList.remove((KeyCallBack)callback); } return false; } public boolean containKeyCallback (KeyCallBack callback) { return mKeysList.contains(callback); } public boolean containMotionCallback (MotionCallBack callback) { return mMotionList.contains(callback); } /*************************************************************** Method from Gdx.input ***************************************************************/ public int getLastTouchPointer () { return mLastTouchPointer; } public float getAccelerometerX () { return Gdx.input.getAccelerometerX(); } public float getAccelerometerY () { return Gdx.input.getAccelerometerY(); } public float getAccelerometerZ () { return Gdx.input.getAccelerometerZ(); } public int getX () { return Gdx.input.getX(); } public float getProjectedX () { return projectedX; } public float getProjectedY () { return projectedY; } public int getX (int pointer) { return Gdx.input.getX(pointer); } public int getDeltaX () { return Gdx.input.getDeltaX(); } public int getDeltaX (int pointer) { return Gdx.input.getDeltaX(pointer); } public int getY () { return - Gdx.input.getY(); } public int getY (int pointer) { return - Gdx.input.getY(pointer); } public int getDeltaY () { return -Gdx.input.getDeltaY(); } public int getDeltaY (int pointer) { return -Gdx.input.getDeltaY(pointer); } public boolean isTouched () { return Gdx.input.isTouched(); } public boolean justTouched () { return Gdx.input.justTouched(); } public boolean isTouched (int pointer) { return Gdx.input.isTouched(pointer); } public boolean isButtonPressed (int button) { return Gdx.input.isButtonPressed(button); } public boolean isKeyPressed (int key) { return Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(key); } public void getTextInput (TextInputListener listener, String title, String text) { Gdx.input.getTextInput(listener, title, text); } public void getPlaceholderTextInput (TextInputListener listener, String title, String placeholder) { Gdx.input.getPlaceholderTextInput(listener, title, placeholder); } public void setOnscreenKeyboardVisible (boolean visible) { Gdx.input.setOnscreenKeyboardVisible(visible); } public void vibrate (int milliseconds) { Gdx.input.vibrate(milliseconds); } public void vibrate (long[] pattern, int repeat) { Gdx.input.vibrate(pattern, repeat); } public void cancelVibrate () { Gdx.input.cancelVibrate(); } public float getAzimuth () { return Gdx.input.getAzimuth(); } public float getPitch () { return Gdx.input.getPitch(); } public float getRoll () { return Gdx.input.getRoll(); } public void getRotationMatrix (float[] matrix) { Gdx.input.getRotationMatrix(matrix); } public long getCurrentEventTime () { return Gdx.input.getCurrentEventTime(); } public void setCatchBackKey (boolean catchBack) { Gdx.input.setCatchBackKey(catchBack); } public void setCatchMenuKey (boolean catchMenu) { Gdx.input.setCatchMenuKey(catchMenu); } public boolean isPeripheralAvailable (Peripheral peripheral) { return Gdx.input.isPeripheralAvailable(peripheral); } public int getRotation () { return Gdx.input.getRotation(); } public Orientation getNativeOrientation () { return Gdx.input.getNativeOrientation(); } public void setCursorCatched (boolean catched) { Gdx.input.setCursorCatched(catched); } public boolean isCursorCatched () { return Gdx.input.isCursorCatched(); } public void setCursorPosition (int x, int y) { Gdx.input.setCursorPosition(x, y); } /*************************************************************** * ***************************************************************/ public interface Callback { } public interface MotionCallBack extends Callback { /** Called when the screen was touched or a mouse button was pressed. The button parameter will be {@link Buttons#LEFT} on * Android. * * @param x The x coordinate, origin is in the upper left corner * @param y The y coordinate, origin is in the upper left corner * @param pointer the pointer for the event. * @param button the button * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean onTouchDown (int x, int y, int pointer, int button); /** Called when a finger was lifted or a mouse button was released. The button parameter will be {@link Buttons#LEFT} on * Android. * * @param x The x coordinate * @param y The y coordinate * @param pointer the pointer for the event. * @param button the button * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean onTouchUp (int x, int y, int pointer, int button); /** Called when a finger or the mouse was dragged. * * @param x The x coordinate * @param y The y coordinate * @param pointer the pointer for the event. * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean onTouchDragged (int x, int y, int pointer); /** Called when the mouse was moved without any buttons being pressed. Will not be called on Android. * * @param x The x coordinate * @param y The y coordinate * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean onTouchMoved (int x, int y); } public interface KeyCallBack extends Callback { /** Called when a key was pressed * * @param keycode one of the constants in {@link Input.Keys} * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean onKeyDown (int keycode); /** Called when a key was released * * @param keycode one of the constants in {@link Input.Keys} * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean onKeyUp (int keycode); /** Called when a key was typed * * @param character The character * @return whether the input was processed */ public boolean onKeyTyped (char character); } }