package com.github.sommeri.less4j.core.compiler.scopes; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.github.sommeri.less4j.core.ast.ASTCssNode; import com.github.sommeri.less4j.core.ast.Expression; import com.github.sommeri.less4j.core.ast.Variable; public class BasicScope extends ComposedDumbScope implements IScope { public BasicScope(ILocalScope localScope, IScopesTree surroundingScopes) { super(localScope, surroundingScopes); } public IScope firstChild() { return getChilds().get(0); } public Expression getValue(Variable variable) { return getValue(variable.getName()); } public Expression getValue(String name) { Expression value = getLocalValue(name); if (value == null && hasParent()) { value = getParent().getValue(name); } return value; } public IScope childByOwners(ASTCssNode headNode, ASTCssNode... restNodes) { IScope head = getChildOwnerOf(headNode); if (head == null) return null; for (ASTCssNode node : restNodes) { head = head.getChildOwnerOf(node); if (head == null) return null; } return head; } public IScope getChildOwnerOf(ASTCssNode body) { for (IScope kid : getChilds()) { if (kid.getOwner() == body) return kid; } return null; } public boolean seesLocalDataOf(IScope otherScope) { if (getLocalScope().hasTheSameLocalData(otherScope.getLocalScope())) return true; if (!hasParent()) return false; return getParent().seesLocalDataOf(otherScope); } // this method might be wasteful, we are looking for the same tree, so there should // be no need to restart search from top for each parent public boolean seesAllDataOf(IScope otherScope) { boolean isLocalImport = seesLocalDataOf(otherScope); IScope parent = otherScope.getParent(); while (isLocalImport && parent != null) { isLocalImport = seesLocalDataOf(parent); parent = parent.getParent(); } return isLocalImport; } public IScope getRootScope() { if (!hasParent()) return this; return getParent().getRootScope(); } public IScope skipBodyOwner() { if (isBodyOwnerScope()) return firstChild().skipBodyOwner(); return this; } public void setParentKeepConsistency(IScope parent) { if (getSurroundingScopes().hasParent()) { getParent().getChilds().remove(this); } setParent(parent); if (parent != null) parent.addChild(this); } @Override public void setParent(IScope parent) { getSurroundingScopes().setParent(parent); } public void replaceChild(IScope parent, IScope child, List<IScope> replacements) { List<IScope> inList = parent.getChilds(); int indexOf = inList.indexOf(child); inList.remove(indexOf); inList.addAll(indexOf, replacements); for (IScope kid : replacements) { kid.setParent(parent); } } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(toFullName()); return result.toString(); } public String toFullName() { if (hasParent()) return getParent().toFullName() + " > " + toSimpleName(); return toSimpleName().toString(); } private String toSimpleName() { List<String> names = getNames(); if (names!=null && !names.isEmpty()) return getType() + names; if (ScopeFactory.DEFAULT!=getType()) return getType() + "[" + getOwner().toString() + "]"; return getType(); } public String toLongString() { return toLongString(0).toString(); } public StringBuilder toLongString(int level) { String prefix = ""; for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) { prefix += " "; } StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(prefix); Iterator<String> iNames = getNames().iterator(); text.append(; while (iNames.hasNext()) { text.append(", ").append(; } text.append("(").append(getLocalVariables().size()).append(", ").append(getLocalMixins().size()); text.append(") {").append("\n"); for (IScope kid : getChilds()) { text.append(kid.toLongString(level + 1)); } text.append(prefix).append("}").append("\n"); return text; } }