package com.github.sommeri.less4j.commandline; import; import; import; import; import; import com.github.sommeri.less4j.Less4jException; import com.github.sommeri.less4j.LessCompiler.CompilationResult; import com.github.sommeri.less4j.LessSource; import com.github.sommeri.less4j.utils.ProblemsPrinter; import com.github.sommeri.less4j.utils.ProblemsPrinter.SourceNamePrinter; import com.github.sommeri.less4j.utils.URIUtils; public class CommandLinePrint { private PrintStream standardOut; private PrintStream standardErr; public CommandLinePrint() { this(System.out, System.err); } public CommandLinePrint(PrintStream standardOut, PrintStream standardErr) { super(); this.standardOut = standardOut; this.standardErr = standardErr; } public void printToSysout(CompilationResult content, String inputfileName, File rootInputFile) { if (content == null || content.getCss() == null) { reportCouldNotCompileTheFile(inputfileName); return; } standardOut.print(content.getCss()); printWarnings(inputfileName, rootInputFile, content); } void reportCouldNotCompileTheFile(String inputfile) { reportError("Could not compile the file " + inputfile); } public void printToFiles(CompilationResult content, String lessFileName, File rootLessFile, String cssFilename, String mapFilename) { if (content == null || content.getCss() == null) { reportCouldNotCompileTheFile(lessFileName); return; } outputFile(cssFilename, content.getCss()); if (mapFilename != null && content.getSourceMap() != null) outputFile(mapFilename, content.getSourceMap()); printWarnings(lessFileName, rootLessFile, content); } public void printWarnings(String inputfileName, File rootInputFile, CompilationResult content) { SourceNamePrinter sourceNamePrinter = new RelativeFileSourceNamePrinter(rootInputFile); ProblemsPrinter problemsPrinter = new ProblemsPrinter(sourceNamePrinter); if (!content.getWarnings().isEmpty()) standardErr.println("Warnings produced by compilation of " + inputfileName); String warnings = problemsPrinter.printWarnings(content.getWarnings()); standardErr.print(warnings); } private void outputFile(String filename, String content) { File file = new File(filename); outputFile(filename, file, content); } private void outputFile(String reportFilename, File file, String content) { try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { reportError("Could not create the file " + reportFilename); reportError(e); return; } if (!file.canWrite()) { reportError("Can not write into file " + reportFilename); return; } try { FileWriter output = new FileWriter(file); IOUtils.write(content, output); output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { reportError("Can not write into file " + reportFilename); reportError(e); return; } } protected void reportError(String message) { standardErr.println(message); } public void reportErrorsAndWarnings(Less4jException ex, String inputfileName, File rootInputFile) { printWarnings(inputfileName, rootInputFile, ex.getPartialResult()); reportErrors(ex, inputfileName, rootInputFile); } public void reportErrors(Less4jException ex, String inputfileName, File rootInputFile) { SourceNamePrinter sourceNamePrinter = new RelativeFileSourceNamePrinter(rootInputFile); ProblemsPrinter problemsPrinter = new ProblemsPrinter(sourceNamePrinter); if (!ex.getErrors().isEmpty()) standardErr.println("Errors produced by compilation of " + inputfileName); String errors = problemsPrinter.printErrors(ex.getErrors()); standardErr.print(errors); } protected void reportError(Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(standardErr); } public boolean ensureDirectory(String outputDirectory) { if (outputDirectory == null || outputDirectory.isEmpty()) return true; File directory = new File(outputDirectory); if (directory.exists() && !directory.isDirectory()) { reportError(directory + " is not a directory."); return false; } if (!directory.exists()) { if (!directory.mkdirs()) { reportError("Could not create the directory " + directory + "."); return false; } } return true; } } class RelativeFileSourceNamePrinter implements SourceNamePrinter { private final File rootInputFile; public RelativeFileSourceNamePrinter(File rootInputFile) { super(); this.rootInputFile = rootInputFile; } @Override public String printSourceName(LessSource source) { if (source == null) return ""; File file = source instanceof LessSource.FileSource ? ((LessSource.FileSource) source).getInputFile() : null; if (file == null) { String name = source.getName(); return name == null ? "" : name; } if (rootInputFile == null) { return file.getPath(); } File absoluteRoot = rootInputFile.getAbsoluteFile(); File absoluteFile = file.getAbsoluteFile(); if (sameFile(absoluteRoot, absoluteFile)) return ""; return URIUtils.relativize(absoluteRoot.getParentFile(), absoluteFile); } private boolean sameFile(File file1, File file2) { String fileAbsoluteName = file2.getAbsolutePath(); String rootInputFileAbsoluteName = file1.getAbsolutePath(); boolean equals = fileAbsoluteName.equals(rootInputFileAbsoluteName); return equals; } }