/* * Copyright 2010-2013 Ning, Inc. * Copyright 2014-2017 Groupon, Inc * Copyright 2014-2017 The Billing Project, LLC * * The Billing Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.killbill.notificationq; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.collect.Collections2; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.Iterables; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.killbill.TestSetup; import org.killbill.clock.ClockMock; import org.killbill.notificationq.api.NotificationEvent; import org.killbill.notificationq.api.NotificationEventWithMetadata; import org.killbill.notificationq.api.NotificationQueue; import org.killbill.notificationq.api.NotificationQueueService; import org.killbill.notificationq.api.NotificationQueueService.NotificationQueueHandler; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.DBI; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.Handle; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.TransactionCallback; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.TransactionStatus; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.HandleCallback; import org.skife.jdbi.v2.util.IntegerMapper; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static org.awaitility.Awaitility.await; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; public class TestNotificationQueue extends TestSetup { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestNotificationQueue.class); private static final UUID TOKEN_ID = UUID.randomUUID(); private static final long SEARCH_KEY_1 = 65; private static final long SEARCH_KEY_2 = 34; private NotificationQueueService queueService; private volatile int eventsReceived; private static final class TestNotificationKey implements NotificationEvent, Comparable<TestNotificationKey> { private final String value; @JsonCreator public TestNotificationKey(@JsonProperty("value") final String value) { super(); this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } @Override public int compareTo(final TestNotificationKey arg0) { return value.compareTo(arg0.value); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(value); return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof TestNotificationKey)) { return false; } final TestNotificationKey that = (TestNotificationKey) o; if (value != null ? !value.equals(that.value) : that.value != null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0; } } @Override @BeforeClass(groups = "slow") public void beforeClass() throws Exception { super.beforeClass(); } @Override @BeforeMethod(groups = "slow") public void beforeMethod() throws Exception { super.beforeMethod(); queueService = new DefaultNotificationQueueService(getDBI(), clock, getNotificationQueueConfig(), metricRegistry); eventsReceived = 0; } /** * Test that we can post a notification in the future from a transaction and get the notification * callback with the correct key when the time is ready * * @throws Exception */ @Test(groups = "slow") public void testSimpleNotification() throws Exception { final Map<NotificationEvent, Boolean> expectedNotifications = new TreeMap<NotificationEvent, Boolean>(); final NotificationQueue queue = queueService.createNotificationQueue("test-svc", "foo", new NotificationQueueHandler() { @Override public void handleReadyNotification(final NotificationEvent eventJson, final DateTime eventDateTime, final UUID userToken, final Long searchKey1, final Long searchKey2) { synchronized (expectedNotifications) { log.info("Handler received key: " + eventJson); expectedNotifications.put(eventJson, Boolean.TRUE); expectedNotifications.notify(); } } }); queue.startQueue(); final DateTime now = new DateTime(); final DateTime readyTime = now.plusMillis(2000); final UUID key1 = UUID.randomUUID(); final NotificationEvent eventJson1 = new TestNotificationKey(key1.toString()); expectedNotifications.put(eventJson1, Boolean.FALSE); final DBI dbi = getDBI(); dbi.inTransaction(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object inTransaction(final Handle conn, final TransactionStatus status) throws Exception { queue.recordFutureNotificationFromTransaction(conn.getConnection(), readyTime, eventJson1, TOKEN_ID, 1L, SEARCH_KEY_2); log.info("Posted key: " + eventJson1); return null; } }); final UUID key2 = UUID.randomUUID(); final NotificationEvent eventJson2 = new TestNotificationKey(key2.toString()); expectedNotifications.put(eventJson2, Boolean.FALSE); dbi.inTransaction(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object inTransaction(final Handle conn, final TransactionStatus status) throws Exception { queue.recordFutureNotificationFromTransaction(conn.getConnection(), readyTime, eventJson2, TOKEN_ID, SEARCH_KEY_1, 1L); log.info("Posted key: " + eventJson2); return null; } }); final UUID key3 = UUID.randomUUID(); final NotificationEvent eventJson3 = new TestNotificationKey(key3.toString()); expectedNotifications.put(eventJson3, Boolean.FALSE); dbi.inTransaction(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object inTransaction(final Handle conn, final TransactionStatus status) throws Exception { queue.recordFutureNotificationFromTransaction(conn.getConnection(), readyTime, eventJson3, TOKEN_ID, SEARCH_KEY_1, SEARCH_KEY_2); log.info("Posted key: " + eventJson3); return null; } }); final UUID key4 = UUID.randomUUID(); final NotificationEvent eventJson4 = new TestNotificationKey(key4.toString()); expectedNotifications.put(eventJson4, Boolean.FALSE); dbi.inTransaction(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object inTransaction(final Handle conn, final TransactionStatus status) throws Exception { queue.recordFutureNotificationFromTransaction(conn.getConnection(), readyTime, eventJson4, TOKEN_ID, SEARCH_KEY_1, SEARCH_KEY_2); log.info("Posted key: " + eventJson4); return null; } }); Assert.assertEquals(Iterables.<NotificationEventWithMetadata<TestNotificationKey>>size(queue.getInProcessingNotifications()), 0); final List<NotificationEventWithMetadata> futuresAll = ImmutableList.<NotificationEventWithMetadata>copyOf(queue.getFutureNotificationForSearchKeys(SEARCH_KEY_1, SEARCH_KEY_2)); Assert.assertEquals(futuresAll.size(), 2); int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { final TestNotificationKey testNotificationKey = (TestNotificationKey) futuresAll.get(i).getEvent(); if (testNotificationKey.getValue().equals(key3.toString()) || testNotificationKey.getValue().equals(key4.toString())) { found++; } } Assert.assertEquals(found, 2); final List<NotificationEventWithMetadata> futures2 = ImmutableList.<NotificationEventWithMetadata>copyOf(queue.getFutureNotificationForSearchKey2(null, SEARCH_KEY_2)); Assert.assertEquals(futures2.size(), 3); found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { final TestNotificationKey testNotificationKey = (TestNotificationKey) futures2.get(i).getEvent(); if (testNotificationKey.getValue().equals(key3.toString()) || testNotificationKey.getValue().equals(key4.toString()) || testNotificationKey.getValue().equals(key1.toString())) { found++; } } Assert.assertEquals(found, 3); // Move time in the future after the notification effectiveDate clock.setDeltaFromReality(3000); // Notification should have kicked but give it at least a sec' for thread scheduling await().atMost(1, MINUTES) .until(new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { return expectedNotifications.get(eventJson1) && expectedNotifications.get(eventJson2) && expectedNotifications.get(eventJson3) && expectedNotifications.get(eventJson4); } } ); queue.stopQueue(); } @Test(groups = "slow") public void testManyNotifications() throws Exception { final Map<NotificationEvent, Boolean> expectedNotifications = new TreeMap<NotificationEvent, Boolean>(); final NotificationQueue queue = queueService.createNotificationQueue("test-svc", "many", new NotificationQueueHandler() { @Override public void handleReadyNotification(final NotificationEvent eventJson, final DateTime eventDateTime, final UUID userToken, final Long searchKey1, final Long searchKey2) { synchronized (expectedNotifications) { log.info("Handler received key: " + eventJson.toString()); expectedNotifications.put(eventJson, Boolean.TRUE); expectedNotifications.notify(); } } }); queue.startQueue(); final DateTime now = clock.getUTCNow(); final int MAX_NOTIFICATIONS = 100; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NOTIFICATIONS; i++) { final int nextReadyTimeIncrementMs = 1000; final UUID key = UUID.randomUUID(); final int currentIteration = i; final NotificationEvent eventJson = new TestNotificationKey(new Integer(i).toString()); expectedNotifications.put(eventJson, Boolean.FALSE); final DBI dbi = getDBI(); dbi.inTransaction(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object inTransaction(final Handle conn, final TransactionStatus status) throws Exception { queue.recordFutureNotificationFromTransaction(conn.getConnection(), now.plus((currentIteration + 1) * nextReadyTimeIncrementMs), eventJson, TOKEN_ID, SEARCH_KEY_1, SEARCH_KEY_2); return null; } }); // Move time in the future after the notification effectiveDate if (i == 0) { clock.setDeltaFromReality(nextReadyTimeIncrementMs); } else { clock.addDeltaFromReality(nextReadyTimeIncrementMs); } } // Wait a little longer since there are a lot of callback that need to happen int nbTry = MAX_NOTIFICATIONS + 1; boolean success = false; do { synchronized (expectedNotifications) { final Collection<Boolean> completed = Collections2.filter(expectedNotifications.values(), new Predicate<Boolean>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Boolean input) { return input; } }); if (completed.size() == MAX_NOTIFICATIONS) { success = true; break; } log.info(String.format("BEFORE WAIT : Got %d notifications at time %s (real time %s)", completed.size(), clock.getUTCNow(), new DateTime())); expectedNotifications.wait(1000); } } while (nbTry-- > 0); queue.stopQueue(); log.info("GOT SIZE " + Collections2.filter(expectedNotifications.values(), new Predicate<Boolean>() { @Override public boolean apply(final Boolean input) { return input; } }).size()); assertEquals(success, true); } /** * Test that we can post a notification in the future from a transaction and get the notification * callback with the correct key when the time is ready * * @throws Exception */ @Test(groups = "slow") public void testMultipleHandlerNotification() throws Exception { final Map<NotificationEvent, Boolean> expectedNotificationsFred = new TreeMap<NotificationEvent, Boolean>(); final Map<NotificationEvent, Boolean> expectedNotificationsBarney = new TreeMap<NotificationEvent, Boolean>(); final NotificationQueue queueFred = queueService.createNotificationQueue("UtilTest", "Fred", new NotificationQueueHandler() { @Override public void handleReadyNotification(final NotificationEvent eventJson, final DateTime eventDateTime, final UUID userToken, final Long searchKey1, final Long searchKey2) { log.info("Fred received key: " + eventJson); expectedNotificationsFred.put(eventJson, Boolean.TRUE); eventsReceived++; } }); final NotificationQueue queueBarney = queueService.createNotificationQueue("UtilTest", "Barney", new NotificationQueueHandler() { @Override public void handleReadyNotification(final NotificationEvent eventJson, final DateTime eventDateTime, final UUID userToken, final Long searchKey1, final Long searchKey2) { log.info("Barney received key: " + eventJson); expectedNotificationsBarney.put(eventJson, Boolean.TRUE); eventsReceived++; } }); queueFred.startQueue(); // We don't start Barney so it can never pick up notifications final UUID key = UUID.randomUUID(); final DateTime now = new DateTime(); final DateTime readyTime = now.plusMillis(2000); final NotificationEvent eventJsonFred = new TestNotificationKey("Fred"); final NotificationEvent eventJsonBarney = new TestNotificationKey("Barney"); expectedNotificationsFred.put(eventJsonFred, Boolean.FALSE); expectedNotificationsFred.put(eventJsonBarney, Boolean.FALSE); final DBI dbi = getDBI(); dbi.inTransaction(new TransactionCallback<Object>() { @Override public Object inTransaction(final Handle conn, final TransactionStatus status) throws Exception { queueFred.recordFutureNotificationFromTransaction(conn.getConnection(), readyTime, eventJsonFred, TOKEN_ID, SEARCH_KEY_1, SEARCH_KEY_2); log.info("posted key: " + eventJsonFred.toString()); queueBarney.recordFutureNotificationFromTransaction(conn.getConnection(), readyTime, eventJsonBarney, TOKEN_ID, SEARCH_KEY_1, SEARCH_KEY_2); log.info("posted key: " + eventJsonBarney.toString()); return null; } }); // Move time in the future after the notification effectiveDate clock.setDeltaFromReality(3000); // Note the timeout is short on this test, but expected behaviour is that it times out. // We are checking that the Fred queue does not pick up the Barney event try { await().atMost(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until(new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { return eventsReceived >= 2; } }); Assert.fail("There should only have been one event for the queue to pick up - it got more than that"); } catch (final Exception e) { // expected behavior } queueFred.stopQueue(); Assert.assertTrue(expectedNotificationsFred.get(eventJsonFred)); Assert.assertFalse(expectedNotificationsFred.get(eventJsonBarney)); } private class NotificationQueueHandlerWithExceptions implements NotificationQueueHandler { private final int nbTotalExceptionsToThrow; private int nbExceptionsThrown; public NotificationQueueHandlerWithExceptions(final int nbTotalExceptionsToThrow) { this.nbTotalExceptionsToThrow = nbTotalExceptionsToThrow; this.nbExceptionsThrown = 0; } @Override public void handleReadyNotification(final NotificationEvent eventJson, final DateTime eventDateTime, final UUID userToken, final Long searchKey1, final Long searchKey2) { //Assert.assertEquals(((DefaultNotificationQueueService) queueService).getDao().getSqlDao().getInProcessingEntries(notificationQueueConfig.getTableName()).size(), 1); if (nbExceptionsThrown < nbTotalExceptionsToThrow) { nbExceptionsThrown++; throw new NullPointerException(); } eventsReceived++; } } @Test(groups = "slow") public void testWithExceptionAndRetrySuccess() throws Exception { final NotificationQueue queueWithExceptionAndRetrySuccess = queueService.createNotificationQueue("ExceptionAndRetrySuccess", "svc", new NotificationQueueHandlerWithExceptions(1)); try { queueWithExceptionAndRetrySuccess.startQueue(); final DateTime now = new DateTime(); final DateTime readyTime = now.plusMillis(2000); final NotificationEvent eventJson = new TestNotificationKey("Foo"); queueWithExceptionAndRetrySuccess.recordFutureNotification(readyTime, eventJson, TOKEN_ID, SEARCH_KEY_1, SEARCH_KEY_2); // Move time in the future after the notification effectiveDate clock.setDeltaFromReality(3000); await().atMost(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until(new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { final Integer retryCount = dbi.withHandle(new HandleCallback<Integer>() { @Override public Integer withHandle(final Handle handle) throws Exception { return handle.createQuery(String.format("select error_count from %s", notificationQueueConfig.getHistoryTableName())).map(IntegerMapper.FIRST).first(); } }); return retryCount != null && retryCount == 1 && eventsReceived == 1; } }); } finally { queueWithExceptionAndRetrySuccess.stopQueue(); } } @Test(groups = "slow") public void testWithExceptionAndFailed() throws Exception { final NotificationQueue queueWithExceptionAndFailed = queueService.createNotificationQueue("ExceptionAndRetrySuccess", "svc", new NotificationQueueHandlerWithExceptions(3)); try { queueWithExceptionAndFailed.startQueue(); final DateTime now = new DateTime(); final DateTime readyTime = now.plusMillis(2000); final NotificationEvent eventJson = new TestNotificationKey("Foo"); queueWithExceptionAndFailed.recordFutureNotification(readyTime, eventJson, TOKEN_ID, SEARCH_KEY_1, SEARCH_KEY_2); // Move time in the future after the notification effectiveDate clock.setDeltaFromReality(3000); await().atMost(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until(new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { final Integer retryCount = dbi.withHandle(new HandleCallback<Integer>() { @Override public Integer withHandle(final Handle handle) throws Exception { return handle.createQuery(String.format("select error_count from %s", notificationQueueConfig.getHistoryTableName())).map(IntegerMapper.FIRST).first(); } }); return retryCount != null && retryCount == 3; } }); } finally { queueWithExceptionAndFailed.stopQueue(); } } }