/* * Copyright 2014-2017 Groupon, Inc * Copyright 2014-2017 The Billing Project, LLC * * The Billing Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.mysql.management; /* Copyright (C) 2004-2008 MySQL AB, 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ import com.mysql.jdbc.Driver; import com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlErrorNumbers; import com.mysql.management.util.CommandLineOptionsParser; import com.mysql.management.util.InitializeUser; import com.mysql.management.util.ListToString; import com.mysql.management.util.NullPrintStream; import com.mysql.management.util.Platform; import com.mysql.management.util.ProcessUtil; import com.mysql.management.util.Shell; import com.mysql.management.util.Streams; import com.mysql.management.util.Threads; import com.mysql.management.util.Utils; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.Properties; // Identical to its copied class MysqldResource, except for STEPH comment below @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final class HackedMysqldResource implements MysqldResourceI { public static final String MYSQL_C_MXJ = "mysql-c.mxj"; public static final String DATA = "data"; private String versionString; private Map options; private Shell shell; private final File baseDir; private final File dataDir; private final File pidFile; private final File portFile; private String msgPrefix; private String pid; private Properties platformProperties; private Properties connectorMxjProperties; private String osName_osArch; private PrintStream out; private PrintStream err; private PrintStream debug; private Exception trace; private int killDelay; private List completionListensers; private boolean readyForConnections; private String windowsKillCommand; // collaborators private HelpOptionsParser optionParser; private Utils utils; public HackedMysqldResource() { this(null, null, null, null, null, null); } public HackedMysqldResource(File baseDir) { this(baseDir, null, null, null, null, null); } public HackedMysqldResource(File baseDir, File dataDir) { this(baseDir, dataDir, null, null, null, null); } public HackedMysqldResource(File baseDir, File dataDir, String mysqlVersionString) { this(baseDir, dataDir, mysqlVersionString, null, null, null); } public HackedMysqldResource(File baseDir, File dataDir, String mysqlVersionString, PrintStream out, PrintStream err, PrintStream debug) { this(baseDir, dataDir, mysqlVersionString, out, err, debug, null); } HackedMysqldResource(File pBaseDir, File pDataDir, String pMysqlVersionString, PrintStream pOut, PrintStream pErr, PrintStream pDebug, Utils pUtils) { this.out = (pOut != null) ? pOut : System.out; this.err = (pErr != null) ? pErr : System.err; this.debug = (pDebug != null) ? pDebug : this.out; this.utils = (pUtils != null) ? pUtils : new Utils(); this.platformProperties = utils.streams().loadProperties( PLATFORM_MAP_PROPERTIES, pErr); this.connectorMxjProperties = utils.streams().loadProperties( CONNECTOR_MXJ_PROPERTIES, pErr); this.baseDir = utils.files().validCononicalDir(pBaseDir, utils.files().tmp(MYSQL_C_MXJ)); this.dataDir = utils.files().validCononicalDir(pDataDir, new File(baseDir, DATA)); this.optionParser = new HelpOptionsParser(err, utils); this.killDelay = getKillDelyFromProperties(connectorMxjProperties); this.windowsKillCommand = getWindowsKillCommand(connectorMxjProperties); String className = utils.str().shortClassName(getClass()); this.pidFile = utils.files().cononical( new File(dataDir, className + ".pid")); this.portFile = new File(dataDir, className + ".port"); setVersion(false, pMysqlVersionString); this.msgPrefix = "[" + className + "] "; this.options = new HashMap(); setShell(null); setOsAndArch(System.getProperty(Platform.OS_NAME), System .getProperty(Platform.OS_ARCH)); this.completionListensers = new ArrayList(); initTrace(); } private void initTrace() { this.trace = new Exception(); } /** * Starts mysqld passing it the parameters specified in the arguments map. * No effect if MySQL is already running */ public synchronized void start(String threadName, Map mysqldArgs) { start(threadName, mysqldArgs, false); } public synchronized void start(String threadName, Map pMysqldArgs, boolean populateAllOptions) { if ((getShell() != null) || processRunning()) { printMessage("mysqld already running (process: " + pid() + ")"); return; } final Map mysqldArgs = new HashMap(pMysqldArgs); int port = parseInt(mysqldArgs.get(MysqldResourceI.PORT), 3306); mysqldArgs.put(MysqldResourceI.PORT, "" + port); mysqldArgs.remove(MysqldResourceI.MYSQLD_VERSION); String initUserProp = (String) mysqldArgs .remove(MysqldResourceI.INITIALIZE_USER); boolean initUser = Boolean.valueOf(initUserProp).booleanValue(); String user = (String) mysqldArgs .remove(MysqldResourceI.INITIALIZE_USER_NAME); String password = (String) mysqldArgs .remove(MysqldResourceI.INITIALIZE_PASSWORD); setKillDelay(parseInt(mysqldArgs.remove(MysqldResourceI.KILL_DELAY), killDelay)); if (populateAllOptions) { options = optionParser.getOptionsFromHelp(getHelp(mysqldArgs)); } else { options = new HashMap(); options.putAll(mysqldArgs); } // printMessage("mysqld : " + // services.str().toString(mysqldArgs.entrySet())); out.flush(); addCompletionListenser(new Runnable() { public void run() { setReadyForConnection(false); setShell(null); completionListensers.remove(this); } }); setShell(exec(threadName, mysqldArgs, out, debug /* err would be a bit noisy */, true)); reportPid(); utils.files().writeString(portFile, port + utils.str().newLine()); boolean ready = canConnectToServer(port, killDelay); setReadyForConnection(ready); if (initUser) { try { new HackedInitializeUser(port, user, password, err).initializeUser(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(err); } } } // Will wait 250 miliseconds between each try. boolean canConnectToServer(int port, int milisecondsBeforeGivingUp) { int triesBeforeGivingUp = 1 + (milisecondsBeforeGivingUp / 1000) * 4; utils.str().classForName(Driver.class.getName()); Connection conn = null; String bogusUser = "Connector/MXJ"; String password = "Bogus Password"; String url = "jdbc:mysql://" + port + "/test" + "?connectTimeout=150"; for (int i = 0; i < triesBeforeGivingUp; i++) { try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, bogusUser, password); return true; /* should never happen */ } catch (SQLException e) { // Standard com.mysql.jdbc.Driver error if (e.getErrorCode() == MysqlErrorNumbers.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR || // STEPH we add the condition to make it work with MariaDb: // mariadb seems to return error -1 and the message below. e.getMessage().startsWith("Could not connect: Access denied")) { return true; } } finally { try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(err); } } utils.threads().pause(100); } return false; } private void setReadyForConnection(boolean ready) { readyForConnections = ready; } public synchronized boolean isReadyForConnections() { return readyForConnections; } private void reportPid() { final int CYCLES = 100; final int CYCLE_DELAY = killDelay / CYCLES; boolean printed = false; for (int i = 0; !printed && i < CYCLES; i++) { if (pidFile.exists() && pidFile.length() > 0) { utils.threads().pause(100); printMessage("mysqld running as process: " + pid()); out.flush(); printed = true; } utils.threads().pause(CYCLE_DELAY); } reportIfNoPidfile(printed); } synchronized String pid() { if (pid == null) { if (!pidFile.exists()) { return "No PID"; } pid = utils.files().asString(pidFile).trim(); } return pid; } void reportIfNoPidfile(boolean pidFileFound) { if (!pidFileFound) { printWarning("mysqld pid-file not found: " + pidFile); } } /** * Kills the MySQL process. */ public synchronized void shutdown() { boolean haveShell = (getShell() != null); if (!pidFile.exists() && !haveShell) { printMessage("Mysqld not running. No file: " + pidFile); return; } printMessage("stopping mysqld (process: " + pid() + ")"); issueNormalKill(); if (processRunning()) { issueForceKill(); } if (shellRunning()) { destroyShell(); } setShell(null); if (processRunning()) { printWarning("Process " + pid + "still running; not deleting " + pidFile); } else { utils.threads().pause(150); pidFile.delete(); pid = null; portFile.delete(); utils.threads().pause(150); if (pidFile.exists()) { printMessage(pidFile + " still exits."); } if (portFile.exists()) { printMessage(portFile + " still exits."); } } setReadyForConnection(false); if (!options.isEmpty()) { printMessage("clearing options"); options.clear(); } printMessage("shutdown complete"); out.flush(); } void destroyShell() { String shellName = getShell().getName(); printWarning("attempting to destroy thread " + shellName); getShell().destroyProcess(); waitForShellToDie(); String msg = (shellRunning() ? "not " : "") + "destroyed."; printWarning(shellName + " " + msg); } void issueForceKill() { printWarning("attempting to \"force kill\" " + pid()); new ProcessUtil(pid(), err, err, baseDir, utils, windowsKillCommand) .forceKill(); waitForProcessToDie(); if (processRunning()) { String msg = (processRunning() ? "not " : "") + "killed."; printWarning(pid() + " " + msg); } else { printMessage("force kill " + pid() + " issued."); } } private void issueNormalKill() { if (!pidFile.exists()) { printWarning("Not running? File not found: " + pidFile); return; } new ProcessUtil(pid(), err, err, baseDir, utils, windowsKillCommand) .killNoThrow(); waitForProcessToDie(); } private void waitForProcessToDie() { long giveUp = System.currentTimeMillis() + killDelay; while (processRunning() && System.currentTimeMillis() < giveUp) { utils.threads().pause(250); } } private void waitForShellToDie() { long giveUp = System.currentTimeMillis() + killDelay; while (shellRunning() && System.currentTimeMillis() < giveUp) { utils.threads().pause(250); } } public synchronized Map getServerOptions() { if (options.isEmpty()) { options = optionParser.getOptionsFromHelp(getHelp(new HashMap())); options.put(BASEDIR, baseDir.getPath()); options.put(DATADIR, dataDir.getPath()); } return new HashMap(options); } public synchronized boolean isRunning() { return shellRunning() || processRunning(); } private boolean processRunning() { if (!pidFile.exists()) { return false; } return new ProcessUtil(pid(), out, err, baseDir, utils, windowsKillCommand).isRunning(); } private boolean shellRunning() { return (getShell() != null) && (getShell().isAlive()); } public synchronized String getVersion() { return versionString; } private String getVersionDir() { return getVersion().replaceAll("\\.", "-"); } private synchronized void setVersion(boolean checkRunning, String mysqlVersionString) { if (checkRunning && isRunning()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already running"); } if (mysqlVersionString == null || mysqlVersionString.equals("")) { versionString = System.getProperty(MYSQLD_VERSION, connectorMxjProperties.getProperty(MYSQLD_VERSION)) + ""; } else { versionString = mysqlVersionString; } versionString = versionString.trim(); } public synchronized void setVersion(String mysqlVersionString) { setVersion(true, mysqlVersionString); } private void printMessage(String msg) { println(out, msg); } private void printWarning(String msg) { println(err, ""); println(err, msg); } private void println(PrintStream stream, String msg) { stream.println(msgPrefix + msg); } /* called from constructor */ final String getWindowsKillCommand(Properties props) { String key = WINDOWS_KILL_COMMAND; String defaultVal = "kill.exe"; String fileVal = props.getProperty(key, defaultVal); String val = System.getProperty(key, fileVal).trim(); return val.length() > 0 ? val : defaultVal; } /* called from constructor, over-ride with care */ final void setOsAndArch(String osName, String osArch) { String key = stripUnwantedChars(osName + "-" + osArch); this.osName_osArch = platformProperties.getProperty(key, key); } String stripUnwantedChars(String str) { return str.replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_'); } private Shell exec(String threadName, Map mysqldArgs, PrintStream outStream, PrintStream errStream, boolean withListeners) { deployFiles(); adjustParameterMap(mysqldArgs); String[] args = constructArgs(mysqldArgs); outStream.println(new ListToString().toString(args)); Shell launch = utils.shellFactory().newShell(args, threadName, outStream, errStream); if (withListeners) { for (int i = 0; i < completionListensers.size(); i++) { Runnable listener = (Runnable) completionListensers.get(i); launch.addCompletionListener(listener); } } launch.setDaemon(true); printMessage("launching mysqld (" + threadName + ")"); launch.start(); return launch; } public void deployFiles() { makeMysqld(); ensureEssentialFilesExist(); try { makeMysqlClient(); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { printMessage(e.getMessage() + " - OK."); } } private void adjustParameterMap(Map mysqldArgs) { ensureDir(mysqldArgs, baseDir, MysqldResourceI.BASEDIR); ensureDir(mysqldArgs, dataDir, MysqldResourceI.DATADIR); mysqldArgs.put(MysqldResourceI.PID_FILE, pidFile.getPath()); ensureSocket(mysqldArgs); } File makeMysqld() { return extractExecutable(executableName()); } File makeMysqlClient() { return extractExecutable(clientExecutableName()); } private File extractExecutable(String executableName) { final File executable = new File(binDir(), executableName); if (!executable.exists()) { executable.getParentFile().mkdirs(); String resource = getResourceName(executableName); utils.streams().createFileFromResource(resource, executable); } utils.files().addExecutableRights(executable, out, err); return executable; } String getResourceName() { return getResourceName(executableName()); } private String getResourceName(String name) { String dir = os_arch(); return getVersionDir() + Streams.RESOURCE_SEPARATOR + dir + Streams.RESOURCE_SEPARATOR + name; } String os_arch() { return osName_osArch; } private String executableName() { if (!isWindows()) { return "mysqld"; } String key = "windows-mysqld-command"; String defaultValue = "mysqld.exe"; return connectorMxjProperties.getProperty(key, defaultValue); } private String clientExecutableName() { if (isWindows()) { return "mysql.exe"; } return "mysql"; } boolean isWindows() { return osName_osArch.startsWith("Win"); } File getMysqldFilePointer() { return new File(binDir(), executableName()); } private File binDir() { return new File(baseDir, "bin"); } void ensureEssentialFilesExist() { if (utils.files().isEmpty(dataDir)) { String data_jar = getVersionDir() + Streams.RESOURCE_SEPARATOR + "data_dir.jar"; utils.streams().expandResourceJar(dataDir, data_jar); } utils.streams().expandResourceJar(baseDir, getVersionDir() + Streams.RESOURCE_SEPARATOR + shareJar()); } void ensureSocket(Map mysqldArgs) { String socketString = (String) mysqldArgs.get(MysqldResourceI.SOCKET); if (socketString != null) { return; } mysqldArgs.put(MysqldResourceI.SOCKET, "mysql.sock"); } private void ensureDir(Map mysqldArgs, File expected, String key) { String dirString = (String) mysqldArgs.get(key); if (dirString != null) { File asConnonical = utils.files().validCononicalDir( new File(dirString)); if (!expected.equals(asConnonical)) { String msg = dirString + " not equal to " + expected; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } mysqldArgs.put(key, utils.files().getPath(expected)); } String[] constructArgs(Map mysqldArgs) { List strs = new ArrayList(); strs.add(utils.files().getPath(getMysqldFilePointer())); strs.add("--no-defaults"); if (isWindows()) { strs.add("--console"); } Iterator it = mysqldArgs.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next(); String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("--"); buf.append(key); if (value != null) { buf.append("="); buf.append(value); } strs.add(buf.toString()); } return utils.str().toStringArray(strs); } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { if (getShell() != null) { printWarning("resource released without closure."); trace.printStackTrace(err); } super.finalize(); } String shareJar() { String shareJar = "share_dir.jar"; if (isWindows()) { String key = "windows-share-dir-jar"; String defaultVal = "win_" + shareJar; shareJar = connectorMxjProperties.getProperty(key, defaultVal); } return shareJar; } void setShell(Shell shell) { this.shell = shell; } Shell getShell() { return shell; } public File getBaseDir() { return baseDir; } public File getDataDir() { return dataDir; } /** * the kill-delay is read from the properties file, but a value in System * Properties will act as an over-ride. */ int getKillDelyFromProperties(final Properties props) { final int defaultDelayFiveMinutes = 5 * 60 * 1000; final String key = KILL_DELAY; String propsVal = props.getProperty(key, "" + defaultDelayFiveMinutes); String sysProp = System.getProperty(key, propsVal); return parseInt(sysProp, defaultDelayFiveMinutes); } public synchronized void setKillDelay(int millis) { this.killDelay = millis; } public synchronized void addCompletionListenser(Runnable listener) { completionListensers.add(listener); } private String getHelp(Map params) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream capturedOut = new PrintStream(bos); params.put("help", null); params.put("verbose", null); exec("getOptions", params, capturedOut, capturedOut, false).join(); params.remove("help"); params.remove("verbose"); utils.threads().pause(500); capturedOut.flush(); capturedOut.close(); // should flush(); return new String(bos.toByteArray()); } public synchronized int getPort() { final int defaultVal = 0; if (isRunning() && portFile.exists()) { return parseInt(utils.files().asString(portFile), defaultVal); } return defaultVal; } int parseInt(Object parseMe, int defaultVal) { return utils.str().parseInt(parseMe, defaultVal, err); } // --------------------------------------------------------- static void printUsage(PrintStream out) { String command = "java " + MysqldResource.class.getName(); String basedir = " --" + MysqldResourceI.BASEDIR; String datadir = " --" + MysqldResourceI.DATADIR; out.println("Usage to start: "); out.println(command + " [ server options ]"); out.println(); out.println("Usage to shutdown: "); out.println(command + " --shutdown [" + basedir + "=/full/path/to/basedir ]"); out.println(); out.println("Common server options include:"); out.println(basedir + "=/full/path/to/basedir"); out.println(datadir + "=/full/path/to/datadir"); out.println(" --" + MysqldResourceI.SOCKET + "=/full/path/to/socketfile"); out.println(); out.println("Example:"); out.println(command + basedir + "=/home/duke/dukeapp/db" + datadir + "=/data/dukeapp/data" + " --max_allowed_packet=65000000"); out.println(command + " --shutdown" + basedir + "=/home/duke/dukeapp/db"); out.println(); } public static void main(String[] args) { CommandLineOptionsParser clop = new CommandLineOptionsParser(args); if (clop.containsKey("help")) { printUsage(System.out); return; } PrintStream out = System.out; PrintStream err = System.err; if (clop.containsKey("silent")) { clop.remove("silent"); PrintStream devNull = new NullPrintStream(); out = devNull; err = devNull; } MysqldResource mysqld = new MysqldResource(clop.getBaseDir(), clop .getDataDir(), clop.getVersion(), out, err); Integer newKillDelay = clop.getKillDelay(err); if (newKillDelay != null) { mysqld.setKillDelay(newKillDelay.intValue()); } if (clop.isShutdown()) { mysqld.shutdown(); return; } mysqld.start(new Threads().newName(), clop.asMap()); } }