package; import java.util.HashMap; /** * 本类针对 QweiboSDK, 设定了一系列的 errcode 以及对应的 errmsg */ public class ErrorCodeConstants{ private static MyErrorCodeHashMap myErrorCodeHashMap =new MyErrorCodeHashMap(); public static String getErrmsg(String errcode){ return myErrorCodeHashMap.get(errcode); } } class MyErrorCodeHashMap extends HashMap<String,String>{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2427025312680000207L; public MyErrorCodeHashMap(){ //TODO errcode尚未确定 put("1", "connect out of time"); //OAuthClient错误 put("1001","qHttpClient not specified"); //证书验证错误 put("2001","Can not receive the certificates from server."); put("2002","The name on the security certificate is invalid or does not match \"\"."); } }